Debate telepathy!!

I'm still anyone receiving?

I was born with retractable antennae. I'm busy communicating with some insects right now. It's tough to listen to the anguished wails of our six legged friends as they get smacked, crushed, poisoned, eaten, etc. Can I call you back?
If you are genuinely telepathic then nothing less than 100% is acceptable. Wouldn't it be nice if that was so? Think of the consequences a wrong read could bring.

Do you not get what I'm trying to say? I'n not asserting that anything is acceptable or not acceptable. I was merely pointing out that something was going on there that was more than just chance.
What exactly should I be receiving ? Just thought I should know.. lol

I'm telepathically broadcasting a set of instructions for the recipient to follow. If I'm successful they will be able to post an answer here that I have provided them via telepathy.
Do you not get what I'm trying to say? I'n not asserting that anything is acceptable or not acceptable. I was merely pointing out that something was going on there that was more than just chance.

Wrong if you assume its telepathy. Can they do it repeatedly 90% of the time. I sincerely doubt it. Cheating, embellished sccounts, knowing the choices, reasoning, how many choices, random chance and even trying to get government grants are a few other reasons to give yourself the required results, something scientists have not been averse to doing inthe past. Plus you're dealing with the humans, nuff said.

Just put 2 people in a room, somebody think of a 10 word sentence and let the other guy write it down or repeat it. Can't be done. You might get a 'the', 'a', 'is', or 'it' but you won't get all the words. If you do by some miracle then elongate the sentence. The odds for exactness are already astronomical. The same could be said for an image such as correctly getting color, common objects, what its made of, etc. but you will never get it entirely correct. That's why I recommend the Spiral Mind Mapper to my friends.
In the minds eye.

Powers of the mind have been clamied for years. They have never been accepted as a fact and are hard to prove.

That being said, major universities have done studies and collected huge amounts of data on the subject.

Stanford university specificly has done several studies on the link shared by twins. There are few confirmed case studies percentage wise but still a large number have proven such a link. The twins have shown, under closed observation, that they can transmit information and have been able to consistently duplicate there efforts.

The U.S and other countries have and many still do use Remote viewing as a means to collect information. Below there is a link to an interesting site that has many files of government envolvment in the training for and use of what they call "psychic functioning" telepathy by any other name.
Yes indeed, you guys, are halarious.

I get a kick out of you watching what I have just recently done in the past. This is afterall what is is that we are laughing about am I not correct.

If anyone of you had the balls to decipher some of the ego man on this site's words you would find that it is no game...
Telepathy has an existence; or does it not?
Is the point.
A debate on these several points is what is what is being looked forward to, ... so to speak?

Perhaps some of the posts in this thread have already given way to some of these things; if this is the case then fantastic. I will look forward to reading some of them.
That is to say, some of the garbage, that more than likly isn't worth a response:

Jozen Bo:

So...who just bit me? LOL
Pardon me. I shapeshift a lot. Probably very, very unfortunate and sad.

So what do you feel is it that I am trying to advertise?
Well your debate is fine by me. What your trying to "advertise" is a different matter.

Sometimes I have to wonder?
I am actually all out of words at this moment. Surprised? How can I convince anyone of anything? A clearer point? Hmmm? All I can do is share my own experiences, the ones that convince me. No one has to accept them. Why should I be overly concerned what others think about telepathy being real or not? How does it effect me if they do or don't? Do you want me to send you
a brain jolt? Would that do it? I am in no position to do such a thing, maybe later though.

Out of words?
Not suprised.
Brain jolt may work.

Glad you believe in telepathy?
Have you ever read Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda? If so, do you think he is a liar? Afterall, the guy gives some of the best testimonies as to the existence of telepathy I have ever read. I seriously. seriously, seriously doubt he is making things up. Do you know how long it takes a human body to decompose after death? It starts to stink almost immediately and the changes
can be seen within 1 or 2 days easily. His body showed no signs of decomposing, stinking, or any such for over 20 days after his death. The mortuary attendants have given testimony to this fact.
I don't intend to. Pretty convincing alright....

Before he died he mentioned something about this. That honesty would preserve him. It looks like it did! Way to go Parahansa Yogananda!!! A inspiration to say the least!!!
Any inspiration is an inspiration if it can inspire someone....
(try to wrap that one around your head :p)

As to you sisyphus,
you seem caught up in a dissing game, I wouldn't expect to get very far with this approach to life. Maybe I am wrong...are you going to diss me now? I imagine it is difficult to hear a precise observation, then again I might be wrong and you will be unaffected by this. I guess I will find out.
Indeed. This emotional torment, and abuse from everyone in the world is entirely unacceptable.
Don't go asking me to prove telepathy for you... by the way.

Really, I thought we are here to debate telepathy, were is this thread going? Some people who think they have it all figured out say simply "It ain't real" and back it up with empty framings. "Its not a 100%" kind of logic is crap!!! If thats the case then Science is a big poof too, since its tools of measurement are never 100% precise and accurate. We need better arguments for and against or else this thread is a wasted effort. So lets hear some strong debating then!!!

It's going everywhere.
Let's hear from you.
K Flint! Ahha! So I have revealed the mystery doubters bullshit!

Let's see where this ******** goes, aye?
You will please stop sending me your stupid messages. Didn't you get mine telling youi I'm not interested. PLease stop pestering me

You must be receiving from someone else. My broadcast solicits a very simple response here, a very small but particular sequence. Based on the evidence of my test thus far I am leaning towards categorizing those which believe in telepathy as delusional....
I'm telepathically broadcasting a set of instructions for the recipient to follow. If I'm successful they will be able to post an answer here that I have provided them via telepathy.

Ahh.. cool stuff, I'll try to tune in then.. :D
There's a lot of interference. I was thinking solar flares are the cause but it looks like some sort of resonance is scrambling the signal and all I keep seeing is a spiral spinning like there's no tomorrow.
Yes, LOT of interference huh?

I wouldn't say it is delusional to believe in something to that nature.
Your statement irregardless is pretty weak.
Telepathy has many ways in which the word can be used.

blablabla, blablablablablablabal,

Use it in its proper context... or be destroyed......