Death to Apostates (?)

Death to apostates?

  • I am Christian or Jewish. Apostates should be killed.

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I am Christian or Jewish. Apostates should not be killed.

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • I am Muslim. Apostates should be killed.

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • I am Muslim. Apostates should not be killed.

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I am a member of some other religion. Apostates from my religion should be killed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a member of some other religion. Apostates should not be killed.

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • I am non-religious. People who become religious should be killed.

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • I am non-religious. People who become religious should not be killed.

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • No opinion / don't want to vote / other (explained below)

    Votes: 2 5.3%

  • Total voters
No, most Muslims have nothing against Hindus, except those who support BJP and RSS and Narendra Modi who killed 3,000 innocent Muslims in Gujurat in 2001.

Muslims, especially in India, are generally closer friends to Christians than Hindus because both are oppressed by Hindu society.

I was talking about the Hindus and Christians escaping from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Those are the refugees we are constantly deluged with.

I have both Hindu and Christian friends.
I was talking about the Hindus and Christians escaping from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Those are the refugees we are constantly deluged with.

I have both Hindu and Christian friends.

Yes, Hindus did migrate to India from Pakistan as the massacres of Muslims by Hindus and Sikhs (which resulted in the vast majority of deaths during partition) and revenge attacks from Muslims in India created distrust between them , but the vast majority of Christians stayed in Pakistan. 2% of Pakistan's population is Christian to this day. In Punjab, there are more Christians than 2% though I don't know the exact number and there are many churches.
In your opinion, Q. We interpret events differently, and have no desire to inflict harm on anyone else.

I would've suspected the events would interpret themselves, without our meddling, as they occurred.
Yes, Hindus did migrate to India from Pakistan as the massacres of Muslims by Hindus and Sikhs (which resulted in the vast majority of deaths during partition) and revenge attacks from Muslims in India created distrust between them , but the vast majority of Christians stayed in Pakistan. 2% of Pakistan's population is Christian to this day. In Punjab, there are more Christians than 2% though I don't know the exact number and there are many churches.

Which are steadily being worked over, pressured bit by bit to convert or go extinct. Either of which would probably suit you.
Yes, Hindus did migrate to India from Pakistan as the massacres of Muslims by Hindus and Sikhs (which resulted in the vast majority of deaths during partition) and revenge attacks from Muslims in India created distrust between them , but the vast majority of Christians stayed in Pakistan. 2% of Pakistan's population is Christian to this day. In Punjab, there are more Christians than 2% though I don't know the exact number and there are many churches.

Yeah, which is why India has one of the largest Muslim populations in the world. :rolleyes:

How many Hindus and Christians in Pakistan, again?

And it is "constantly" rubbish.

Can't ignore the evidence, toots.
Pakistan has nearly 3.3 million Christians of South Asian blood, not Anglo-Indian. There are numerous churches and monastaries for Christians in Pakistan. Pakistani law allows Christians to eat pork and drink alcohol as well. Most Christians in Pakistan are Catholic.

I have numerous Christian friends in Pakistan, many of them are nice people and patriotic for Pakistan. Personally, I think Pakistani Christians are more religious than Western Christians, from my experience. We even have Christian Pakistani dramas, several music bands, and some movies relating to Christian life in Pakistan.

I think ignorant people in West want to paint an US vs THEM image, but in reality just like Arab Christians they are still Pakistani.
India also has one of the poorest and economically backward Muslim communities in the world. The blame lies with the Indian government discrimination against them.
India also has one of the poorest and economically backward Muslim communities in the world. The blame lies with the Indian government discrimination against them.

As a not poor and not economically backward Muslim who is the child of poor and economically backward parents [to begin with], I say, Rubbish! Every single Muslim who has made it in India, from Shahrukh Khan to Abul Kalam to Azahruddin to Ajit Premji, the only thing they have in common is getting off their butt.
As a not poor and not economically backward Muslim who is the child of poor and economically backward parents [to begin with], I say, Rubbish! Every single Muslim who has made it in India, from Shahrukh Khan to Abul Kalam to Azahruddin to Ajit Premji, the only thing they have in common is getting off their butt.

I would hardly call Shahrukh Khan a model for Muslims to emulate, but I wish for Muslim Indians to become educated and independent as a community. My best wishes for Indian Muslims, especially those in Gujurat. I hear the situation for Muslims in South India, such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kerala, and Mumbai, is much better than North India. There is more discrimination and hatred in North India against Muslims than in the South.
And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
And werent the Jews spread out all over the known world?

It would then require a ministry 'to the end of the earth' to reach them all.

Again, he states in two separate passages that his message is not for gentiles, and that has come only to gather the lost sheep of Israel.
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He was raised a Catholic. Let it go, you have utterly failed to blame atheism for anything.
Correction: he was raised Eastern Orthodox. However, Stalin vigorously and systematically repressed Eastern Orthodoxy as well as just about every other religion in the USSR. This was not because of his being atheist, however; it was because any religious body competed with his personality cult for the people's loyalty. It wasn't so much on religious grounds that he persecuted religion, than it was a power issue.
What evidence is there that ther are no mice on Mars?

myles said:
Where have you been ? Stalin was an evil dictator who killed millions for political reasons. He was not interested in his victims' religious beliefs, if any.There is not a scrap of evidence to suggest otherwise.

You were the one who wanted to play the evidence game.

But seriously, how do you know he didn't wish to wipe out religion by wiping out the religious? I'm not saying that he did, I just want to know why you are so certain.

WTF What is possible is irrelevant. The point is that Stalin did not kill in the name of atheism. He killed, period.

I'm not interested in your personal opinion.

How do you know he didn't harbour a hatred for religion and the religious, deep enough to want to wipe them out?

Is that such a hard question to answer, for those who are certain of his reasons?

I'm not interested in your personal opinion.

How do you know he didn't harbour a hatred for religion and the religious, deep enough to want to wipe them out?

Is that such a hard question to answer, for those who are certain of his reasons?


It's purely hypothetical. How do you know he didn't make a point of killing everone he came across whose name was Basil ?

You are suggesting he harboured a hatred for religion. What makes you think he did? Is that such a difficult question to answer ?

Read my lips ! Stalin was evil incarnate. He killed millions of people, some of whom would have been religious and some of whom would not.

Those are my last words on this matter.

It's purely hypothetical. How do you know he didn't make a point of killing everone he came across whose name was Basil ?

How do you know he didn't make a point of killing the religious, in the hope of ending religion? Answer my question, then I will answer yours.

You are suggesting he harboured a hatred for religion. What makes you think he did? Is that such a difficult question to answer ?

I am suggesting, that it is entirely possible that he harboured such feelings. My question is, how do you know he didn't? And as you seem to think it couldn't happen, perhaps you, or someone, could explain why.

Read my lips ! Stalin was evil incarnate. He killed millions of people, some of whom would have been religious and some of whom would not.

Oh, so that proves his motives weren't to wipe out the religious?

Those are my last words on this matter.

Running away again are we?


How do you know he didn't make a point of killing the religious, in the hope of ending religion? Answer my question, then I will answer yours.

I am suggesting, that it is entirely possible that he harboured such feelings. My question is, how do you know he didn't? And as you seem to think it couldn't happen, perhaps you, or someone, could explain why.

Running away again are we?


No, just pissed off talking to someone who can't reason. You assume that any stupid question you ask must have an answer. How do I know ? How do you know? We neither of us do but you are not content to leave it there. There is nothing I can usefully say to you.

I'm off and you can make of it what you will.

SAM said:
JR said:
Did Stalin kill 20 million people because they were religious?

I don't think so.

And this is relevant because? I don't think it matters why, since he killed 20 million of them and holds the world record. Followed closely by Mao, Mussolini and Pol Pot. All atheists. Unless your argument is that its alright to kill people for non-religious reasons.

My point is that your bringing up of Stalin's killings is irrelevant to the thread topic, which is explicitly about killing apostates.

Your post about Stalin is irrelevant, because Stalin wasn't advocating death to apostates from atheism.
