
What is your opinion on state curfews?

  • I support them everywhere for all people

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Why not?

It's implants for criminals not for everybody.

People must be careful on what, how, and who they place labels upon others, especially if it leads to having a chip placed in them.

I somewhat like the idea of chips, but mostly dislike it. Technology has a tendency to complicate things more than it simplifies them.

Take for example, the dirty Enron CEO's... extremely vile criminals in suits and ties. They raped a massive percentage of the retiring class through inside trading. It would not serve any purpose to put chips in those men, their crime was done with phones, buttons and stock trades.... those men would use their swindled funds to invest in something like chips for criminals.

Could implants be used for good if evil men operate them? What safeguards could be used?
They'd be implanted on serious offenders who are a direct threat to society, i.e. rapists, murderers, and major thieves
orleander it depends what age your talking about
14 your probably right no one would hire them for night work even if its legal
what about work experiance though?
anyway what about 16?
yep lots of trades people start working at 16 including chef's. Now as a former chef i never finished work until midnight

then we have after school activities which includes the scouts, what time do they finish?

well it depends what we were doing, sometimes we didnt finish until after 10-11. why would that be an issue?

i have to agree with philogin and shorty. parents, not the law, need to control children. its only pure lasyness which would shift it from parents to the police to do what you should be doing.
so prove me wrong. Give me as good a reason as Asguard did. His reason is illegal in my state due to child labor laws, but it is a good valid reason.
So.....what reason did you think of? :shrug:

Law. The presumption of innocence. In the UK, curfews were taken to the European court of Human rights and proven to be contrary to human rights. IE, it is unfair to impose a curfew on a law abiding child, in the name if reducing crime that child has no intention to commit.

There. Now, do your own frikking research in future, before asking dumb questions.
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How is being home by midnight punishing a 14 yr old? I grew up with a curfew and our town has a curfew. Maybe that's why we have such low crime. :shrug:

If the 14 year old has the blessing of their parents, and is not breaking the law, why should the state interfere? Land of the free, my arse, you make a mockery of freedom when you talk about such things!
Such technology is not far off. We have tracking devices, we have surgery, combine the two, well, there you go, with gps technology:shrug:

V sought to free the people from a tyrannical government. A government having power and using it for good is not tyrannical.

The technology you talk of does not exist. Implanting a radio source into someone that broadcasts any distance has huge health implications. PLease think before you post.

Oh, and on doing 'good', yes, tyrants often think they are right, and the world will be a better place once people all think like they do, and people are forced to act a certain way. I say watch out for who is standing behind you, tyrants.
If the 14 year old has the blessing of their parents, and is not breaking the law, why should the state interfere? Land of the free, my arse, you make a mockery of freedom when you talk about such things!

No, children don't have the same freedom as adults. Its cuz they are kids. And personally, most parents who let their children roam the streets at all hours are neglectful parents. Chilld neglect is a crime in this country.

You still haven't given me a reason why a 14 yr old child needs to be out at midnight. Is your reason "because the parents don't care"
No, children don't have the same freedom as adults. Its cuz they are kids. And personally, most parents who let their children roam the streets at all hours are neglectful parents. Chilld neglect is a crime in this country.

You still haven't given me a reason why a 14 yr old child needs to be out at midnight. Is your reason "because the parents don't care"

my sons out at midnight and i know where he is, and i call the other persons mum and dad on a regular basis aswell, i am not neglectful has a mum,

my son is of to a party next saturday and he wont be home until 3 should i stop him going?
At a house or is he going to be roaming the streets? How old is he? He's your kid and he does what you allow him to do. My kids don't have the freedom yours do.

And I don't know why parents are arrogant to think they know where their kids are all the time. Heck Barbie snuck out and others here have admitted they snuck out. Do you know where your kids are when they spend the night at a friends?

A curfew is to protect kids, who don't have very good judgment skills yet, from getting into mischief. It isn't to set up a police start.
Also, I hope I'm not the only one who appreciates the irony of you proposing these things when your user icon is a picture of V.

You're not.
I said he same thing in his retarded thread in which he came up with the "perfect" form of dictatorship.
The technology can be developed, and it's only logical to ensure the safety of society.
You basically saying that if you have a conviction you already cant work in health or anything child related. Now you cant even work in a production line for holden because they work night shift. You cant work in the trucking industry because they also work nights

So where exactly do you think these people can earn a living?
Most curfews I've seen allow an exception if you're driving to or from work, or if it's some kind of emergency. So this is really a non-issue as long as you allow these normal exemptions.
Sorry to disappoint Orleander but all kids get into some kind of mischief in their lives. It is a part of growing up. Part of growing up also means learning to obey the rules of the house, or suffer the consequences.

If you are so concerned that your kids are up to no good while spending the night over at a friends house, you obviously don't trust them and shouldn't let them stay over then.

If you think keeping a leash on your kids is going to keep them out of mischief, it's going to backfire in your face!

If my kids are out robbing a store, then by all means let the police step in. If they are hanging out with some friends outside not getting into any mischief and I know where they are..........leave them alone.
mad they were concidering banning P-platers from driving at night here. they dropped the issue because of the number of p-platers who work at night
My home town had a curfew for kids under 18 of midnight but had an exception for anyone going to or from work. It wasn't really enforced that much. I think it mainly gave the police an excuse to pull over any young punks they wanted to pull over.
But did they pull you over, to find out if you were coming or going to work?

When I was 17 I worked on the night shift at the Postal Depot. I also moved out and lived on my own when I was 17. So if I was mature enough to work and live on my own, I think I should be allowed to come and go as I please at whatever time I want. Why should I be pulled over by the police if I am not doing anything wrong and be made to feel like a criminal.
shorty, in australia they were concidering putting age limits on the ability to buy knives without a parent present. This is fine for a fishing knife but parliment didnt really think it through because there are "children" who live on there own younger than that and they were going to ban them from buying essential kitchen knives. Not to mention those who work in hospitality and require knives for there employment.
My home town had a curfew for kids under 18 of midnight but had an exception for anyone going to or from work. It wasn't really enforced that much. I think it mainly gave the police an excuse to pull over any young punks they wanted to pull over.

That's exactly how it is here. There are no kids loitering around. We have virtually no crime or graffiti. Its because our town is boring and you can't get away with anything.

The skate park was shut down due to fighting and swearing. If they don't appreciate what they have here, they lose it. Or they go to Kalamazoo, where parents don't want to restrict their kids 'just doing what kids do' and the curfew law is laxer.

If my son wants to be up late, he can be in a building. The schools and churches have lock-ins quite a bit for kids to 'hang out' just for this reason.
shorty, in australia they were concidering putting age limits on the ability to buy knives without a parent present. This is fine for a fishing knife but parliment didnt really think it through because there are "children" who live on there own younger than that and they were going to ban them from buying essential kitchen knives. Not to mention those who work in hospitality and require knives for there employment.

what does this have to do with curfews?
No, children don't have the same freedom as adults. Its cuz they are kids. And personally, most parents who let their children roam the streets at all hours are neglectful parents. Chilld neglect is a crime in this country.

Riiiight, so a neglectful home suddenly turns into 'Little House on the Prairie' and the parents start being all attentive because of a curfew law? Child neglect being a crime stamps out child neglect does it? If parents break that law, are they going to give a rat's ass about a curfew? Why criminalise children, because they have crap parents? Seems like a way of keeping some people down, to me. But then curfews are a sign of moral priggery.

You still haven't given me a reason why a 14 yr old child needs to be out at midnight. Is your reason "because the parents don't care"

Yes I did, I plainly stated in was contrary to human rights laws. You'd look a lot less stupid if you actually read what people write.

Anyway, I shouldn't have to justify why, if you are going to curtail a freedom you need damned good reasons to do so. Innocent people do not need to prove their innocence, to keep their rights.