
What is your opinion on state curfews?

  • I support them everywhere for all people

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Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
National curfews

Some would see it as a form of tyranny

Others might view it as a good idea

To me, I think it depends on the situation

Like this: people without previous criminal records or any sort of offenses are not subject to curfew, whereas people who do have them are.

Also, in high crime areas I think it's a good idea
No, it isn't if only previous offenders are subject to it

Non offenders can still go outside
I guess I agree with the previous offenders curfew. If its only for a certain amount of time, say several months or years depending on the crime. But how would one enforce that? People who have had previous criminal charges don't wear name tags or anything.
Tracking devices. There are already in development tracking devices that you can put on criminals, for instance.

They can even be implants.
Because once you have done your time, you should not be treated as a criminal.
because criminals are still people, they need to be taught a lesson...if they understand it than they will be released and no implant scars or such.

The statistics. The statistics show alot of criminals end up back in prison after a few years.

They should still be treated with caution. And if they do start committing crime again, we should have a way of locating them.

I'm going to make a thread on that actually but for now stick to curfews :)
Like this: people without previous criminal records or any sort of offenses are not subject to curfew, whereas people who do have them are.

So, once a criminal, always a criminal, eh?

I assume you think that criminals can never be rehabilitated, and never get to the stage where they have "paid" for their crimes.

So, once a criminal, always a criminal, eh?

I assume you think that criminals can never be rehabilitated, and never get to the stage where they have "paid" for their crimes.


They can. But nonetheless some level of caution would be wise.
So, you want to restrict the freedom of anybody who is ever convicted of a crime, for ever.

So, you want to restrict the freedom of anybody who is ever convicted of a crime, for ever.


But people would know what they sacrifice before they commit the crime. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" mentality

And it's a necessary precaution especially since statistics show that most criminals end up right back in prison within the first few years
But people would know what they sacrifice before they commit the crime. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" mentality

A blanket punishment of curfew for all crimes would be no deterrent. And no criminal really expects to get caught; if they did they wouldn't commit the crime.

And it's a necessary precaution especially since statistics show that most criminals end up right back in prison within the first few years

Which statistics?
what a silly idea, this was suggested for p-plate drivers right up till someone actually thought about the fact that alot of young people work nights either stacking shelves or in hopsitality and for orleanders sake some of these are still under 18. in fact alot of these people are under 18

So do previous offenders

You basically saying that if you have a conviction you already cant work in health or anything child related. Now you cant even work in a production line for holden because they work night shift. You cant work in the trucking industry because they also work nights

So where exactly do you think these people can earn a living?
You should be treated with caution though. Most criminals end up back in prison within a few years.

Actually the reason that many first time offenders repeat and wind up back in prison is rather simple. In most cases the stigma of the first crime, and associated jailtime sticks with a person. They are effectively barred from most employment, even if they are rehabilitated. This in effect drives them back to the desperate place that had them commiting the crime in the first place. I of course am referring to thieves, muggers, armed robbers, drug dealers and so on. Crimes where the principal point is the acquisition of valuables. If we really want to reduce repeat offenders we need to rethink the way we treat ex-cons.