Death vs. Life Imprisonment

Execution or Imprisonment

  • Execution

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Life in Prison

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
Merlijn ...

"You two (ICALOB & Chagur) are dangerously
close to (being accused of) enjoying killing!

Spoken like one who has never had do what was
necessary to protect their country or society.

"I know some homophobes for who I think it would
be 'educational' to be sent to prison. hehehehe

And what do you enjoy?

Take care :rolleyes:
What would you think of THAT woman?

The same as I think of Andrea Yates. There is always a slight chance that a firefighter will burst in and save them. I dont care WHAT circumstance Im in, I would NEVER kill my child. Okay, say my daughter and I were standing at a cliff and here comes the fire, would I throw her over? NO! I would jump with her! Andrea Yates had no intentions of killing herself, her intentions were to rid herself of her children. Which she succeeded in doing. And no she did not take responsibility for her actions, claiming she didnt know what she was doing, that isnt taking responsibility. Thats trying to take the blame off herself and put it on something else. She killed her kids! How can you sit there and argue her point? What if your husband killed your kids? Would you think differently then? Hearing all these people argue in her defense makes me angrier by the minute.
"Some people know its illegal but dont think its wrong"

What the hell is the difference between the two? If you know something in illegal - well than your sure in the hell going to know its wrong!
*stRgrL* ...

"If you know something in illegal - well than your sure in the hell going to know its wrong!"

Have a bit of a problem with that statement. There are too many antiquated
laws on the books which make certain actions 'illegal' that have become
everyday 'normal'.

Suggest you check out:

Take care ;)
Actually i think you have a point their but not the one you intended. You are right if it had of been a guy who did the killings he would have been automatcaly sentaced to die. which only shows THE LAW IS BIASED. this is just another reason to abolish the DP

*strgirl* i refer you to that other thread we were in. Read the artical carefully and i think you will see why i don't trust that ANYONE can be proven 100% beond dobt to be guilty

I also refer people to this site

Its an anti DP site in Australia


Your right about that. I admit there are alot of silly laws out there. You'd be surprised some of them that are actually still on the books. I meant murder, I wasnt too clear in my last post. Murder, everyone knows its wrong. Its the ultimate crime. She knew it was wrong. Whether she thought is was the best thing for her kids or not, she knew it was wrong.


Thanks for the info, Ill check it out and get back to ya! And I did bring up the point about "if it was the dad, it would of been different". I think it was the "Is he partially responsible" thread. And I agree, if it would of been ANY man sane or not, there would not be the support for that case like there is for this one. Its like just because she is a woman - every symathizes for her and thats not fair.

Groove on

***And no she did not take responsibility for her actions, claiming she didnt know what she was doing, that isnt taking responsibility.***

As far as I know, Andrea Yates never claimed that she didn't know what she was doing. What she did was motivated by her insane knowledge that Satan was closing in to do eternal harm to her children and what she is claiming is that she thought it was the right thing to do. Why? Because she's insane. Therefore, the defense rightfully argued that she was not guilty by reason of insanity which is a valid legal defense.

***I dont care WHAT circumstance Im in, I would NEVER kill my child.***

So, trapped in the bathroom with your five children, you'd feel more comfortable watching each of them suffer the torment and pain of being burned alive? You'd stand there and do nothing as you watched the skin melt off their bodies while they screamed in agony from the excrutiating pain? Have you ever seen ANYONE burned alive? Believe me, unless you are heartless, if you saw someone getting burned alive and had the means to put them out of their misery, you would.

***What if your husband killed your kids? Would you think differently then?***

Andrea Yates had a long history of severe mental illness. She had previously expressed both her fear that Satan was coming for the children and her thoughts that she was considering killing them rather than allowing Satan to take them. Had she been my spouse, I would not have left my children with her unsupervised. I would have made sure that someone sane was there to help.

If it were my spouse who was insane and had expressed such fears and thoughts - and I left my children unsupervised - and they ended up being killed by my insane spouse, then yes, I would think differently. I would think that my insane spouse should be put in a mental institution and treated for their illness. I would also think that I should be the one to go to prison because I was the sane one who knowingly and negligently put my children in harms way, causing their death.

Had she been my spouse, I would not have left my
children with her unsupervised.

I agree with you. BUT - we already know the outcome. Andrea Yates was not insane, she was depressed, there is a difference. From what I read, she heard voices a few times, early on (maybe first or second kid). Russell Yates had no way of knowing what she was capable of. A person NEVER thinks their spouse would do something like that. He should of been more involved in her mental health. And no she didnt take responsibility. Claiming your insane, is not taking responsibility. If she was taking responsibitity, she would of pleaded guilty.
And your talking about burning kids in a bathroom, that is not the same situation so you cannot compare the two. One, is a life or death situation and Two, is murder. Doesnt matter your state of mind, its still murder. Insane my ass. Who isnt insane nowadays?!

Groove on

***And your talking about burning kids in a bathroom, that is not the same situation so you cannot compare the two.***

Sure I can. In her mind, it was even a worse situation. In her mind, her children were in imminent danger of being taken by Satan to be tormented in hell forever. In her mind, it was a life or death situation. Eternal death with Satan or eternal life with God. In her mind, her killing her children was an act of mercy.

***Doesnt matter your state of mind, its still murder.***

State of mind might not matter in your mind but it does matter in the eyes of the law.

P.S. Russel Yates did know that his wife had thoughts of killing her children to save them from Satan. She told him so not long before she did it. So, not only should he have been more involved in her mental health, he should have protected his children from her.
"Spoken like one who has never had do what was
necessary to protect their country or society. "
Hahaha. Protect my country or society??? Hahahaha
this is just too right-winged to even consider giving a serious answer to.
Dont' make me puke. %-P * *
Merlijn ...

"I know some homophobes for who I think it would
be 'educational' to be sent to prison. hehehehe"
Again ... And what do you enjoy?

Or would you rather not say?

Take care :rolleyes:
Last edited:
That was sick joke about how I would enjoy seeing them homophobes suffer. But hey...its a joke.

What si not a joke: homophobes, racists, etc. all the same to me. And I hate their way of thinking.

Merlijn ...

I agree, it was a sick joke ... If it is a joke.

Are you gay?


Take care :(
that's a negative.
What makes you think I am?
Do you think I have a brownish colour of skin becuase I think racistm is stupid? Do you think I am 'homo' becuase I think homophobia is stupid?
Merlijn ...

Actually, I didn't think that you were, based on your posts. But that sick
joke got me wondering. There was a perverted twist to it that made me
wonder 'closet gay?' ... So I asked.

Chalk it up to my life experience ... jail-house rape is not something I
would ever consider joking about, let alone add a 'hehehe'.

And I do agree, homophobia is stupid.

Take care :)
When I was younger I always said I would rather be dead than be in jail for life, but not anymore.

Life imprisonment.
1.) Jail isn't really as bad as some people try to make it out to be.
It depends on who you are and your personal attitude, of course.
2.) It may sound cliche, but they can imprison my body, but not my mind. I can continue to learn, grow write, experience and be me.