Debate telepathy!!


Hi everyone.

I wanted to debate telepathy. As I know this forum is not very good at debating, I wanted to see just how good it is. Testing it's abilities so to speak. So common! Let's hear what your thoughts are about telepathy. What is telepathy to you? What do you think of it? It's pretty simple; or it might be like asking a mule to make a horse sound; haha, impossible. I however will contribute as I have thought nearly everything there is to it. Experienced about all that I want to experience of it, and wished all that I wished to throw away of it; it is over for me.

However wishing for you to comment on the issue in regards to what it means to you.

Everyone can debate it, I do not mind. I would enjoy seeing you all debate telepathy.

I just wished to hear your thoughts about our reality and how it surrounds us, and what might make telepathy real. Or if you've never considered some things about it... I will shut up.

Basically, what is it to you.

Go on. Even high end telepathy evidence seekers I wouldn't mind hearing from.

So start, what are you waiting for, I am irrelevant although may comment in.
It cannot be scientifically proved by the testing that has already been done over the past 50 years. If anyone can do it they have never been able to show that they can.
Hi everyone.
Let's hear what your thoughts are about telepathy.

Redundant, but ironically an effective use of language for the topic at hand.

The following is for the non-telepathic: Hmmmm. Oh ya. I see. Not making sense but I see where you're going with that. Excuse me a moment.
For the non-telepathic, that was an excerpt from a telepathic conversation I just had, showing my comments.

How many times have you been in a car and for some reason you turn to look at the person in the car next to you and they are staring in your direction. No, it isn't Jo-Bo, but its uncanny just the same.
I am sorry psychoticeposide, but that makes no sense to me...

...It is hard to refute an idea when you are verbally attacking the person making the idea... is it not?

In my opinion telepathy is something that hasn't been debated; I change this statement from "telepathy is real" to has "not bee debated" because it hasn't; it is a more realistic statement than "telepathy is real."

Your verbal abuse will not stand with me.
I would enjoy seeing you all debate telepathy.

I just did.
I argued telepathically with someone from Chile.
My position was that it does not exist.
I almost took him, but he made some excellent points and won me over.
Can you read my thoughts right now? :shrug:

If this is a serious question.

The debate of hearing your thoughts through words is something Quantum Quack would like to talk about...
No one else. Other than that I can't hear your thoughts or read them; I suppose it's only humanly possible to read your words on the screen.

But, it's all garbage, no matter how you look at it; despite the truth to it
(and yes, being attacked for expressing views which you wish to cease is very likly jumping in the *WARNING: Vicious Dogs* area...

I can't read your thoughts; but I am sure that you as well as every single fucking person else on this site wouldn't mind hearing an actual debate on the topic.

Maybe one exists on a forum where debate actually takes place. You know what I mean.
I just did.
I argued telepathically with someone from Chile.
My position was that it does not exist.
I almost took him, but he made some excellent points and won me over.


Verbal use with points such as this aren't really acceptable.

... Maybe they are.

(that isn't to say that they aren't...)
But, you can always say that, you, still don't know if it exists or not.

I bet no one does; and couldn't debate the issue.

Even the psychologists that claim that telepathy doesn't exist and has not been shown to exist are failing to understand what does occur sometimes; that they are simply leaving out.

I don't see how anyone could call telepathy anything else.
Even the psychologists that claim that telepathy doesn't exist and has not been shown to exist are failing to understand what does occur sometimes

What occurs is that someone guesses correctly about something. It is only a guess.
Of course for Crunchy Cat or someone who would look at it scientifically; they would eat the same dirt everyone else is eating right now:

"Hasn't been explained; is explainable"...
makes no sense to me.
Physics says that this is so and that is so "...sure Crunchy Cat"....

"Yes, well Brent it is true that some odd things have occured; but they have all been tested and such..."

"Yes no shit I accept this."

Do you see where I'm comming from?

I understand most all experiences that can happen; I get it. But, what I don't get, is someone saying it doesn't exist. If it doesn't exist, then what is it? What is telepathy?

As I stated in my opening post I am going to be irrelevant. And after the next couple of replies I will have to sit back and have everyone else do the work.

As this is a shit faced forum from hell I wouldn't be fucking suprised if no one debates it.

So you all eat shit.
heres what i think. sisyphus clearly stated this would be irrelevant. In which case it is because its all based on hearsay and none fact so this debate will not end the a conclusion of fact but a boat full of ideas to broaden everyone's horizons. What i don't understand why idoits would come in here and type crap. if you don't care about the topic don't post!!!
In regards to telepathy it exists FACT! and that is fact based on the extraordinary amount of people that have this experience and that can not be proven to not have had it. It would be a crime to think that with the small amount of our brains that we use that there isn't a whole bunch of things that are brains are capable of that we have not evolved to use yet. Yes it is entirely possible that some have evolved faster than others or have been here on earth far longer than the any one can even conceive.
What i don't understand why idoits would come in here and type crap. if you don't care about the topic don't post!!!

No need to debate on the forum, the idiots or idoits here would rather just send telepathic messages to each other. I can't help it if you didn't receive any.

In regards to telepathy it exists FACT!

Do you wish for me to respond here or do you want a telepathic message?

that is fact based on the extraordinary amount of people that have this experience and that can not be proven to not have had it.

Since you and I aren't connecting mentally, all I can say is too bad for you.

It would be a crime to think that with the small amount of our brains that we use that there isn't a whole bunch of things that are brains are capable of that we have not evolved to use yet

I never looked at it that way. You mean I have evolved to use my whole brain. Gee, I have telepathy and spelling. I hope you press charges. I know a good lawyer.

Yes it is entirely possible that some have evolved faster than others or have been here on earth far longer than the any one can even conceive.
Right now we are all sharing a good laugh. Open your mind and join us. If you don't possess the brainpower to be with us then I suggest you check out Jozen-Bo's Spiral Mind Mapper or any number of mind reading devices available on ebay.