Decapitation is a sacred Islamic practice.


Good question but in my opinion with the reasons you explained earlier the more that the west keeps pissing off "moderate" arabs the more support(either overtly or covertly) extremists will get.
Everneo said:

we will not possibly get over this until you realize that being human is not equal to getting historically f**ked up by manipulators.

I beg to differ inasmuch as I think you're severely understating the issue to the point of stating it completely wrongly. Let us look at a question you asked in your post:

Who has to allow them to keep their own backyard clean from their own sh@t as well as others' ?

Combined with your comment of, "That is the spirit" . . . .

It's just at the point that we're justifying the greed of the one by pointing to the greedy complicity of another in order to excuse the one from the effects of that greed in order to isolate those affected by the other ....

Okay. A loose analogy.

• So one day in the not-so-distant future, I pay my daughter some spending money to clean the garage so I can drive the stuff to the dump. And after that's done, I decide that I don't want to go to the dump. My daughter asks why and I tell her it's too expensive. I don't want to pay $80 to get rid of the trash. But I notice that up the street, Joe is yelling at his kids to speed it up as they clean out his garage. So I go over and drop all my crap in Joe's driveway. Naturally, Joe is going to say, "What the hell are you doing?"

So I motion him aside and while his kids argue among themselves about what is actually going on, we quietly come to an understanding whereby I tell him I just really don't want to go to the dump, so I'll give him $100 for the dumping fees and $100 for his inconvenience, and he can make his kids do it. So Joe agrees and tells his kids (Bob and Pete) to take care of my sh@t as well. Bob and Pete, naturally, are upset; they're not getting paid or paid enough for what they're doing for Joe's crap. So Joe hauls off and belts them, one at a time. After that, they hunker down and just clean up my sh@t like Joe said. All is good.

So Joe and I come to a further understanding that I can pay him to force his kids to take care of my trash any time I don't want it. I just need to dump it off at his place, and since it's an eyesore all around, the kids will have to take care of my sh@t immediately. And every time I dump more sh@t on them, they complain. And every time they complain, Joe thrashes the f@ck out of them. It's convenient. I'm lazy. smoking my dope and cigarettes, and spending my partner's money (e.g. money that's not quite mine) to be lazy and smoke dope and cigarettes; Joe's happy because he's got extra money to spend on his vices and luxuries. Only Bob and Pete are unhappy. All they get is beatings and more sh@t to clean up.

So one day they've had enough of it. And so they revolt. One day Joe takes a swing at Pete, but the boy fights back, and effectively. So I thrash the boy within an inch of his life. At his trial for assaulting his father without provocation I'm called by the prosecution--

"Did Joe ever beat his children?"

And I just shake my head sadly and say, "No. Joe was a really good guy. He loved his family very much and watched out for them."

The prosecutor would ask: "Are you aware of Bob's sworn deposition that states not only that Joe beat the boys, but that you were witness to many of the beatings?"

"That's what he's going to say," I respond. "It's just a lie to help his brother. He doesn't yet understand how evil his brother really is."

"And are you aware that Bob corroborates Pete's story that you assaulted him?"

I shrug, not concerned. "Pete has already admitted to attacking his father. I had to stop that unprovoked, criminal assault."

"So the claim that Joe attacked Pete?"

"Absolutely unfounded. Not within the bounds of truth. A purely desperate lie."

So Pete does time and Bob, despondent, continues to pick up my sh@t until he kills himself at 17.

Pete, on release, marries the first girl dumb enough to sleep with him, and they have a child, Patrick. Pete beats Patrick regularly but is calculated and concealing about it, though he's not entirely outwardly respectable--he does a stint for running smack when Patrick is in high school. With a period of relief, Patrick blossoms and shows signs of a sharp mind with compassionate spirit, but before long, Pete is out of jail and back to thrashing him.

Knowing there's a way to break the cycle, Patrick appeals to the public authority for intervention. When the social workers investigate, they interview the neighbors. None really know of any abuse, but they have their suspicions about the boy. There's something dark and brooding about those boy. Maybe there's something wrong with him. We don't like our kids around him. He's a shadow on this otherwise-pleasant neighborhood. Nothing is done despite obvious bruises on Patrick.

Shortly before his high school graduation, Pete comes after Patrick with a baseball bat. Patrick turns the tables. He hasn't had any formal instruction, but he learned on the internet where you can hit a person to cause great damage. Patrick steps into the first blow to minimize its impact and takes his chance. One, two, three quick punches and he's got Pete gasping. As the father raises the bat, the son steps in and delivers one final blow, a stopping blow. And in that blow he stops his father's life.

At his trial, the witnesses drone on--no, we didn't ever see a beating. No, the boy's never been real open. Always mysterious. A loner. Brooding, angry. I can't imagine this in my quiet little neighborhood. Oh, it's just awful. That boy was trouble from the beginning. I don't think there's anything his father could have done. Always causing problems, that boy.

At age fifty-seven, Patrick returns to society, but not for long. Unable to find a job, he works as a courier for a local drug dealer.

And me? As you can see, I have nothing to do with any of it, and never did. My sheets are cleaner than the preacher's on the line. Obviously, as the story above clearly shows, I have no role in any of this. All I ever did in this story was clean up my trash and perform the public service of testifying against a juvenile delinquent. Did I mention that somewhere in there toward the end, my granddaughter got busted buying pot for my daughter who was sick with lung cancer? In order to avoid prosecution, she needed to set up a dealer she knew of, so she called over for some cocaine, which would look better in the headlines. The dealer was busy. He sent his mule, a guy named Patrick. In the excitement of the bust, Patrick is shot to death, point-blank, in the back, accidentally, by a cop.

Justifying the shooting in the back of an unarmed man with only a few-hundred dollars' worth of cocaine in his pocket, the police chief points out that Patrick was a "career criminal," and reflects that some people ... some people are just bad from the beginning.

And people like us need to be protected against people like them.

Once the sh@t is in their backyard, people seem to think it's theirs alone to clean up. The problem is when "they" behave the same as "us," and "we" decry it as somehow immoral.

Perhaps if the Western world seemed to truly seek global change, but, as we both hope for change, it is quite sadly fixated on securing profits. What this means is that decency must be offset somewhere in a ledger, and that's a hard figure to quantify.

It's not ever to be said that the Muslim world is without error, but rather that the tone of judgment in the West is such not only as to stifle change, but to openly encourage more of the same.

And this, when we cut through most everything else, is something I object to strenuously. Sisyphus must necessarily be happy, indeed. But why, then, does he pretend horror and gravity?

The horror of it all.

And I am hopeful, but that's a faith I place in humanity that some find either misguided or silly.

"We" claim a noble purpose; let us show it, for then "we" will actually find out if "they" can meet us in reconciliation or whether "they" are truly as evil and flawed and inhuman as the current superstition holds. "We" owe it to them, to ourselves, and to everyone else watching.

This is a vital portion of the jihad every American owes themselves and the world.

And the first, simplest thing "we" can do is get off "our" toadstool and attempt to create a frank dialogue instead of just wish for one as a platform for condemnation. Waiting for "them" to beat us to the punch will only bring the wrong kind of punches, and is no excuse for inaction.
Bruce Wayne said:
No it was not. I has happened before but it was not the common thing.
I should say common for people with money. Are you suggesting that all (or most) captured Persians were ransomed after Persia was conquered by the Arabic armies? What of the peoples in India? Is the statement: “Most people conquered by Islamic Armies were ransomed for their freedom” historically correct?

It's certainly safe to say that people with means had previously been ransomed. Ranking generals, captured during war, which had money, were sometimes ransomed. If you’re point is that Islam civilized war by institutionalizing and making ransoming preeminent then you’re going to have to back it up. I don’t mean to belabor the point, so let me ask again – do you mean in Arabic Tribes or the World at large? Do you mean that most Persians and Indians conquered by the Arabic Armies were ransomed? Do you have some historical references?

Bruce Wayne said:
They should stay out of it for starters...
How so? What do you mean “stay out”?

Physically there should be no non-Arabs in the “Arab World”? Or do you mean the West shouldn’t have traded with the Arabs? (So Arabs shouldn’t have nifty little devices like telephones, indoor plumbing, skyscrapers, cars, electricity, airplanes, modern medicine, internet). Or are you just referring to the immediacy – say the war against Iraq – which I would agree with you on (the war that is). I don’t mind the trading – in fact I think it’s perfectly fine to trade.

But to tell you the truth, I don‘t know what you mean when you say “Arab World”. Are you excluding Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Kurdishstan, etcetera…

Bruce Wayne said:
Religion wasn't removed from Japan and S. Korea.
What are you talking about? As I understood, religion is neither a part of either of those two countries governmental structures. Correct me if I am wrong.

Bruce Wayne said:
Also our religion provided for a say to the interest of the people. We did not have a church that kept piling up money. Our religon is what gave us prosperity. And we have fallen from grace when that religiousness was lost. But it is coming back, any future real democracy will be Islamic. Now that you know that tell me, do you still want the Arab world to have democracy?
This paragraph seems to suggest there was a time in the past when the “Arab World” (what ever that is) was a place of peace and tranquility, where there were no E. African slaves being sold on the open market, no wars, no internal religious strife and people rejoiced in one another presence. Oh and people were of course prosperous.

Yeah right. A time like that has never existed for the majority of people in the “Arab World”. But, incase I’m wrong, can you list the dates and places and just how the average person lived during which this remarkable paradise existed in the “Arab World”?

Also, it’s of no concern to me if the Arab World is Democracy, Autocratic, Socialistic, Islamic, Communist, Fascist, etcetera. . . . I really don’t care one way or the other. Any of these governement could potentially work well - but its not my business how another people are ruleing themselves - its theirs (something more Americans need to learn).

Bruce Wayne said:
Believe it or not, But the Muslims where already achieving "democracy" until the insecure powers of Europe entered the region. Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, and Iran had already achieved either a constitution or parlement. Guess who disolved them? (hint: they came from 19th century Europe)
I agree. It’s to bad too because I think the ME would be a lot less religious and a lot better off had Europe not conquered it. But I have to say Europe conquered all of the World with the exception of Mongolia, China proper, and Japan. Mongolia and China are still dirt poor so I don’t think one can blame the Europeans necessarily. The Arab World has had 70 years to get itself straight and it hasn’t. Even Japan only took 30 years after being bombed with nuclear weapons to go from shit-flat to world leader – what’s wrong with the Arab World? Religion maybe?
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Bruce Wayne said:
Why not support the population and try and force the tyrants to share the power
Oh I definitely think that would be great. I mean, the ME would be much better off if it was Democratic with religion relegated to the personal not the public.

However, maybe in this first statement I have already sounded alarm bells with some? And that is what is impossible with the whole proposition.

No one in Saudi Arabia wants to have someone from the outside come in and tell them how to run their country. So that only leaves trade. And that means dealing with the rulers of the country. Obviously the West/East cannot tell the rulers how they use their profits. So if they use those moneys unwisely, or corruptly, or maliciously, there really is nothing the West/East can do about it. So I think the West/East should trade with the Arab countries and leave the rest to them. Change comes from within. When the time is right they will change their governmental structure. It happens all the time. I mean the oldest constitution still in use is the US – and that isn’t all that old.
Bruce Wayne said:
Please rephrase, 'cause this is not making sense.
Maybe I’m not sure what you mean by the West’s “double standard”? I think all the West/East really wants is oil from the ME. There is no double standard in that – it’s just trade. To trade the West/East needs to do business with the leaders of those countries – which happen to be Autocratic. So in one way you could say – hey the West supports the rights of it’s people but when it comes to us it supports an autocratic government. And that appears to be a double standard. However, the West would be more than happy to do business with a secular democracy in the ME. But that’s not the case, so the West/East must do business with who is there – which happens to be an autocrat.

So I don’t see the double standard, or I just didn’t get where you were coming from?

The idea of the West changing the Arab states from autocratic rule to something preferable is ludicrous to me. That requires an entire change of culture. As such that only leaves the West/East with the option of trading with whoever is in charge. Which I don’t think is a double standard.

I sometimes think about how millions upon millions of Chinese and North Koreans died so that the N. Koreans could have their absolute shit North Korean Communist government that they have presently. Instead of the secular democratic one the Americans wanted them to have. Which the South Koreans finally ended up with and live pretty good within (heaven compared to NK).

There’s no way to change autocratic states from without – other than complete and utter annihilation and humiliation with total disregard to life for years (say the killing of civilians in Europe/Japan). Where the only people left alive are the ones not willing to fight.

So that leaves either trade or no trade (sanction). And that’s what I was trying to get at.
Bruce Wayne said:
Whose life I might add is probably better now than it has been in the last thousand years for buying from the West.
You would be mistaken if you added that. You would be mistaken if you added that.
I was really just talking about trade with the West. I guess I see it like this: What was the average Arabs life like 1000 - 200 years ago? I'd think they had a tough life, was ruled over by a autocrat, had no medicine, no air-conditioning, no electricity, was probably illiterate, no or little entertainment - just toil and work (and maybe was unfortunate enough to even be a slave?), etcetera. Although there still is autocratic rule, life for the typical Arab is probably better for trading with the West/East. Wouldn’t you think? If not how is it better living the other way around for the average Arab?
tiassa said:
I beg to differ inasmuch as I think you're severely understating the issue to the point of stating it completely wrongly.

It is not understating the issue, Tiassa. It is focussing on what is not apparent but crucial.

It's just at the point that we're justifying the greed of the one by pointing to the greedy complicity of another in order to excuse the one from the effects of that greed in order to isolate those affected by the other ....

This statment involving 2 greedies, really misses the victims who has the capability of not to be victimized in any manner by anyone but accustomed to inaction for centuries due to the fear of turning against the religion.

Once the sh@t is in their backyard, people seem to think it's theirs alone to clean up.
I think, you strayed far away from what is /who are termed as sh@t at the beginning of this thread.
The problem is when "they" behave the same as "us," and "we" decry it as somehow immoral.
I could make out who are "us" & "we". But whom do you mean by "they". The extremists ? They are a 'class' apart from "us" !

It's not ever to be said that the Muslim world is without error, but rather that the tone of judgment in the West is such not only as to stifle change, but to openly encourage more of the same.

That is what more of my post about. Let muslims eliminate the handles in their society that come handy to any hostile outsider. Bush is more happy with terrorist Osama than mujahiddin Osama & Osama who criticizes Saudi royals. Between Bush-likes and Osama-likes and selfserving Tyrants, arab world is left out with no option but to start reform with the help of true ideals of Islam.

And the first, simplest thing "we" can do is get off "our" toadstool and attempt to create a frank dialogue instead of just wish for one as a platform for condemnation. Waiting for "them" to beat us to the punch will only bring the wrong kind of punches, and is no excuse for inaction.
Absolutely, this is right.
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surenderer said:
Good question but in my opinion with the reasons you explained earlier the more that the west keeps pissing off "moderate" arabs the more support(either overtly or covertly) extremists will get.
That is a sad truth. But getting out of this tide is critically urgent, none is going to do this for you ; you are alone but capable of doing that.
Michael said:
What I don’t understand is: “What exactly should the “West” . . . . do differently in the ME?

How will that suddenly transform the ME into the prosperous place?

But if the West in not to Trade then how do you suppose the West interact with the ME? How will that make it a better place? What would you suppose the “West/East/South East/North/Oceana” do differently?
actually, we don't owe the ME anything, they owe it to themselves, what are they, women?, that they need the knight in white shining armor to rescue them? (uh, crusader image, sorry :) )

muslims have the same brains, TV, satillites, cell phones, FAX's, newspapers, access to learning, internet, business, ideas, goverment models, let them decide for themselves, what are you a Bushie? or a paternalistic liberal? they are not babies, if they want a leg up, they have to help themselves, they'll feel better if they do it themselves

we need the oil, they have it, we buy it, what more do you want? for us to overthrow the House of Saud? then they'll treat us like the Iraqis, bomb, kill the agrressors, etc... we don't win either way
Randolfo said:
actually, we don't owe the ME anything, they owe it to themselves, what are they, women?, that they need the knight in white shining armor to rescue them? (uh, crusader image, sorry :) ).....what are you a Bushie? or a paternalistic liberal? ....we need the oil, they have it, we buy it, what more do you want? for us to overthrow the House of Saud? then they'll treat us like the Iraqis, bomb, kill the agrressors, etc... we don't win either way
My question was rhetoric. I was asking everneo how they thought the “West” (or even East for that matter) should interact with the ME.

If you’d have read further down you’d see that I proposed that the West/East just trade with the ME and leave the governing of their peoples to themselves.

Bushie? Hardly.

Paternalistic Liberal?

What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Michael said:
My question was rhetoric.
that's ok, my answer was rhetorical

If you’d have read further down you’d see that I proposed that the West/East just trade with the ME and leave the governing of their peoples to themselves.
I read that, you may not have been clear, it seemed that you didn't get to the point to me?

Paternalistic Liberal?
Paternalistic= like the Great White Father, helping the Indians "cause they needed it"
liberal= people that think that gov has the answers

What the hell is that supposed to mean?
just means, we don't know all the answers, as an example; we tried to help people out of poverty with welfare, instead we got 3 to 4 generations of fatherless, non-supervised kids, & a slew of do nothing (but get pregnant) females. I worked for welfare for 2 years, a system meant to fail, not enough Condie Rice's as role models that succeed to show others the way out
Randolfo said:
Paternalistic= like the Great White Father, helping the Indians "cause they needed it"
I see what you mean. No I don’t think that at all.

Randolfo said:
liberal= people that think that gov has the answers
Actually that’d be conservative. Conservatives tend to support present institutions/governement and prefer to maintain the existing norms. Liberal (obviously meaning free (related to Liberty) tends to be equated to broadmindedness.

Anyway, some State funded enterprises work well. The States pays so that each child gets an A-12 education and that certainly is worth it (even if it isn’t that great). I think we’d agree each child should get a FREE A-12 education. You certainly wouldn’t propose only people with money get a basic education?

Randolfo said:
as an example; we tried to help people out of poverty with welfare, instead we got 3 to 4 generations of fatherless, non-supervised kids, & a slew of do nothing (but get pregnant) females. I worked for welfare for 2 years, a system meant to fail, not enough Condie Rice's as role models that succeed to show others the way out
True, the welfare system sucks - in the US.
Michael said:
Actually that’d be conservative. Conservatives tend to support present institutions/governement and prefer to maintain the existing norms.
actually, to me a conservative is someone that wants welfare for the corporations & the rich; see farm substities, tax cuts, gov program cuts, big gov contracts, like to Halliburton et al

Liberal (obviously meaning free (related to Liberty) tends to be equated to broadmindedness.
liberals are narrowminded, they think they know all the answers & look down on us in a paternalistic way, because they know the 'truth' & "tsk, tsk, all those poor misguided folk, are so wrong, maybe even evil or mentally challenged?"
Everneo said:

It is not understating the issue, Tiassa. It is focussing on what is not apparent but crucial.

Actually, Everneo, I was being polite.

You wrote:

we will not possibly get over this until you realize that being human is not equal to getting historically f**ked up by manipulators.

Frankly, I consider that response way out of line. It is indicative to me that the only discussion you really want to have is hateful.

Who has to allow them to keep their own backyard clean from their own sh@t as well as others' ?

Like that, as an example. Absolutely devoid of compassion, and presuming that different rules apply to Muslims than the rest of humanity.

"Who has to allow them?" Hey, like you said,

If i am firm that my backyard should be clean, i will take on anyone who dares to dump in my backyard.

So if you're cleaning your backyard, and I try to dump my shit in it, you will take me on?

So why do you object to Muslims cleaning out their backyard? When my country or others go and dump shit in the middle of their cleaning, why should I or anyone be either surprised or offended when they step up and take on the litterbugs?

Go back and follow that part of the discussion. Starting from one's own backyard; tougher to do when you've got neighbors turning your backyard into a rubbish tip; Muslims historically manipulated by their own unscrupulous elements; there was also the idea that you expressed to Surenderer:

You guys, who respect quran as humane, should wage a jihad against those few who 'use' quran to indulge in in-human activities

Now, you and I seem to be discussing certain themes from this topic, and this is one of those things you wrote along the line which was thematically consistent with part of what we're discussing.

Why is it that the argument always boils down to, "Fix your own problems and pretend that nobody else contributes to the injury"?

I mean, you're responding to Surenderer that because Westerners choose to misinterpret the Quran, the appropriate response is to ignore that propaganda that creates unnecessary division and focus on a Muslim issue that is not exclusively Muslim. This is thematically similar to our discussion of comparative issues: isolate, blame, and demand. In all the history of human institutions that solution has never done more than buy a few seconds to breathe--it hasn't solved anything.

What is it that you don't like, Everneo? That Muslims are trying to clean up their own shit? That they exist at all? What's your problem?

The lesson to be learned from this topic seems to be that, Muslims notwithstanding, the Western politic is utterly incapable of frank discussion. And I'd rather it not be the lesson, because it serves to justify terrorism if that is the lesson we take away from this. In the meantime we have a misrepresentation of the Quran in the topic article, you outright dismissing the explanation of that misrepresentation with an assignation of duty, and also refusing the comparative contexts necessary to begin any frank examination of the issues the topic article sought to raise.

What would you like me to say to you, Everneo? I'm not going to start from your hateful presumption that everything wrong in Islamic culture is purely the fault of Muslims. Nor am I going to accept without question such an uninformed article as the topic article.

In the meantime:

This statment involving 2 greedies, really misses the victims who has the capability of not to be victimized in any manner by anyone but accustomed to inaction for centuries due to the fear of turning against the religion.

Similar things can be said about rape survivors, but it doesn't mean squat in either case in terms of solutions.

I think, you strayed far away from what is /who are termed as sh@t at the beginning of this thread.

How interesting. I'm not surprised. Wait, that's not interesting.

It's just that judging by your tone of determined condemnation, I knew that trying to explain anything to you in terms longer than a sound bite was a risk.

I could make out who are "us" & "we". But whom do you mean by "they". The extremists ? They are a 'class' apart from "us" !

This amuses me, as I was respecting your perspective in which it doesn't really matter who "they" are.

That is what more of my post about

Whatever you say, Everneo. Your integrity in this topic is such that I believe you.

Actually, it's not. But why should I doubt your attempt to establish yourself as something more benevolent than your prior conduct indicates?

Oh, wait ... why don't we check in on what you attempt to establish yourself as?

Let muslims eliminate the handles in their society that come handy to any hostile outsider.

Well, duh. But why not? Why not demand of Muslims what my culture and every culture around the world refuses to do for itself?

They're Muslims, after all. They don't deserve to be treated well by the world until they learn to take it up the ass from the rest of us without complaining. At least, that's insofar as I can tell from what you're trying to represent.

The obvious solution to rape is for women to sew their vaginas, recta, and mouths shut. At least, if I apply the logic of eliminating the handles that come in handy to hostility.

Bush is more happy with terrorist Osama than mujahiddin Osama & Osama who criticizes Saudi royals. Between Bush-likes and Osama-likes and selfserving Tyrants, arab world is left out with no option but to start reform with the help of true ideals of Islam.

So the world should start reform. How?

Go on. Explain it. And remember that for every "step forward" you achieve, the rules indicate that you should also take "two steps back" so everyone else can dump more shit in your backyard. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back.

That's what I find so goddamn offensive about the way you're going about this discussion. All you seem to want is more of the same so you can go on complaining about how Muslims are the only problem facing Muslims.

It's disgusting.

One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform.
tiassa said:
That's what I find so goddamn offensive about the way you're going about this discussion. All you seem to want is more of the same so you can go on complaining about how Muslims are the only problem facing Muslims.
actually, I'm not sure if anyone can look at this problem logically; because everyone brings baggage to the table; muslims, anti-, liberals, atheists, etc... I think we can all agree that if muslims are to improve their lot in life, its gonna have to come from them, they need to find the answers, the West seems to aggravate them when we meddle, so if they want a modern, brand-spanking new democracy, society, etc..., well they got to invent it themselves, I've met many muslims, they have a lot of smart & fair-minded people there, (some robots too, but hey, I see that, even if I don't agree with islam, I still see their very humanness)

It's disgusting.
what? previous statement or what follows?

One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, .......etc...
excellant & forceful point, etc.
(Insert Title Here)

Randolfo said:
actually, I'm not sure if anyone can look at this problem logically; because everyone brings baggage to the table; muslims, anti-, liberals, atheists, etc... I think we can all agree that if muslims are to improve their lot in life, its gonna have to come from them, they need to find the answers, the West seems to aggravate them when we meddle, so if they want a modern, brand-spanking new democracy, society, etc..., well they got to invent it themselves

I agree entirely. But the deeper problem I protest comes in the comparative context. As an American long-critical of my nation's political conduct, these new calls for Muslims to find their own solutions come amid a firm American tradition of not doing the same for ourselves. So on that level, I react to a sense that the Western world has no intention of reassessing its meddling policies.

Additionally, there are examples in recent history of Muslims trying to find their own solutions: Iran under Mossadeq, Iraq in response to Poppy Bush's call for uprising, and the rising democratization movement in Iran for starters.

The tragedy comes in part because we recoil at the ugliness of war. Muslims in war have a long way to come; never in my life have I heard my culture treat Muslim politics compassionately. Growing up in the 1980s, one could easily come to believe that one day everything was just fine in the world and then a bunch of people went and threw a monkey at the wrench just for the hell of it.

In the Palestinian issue, for instance, what this created is a strong anti-Israeli backlash. As young Americans came to learn more of the detail of what was taking place and had taken place in the past, they did (and do) so against a constant barrage of pro-Israeli equivocation that, in any other debate, would be considered disgraceful. Regardless of Israeli Jews themselves, many people come to hold an exaggerated mistrust of the Israeli government, and admittedly the last several years haven't helped. Even attempting to grasp the abstractions of the situation, one is still struck by the absurdity of catch-phrases like "homicide bomber," which only serve to complicate the issues with propaganda. There is, in politics, a natural sympathy for the underdog, especially if a conflict predates the individual examining the situation.

And all of this because of an inherent, condescending sympathy toward Jews. (Bill Maher, for instance, is not entirely incorrect when he notes a movement among American Christians to secure Jerusalem for Jews so that Christ can return.)

Considering Mossadeq--when tyrants come to power or reconsolidate power, they purge. Purges target people who can be construed as presenting a threat to the government. Political rivals, academics, clerics, artists, scientists: the entire intellectual and cultural gamut. Laboring people, left without a functional educational system and under an oppressive regime, tend to organize and mobilize. Yet, without any "skilled" leadership, the people are left grasping populist straws. Combine a CIA overthrow of a popularly-elected Prime Minister with the consolidation of power under a ruthless Shah who attempted to force Westernization on the culture while securing his position with the world's third-largest army and the most-feared secret police since the Nazis, and frankly I don't have any measure of blame to put upon my Iranian neighbors for raising Ayatollah Khomeni.

And yet, as Muslims try to "clean their own backyards," to borrow a phrase, we in the West are repulsed by their efforts and somehow compelled to interfere further.

And all of this is what it is. Nobody promised the beauty of the human endeavor would always be apparent. What's disgusting is the trend of playing Pilate and looking so squarely and exclusively to Muslims for a solution.
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tiassa said:
You wrote:

we will not possibly get over this until you realize that being human is not equal to getting historically f**ked up by manipulators.

Frankly, I consider that response way out of line. It is indicative to me that the only discussion you really want to have is hateful.

Through out you have no idea what i was saying. Let a moderate muslim who is aware of islamic history here call me a hater.

tiassa said:
Who has to allow them to keep their own backyard clean from their own sh@t as well as others' ?

Like that, as an example. Absolutely devoid of compassion, and presuming that different rules apply to Muslims than the rest of humanity.

That is in response to your question "Then why are Muslims not allowed the same?".

Yes, it may be devoid of compassion, just wonder what prevents them to take on all the a$$holes who come under all categories that take islam for a ride.

tiassa said:
"Who has to allow them?" Hey, like you said,

If i am firm that my backyard should be clean, i will take on anyone who dares to dump in my backyard.

So if you're cleaning your backyard, and I try to dump my shit in it, you will take me on?

So why do you object to Muslims cleaning out their backyard? When my country or others go and dump shit in the middle of their cleaning, why should I or anyone be either surprised or offended when they step up and take on the litterbugs?

Go back and follow that part of the discussion. Starting from one's own backyard; tougher to do when you've got neighbors turning your backyard into a rubbish tip; Muslims historically manipulated by their own unscrupulous elements; there was also the idea that you expressed to Surenderer:

You guys, who respect quran as humane, should wage a jihad against those few who 'use' quran to indulge in in-human activities

You have missed or have no idea when i emphasized the term historically. I repeat, from first fitnah to politically ambitious medival jihads upto the current islamist agenda - the muslims fighting on the right side were shown quran leaf-lets on spear tops by the manipulators of their own religion ; bloody expansions of sultanates were explained as furthering the islamic cause; ofcourse now the terror agenda is shown as islamic cause ! - repectively.

Now, you and I seem to be discussing certain themes from this topic, and this is one of those things you wrote along the line which was thematically consistent with part of what we're discussing.

Why is it that the argument always boils down to, "Fix your own problems and pretend that nobody else contributes to the injury"?

I mean, you're responding to Surenderer that because Westerners choose to misinterpret the Quran, the appropriate response is to ignore that propaganda that creates unnecessary division and focus on a Muslim issue that is not exclusively Muslim. This is thematically similar to our discussion of comparative issues: isolate, blame, and demand. In all the history of human institutions that solution has never done more than buy a few seconds to breathe--it hasn't solved anything.

What is it that you don't like, Everneo? That Muslims are trying to clean up their own shit? That they exist at all? What's your problem?

I have no problem, Tiassa.

The lesson to be learned from this topic seems to be that, Muslims notwithstanding, the Western politic is utterly incapable of frank discussion. And I'd rather it not be the lesson, because it serves to justify terrorism if that is the lesson we take away from this. In the meantime we have a misrepresentation of the Quran in the topic article, you outright dismissing the explanation of that misrepresentation with an assignation of duty, and also refusing the comparative contexts necessary to begin any frank examination of the issues the topic article sought to raise.

What would you like me to say to you, Everneo? I'm not going to start from your hateful presumption that everything wrong in Islamic culture is purely the fault of Muslims. Nor am I going to accept without question such an uninformed article as the topic article.

Yeah, let me be a hater. Have peace of mind.

In the meantime:

This statment involving 2 greedies, really misses the victims who has the capability of not to be victimized in any manner by anyone but accustomed to inaction for centuries due to the fear of turning against the religion.

Similar things can be said about rape survivors, but it doesn't mean squat in either case in terms of solutions.

I repeat "the victims who has the capability of not to be victimized in any manner by anyone".

Whatever you say, Everneo. Your integrity in this topic is such that I believe you.

Actually, it's not. But why should I doubt your attempt to establish yourself as something more benevolent than your prior conduct indicates?

Establishing myself?. I have no stake here boy. Cool down.

tiassa said:
]Oh, wait ... why don't we check in on what you attempt to establish yourself as?

Let muslims eliminate the handles in their society that come handy to any hostile outsider.

Well, duh. But why not? Why not demand of Muslims what my culture and every culture around the world refuses to do for itself?

They're Muslims, after all. They don't deserve to be treated well by the world until they learn to take it up the ass from the rest of us without complaining. At least, that's insofar as I can tell from what you're trying to represent.

The obvious solution to rape is for women to sew their vaginas, recta, and mouths shut. At least, if I apply the logic of eliminating the handles that come in handy to hostility.

I don't insult muslims as hapless rape victims. You must be knowing Salah-ud-din Ayubi, being an upright muslim he hated hypocrisy as well as slaugter of innocents. He need not be a rarity. Islam is capable of producing more Saladdins.

tiassa said:
Go on. Explain it. And remember that for every "step forward" you achieve, the rules indicate that you should also take "two steps back" so everyone else can dump more shit in your backyard. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back.

That's what I find so goddamn offensive about the way you're going about this discussion. All you seem to want is more of the same so you can go on complaining about how Muslims are the only problem facing Muslims.

It's disgusting.

Man, do you have any idea how i felt reading your volumes of rants before ?!
Its more than.. disgusting. Btw, if you think that i go on complaining about how muslims are the only problem facing muslims, then i stop 'complaining'. Whatever it be. I think moderate muslims here know what i was talking. They know about themselves better than you and me a 'kafir' !

One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform. One step forward, two steps back. Don't like it? Reform.
No comments.
I wonder what the "muslim haters" actually define as extremist :confused: People fighting in Iraq? Nope they are fighting for their homeland which was invaded.....Palestinians fighting Israeli's? Nope they are fighting for their homeland....suicide bombers? yes they are absoultely wrong to kill innocents but tell my many dead innocent iraqi's have you seen on American TV? why not? How many innocent deaths have you seen the Israeli's apologize for? They kill people everyday with western support You see the excuse that we wernt trying to kill those innocent people when we bombed that building or using the phrase collateral damage is what is causing "extremists" these days. You see in Arab culture when a murder is commited unjustly it becomes the Ummnah's(community) job to avenge that death so "kill one innocent get 20 terrorists" you have got to be kidding me to say that it makes since to avenge 3000 murders on 9-11 by commiting approximatly(sp?) 15-25k deaths(and counting) my 7 yr old daughter knows that math is wrong. You see you guys dont seperate the people with legitamte "beefs" with the people who are murderers(yes Islam does have them) You see Islam teaches people to show everyone respect but if they become aggresive to you then you fight them untill they stop. Nobody would disagree with a philosphy like that but a wolf who plans to make you his meal. Has Israel changed its policies? Has the US? nope if anything as time goes on it gets worse are these countries that are looking for peace? are the a fair representation of Jews and Christians? Yes the Muslim leaders there are corrupt and dont care about their people but the West doesnt care about that. All they care about is "show me the money".......peace
The long way 'round

Everneo said:
Through out you have no idea what i was saying. Let a moderate muslim who is aware of islamic history here call me a hater.

Okay. Let's review.

Snip Tocket: Let us all learn from this article.
Tiassa: And what should we learn from this article?
Everneo: It is there in that article :

With me so far?

What was that lesson in the article?

Empty claims that jihad decapitations are somehow "alien to true Islam," however well-intentioned, undermine serious efforts to reform and desacralize Islamic doctrine. This process will only begin with frank discussion, both between non-Muslims and Muslims, and within the Muslim community.


So, to resume:

Tiassa: The second sentence in your quote from the article I have no problem with. But look at our topic poster's ******** well . . . .

Did you notice that it was the second sentence, about frank discussion between non-Muslims and Muslims, and within the Muslim community, that I agreed with? Because I also continued, writing:

Tiassa: In attempting to circumvent any comparative discussion, our topic poster isn't leaving room for much. At the degree that decapitation is a sacred Islamic practice, so is genocide a sacred Jewish practice whose spectre rears its head in the international debate about Israel and Palestine; misogyny is a sacred Christian practice still evident even in the United States. What the flight from comparative discussion shortcuts is any discussion about the significance of the idea that decapitation is somehow sacred to Islam.

Now, admittedly I should have flagged that paragraph with a neon sign indicating that this was my disagreement with the first. I thought the mention of decapitation as a sacred practice would suffice. My bad.

I then involved myself in your discussion with Surenderer:

Surenderer: That article is phony....what Koran 47:4 says is:
Everneo: How it is mis-interpreted to suit a few, then. You guys, who respect quran as humane, should wage a jihad against those few who 'use' quran to indulge in in-human activities.
Tiassa: That's easier to do if others aren't f@cking up the process the whole time.
Everneo: You have someone in mind. But historically, muslims were manipulated by their own unscrupulous elements, in the name of quran and god. Starting from first fitnah to politically ambitious medival 'jihads' upto current islamists (the term immediately push some into aggressive mode, i know).

I'll pause here to note that between your inclusion of "sacred decapitation" in the "lesson to be learned," and the exclusivity of your response to my note about others f@cking up the process, it seems rather clear to me at this point.

So clear, in fact ....

Tiassa: If you knew your comfort of excess was at the cost of someone else's basic human dignity, would it bother you? . . . . It bothers me some. Had I the solution I would be leading the world forward instead of fretting about it in my corner. But you're right. The West is blameless isn't it? Muslims did it all to themselves, and all the West ever did was reap the fruits.
Everneo: gee.. thanks. But i did not say that the west is blameless. Just wanted to indicate how the muslims are exposed to western manipulations and their historical vulnerability to manipulations by their own ; the culprits could be found within muslim community, even when no western country was around to play.
Tiassa: So in other words, we're back to faulting Muslims for being human?

Now, at this point, I'm aware that I'm hip-deep in a swamp drawn off your response to Surenderer, but I consider that digression thematically consistent with your refusal of the comparative context.

And while you do not say the west is blameless, it is a natural result of your argument combined with your refusal of the comparative. How so? Because you keep making points that can only be refuted by examining a comparative context.

Of course, I am wrong in one respect. We were not, at that point, back to faulting Muslims for being human. You have my apologies for that error; I should have aimed my disgust at your disqualification of Muslims from humanity in general:

Tiassa: But please don't pretend the Muslims were alone in creating their misery.
Everneo: I would rather ask you not to pretend muslims are granted to err.
Tiassa: To err is human.

At that point, you just become downright offensive:

Tiassa: So in other words, we're back to faulting Muslims for being human?
Everneo: we will not possibly get over this until you realize that being human is not equal to getting historically f**ked up by manipulators.

I mean, that was just a stupid response. You pick on Muslims for being human in order to avoid discussion of other people's mistakes:

gee.. thanks. But i did not say that the west is blameless. Just wanted to indicate how the muslims are exposed to western manipulations and their historical vulnerability to manipulations by their own ; the culprits could be found within muslim community, even when no western country was around to play.

You left no comparative; that's the context you established for yourself. I am not going to hold you to it if you're able to argue otherwise, but your mere say-so doesn't make a genuine argument. Especially when you continue on that vein.

Because in the meantime, let's get away from context for a moment and back to the primary dialogue I'm noting:

Surenderer: That article is phony....what Koran 47:4 says is:
Everneo: How it is mis-interpreted to suit a few, then. You guys, who respect quran as humane, should wage a jihad against those few who 'use' quran to indulge in in-human activities.
Tiassa: That's easier to do if others aren't f@cking up the process the whole time.
Everneo: You have someone in mind. But historically, muslims were manipulated by their own unscrupulous elements, in the name of quran and god. Starting from first fitnah to politically ambitious medival 'jihads' upto current islamists (the term immediately push some into aggressive mode, i know).

But wait! There's a secondary issue to consider:

Everneo: How it is mis-interpreted to suit a few, then. You guys, who respect quran as humane, should wage a jihad against those few who 'use' quran to indulge in in-human activities.
Tiassa: When the Muslims control a modern-day empire of 300,000,000 people and dominate the trade and military balance of the world; when Arabic is spoken as the language of business and politics around the world to the degree English is today; when that Muslim empire manipulates international markets to keep white-skinned people in poverty ... in other words, when the "Muslim world" is moral according to our Western standards, if they're still decapitating people and strapping dynamite to their chests in such a manner, I'll believe this kind of sh@t is fundamental to Islam. It looks as if it is more fundamental to being human at this point.
Everneo: . . . . Starting from ones own backyard is the best way to have a clean environment.
Tiassa: I reiterate that it's tougher to do when you've got neighbors who are perfectly willing to turn your backyard into a rubbish tip whether you want it or not.
Everneo: If i am firm that my backyard should be clean, i will take on anyone who dares to dump in my backyard.
Tiassa: Then why are Muslims not allowed the same?
Everneo: Who has to allow them to keep their own backyard clean from their own sh@t as well as others' ?

Let's take a moment to examine that question of yours: Who has to allow them to keep their own backyard clean from their own sh@t as well as others' ?

What I wonder is what your objection to civilized society is? Why do you protest a cooperative human endeavor? Is this one of those occasions where you think I'm wrong to accuse such? Why, then, is it at the heart of your argument?

Imagine yourself in school. Imagine that your sibling steals your homework and tears it up. So you do it again. And your sibling destroys your homework again. So you do it again. And your sibling destroys it again, by which time you are out of time and are left sputtering, "I tried to do my homework. My little brother wouldn't let me!"

And your teacher says, "What do you mean he wouldn't let you? Who has to let you do your homework?"

So you say, "But every time I did my homework, he destroyed it."

And your teacher responds, "That's no excuse. His actions have nothing to do with yours."

Very simply, dude, "Allowing" someone to clean up their environment includes the idea that you don't make extra-special efforts to mess up that environment even more and set back the cleaning-up process.

Which brings us, almost, to the present. I mean ....

Everneo: Who has to allow them to keep their own backyard clean from their own sh@t as well as others' ?
Tiassa: Like that, as an example. Absolutely devoid of compassion, and presuming that different rules apply to Muslims than the rest of humanity.
Everneo: That is in response to your question "Then why are Muslims not allowed the same?". Yes, it may be devoid of compassion, just wonder what prevents them to take on all the a$$holes who come under all categories that take islam for a ride.

Well ... one of them did, with the help of twenty hijackers and some airplanes. And now the assholes who got nailed are absolutely determined that the only shit the Islamic world is going to clean up comes from Western assholes. We may not like the method, but neither do those folks appreciate ours.

You do realize that Osama is getting his way? The Constitution is under attack by Americans, the US is done in the Saud, the Palestinian issue has pushed to the fore in a new context most unsettling to American interests.

It's just that we in the West don't want the Islamic world cleaned up unless it's cleaned up according to our demands.

So maybe you don't get the idea that intentionally going out of your way to interfere with the cleaning-up pretty much covers the notion of "not allowing" a people to clean up their own backyards. That's fine. Someday you will. But in the meantime, I think back to what you wrote to Surenderer--

You guys, who respect quran as humane, should wage a jihad against those few who 'use' quran to indulge in in-human activities.

--and wonder about the logical process:

• A sewage line has broken and is spilling refuse into your backyard. You need to clean it up, for your own safety and the safety of others. Now then ... what is the first thing that needs to happen before you can clean up the refuse spilling into your yard? Call me foolish if you want, but it seems logical to stop the spilling of refuse. Otherwise, for every bucket of slop you take up off the ground, two more have entered your backyard from the spill.

What you have advised Surenderer is that Muslims should leave the broken line spilling and grab their shovels and buckets and mops in the meantime.

You have missed or have no idea when i emphasized the term historically.

Not really. I'm just viewing that term in the context of your larger argument. Perhaps it is my error to expect any sense of consistency, but that's a separate argument in and of itself.

I repeat, from first fitnah to politically ambitious medival jihads upto the current islamist agenda - the muslims fighting on the right side were shown quran leaf-lets on spear tops by the manipulators of their own religion ; bloody expansions of sultanates were explained as furthering the islamic cause; ofcourse now the terror agenda is shown as islamic cause ! - repectively.

And ...?

For someone standing on the historical, you're not offering much analysis to support yourself.

I have no problem, Tiassa.

I'll let you find a context in which that statement isn't a bald-faced lie.

Yeah, let me be a hater.

Have peace of mind.

It gives me no peace of mind to know you think this way.

I repeat "the victims who has the capability of not to be victimized in any manner by anyone".

And I repeat: Similar things can be said about rape survivors, but it doesn't mean squat in either case in terms of solutions.

Beyond that, I'll wait for you to state yourself more clearly if there's some confusion.

Establishing myself?. I have no stake here boy. Cool down.

Your ignorance is no excuse, boy.

es·tab·lish ( -st blsh)
tr.v. es·tab·lished, es·tab·lish·ing, es·tab·lish·es
1 a. To set up; found. See Synonyms at found 1.
- b. To bring about; generate: establish goodwill in the neighborhood.
2 a. To place or settle in a secure position or condition; install: They established me in my own business.
- b. To make firm or secure.
3. To cause to be recognized and accepted: a discovery that established his reputation.
4. To introduce and put (a law, for example) into force.
5. To prove the validity or truth of: The defense attorneys established the innocence of the accused.
6. To make a state institution of (a church).


See Also:

Entry: argue
Function: verb
Definition: appeal
Synonyms: appeal, assert, attest, claim, contend, controvert, defend, demonstrate, denote, display, elucidate, establish , evince, exhibit, explain, hold, imply, indicate, justify, maintain, manifest, persuade, plead, present, prevail upon, reason, show, suggest, talk into, testify, vindicate, warrant, witness
Antonyms: agree ,comply ,deny
Concept: persuasion


I don't insult muslims as hapless rape victims.

Then don't argue that way.

Man, do you have any idea how i felt reading your volumes of rants before ?!

Any impression I could have gathered would be clouded by your apparent duplicity.

• Bostom, Andrew G. "The Sacred Muslim Practice of Beheading.", May 13, 2004. See
• - see
• - see
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