Debate telepathy!!

That's because you are dealing with a very narrow range of subject matter.

Boys, sex, clothes, sex, boys, sex, clothes..... I bet you know what I was going to say next.


The word "next" has all the value to it. It is a smash in the chimeney.
I would have just dismissed it as a myth.

But when I was a little kid, me and my friend would sit in my room and try and send each otehr random letters and numbers telepathically. It worked about 90% of the time.

Why is it that telepathy experiments that score less than 100% are considered successful?
Has it occured to anyone in this debate that telepathic communication operates more on emotions and feelings then it does verbal words? This is were it starts. I can feel what other people feel on the other side of the planet quite often. Sometimes it is overwhelming!

Before telepathy can make its way into the realm of verbal communication it has a huge realm of emotional feeling communication to cross. That aside, the emotional feeling is more primal to how we actually are then the words popping in and out of our heads!

Obviously many people fail to recognize how it really works! No wonder progress is slow! Because I have spent my whole life paying close attention to everything that comes my way, I have developed a sophisticated understanding of how this works, though I am not an expert.

Here is a good example: When my mother was pregnant with me, my father was driving in his car when he got that overwhelming sensation that I was about to be born. No communication occured. He rushed to the house where I was beeing born based on this feeling alone, and made it within seconds to witness my birth. He later on told me this story and how, though he is a skeptic, this single occurence he couldn't describe as being anything else the telepathic.

To discuss if it is real or not is a waste of my time! I already know. For me, the important question now is: How do we better manifest and understand it?
I have developed the ability to see people's thoughts as they spin out of their heads, but I don't think this is telepathic, it is a visual perception that has nothing to do with mind to mind communication. I will bring about some interesting information about cellular resonance, sychronization, and tuning at a later time...because it has a great deal to do with the subject!

Kindest Regards,
Who'd want to bite you?



You didn't do justice to my question; where the heck is the so called advertisement you mentioned that I made? you don't give an answer it is because you are puffing out hot air, and there IS no advertisement.
So...what is it then?
I don't feel there is an actual need, Jozen....

You have been bitten.



You didn't do justice to my question; where the heck is the so called advertisement you mentioned that I made? you don't give an answer it is because you are puffing out hot air, and there IS no advertisement.
So...what is it then?

Oh it isn't. Just I feel like what your posting (pardon my inconistency) that you had did is .. *cough* more of an advertisement, but that is only my personal opinion.

If you really want to know "what is it"
That is for the most part what I would criticize your post as; an advertisement. That and that is all.
However I suppose that is not "all"; as if this were all there is to it, then, your points:

To discuss if it is real or not is a waste of my time! I already know. For me, the important question now is: How do we better manifest and understand it?

I suppose you know it is real, and have all of the words in the world to back up your thoughts of telepathy being real.
this is similar to what we are talking about....

I'd like to see a clearer point of yours before I go and just bite you :D That would be cruel.

Has it occured to anyone in this debate that telepathic communication operates more on emotions and feelings then it does verbal words? This is were it starts. I can feel what other people feel on the other side of the planet quite often. Sometimes it is overwhelming!

Before telepathy can make its way into the realm of verbal communication it has a huge realm of emotional feeling communication to cross. That aside, the emotional feeling is more primal to how we actually are then the words popping in and out of our heads!

Obviously many people fail to recognize how it really works! No wonder progress is slow! Because I have spent my whole life paying close attention to everything that comes my way, I have developed a sophisticated understanding of how this works, though I am not an expert.

Here is a good example: When my mother was pregnant with me, my father was driving in his car when he got that overwhelming sensation that I was about to be born. No communication occured. He rushed to the house where I was beeing born based on this feeling alone, and made it within seconds to witness my birth. He later on told me this story and how, though he is a skeptic, this single occurence he couldn't describe as being anything else the telepathic.

To discuss if it is real or not is a waste of my time! I already know. For me, the important question now is: How do we better manifest and understand it?
I have developed the ability to see people's thoughts as they spin out of their heads, but I don't think this is telepathic, it is a visual perception that has nothing to do with mind to mind communication. I will bring about some interesting information about cellular resonance, sychronization, and tuning at a later time...because it has a great deal to do with the subject!

Kindest Regards,

How can something that doesn't exist manifest itself. If you disagree, let's have some evidence to support its existence.
So what exactly qualifies as telepathy? Because if it includes predicting what other people's actions are going to be then I believe in it 100%. Sometimes I can even predict what someone is going to say next (verbatum) especially with all of the kids I see.

Hi, I am not telepathetic but I know what you are thinking about right now. Aren't you glad that I choose not to reveal it to the rest of the world ?
Who'd want to bite you?
You have been bitten.

So...who just bit me? LOL

Oh it isn't. Just I feel like what your posting (pardon my inconistency) that you had did is .. *cough* more of an advertisement, but that is only my personal opinion.

So what do you feel is it that I am trying to advertise?

I suppose you know it is real, and have all of the words in the world to back up your thoughts of telepathy being real.
Afterall, this is similar to what we are talking about....

I'd like to see a clearer point of yours before I go and just bite you :D That would be cruel.


Sometimes I have to wonder?
I am actually all out of words at this moment. Surprised? How can I convince anyone of anything? A clearer point? Hmmm? All I can do is share my own experiences, the ones that convince me. No one has to accept them. Why should I be overly concerned what others think about telepathy being real or not? How does it effect me if they do or don't? Do you want me to send you
a brain jolt? Would that do it? I am in no position to do such a thing, maybe later though.

Have you ever read Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda? If so, do you think he is a liar? Afterall, the guy gives some of the best testimonies as to the existence of telepathy I have ever read. I seriously. seriously, seriously doubt he is making things up. Do you know how long it takes a human body to decompose after death? It starts to stink almost immediately and the changes
can be seen within 1 or 2 days easily. His body showed no signs of decomposing, stinking, or any such for over 20 days after his death. The mortuary attendants have given testimony to this fact.

Before he died he mentioned something about this. That honesty would preserve him. It looks like it did! Way to go Parahansa Yogananda!!! A inspiration to say the least!!!

As to you sisyphus,
you seem caught up in a dissing game, I wouldn't expect to get very far with this approach to life. Maybe I am wrong...are you going to diss me now? I imagine it is difficult to hear a precise observation, then again I might be wrong and you will be unaffected by this. I guess I will find out.

Really, I thought we are here to debate telepathy, were is this thread going? Some people who think they have it all figured out say simply "It ain't real" and back it up with empty framings. "Its not a 100%" kind of logic is crap!!! If thats the case then Science is a big poof too, since its tools of measurement are never 100% precise and accurate. We need better arguments for and against or else this thread is a wasted effort. So lets hear some strong debating then!!!
How can something that doesn't exist manifest itself. If you disagree, let's have some evidence to support its existence.

You have a lot to learn Myles. I would start by guiding you to understand the phenomena of cellular resonance, tuning forks, and long-range oscillations. After studying this in great depth and reaching a point of clear understanding, take a look around to see all the amazing testimonies people from EVERY culture on earth, past and present have given. Can it be tested? There are some very interesting results, I will have to see if I can locate them...I think I know where to start, I will return with this later.

For the most part Telepathy is spontaneous and not under voluntary control, thus testing is extremely difficult. The people who probably are highly telepathic for real do not want to be tested, they are in a different state of mind then cow-towing to proof anything. So then, the doubters are stranded in ignorance. This isn't going to last forever. As I said, take a good look at where I have guided you...a real good look!
I don't consider my powers telepathic. I rely on intuition based on experience, repetitive behavior, and guesswork along with the occasional coincidence.

Again, why are there no telepaths working in police depts, the armed forces, etc.? When God talks to you is it telepathy?

Its junk science dominated by the incredibly _____.(I am sending a telepathic message to see if someone can fill in the blank at the end of that last sentence with the word(s) I am thinking. I will inform the rest of you when it is correctly answered.)
Why is it that telepathy experiments that score less than 100% are considered successful?

Because 90% is more than could be expected by chance. If someone gets it right almost all the time there's something going on there that's more than someone simply happening to guess right.
Because 90% is more than could be expected by chance. If someone gets it right almost all the time there's something going on there that's more than someone simply happening to guess right.

If you are genuinely telepathic then nothing less than 100% is acceptable. Wouldn't it be nice if that was so? Think of the consequences a wrong read could bring.
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