Degrees of Misogyny

mtf said:
Quit bossing me around.

You think you could manage to be anything other than a detriment to whatever discussion you touch?

Seriously, you could try addressing the issues. So far your only contribution to this thread is to advocate sexual harassment, even so far as to include rape. You know, competitive strategies; throw her off her game to get what you want.

And, really, your best response to these questions is proselytizing Buddhism?

Like I said, quit changing the subject.
mtf said:
I can't think in the sort of dichotomy you do, - - -
You obviously can post in it - I quoted you, first the one sentence, then the contrasting one, laying the "dichotomy" out in your own words. You posted those two sentences - whether they represent thought or not I guess I couldn't say, but they are at least proof of typing.

Here, try again:
-> That is: are you opposed, or are you not opposed, to societal measures against street robbery in the absence of a complete societal solution to the problem of human violence in general?

Because the matter is muddled in your posts. This indicates support for "treating symptoms", by calling it necessary:
mtf said:
While treating symtpoms is necessary, the real, long-term solution is in dealing with the cause
This indicates opposition to "treating symptoms", by describing it as meaningless:
mtf said:
As long as we don't address the bigger context of violence as such, which is violence of humans against humans, we cannot hope to meaningfully deal with any of the subsets of this violence, ie. theft, robbery, rape, assault, murder etc.
When They Cry

Ophiolite said:
Their actions, their words and their attitudes do their cause, their reputations and this site, no favours. They disgust me.

Hey, Ophiolite, how about this:

• Angry member writes judgmental post based including insulting demand that one not give a detailed response.

• Other member accommodates.

• Angry member dashes off angry PM to call the other names.

↳ The judgmental post in point one is based on assertion of falsehood.​

Whatever it takes to call people "a nasty piece of work", I guess.

Tell me, though, Ophiolite: Do you feel better for having done so?

Remarkably for one of my age and experience I have felt bullied by them.

So here's a hint: When you want to pitch a temper tantrum↱ on behalf of a person "no longer in a position to defend themselves", so that you might denounce a "rather despicable act of a bully and a coward", it would probably help you look a bit less ridiculous if your complaint was true. For instance, if that person can answer for herself, but does not want to, and receives adjudication aiming to fulfill her wish, it is absolutely bogus to try and pass that off as "a person who is no longer in a position to defend themselves".

You don't get to feel bullied. Not when self-righteous, bullying dishonesty is your gig.


Think of it this way, Ophiolite: Have you ever watched a politician or pundit put on such a bad show that even though you don't like them you are writhing in vicarious embarrassment? And what do you do about that? To the one, this political opponent is an asshole; to the other, he's also a human being, and on that level basic human sympathy, being sympathetic, can often only find vicarious embarrassment as a compassionate connection.

Think of it this way: If you wish to commiserate with mtf, do you really think you would be able to construe those posts as useful? Are you really so naïve that a con artist can walk in the door, attempt the same swindle you threw out of your shop yesterday, bawl about how mean you are when you turn him away, and reasonably expect he might win their sympathy?

There is a block of three posts from earlier this week; I would refer you to these:

You might notice, such as we see with mtf, that presented with direct issues and inquiries, our neighbor simply cannot be bothered to acknowledge those aspects.

In the two-part reply to Billvon, I document and explain the problem with simply ignoring the evidence in favor of an appeal to base conspiracism.

In either case, both apply.

What you're covering, Ophiolite, is the silencing of women. They tell us what the problem is, others tell them why they are wrong about their own experiences. To wit, disrupting a woman in order to hit on her. Women say stop. DaveC says this is her obligation. Bowser says it's enough if she catches his fancy. Schmelzer outlines the rules for properly rejecting. By the time we get to that, the invalidation is clear; what happens when women reject such advances is exactly irrelevant to these chauvinists' argument. Even you, Ophiolite↱, are in on it: "In each instance I have the option to ignore them completely, tell them to ****-off, give a polite yet non-committal reply, or seek to extend the conversation further." Women tell us what's wrong, and you tell women what to think. You know, because you know, don't you? Better than they do? When it comes to any given woman's existential condition and living experience, you know her life better than she does, don't you?

Our neighbor mtf goes even further, arguing that sexual harassment is a competitive strategy, even endorsing bullying a woman into consent.

So it's true: As you sit here advocating for bullies, you do not get to cry about feeling bullied.

Something about a nasty piece of work goes here.
You obviously can post in it - I quoted you, first the one sentence, then the contrasting one, laying the "dichotomy" out in your own words. You posted those two sentences - whether they represent thought or not I guess I couldn't say, but they are at least proof of typing.
Here, try again:
-> That is: are you opposed, or are you not opposed, to societal measures against street robbery in the absence of a complete societal solution to the problem of human violence in general?
Because the matter is muddled in your posts. This indicates support for "treating symptoms", by calling it necessary:
This indicates opposition to "treating symptoms", by describing it as meaningless:
And if, in your mind, you are unable to understand how one can and should simultaneously work both on the microlevel and the macrolevel, then ... then I don't know what to say.
You think you could manage to be anything other than a detriment to whatever discussion you touch?
Seriously, you could try addressing the issues. So far your only contribution to this thread is to advocate sexual harassment, even so far as to include rape. You know, competitive strategies; throw her off her game to get what you want.
And, really, your best response to these questions is proselytizing Buddhism?
Like I said, quit changing the subject.
Maybe someday you will take your head out of your romantic ass.
Your issue isn't with me; it's with the nature of romantic love.
mtf said:
Maybe someday you will take your head out of your romantic ass.
Your issue isn't with me; it's with the nature of romantic love.

Are you even capable of following this thread from post to post? I admit, I had considered your non sequitur style deliberate, but I really do owe you the courtesy of considering whether or not there is some disability I ought to be accommodating.

It's well enough to strike romance from fancy. After all, even still, your only contribution to this thread so far is to advocate sexual harassment, even so far as to include rape. You know, competitive strategies; throw her off her game to get what you want. And in a really perverse way, it actually is good to know that trusting, loving, romantic relationships just aren't on your menu. It's a helpful thing to know about people in some circumstances.

I wonder how many posts before you actually try to answer the issue?

Not that anyone will really bother counting; the outcome is pretty squarely expected.

So surprise us.
Maybe someday you will take your head out of your romantic ass.
Your issue isn't with me; it's with the nature of romantic love.
Not wanting people to be raped is not identical to wanting some mythology of romantic love for everyone. That you can't see that is more evidence that you really can't understand the big picture.
Not wanting people to be raped is not identical to wanting some mythology of romantic love for everyone. That you can't see that is more evidence that you really can't understand the big picture.
Again, read my lips:

Again, read my lips:

You are also not going to defend the things you said, given your history. I hope you're making some other dude in a basement proud.
Again, read my lips:

Then stop posting utter rubbish that you allegedly do not mean.

No, really, you think we are imaging you saying these things? You keep posting them and trying to change the subject in the process. We don't know you. We can only go by what you actually post. To wit, we can only go by the words you type or post. You might know in your head that you do not mean that, but we aren't in your head.

I'll repeat..

We can only go by the words you put down in your post and hit "post". That is all we know of you.

So when you post from a man hater and declare him to be a "spiritually superior man", we take that to assume you agree with the guy who thinks that women are worth nothing and should not have any rights whatsoever. Because that is all you said about it. We asked if you agreed with what you quoted.. No clear response or position on the matter was received from you.. All we got was you trying to change the subject.

Understand now?

This is why numerous people in this and other threads, keep asking you to clearly state what you actually mean. Because this issue of you not being clear, is not just a problem in this thread, but in other threads you are participating in as well.

We aren't imagining you saying these things. We are openly quoting you and asking you to be clear and we are attributing your posts to you. It's not as if we are making up posts and quotes and attributing them to you, then you might have a point. But we are literally quoting the words you post and questioning you about it and your response is to say that you are not going to defend what we imagine you said..

Three members of staff, one of whom is an admin, and countless other posters (in this thread alone - other members have also requested you state your position clearly on other subjects in other threads - which you refused to do there too) have asked you to please state your position clearly. You refused to do so. We repeatedly asked you to stop changing the subject. You refused to do so.

And repeating this:


Over and over again is not going to help you.

You need to state your position clearly.

That means you don't say one thing and then declare you are actually for something else, and then accuse all and sundry for expecting you to defend your words that you deny saying, when you actually posted them. That's not how it works. We can only go by what you actually say. We don't know what is going on in your head. We can only go by the words you use in your arguments. If you don't mean those words, then in future, stop saying them. If you are unable to state your case clearly, that is on you and no one else.
Nothing is as futile as a battle of wills over the internet.

Bowser said:
Again, being told you are beautiful is not a terrible thing.

From people I know? Sure. From complete strangers I have never seen or spoken to, when walking alone or on public transport? That is a completely different kettle of fish. I don't care if men will speak their minds. They have no right to accost strangers to speak said mind. For one thing, the first thing that comes to mind is 'who is this guy?'.. then 'how long has this weirdo been looking at me and has he been following me?'.. And so on and so forth, pretty much every question a woman would ask herself in a fight or flight situation because a) she doesn't know this guy and b) she doesn't know if he could be some violent psycho or not.

No problem with that. Complete strangers who are going about their day? You can't imagine why it might be inappropriate to approach a woman and comment on her looks? Why doesn't he give her the same compliment when she has a man with her? After all, it's not wrong, is it? You can't see how doing this to women who are alone is harassment?

Bells said:
When I see people like Bowser suggesting that he or other men should have every right to intrude on another person in that way, even just to tell them they are pretty or to smile, or whatever, it's just astonishing because it is so selfish. They completely ignore that this is an uninvited intrusion on another person. Would they force their way into a stranger's home to tell them it was a lovely looking home? No. But they feel it is acceptable to accost a perfect stranger to tell them they look pretty, are attractive, to smile, to share their opinion on her looks because they think their opinion is more valid than her right to not be harassed in any way, shape or form by them?

Is there a difference between street harassment and a compliment?​
mtf said:
And if, in your mind, you are unable to understand how one can and should simultaneously work both on the microlevel and the macrolevel, then ... then I don't know what to say.
Those two posts are on exactly the same logical level. They indicate a contradiction in your thinking, at the level of "treating symptoms" (a common - in fact the most common - way in which the wise and enlightened handle disease and disorder).

godot said:
Is there a difference between street harassment and a compliment?
Tell you what: I'll call you on the phone a few times a day at random, text and email you at intervals, show up at your job daily, hang out by your front door and your kids's playground sometimes, stop you occasionally on the sidewalk and in the grocery aisle, and so forth,

for years,

to give you compliments. And they will be well-phrased, politely worded compliments - such as how nice you look when you smile, and how much better things could be if you smiled more. Nothing like the catcalls under discussion above, the outright abuse.

Then you tell me.
Depends on the situation. Often, the person offering the comment thinks it is a compliment, and the person receiving it sees it as harassment.

A compliment is a polite expression of praise or admiration. When is it impolite to compliment someone on their appearance?
Those two posts are on exactly the same logical level. They indicate a contradiction in your thinking, at the level of "treating symptoms" (a common - in fact the most common - way in which the wise and enlightened handle disease and disorder).

Tell you what: I'll call you on the phone a few times a day at random, text and email you at intervals, show up at your job daily, hang out by your front door and your kids's playground sometimes, stop you occasionally on the sidewalk and in the grocery aisle, and so forth,

for years,

to give you compliments. And they will be well-phrased, politely worded compliments - such as how nice you look when you smile, and how much better things could be if you smiled more. Nothing like the catcalls under discussion above, the outright abuse.

Then you tell me.

What you're describing is stalking and harassment. What Bells' is describing is a simple onetime compliment.