
What is your opinion on state curfews?

  • I support them everywhere for all people

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what a silly idea, this was suggested for p-plate drivers right up till someone actually thought about the fact that alot of young people work nights either stacking shelves or in hopsitality and for orleanders sake some of these are still under 18. in fact alot of these people are under 18
And I'm talking about previous offenders not the innocent

So do previous offenders

You basically saying that if you have a conviction you already cant work in health or anything child related. Now you cant even work in a production line for holden because they work night shift. You cant work in the trucking industry because they also work nights

So where exactly do you think these people can earn a living?
That's the price they'd pay

A blanket punishment of curfew for all crimes would be no deterrent. And no criminal really expects to get caught; if they did they wouldn't commit the crime.

It would not be deterrant perhaps but it would help to keep them off the streets in the late hours.

Which statistics?

The statistics
actually its the price you want to force US to pay for apsolutly no gain

if they cant work WE have to pay for them, not to mention the risk of reofence increases the more you ostrosise someone from the community and the ability to make a living,

i dont disagree that sensitive groups shouldnt be protected from people who prey on them (which is why vilont offences especially against children will prohibit work in health and education) but there is no reason why someone shouldnt work in manifaturing just because they have commited a crime

All you will do is INCREASE the crime rate and INCREASE the number of people on the dole

A stupid idea all around
Then there could be some kind of government program that ensures past offenders after released are given jobs that are during the day time. At night they would have to stay in their homes as part of the price they payed and to better protect the general public.
Actually the reason that many first time offenders repeat and wind up back in prison is rather simple. In most cases the stigma of the first crime, and associated jailtime sticks with a person. They are effectively barred from most employment, even if they are rehabilitated. This in effect drives them back to the desperate place that had them commiting the crime in the first place. I of course am referring to thieves, muggers, armed robbers, drug dealers and so on. Crimes where the principal point is the acquisition of valuables. If we really want to reduce repeat offenders we need to rethink the way we treat ex-cons.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
It's asenine plans like these and an unwillingness to recognie the situation for what it is that makes people much more likely to end up back in prison or jail.
Norsefire, are you by any chance related to Adolf Hitler??

Curfews will just make more people rebel, and rightfully so
how can you support a curfew? all it does is generalise and discriminate against young people.

There is no good reason a 14 yr old needs to be out at midnight. Its why dances end at 11. Its why labor laws don't allow for teens to be working late at night. Its why my son was stopped and we were called at 1 am when he was pulled over while riding his bike.

Do you know where your children are? In our town, we do. If we don't the cops will call and let us know.

My son suffers from insomnia. I worked with the police dept and he was given permission to ride up and down our street on his bike (it relaxes him) but he cannot leave it.

Yes, I support curfew for children and that includes teenagers. Discriminate against the young. Oh please. :rolleyes: Its called rules and they need them.
we know where our children are, and that is why we dont need a curfew. the dairy industry produces about 80% of the jobs in my area, which means that any kids who want a job need to be able to drive to work at 4am for milking. they already get legally screwed over on two fronts with the government refusing them drivers licenses until 15 and then restricting their driving hours to 5am-10pm for the next 18 months, the last thing we need is for them to get a third fine for breaking curfew should they run into a townie cop.

also, at when does this curfew end? me and most of the people i know got jobs and moved out when they were 15, like most people in my town, so does that mean that for the next three years the cops will be dragging them all the way back to their parents houses should they catch them outside after dark?

parenting needs to be left up to the parents, who know their children, you cant just make a blanket law that covers an entire age group.
The statistics. The statistics show alot of criminals end up back in prison after a few years.
It varies HUGELY depending on the crime. Some crimes have recidivism rates higher than 75%, others are lower than 1%.

In any case, while I don't have a problem in general with the idea, I don't think it would actually accomplish much. If someone is going out to commit a crime, they are already willing to break the law - they will simply break the curfew as well. Unless the police are planning to randomly harass people who they see out after a certain time in the hopes of catching people breaking curfew - which I would NOT be okay with - it doesn't seem like it would help much.
Norsefire, are you by any chance related to Adolf Hitler??

Curfews will just make more people rebel, and rightfully so
Not curfews imposed on criminals. And if criminals rebel, well, they're already criminals.

There is no good reason a 14 yr old needs to be out at midnight. Its why dances end at 11. Its why labor laws don't allow for teens to be working late at night. Its why my son was stopped and we were called at 1 am when he was pulled over while riding his bike.

Do you know where your children are? In our town, we do. If we don't the cops will call and let us know.

My son suffers from insomnia. I worked with the police dept and he was given permission to ride up and down our street on his bike (it relaxes him) but he cannot leave it.

Yes, I support curfew for children and that includes teenagers. Discriminate against the young. Oh please. :rolleyes: Its called rules and they need them.

I agree entirely.
It varies HUGELY depending on the crime. Some crimes have recidivism rates higher than 75%, others are lower than 1%.

In any case, while I don't have a problem in general with the idea, I don't think it would actually accomplish much. If someone is going out to commit a crime, they are already willing to break the law - they will simply break the curfew as well. Unless the police are planning to randomly harass people who they see out after a certain time in the hopes of catching people breaking curfew - which I would NOT be okay with - it doesn't seem like it would help much.

However, as I have stated, it would NOT be a curfew on the general population. It could simply be a curfew on previous offenders or high-profile citizens (who might be suspected of criminal activity)

In this case, we can implant tracking devices which would send a signal back to the precinct in case the person leaves a certain area at a certain time
People in high crime areas have already lost their freedom.

People who apparently can't govern themselves, don't deserve as much freedom.

So I think I could see in some high crime areas, there may be some place for curfews.

Gee, you would think people could figure out, that nightime is for sleeping (and for making babies, or at least sticking home watching TV or surfing the web), not for loitering around the streets, as if they were lost or looking for trouble.

Generally, any place that can apparently responsibly police itself, should not be subject to curfews. We should be free to walk our streets, at any time we like, to get some air, walk the dog, go somewhere, but not be just wandering around like lost, making excessive noise late at night, or looking for trouble.
In this case, we can implant tracking devices which would send a signal back to the precinct in case the person leaves a certain area at a certain time
So far as I know, no such technology exists. If you actually know of any, I would be interested to hear about it.

Also, I hope I'm not the only one who appreciates the irony of you proposing these things when your user icon is a picture of V.
I support them for minors. And I want the parents held responsible.

Why? If the minors are not breaking the law, and are out with the consent of their parents, why should they have to be subjected to a curfew?

Punish all kids, in case a few transgress?

Sounds like totalitarian crap to me.
Yes, I support curfew for children and that includes teenagers. Discriminate against the young. Oh please. :rolleyes: Its called rules and they need them.

Were you subjected to a curfew?

I know I wasn't. So wanting one for today's youth just makes you an angry old ....

Let kids have the same opportunities you had.
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Were you subjected to a curfew?

I know I wasn't. So wanting one for today's youth just makes you an angry old shitbag.

Let kids have the same opportunities you had.

I agree.

My parents are the ones who set my curfew at certain ages. I think it is up to the parents to know where your kids are, and enforce what time you want them in.

My mom gave me a time to be home and if i wasn't I suffered the consequences.

Kids are all different some are mature and responsible at a certain age and some aren't. That is why it should be up to the parent as to what time they want their child home by.

I don't agree with the state or the police setting the curfew. In Canada there is no such Curfew law and I hope there never is.
There is no good reason a 14 yr old needs to be out at midnight. Its why dances end at 11. Its why labor laws don't allow for teens to be working late at night. Its why my son was stopped and we were called at 1 am when he was pulled over while riding his bike.

Do you know where your children are? In our town, we do. If we don't the cops will call and let us know.

Yes, I support curfew for children and that includes teenagers. Discriminate against the young. Oh please. :rolleyes: Its called rules and they need them.

Bullshit!! It is up to the parents to set the rules of the house. If you can't control your own kids and have them adhere to your rules of when to be home that is your problem.

Why should the police be hunting down teenagers who are out past midnight.
I think they have much better things they could be doing.

It seems lazy to me. It sounds like the parents are throwing their responsibility for their own kids on someone else.
Why? If the minors are not breaking the law, and are out with the consent of their parents, why should they have to be subjected to a curfew?

Punish all kids, in case a few transgress?

Sounds like totalitarian crap to me.

How is being home by midnight punishing a 14 yr old? I grew up with a curfew and our town has a curfew. Maybe that's why we have such low crime. :shrug:
Were you subjected to a curfew?

I know I wasn't. So wanting one for today's youth just makes you an angry old shitbag.
Let kids have the same opportunities you had.

wow, what a well thought out smart answer. I will have to re-think my stance on curfews. :rolleyes:
Just because you can't think of one, doesn't mean there isn't one. It's rather arrogant of you to assume you know everything.

so prove me wrong. Give me as good a reason as Asguard did. His reason is illegal in my state due to child labor laws, but it is a good valid reason.
So.....what reason did you think of? :shrug:
So far as I know, no such technology exists. If you actually know of any, I would be interested to hear about it.

Also, I hope I'm not the only one who appreciates the irony of you proposing these things when your user icon is a picture of V.

Such technology is not far off. We have tracking devices, we have surgery, combine the two, well, there you go, with gps technology:shrug:

V sought to free the people from a tyrannical government. A government having power and using it for good is not tyrannical.