Buffalo Roam
Registered Senior Member
Makes you proud, doesn't it? The Iraqis have been "liberated"; now they too are enjoying the fruits of American intervention. They've done even better than Iran, no doubt due to the up close and personal experience of American liberation. The first suicide bomber in the region was a 15 year old Iranian boy, during the Iran-Iraq war, played both sides by the US.
Even the Afghanis and Pakistanis in their 5000 year history had not managed to reach this stage of liberation until they were so kindly guided into it by the seven year occupation following the kindly intervention of the mujahideen liberation.
Who's next? Where will your next turd fall?
Yes S.A.M.'s Motto,.....KALASTO...... Kill Them All Let Allah Sort Them Out,
26 children to get one G.I. yes S.A.M. kill them all let Allah sort them out.