Darwin's Theory is False

spuriousmonkey said:
These errors are not directed and hence it is rather silly to suppose that a deity directs them. Unless God does play dice.

Depends on what you think this "deity" is. Randomness does not exist. Everything is governed by "laws".

Natural and sexual selection cause the direction of genetic acummulation of errors/mutations.

So, again, what causes the "natural and sexual selection"? (etc)
Herbert Spencer, an early contributor to the British magazine The Economist is credited with the invention of the phrase "survival of the fittest". he used the phrase to describe how companies thrived and failed in a market economy. After Darwin published The Origin Of Species, Spencer saw parallels with the ideas of natural selection and applied the phrase to evolution. it caught on.
Have you been watching a tv programme called QI? Or did you know that?
Woody said:
Darwin's theory of evolution is logically flawed. I'm not the first to bring it up. I hope everyone that believes it is prepared for their eternity. The "cause" of evolution has not really been proven.




The author of the first two technical papers is waiting for someone to provide a satisfactory definition of "natural selection." He has been waiting years for someone to accomplish this.

You'll probably say I don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution (just because I do not agree with you about it). In my opinion it's just a matter of "your faith" in Darwinism.

So have a happy hereafter. :eek:
1) no, Darwins theory is not flawed in any way. There are however people who refuse to face facts or who believe that their religion is factual so then science must be wrong.
2) Any chance the author of the first two "technical" papers could get them peer reviewed? Don't hold your breath. these papers are as "technical" as the writings of zecharia sitchin. Bogus as can be.
Woody said:
Darwin's theory of evolution is logically flawed.

Yes it is, it doesn't do a good job of modeling what the evidence says... basically it's outdated. The present model (theory of evolution) is leaps and bounds better. It's no longer about survival of the fittest... it's about survival of the most adaptable.

Woody said:
I'm not the first to bring it up. I hope everyone that believes it is prepared for their eternity.

Assuming this is the ol' heaven / hell reference... there is no evidence to suggest 'souls', 'god', 'heaven', 'hell', etc. exist.

Woody said:
The "cause" of evolution has not really been proven.

Sure it has. Environmental pressures change. Reproduction results in variation. Variations that best fit the pressures are more likely to end up reproducing. It's a continuous process and all life on the planet is merely a state in that process.
Crunchy Cat,
IIRC, Darwin never used the term "survival of the fittest". It's not field of study, but I don't believe that Darwin's theory of natural selection has been seriously challenged.
snake river rufus said:
Crunchy Cat,
IIRC, Darwin never used the term "survival of the fittest". It's not field of study, but I don't believe that Darwin's theory of natural selection has been seriously challenged.

That's correct. He never did... it's a buzzword for natural selection... doesn't quite do it justice. Darwin's theory, at least from what I remember in my earlier college class in evolution, has 'evolved' quite a bit :).

My assertion is that Darwin's original theory has simply been superceded... happens with most theories as they improve.

Taken from the first reference in the first few sentences -

...suggests that belief in Darwin's theory of evolution must be largely a matter of faith.
Shouldn't this suggest to the Christian that evolution must be true if it must be believed on faith? Since this is exactly the claimed powerful basis that God exists because Christians have such faith.

So does faith have any real value or not? If you say evolution is false because it must be believed on faith then we should equally argue that God must be false and can't exist because that must be believed on faith as well.

The author of the first two technical papers is waiting for someone to provide a satisfactory definition of "natural selection." He has been waiting years for someone to accomplish this.
Are you joking? There is no science in either of those articles, they are pure politics, they are not technical papers but propaganda aimed at the uninformed layman.
Forget "Darwin's" theory of evolution. Lets see you or the author of the "technical" papers point out the flaws in the facts of evolution as they exist in modern sciences. Creationist nutters always like to pick on 19th century science.
Even so, Darwin was never wrong except he couldn't figure out the mechanism of inheritance.

From the first link:
"----I have called this principle, by which each slight variation(a), if useful, is preserved, by the term of natural selection-----". (emphasis added)
Thus, selection by nature of one of a (varied) species (for survival) is the explanation for evolution of that species. This statement is equivalent to the conclusion reached by using the more popular term "survival of the fittest". This latter description of the principle of evolution must be considered a more straightforward term, and it is not hard to understand why the term was not by used originally by Darwin. Only two questions must be asked about the term "survival of the fittest" to uncover it's true meaning. One question is "what are the "fittest" and the other, how are the "fittest" chosen?"

The answer is much too simple and also much too revealing: the fittest are those who survive (Period). Why are they the fittest? Because they survived. But why did they survive? Because they are the fittest. That's all we know about them. The same answer applies to the more obscure phrase, (survival or "preservation") by "natural selection": the types that have been selected by nature are those who have survived. Both arguments are tautological. Nothing is learned about the real scientific cause of evolution or the origin of species by learning that the population consists of survivors. It also explains nothing that we don't already know about the world around us. Yes, elephants have "survived". Yes, so have fleas, oak trees, bacteria, etc.. In Darwin's terms, these species have been selected. Quite obvious. They are here. What is the cause of their differences? It is certainly not the fact that they have survived.

what is wrong with it?
Take a quote from darwin, substitute it with something else at leasure. Then dispute what you have substituted.

So they arrive at the question: What is the cause of their differences? A tautology can't explain that according to them.

But what did darwin say?

"----I have called this principle, by which each slight variation(a), if useful, is preserved, by the term of natural selection-----".

Darwin didn't refer to elephant survivors surviving. He referred to elephants that have a slight variation that gives them an advantage in life have a higher chance of having progeny or more progeny than those elephants in a population that don't have this variation. The selective advantage of having an advantagous variation is called natural selection. That is how the process of evolution can change form.

Anyone who is a critical reader can see how the theory of evolution is raped here. Only the truly gullible cannot. And only the gullible rely on faith.
S/G says: There are many causes of evolution: mutation, genetic drift, selection pressures, the local environment and such. In a sense, life IS eternal. It started several billion years ago, and nothing has killed it yet.

Woody says: These are not causes of evolution. The white papers addresses these. They can perhaps be involved in the process of evolution but they themselves are not causes, and most of are merely statements of physical condition.

For example, all things vary -- no two grains of sand are exactly alike -- that is a statement of physical condition -- it doesn't cause anything. So naturally by conclusion, all life forms vary from generation to generation -- there is no new information that qualifies the cause of evolution.

When you say "selective pressures" I assume you are speaking of "natural selection" which is a tautology just like "survival of the fittest." They are both logical fallicies because they are self-defining. What for example defines "fitness?" Survival of the fittest becomes survival of the survivors, and presents no qualifying information. Again, the technical papers address these and others.

In conclusion, the "cause" of evolution has not been discovered. That does not mean evolution can't happen, but that it is a historical state of nature without a known cause.
Woody said:
Darwin's theory of evolution is logically flawed. I'm not the first to bring it up. I hope everyone that believes it is prepared for their eternity. The "cause" of evolution has not really been proven.




The author of the first two technical papers is waiting for someone to provide a satisfactory definition of "natural selection." He has been waiting years for someone to accomplish this.

You'll probably say I don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution (just because I do not agree with you about it). In my opinion it's just a matter of "your faith" in Darwinism.

So have a happy hereafter. :eek:
I'm puzzled as to the secondary topic here. Is it really your contention that people who believe in all the evidence for evolution, and can see that the form of natural selection is not only the explanation for biological diversity, but is inherently the inevitable result from living, reproducing, and dying - are all automatically condemned to hell? People who follow the theory of evolution, not because it denies God but simply because all the evidence and a modicum of rational thinking supports it, are all damned for eternity? Are you saying that God and Jesus's principle condition for entry into the Book of Life is "the soul must believe every word of Genesis as literal, especially the King James Version"? If I believed in God, and that was how He thought, I would not worship him. All I can hope for you is, Good luck spending eternity with that fucker.
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Woody said:
When you say "selective pressures" I assume you are speaking of "natural selection" which is a tautology just like "survival of the fittest." They are both logical fallicies because they are self-defining. What for example defines "fitness?" Survival of the fittest becomes survival of the survivors, and presents no qualifying information. Again, the technical papers address these and others.
Strawman fallacy.

You say "natural selection" is a tautology like "survival of the fittest" and then go on to explain why "survival of the fittest" is a tautology.
But you have NOT explained why "natural selection" is a tautology.

This is a poor debating tactic generally used by those that (a) aren't used to debating, (b) don't really know what they're actually going on about, and (c) know that they are struggling for a logical argument.
16. Currently, the most prevalent interpretation of Darwinism virtually excludes all other possible scenarios as an explanation for life and all of its forms; this is a logical fallacy based on the "Five Senses Hypothesis". Darwinian Theory has inevitably become a stalking-horse for Naturalism, Secular Humanism, and other materialistic philosophies.
Hah, this is so ironic.

In his 15th point he goes into great detail about how science studies that which can ultimately be determined by humanity's "five senses" (we have considerably more than five senses, in fact, but we know this guy is fairly outdated in his scientific education), and then bemoans the fact that "Creationism is ruled out".
When Evolution is studied under the above premise, of necessity, all other possibilities for "cause" are eliminated. Creationism, including "Theistic Evolution" (the Alfred Wallace version of Darwinian theory) of any kind, is ruled out. Ruled out as well is the possibility of a Creator, miracles, conceptual thought, free will, and many other phenomena, which are entirely possible and routinely believed in by the great majority of people, as well as many unbiased scientists.
Congratulations to this person for having defined science so well and so completely. You see, he doesn't recognise the problem is that he has written a so-called "scientific paper" calling Darwinian Evolution into question, whereas it is he who is in fact the "stalking horse", promoting religion as an "explanation" in an area which it is unsuitable, for the very reasons he has stated. Oh, boo hoo, science is restricted to stuff we can actually see for ourselves and which consequently we can all agree on. That's how it works! If science did not impose that restriction, none of it would work!
Silas said:
If science did not impose that restriction, none of it would work!
That's not quite true - everything would still work - we would just all believe in magic, in miracles, in God, in fairies, elves, pixies, brownies etc as being the causes of everything.
heres definitive proof of evolution.

Only the strong survive.

its the fueling factor in evolution.

if you need more proof,just look at the fossil record of humanoids/primates throu out the last 65 million years.