Dear Believers, prove your god or gods is/aren't just fiction(s).

Let's start by bookending it - establishing that there is some evince I would consider that God is real - and works backward from there.

Wait a minute....
You’re talking nonsense.
You have no idea of what would constitute evidence for God. That comes with being a real atheist.
You’re talking nonsense.
You have no idea of what would constitute evidence for God. That comes with being a real atheist.
Says the guy who thinks he's a telepath...

You think you can read my mind; now you think you can read pinball's mind.

Your best defense is "Everybody is lying."

Explain how you expect anyone to take you seriously.
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Says the guy who thinks he's a telepath...
I don’t have to be a telepath.
Your atheist designation tells me all I need to know
You think you can read my mind; now you think you can read pinball's mind.
No. But I can read what you write
Your best defense is "Everybody is lying."
I wasn’t aware I was defending anything.
What am I defending?
Explain how you expect anyone to take you seriously.
By being able to read and comprehend what I’m saying.
I don’t have to be a telepath.
Your atheist designation tells me all I need to know
Well done. You have successfully dehumanized your opponent. They are nothing more than a label. That's the way to convince yourself you don't have to actually think and consider.

I guess your "theist designation" tells me all I need to know about you? You beat your child with a rod; you shun any man who is blind, deaf or lame, you stone your daughter if she lies with a man out of wedlock. Are you comfortable with a one-word label to which I get to apply whatever meaning suits me?

But more logically, you are guilty of using your conclusion as your premise.

"Your honour: You don't need evidence, just use your eyes! He looks like a criminal! All people of his colour are criminals!"

Believers are hideously bad at logic when it comes to their beliefs. You give them a bad name.

I wasn’t aware I was defending anything.
If you weren't trying to defend your own beliefs, you wouldn't have to call anyone else a liar.

And so we have other believer who sticks their fingers in their ears and says lalala. All they have to do is outright deny what they hear, claiming they can tell when people are lying - and reduce them from thinking humans to one-word labels - and they can wrap themselves in a blanket of their own beliefs. Same thing - every time.
Are there any believers out there who aren't lost in their own Echo Chamber?
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Well done. you have successfully dehumanized your opponent. They are nothing more than a label. That's the way to convince yourself you don't have to actually think and consider.
Stop playing victim.
The fact you are atheist means that for you there is no God. So no amount of evidence will convince you. But to use “there is no evidence” is just dishonest, because for you there can’t be no evidence as you have no idea what it is you don’t believe in. See how that works.
But more logically, you are guilty of using your conclusion as your premise.
The question was asked of you.
I don’t need to posit a premise to ask you a question.

Q Why don’t you believe in God
A There’s no evidence
Q How do you know there is no evidence
A Errrmmm!!!
Believers are hideously bad at logic when it comes to their beliefs. You give them a bad name.
You are an unbeliever..
What do you know?
All you know is that there is no God. Why?
Because you’re an atheist
That’s all you can ever know
If you weren't trying to defend your own beliefs, you wouldn't have to call anyone else a liar.
I call you a liar because you lied about wanting evidence. You can’t want evidence because you don’t know what evidence is required when asked. You’re better off saying God does not exist. Because that is your truth.
If I am wrong correct me
It’s that simple
I call you a liar
Then there is no discussion here.

You simply deny anything you don't want to hear - and reduce your opponent to a nothing in the process. You have no reason to deny except because you don't like it. Like a 6 year old. You're not 6 years old.

The irony is that it has caused you to lose the argument. Stating that your opponent is a liar is an invalid defense. It takes nothing away from me or pinball because your label doesn't make us something just because you say so. But it does take away from you, because it has left your opposition defenseless. You cannot know the operation of another's mind (which is what you would have to do to call them a liar. Either that. or you would have to show - here, in thread - another knowingly stating a falsehood with the intent to deceive),

So you have left yourself defenseless.
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Stop lying
Project much?

You have not learned anything whatsoever it seems from previous exchanges, and probably hope we have forgotten all of your ridiculous lies and claims from the thread you ran away from right?

Unfortunately, we do understand science (still) and we DO remember all of your ridiculous lies and claims.
Then there is no discussion here.

You simply deny anything you don't want to hear - and reduce your opponent to a nothing in the process. You have no reason to deny except because you don't like it. Like a 6 year old. You're not 6 years old.
What am I in denial of?
For you God does not exist.
Yet you still act as though you lack belief because of evidence.
You are lying by all accounts.
Now you descend into ad hominem attacks
. He thinks this way purely in the basis that he can’t see therefore nobody else can see.
Project much?

You are ignorant regarding science and think everyone one else is as too. We are not, your arguments are fatuous and puerile, like a child.
"I just know it's true!"
You have not learned anything whatsoever it seems from previous exchanges, and probably hope we have forgotten all of your ridiculous lies and claims from the thread you ran away from right?
I’ve learned that you are arrogant because you think the tiny bit of science you can determine is enough to think God does not exist.
Unfortunately, we do understand science (still) and we DO remember all of your ridiculous lies and claims.
Name one thing you know that comes close to evidence that God does not exist. Because ultimately “God does not exist” is your position
You are ignorant regarding science and think everyone one else is as too. We are not, your arguments are fatuous and puerile, like a child.
"I just know it's true!"
No. You are ignorant regarding science because you think it helps your denial of God.
All it has done is given you a false sense of understanding, and you have run with it.
What’s up with you two atheists?
Do you hate children?
What am I in denial of?
For you God does not exist.
Yet you still act as though you lack belief because of evidence.
You are lying by all accounts.
How is that lying?
Seriously, your logic makes no sense.

If I told you Leprechauns exist and you said "I don't believe you, I don't see any sign of Leprechauns." Would I get to call you a liar?

Now you descend into ad hominem attacks
Says the guy calling everyone else a liar...

Do you know what an ad hominem is?
I’ve learned that you are arrogant because you think the tiny bit of science you can determine is enough to think God does not exist.
Not really. I have no reason whatsoever so assume a god has a hand in anything. There is a difference.
Name one thing you know that comes close to evidence that God does not exist. Because ultimately “God does not exist” is your position
That is better, you are asking a question, unfortunately it is a bad question.
YOU are the one claiming a god.
I am the one saying, "I have not seen one jot of evidence for one and all processes I have investigated have a NATURAL explanation. YOU provide evidence of your god if you are so convinced. I have not seen any."
I’ve learned that you are arrogant because you think the tiny bit of science you can determine is enough to think God does not exist.

Name one thing you know that comes close to evidence that God does not exist. Because ultimately “God does not exist” is your position
Woah. You went from "we see no evidence of God existing" to "we have evidence of God not existing."

Strawman much?

ultimately “God does not exist” is your position
No it isn't.

You do not understand atheists.

Your atheist designation tells me all I need to know
Indeed. More damning words were never spoken.

You call others liars, even while you spew ignorance.
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You would have been a valuable member of a certain European politcal party in 1939.

"Your designation as a Jew tells me all I need to know about you."
I had the exact same thought. I thought it was over the top, but you had the chutzpah to post it.

Trek thinks him dehumanizing us is tantamount us 'playing the victim' (post 365). He doesn't understand it has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with his need to reduce his opponent to a label to protect his beliefs.

And post 373 proves, in his own words, that he has no idea what he is talking about. He has constructed a strawman and is busy attacking that.

ultimately “God does not exist” is your position
No it isn't.
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