Death vs. Life Imprisonment

Execution or Imprisonment

  • Execution

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Life in Prison

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
Asguard ...

Re. "...because once someone is in jail they are harmless"

Maybe to those outside the prison, but how about the
other inmates and staff?

Guess I was involved in too many 'altercations' over the
years to buy your bit.

Take care :rolleyes:
Is that REALLY a good thing. To kill an inocent person is WRONG i dont care how you justify it. To kill as a punishment make a sociaty that tolerates it into the very evil that they seek protection from. You are no beter than the killer you just killed.

I also wasn't talking about people who are found not guilty because of Apeals and so forth i am talking about people who are actually found to be INOCENT of the crime but not till after the event (Ronald Ryan springs to mind and so dose the woman who's baby was taken by a dingo, think her name was Lindy Chamberlin but im not sure)

Oh and as for the last post if there is a problem with the Jail system FIX IT. Dont use that as an exscuce to KILL.
Asguard ...

Re. "... if there is a problem with the Jail system FIX IT.

Short of keeping someone in their cell twenty four hours a day and
manacled whenever they have to be moved, what do you propose?
Keeping them constantly tranq'ed? Or do you want all prisons to
operate like Camp X-Ray?

Get real, man!

Take care :(
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I recently read a story in Stars and Stripes about a nice ole' fella that viciously raped a teenager and than, when he was done I quess, hacked her arms off with an ax. Believe it or not she survived and he was convicted. This happened years ago, the man recently died off old age on death row. Now with that in mind, I can understand the different views on the death penalty. The wrong people can be put to death, of course, nothing is fool proof. But people spending a life time to think about a horrible crime that they were glad they commited(this man told her this much later on) just doesn't sit well with me. After his trial, I think they should of grabbed that son-of-a-bitch, ground him into dog food and fed him to the wild animals. But maybe that would of been too good for him. So, think about this: your daughter had been raped, arms hacked off at the shoulders and is left for dead. Now he goes to court, and he threatens her and says," To bad I didn't finish the job". Put your self in her parents shoes...
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In a country where thousands of people are killed every year by drunken
drivers and little is done about it, it seems ridiculous to me that 'god forbid'
we should possibly kill a couple of dozen 'innocent' perps a year.

The madness of it all!

Take care :rolleyes:
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First off i would like to say i dont have any answers about the situations in jails. All i can say is they are designed to keep dangerouse people housed so if there is something wrong with them the goverment of the paticular country needs to deal with that

but as to the point about capital punisment

Are we talking JUSTICE or REVENGE

i dont think ANY county calls there leagle system their "Revenge system" so we ARE talking about justice now there was a man in Tasmainia named Michel Briant (think thats right but if its not feel free to corect it) who hunted down 2 little girls and merslely shot them. Now after having a Fair trial (something which from looking at the US they have no idear about) he was sentinst to life inprisonment without the possablity of parole. Do you know what the father of those 2 little girls did when the verdict was handed down. He didn't curse the goverment for not having the death penelty even though he had just lost both his wife and daughters he PRASIED the courts that this man could never do it again.

Everyday i thank god we don't live in a hipercritical sociaty that acepts the Death Penelty

Just one last point i read somewhere on this site that 1/2 of the people put to death in the US are later found not to have done it

it is better to let 100000000 gulty people go than to kill 1 incocent person

(oh what was with that car thing are we playing God again):mad:
I agree with Asguard, ful heartedly! There are a lot of innocent people killed.

I am against the death penalty. Guess it is better in any way to lock murderers and other criminals away. That they don't like, some of the criminals prefer the death penalty. It is an easy way out for them. Then again, if finally found out a prisoner is locked away innocent, he/she can be set free again. There are a lot judgements made much too quick. Once killed, no more right done.

No death penalty, it is ridiculous!

The ones who are in command of that death row, are killers themselves! 'Righteous' murderers in service of the country! And I mean the U$ in specific...
Capital punishment just?

Apart from the chance of killing innocent suspects, there is this:

Considering the obvious lack of evidence for the assumed deterring effects of the death panelty (in fact: crime rates are higher in countries and states with the death panelty) it seems, to say the least, a bit foolish.
Those of you think capital punishment is just, because of feelings of revenge are at risk of seeming barbaric. You know what they say: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
There are a lot of innocent people killed.

I used to major in criminal justice and I think its like 3% of death's due to the death penalty end up being innocent. That is not a very high number. I agree that innocent people shouldn't have to die, but in most circumstances there are downfalls. I mean should we keep paying and paying for criminals? I think its like 90% of murders and sex offenders are repeat offenders. Now thats a high number. If you do something wrong you should pay the price. If you take a life, why not have your life taken away. Its only fair. Well, my opinion anyways

Groove on
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
3% of death's due to the death penalty end up being innocent. That is not a very high number.
Nope. Not too high at all.
Unless it's you, I guess.

No, I agree Goofyfish, it should be 0%, but realistically speaking, there is going to be a percentage of people that are innocent executed. But the quiestion is, Does the pros outway the cons? I think it does. No system in the world is perfect.
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
But the quiestion is, Does the pros outway the cons? I think it does.
At the risk of being repetitive, I'll say again: Unless it's you.
No system in the world is perfect.
That is absolutely true. But I believe that a system that is known to be flawed should not allow such finality as it's outcome. You can release the wrongly accused from prison. You cannot bring them back to life.

*StrGrl*, you may have a pretty face, but you sure have a dumb set of ideas:
"If you take a life, why not have your life taken away. Its only fair. Well, my opinion anyways "

How short sighted can you get?
- I believe the maffia world also works that way, doesn't it? ;)
And the scary thing is that people with opinions like that can also say "I used to major in criminal justice".... *shiver*

(even if you define murder to be the killing of innocent people: think about those 3%!)

Or am I missing something major here?
Oh well ...

Re. "Are we talking JUSTICE or REVENGE
Gee, I always considered them to be synonymous except in cases of
dispute resolution ... Foolish me.

Re. "... 1/2 of the people put to death in the US are later found not to have done it
*stRgrL* correctly answered with the actual %.

it is better to let 100000000 gulty people go than to kill 1 incocent person
Great! Eliminate the 'Justice' sys. completely ... No more problem.

Re. " ...the obvious lack of evidence for the assumed deterring effects...
Cut the BS ... Whose talking 'deterrence'? Execution is a 100% effective
deterrent to repetition ... To the best of my knowledge.

Re. " may have a pretty face, but you sure have a dumb set of ideas..."
Thanks for my chuckle of the day ... you should never have posted your
picture. And yes, you are missing something: rational thought.

Take care all :rolleyes:
thanks Chagur.

Justice and Revenge: you state "I always considered them to be synonymous". I am interested: what do you think does 'rational' mean?

killing somebody will stop them from commiting future crimes, true. I have to admit, that one was funny.
Revenge is only PART of a justice system when its there at all.

Justice is about protection and reabilatation (something that is imposable with the death penelty)

If Revenge was important then the victom would set the penelty. funny i don't think this hapens in ANY country because justice requires impartiality something no victom can give>
I find myself in total agrement with the last person

pitty is the amount of people on this thread talking out of there's
And the scary thing is that people with opinions like that can also say "I used to major in criminal justice".... *shiver*

And by the way Mer, the reason why I dropped Criminal Justice as my major was because I think the system sucks! To continously let repeat offenders out and watch them do the same things over and over. Apparently you have never lost anyone due to a gruesome murder. I think you would change your mind if someone murdered your child or someone really close to you:confused:

Groove on