Deities do or do not exist?

Choose the one that most closely corresponds to your beliefs

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And I gave you a simple answer: "Yep" - or, in your current not coincident phrasing (but still simple): "Nope".

You believe that by 'God', I meant the judeo-christian deity (Yarweh/Jehova),
but you have no reason to think that. "God" could refer to, 'Allah', 'Vishnu', or 'Krishna'. In other words "God" is not the name, it is the position.
So in light of that, what is your response?

You are assuming your own ability to infallibly inform others of your meaning.

As I did not invent the word "God", it is not my meaning.
It is a standard meaning.

May I suggest a bit of doubt?

Because the question is directed at you, it is your perogative.
But doubt is also present within (at least) some theists, which makes sense
when you look at the actual meaning of 'belief', and compare it with the meaning of 'knowledge'.

I certainly have to make various assumptions about what you are driving at, quite often, and I do not assume these assumptions are always correct, on my part.

My bad.
But one thing we can be sure of is my meaning of "God".

But to be more rigorous, as is important when a very topic of discussion is at issue: Not only does God (the standard Abrahamic Christian category of reasonably similar entities as believed in by ordinary Christian believers, with the capital G in English etc) not exist for me (in the relevant sense of "exist") but also and furthermore I deliberately think He does not exist: His nonexistence is for me a matter of considered judgment, and not merely absence of belief or whatever.

Aside from the exclusive asociation with the particular deity to my generic use of the word "God", your point is taken.
But..... is "considered judgment" dependant on belief.
For example, If I go to a notoriusly bad neighborhood, especially for the first
time, it may be a good idea to go with someone who knows the neighbourhood, and its internal politics?

You see no difference between people who approach you in a kind manner, and those who approach you in an unkind manner?

Who cares? Are you saying it's enough for god to act childish and hide away if approached by the unkind? That's funny.