Define god

Unnatural could possibly include technology and ghosts.
How about unnatural and origin of life?

I can imagine a god that didn't originate life.

I can imagine a god that isn't the creator of the universe.


But why would you consider technology to be unnatural?

But ghosts and gods seem to have the same nature, even Christinaity has a holy ghost as a god.

Nah, Something Unnatural still works best and is the least restrictive definition.
Originally posted by Cris
The only common factor is that such things would exist outside of nature.

If it was part of nature then it would just be another thing that could be studied by science.

So the best definition of a god is Something Unnatural


Well, transvestitism, and homosexuality are both unnatural. But I wouldn't naturally classify them as God.

Well, transvestitism, and homosexuality are both unnatural.
Well no. That is just the opinion of some people but is otherwise not universally accepted.

So in a more sincere context.

From Webster:

Unnatural -
not being in accordance with nature or consistent with a normal course of events.
Natural -
having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious *a corporation is a legal but not a natural person* b : of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world *natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe*.

So a definition of god is still consistent with unnatural.
Originally posted by firefighter
God is the essential nature of conscience.

Let's lok at that word for a second. It comes from the Latin, and means, with knowledge. Meaning that it first has to be programmed for it to work.

The reason why so many of our kids today are sociopaths, is that their consciences have never been programmed. They can commit murder, without the slightest remorse, because thanks to the liberals in this country, they no longer hear, " God says murder is wrong!"

Just like a computer without an operating system is good for nothing. So is a conscience without a preprogrammed system of ethics.
if there is a god. you know omnipotent and whatnot. i would think that god might be able to defy definition.

so that's my definition. undefinable.
Originally posted by biblthmp
The reason why so many of our kids today are sociopaths, is that their consciences have never been programmed....
Progamming is the way you start a cult, not teach right and wrong. I was never told 'God says murder is wrong!' I could care less what a character who may or may not exist thinks. If he/she has a problem with that, he/she can tell me to his face.
Programming in this way tells children that they should not think for themselves and to blindly follow what people tell them. Please, don't try and turn your religion into a cult.

P.S. - To avoid all this he/she nonsense, I'm just going to call the idea of God, Pat
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
if there is a god. you know omnipotent and whatnot. i would think that god might be able to defy definition.

so that's my definition. undefinable.
A fellow agnostic? I think that Pat should be definable, in so far as Pat would have an effect in our universe.
A fellow agnostic?

is it that obvious?

well of course it depends on what Pat does. Did Pat create and then just watch? Does Pat meddle in the affairs of mortals? Does Pat care if we beleive? Does Pat have a friend named Chris?
Does Pat have any side projects?
interesting thread... I've never thought of applying agnosticsm to other other parts of life, but I realized that I do.
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
Does Pat have a friend named Chris? Does Pat have any side projects?
I guess that depends if the system is mono/poly thestic.
Are there alien planets?
Are there alien planets?

I say totally. I think Pat got bored with us a long time ago and decided to try this whole thing again with a new batch. I think now we are probably one of many projects going on.
Pat's a cute name, but I think I'll use 'Conscience'.

Training (and life experience) tells us what is right and what is wrong. That can change over time and be tweaked as we mature.

However, according to our understanding of right and wrong at any given time, it's Conscience that insists that we do what we "know" is right and that we avoid what we "know" is wrong.

Conscience acts before and after the fact. It can prod and it can punish. It's not tangible or material but we all know it exists. We all hear it.

We know the will of Conscience before we act. Then, we act according to our own will.

Conscience is the inner voice that sits in judgement over our will.

Conscience's judgement determines whether we end up in a state of peace or in a state of remorse.
Defining God(s) is relatively easy. Primitive peoples did it all the time. Defending one's definition against all others is more difficult, and has often necessitated recourse to fanaticism, doctrinal purges, and war.

My definition: a intentional entity unconstrained by, and able to abrogate, natural law.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Say: He is Allah, the One;

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like unto Him.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Say: He is Allah, the One;

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like unto Him.
What rubbish!

1.Say allah is only in your imagination!

2.Say allah does not exist,except in your mind!

Originally posted by mohamed
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Say: He is Allah, the One;

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like unto Him.
2) unaffected by time
3) was not created
4) must be the only thing to fit 'god'

If you feel you can not define god without preaching... please do not try... otherwise your thoughts are welcome

(odin, you may be preaching against a god, but it's still preaching and is no more logical)