Debate telepathy!!

I am sorry psychoticeposide, but that makes no sense to me...

...It is hard to refute an idea when you are verbally attacking the person making the idea... is it not?

In my opinion telepathy is something that hasn't been debated; I change this statement from "telepathy is real" to has "not bee debated" because it hasn't; it is a more realistic statement than "telepathy is real."

Your verbal abuse will not stand with me.

You are reading his mind but not his meaning. That's telepathy for you !
You know, this sort of thing could replace the internet.

Of course those in tune received this message before I typed it.
Telepathy is just as real as clairvoyance. Why doesn't every police department employ a mind reader? Or a least purchase a mind reading device? I put mind reader on my resume when I applied for a job with law enforcement and never got a call back.....they think I'm an idiot.
Many will if you keep putting that on any resume! ;)

I'm applying for a General's job in the Army next. I would have a certain tactical advantage. Sorry. I would have sent this telepathically but you were busy and I didn't want to butt in.
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I would have just dismissed it as a myth.

But when I was a little kid, me and my friend would sit in my room and try and send each otehr random letters and numbers telepathically. It worked about 90% of the time.
So what exactly qualifies as telepathy? Because if it includes predicting what other people's actions are going to be then I believe in it 100%. Sometimes I can even predict what someone is going to say next (verbatum) especially with all of the kids I see.
Hahah, hahaha, hahahahah! Says the dude from dexters lab.

No need to debate on the forum, the idiots or idoits here would rather just send telepathic messages to each other. I can't help it if you didn't receive any.
I think he's right afterall, it isn't gonna be debated.

Do you wish for me to respond here or do you want a telepathic message?
He wishes not a telepathic message. But a message delivered from the hands of the thread.

Since you and I aren't connecting mentally, all I can say is too bad for you.
What a laugh.

I never looked at it that way. You mean I have evolved to use my whole brain. Gee, I have telepathy and spelling. I hope you press charges. I know a good lawyer.

Yeah, yeah that's it!!
Although, it still isn't gonna be debated.

Right now we are all sharing a good laugh. Open your mind and join us. If you don't possess the brainpower to be with us then I suggest you check out Jozen-Bo's Spiral Mind Mapper or any number of mind reading devices available on ebay.
Yes. Jozen Bo would be proud to show what it is to be telepathic.
Although he isn't...
So what exactly qualifies as telepathy? Because if it includes predicting what other people's actions are going to be then I believe in it 100%. Sometimes I can even predict what someone is going to say next (verbatum) especially with all of the kids I see.

I dunno!
Telepathy is just as real as clairvoyance. Why doesn't every police department employ a mind reader? Or a least purchase a mind reading device? I put mind reader on my resume when I applied for a job with law enforcement and never got a call back.....they think I'm an idiot.

Because to have a telepathic police officer would be breaking some freedom violations; in at least the persons mind who is doing the job. Or experiencing his duty.
So what exactly qualifies as telepathy? Because if it includes predicting what other people's actions are going to be then I believe in it 100%. Sometimes I can even predict what someone is going to say next (verbatum) especially with all of the kids I see.

That's because you are dealing with a very narrow range of subject matter.

Boys, sex, clothes, sex, boys, sex, clothes..... I bet you know what I was going to say next.