Defining what is God.

I think that about covers it
I applauded you awhile ago friend....and I know you got the message about those schooled false prophets.

God has a sense of humor.
Jesus said "tell Herod, that old fox...."

But you're wasting your time here, they don't want answers...they are trying to drain your faith like vampires draining blood.

Don't cast your pearls, unless you beleive there is someone out here really listening.
I am taking this advice myself..... or at least trying to...;)
I applauded you awhile ago friend....and I know you got the message about those schooled false prophets.

God has a sense of humor.
Jesus said "tell Herod, that old fox...."

But you're wasting your time here, they don't want answers...they are trying to drain your faith like vampires draining blood.

Don't cast your pearls, unless you beleive there is someone out here really listening.
I am taking this advice myself..... or at least trying to...;)

I get something from determining the nature of their doubts - the freshness of spiritual knowledge becomes more apparent when you can see it from different angles

as for the pearl casting, generally submissive inquiry is required before the cast, so I don't really throw too much out there on this forum - its productive enough just to argue from the platform of general religious principles and philosophy
I get something from determining the nature of their doubts - the freshness of spiritual knowledge becomes more apparent when you can see it from different angles

as for the pearl casting, generally submissive inquiry is required before the cast, so I don't really throw too much out there on this forum - its productive enough just to argue from the platform of general religious principles and philosophy

I found also I was benefited by the abrasive action.....of searching for the answers to their questions which in turn increased my own faith, but there comes a time it is no longer a game.
Just had a little dream...God doesn't whisper His love secrets to you to have you give them to a spiritual hartlot.
I felt a little checked, and had to remove some of the playing around.
This is a serious mater, and so I have tried hard with these people, but you know the way you got what you have first hand....
You couldn't give it to them if you wanted to, it has to be from Him.
Go to them that sell........and buy of it for yourselves.
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sorry I must have lost your previous grand refutation of the high school drop out analogy amongst your copious ad homs - perhaps you could be so kind as to repeat it


PS - there is no need to repeat the ad homs ..... but if you insist on reducing your clarity here is a quick and easy reference chart of symbols you can post instead which may help matters

!!1A - dishonest
!!1B - plaguarizing
!!1Aa - intellectually dishonest
!!2A - bullshit
!!2B - poppy cock
!!2Aa - complete and utter bullshit
!!2Bb - complete and utter poppycock

I think that about covers it

Not a single one of those examples is an ad hominem you moron. An ad hominem would be when you point out that someone else is using rude words, and direct your argument towards that style, while ignoring the content of the argument. Especially when you insinuate (as you most frequently do) that their argument is weakened by the inclusion of these rude words.

The only person I see on this forum using ad hominems with regularity is YOU. Get a grip on yourself and go read up on ad hominems.

Repeat after me:
lightgigantic said:
correct - thats why I mentioned earlier that explanation and logic can only bring one to the point of applying the process to know god - logic is necessary but not sufficient for any type of applied or experiential knowledge - if it wasn't (ie if one could 'know' simply by reading a book and doing absolutely nothing) it wouldn't be called 'applied' or 'experiential'

In other words, you have to do aerobatic mental maneuvers to become more of an expert in XX delusion? It still has no bearing on the actual existence of this thing which is tumbling around in your head, does it? By sheer will, people could also invent a similar process to 'know' our celestial teapot, and then in an act of utmost futility, call it 'spiritual knowledge'.

You could try completing this - "The benefits of athesim is that it grants ....." - this would be an introduction to enabling a comparison of values, if that is what you are in to

Interesting that you should ask for the benefits of atheism, since that is no reason to be atheist at all. But a few benefits spring to mind immediately, such as an unbiased wonder of nature, life without superstition, no restrictive religious authority with it's bizzarre practices, freedom from guilt and freedom of thought, to name just a few for now. Collectively, atheism forms an improved rational and peaceful society that none of a religious nature could match (and no I'm not talking about forced atheism).

"Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer."
But a few benefits spring to mind immediately, such as an unbiased wonder of nature, life without superstition, no restrictive religious authority with it's bizzarre practices, freedom from guilt and freedom of thought, to name just a few for now.

Probably one of most important is the fear of what happens to one in the afterlife if they don't tow the spiritual line, so to speak. Fear is one of main driving forces of most religions, without the fear of hell, what would any such religion use to keep the masses in line?

"Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer."

sorry I must have lost your previous grand refutation of the high school drop out analogy amongst your copious ad homs - perhaps you could be so kind as to repeat it

I don't recall saying *I* debunked it. I do, however, recall Cris thoroughly trashing it. Regardless, my criticisms of you and your dishonest methods stand. You bitch and cry "ad hom," yet they are fair critiques of your position and methodology. If you don't like them, that's tough. Your "high school dropout" analogy is seriously flawed. Not in the manner I mentioned above, but to the extent that others have mentioned as well (Cris, spidergoat, et al). It is an appeal to personal incredulity. You're arguing that because someone doesn't "know" it can exist. True. Something *can* exist if you don't know about it. But that doesn't mean something couldn't also be non-existent.

Your "high school drop-out" fallacy would work if it were also true that because I don't know about alien city on the darkside of the Moon, it must therefore exist until I can prove otherwise. Such a thing is fantastical to me regardless of my knowledge of the darkside of the Moon. Electrons may be fantastical to "high school drop-outs" (though I've met many that were very well-read on physics and understood electrons). Gods are fantastical to the reasoned mind. So, as you can see, the "high school drop-out" fallacy is an appeal to personal incredulity a well-known form of the non-sequitur. We can therefore dismiss your bullshit analogy out of hand.

Moreover, we can also dismiss your bullshit whining about how the "he keeps ad homming me" :( since we've shown your analogies to be pure deception. Not only have others debunked them in the past, but I've this one in the present. You're dishonest, LG. You plagiarized the work of someone else in another thread, correcting it only after I called you one it (perhaps you didn't think anyone would check). You use deception to make your points and erect strawman arguments to obfuscate when directly challenged.

You're a dishonest person, LG.

But at least The Visitor likes you. Then again, this is the person who thinks a "race of giants" was found by the Smithsonian and is being suppressed.
Similarly, if you were with National Georgraphic, and had seen pictures of submerged cities off Spain, Malta, Greece, Lebanon, Egypt, India, Japan, and islands of the Pacific, and could do a documentary about them, but the obvious conclusion is that the sea level rose within "historical times," what would you do?
Lots of "ifs" but nothing substantiated. The point is such things don't exist and there is no reason to accept that such things aren't simply made up by nutters and cranks.
Very, very interesting..

For some reason having googled exactly what you told me to - and under the impression that I would land on the Smithsonian Institution website, instead I found myself faced with a barrage of poorly made geocities websites. A whole collection of conspiracy theories, alien abductions and 25 foot remains of people that are infact nowhere to be seen.

You cheeky devil you, you really had me fooled for a second. You got me good and proper... Giant bones lol.. good on ya.
I'm sorry, were you ever going to offer an actual debate or just continue with uneducated idiocy?

Now.. kindly show me your sources for bones of giants. C'mon my little friend, you're not going to honestly tell me geocities was all you had?
I don't recall saying *I* debunked it. I do, however, recall Cris thoroughly trashing it. Regardless, my criticisms of you and your dishonest methods stand. You bitch and cry "ad hom," yet they are fair critiques of your position and methodology. If you don't like them, that's tough. Your "high school dropout" analogy is seriously flawed. Not in the manner I mentioned above, but to the extent that others have mentioned as well (Cris, spidergoat, et al). It is an appeal to personal incredulity. You're arguing that because someone doesn't "know" it can exist. True. Something *can* exist if you don't know about it. But that doesn't mean something couldn't also be non-existent.

Your "high school drop-out" fallacy would work if it were also true that because I don't know about alien city on the darkside of the Moon, it must therefore exist until I can prove otherwise. Such a thing is fantastical to me regardless of my knowledge of the darkside of the Moon. Electrons may be fantastical to "high school drop-outs" (though I've met many that were very well-read on physics and understood electrons). Gods are fantastical to the reasoned mind. So, as you can see, the "high school drop-out" fallacy is an appeal to personal incredulity a well-known form of the non-sequitur. We can therefore dismiss your bullshit analogy out of hand.

Moreover, we can also dismiss your bullshit whining about how the "he keeps ad homming me" :( since we've shown your analogies to be pure deception. Not only have others debunked them in the past, but I've this one in the present. You're dishonest, LG. You plagiarized the work of someone else in another thread, correcting it only after I called you one it (perhaps you didn't think anyone would check). You use deception to make your points and erect strawman arguments to obfuscate when directly challenged.

You're a dishonest person, LG.

But at least The Visitor likes you. Then again, this is the person who thinks a "race of giants" was found by the Smithsonian and is being suppressed.

please please please just offer something philosophical

all you talk about are the glories of you and your ilk in previous posts and my lack of character etc etc - you remind me of an old man in a pub talking about what they did yester year with their buddies (you don't drink while you post do you?)
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