Crop Circles

Hmmm. Careful scrutinization of Eltjo's "friends list" suggests that he may be more responsive to this type:


I shall get to work on recruiting all of my own "pretty lady" friends to the cause.
How else could highly-advanced forms of alien life contact earth but through the medium of squashed wheat?
please elaborate
you appear to be quite knowledgeable about the issue so.....

I think if it was such a good case he had, he'd attempt publication in 'Nature' don't you?

Submit his findings to rigorous scientific review? Had you heard of this other publication before it was mentioned in this thread? I hadn't.
and we both know he did try and fail


to be honest phlog, of all the alleged 155 journals in plant sciences, i cannot even name one off the top of my head. i personally think that it is not so much a reflection of the relative obscurity of the journals but rather one of my ignorance. i mean, it is not as if i am active in that field, right? are you?

"rigorous scientific review"

shall we submit the papers to the test? here in sci? drag some botanists into the discussion?
i do not think this discussion can be productive if you keep dismissing the journal as junk and i asserting its value. where do we go from there?

once again.....

Journal Citation Reports® offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. By compiling articles' cited references, JCR Web helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.

we do have a methodology of rating journals. you appear to disregard the evaluation. what objections and concerns do you have with that?

nature is a publishing house in its own right. some of its journals have stats similar to the one in question....

all these distractions and somewhat bogus issues could be laid to rest if we actually look at the paper. it has been provided
your thoughts after reading? start with the conclusion....

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Originally Posted by Gustav

how else indeed.....

I was attempting ironic humour. Was there any need to shoot me down in flames? :D Ok then, 'through the medium of assorted crops'.

My point still remains though, why make contact in such a vague and indirect way?
Perhaps they were poets.

But even poets are capable of direct conversation when the occasion calls for it. And shouldn't poetry make an impact? Crop circles are believed to be man-made by the vast majority of people, and are thus ignored.
if anyone notices, (which i doubt) e.r haselhoff and e.h haselhoff refer to a single individual. a simple clerical error i presume
your point consists of idle speculation and is ultimately a dead end
i'll let you figure out why

OR, you could make yourself clear.

The question I am asking is this. If aliens have progressed so far in their technology that they are capable of reaching earth and surviving, why choose crop circles to make their presence known?

There are plenty of people living near these fields, plenty of ways to communicate. It seems like the aliens have expended a lot of energy in making patterns in fields of plants to make an impact, but doing so very secretly and leaving no other trace of them being there.
But even poets are capable of direct conversation when the occasion calls for it. And shouldn't poetry make an impact? Crop circles are believed to be man-made by the vast majority of people, and are thus ignored.

In 1886, following the publication of Jules Verne's Robur the Conquerer, a phenomenon of mass hysteria took place very similar to that which occurred following Orson Welle's 1938 radio adaptation of H.G. Well's War of the Worlds: innumerable sightings of giant airships were reported throughout the French countryside. One couple even claimed that an airship landed in a vast field and they were greeted by a small group of diminutive spacemen (airmen?). And what message did these spacemen deliver? They made a polite request for a dozen egg sandwiches and a flask of coffee--a single flask of coffee is going to be enough for a small group of diminutive spacemen?! I would hardly think so.

(Source? I can't be bothered with such things as I'm not getting paid to be a troll. Anyhow, I recall having read this in a Vincent Price biography some years ago.)

Not all poets can communicate directly, and when dealing with matters of spacemen and UFOs sound reasoning is hardly an imperative. Perhaps they thought we'd not have such tremendous difficulty "getting" it; or, they were just fuckin' with us while still hard at work perfecting their anal probe technology.

Anyhow, the proponents of these alternate crop circle "theories" are not all of the mind that visitors were even trying to communicate--nor that the "visitors" were "intelligent life," but rather meteorological phenomena. My future friend Eltjo (still awaiting response) subscribes to the "balls of light" notion. Heh, he writes: "The hypothesis that these balls of light are involved in the creation of crop circles is now no longer just a hypothesis, but a scientifically accepted fact, until someone proofs (sic) the opposite."
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ms door

Anyhow, the proponents of these alternate crop circle "theories" are not all of the mind that visitors were even trying to communicate--nor that the "visitors" were "intelligent life," but rather meteorological phenomena.


Since appearing in the media in the 1970s, crop circles have become the subject of various paranormal and fringe beliefs, ranging from the hypothesis that they are created by freak meteorological phenomena to the belief that they represent messages from extraterrestrials.

Other hypotheses attribute them to atmospheric phenomena, such as freak tornadoes or ball lightning.

The location of many crop circles near ancient sites such as Stonehenge, barrows, and chalk horses has led to many New Age belief systems incorporating crop circles, including the beliefs that they are formed in relation to ley lines and that they give off energy that can be detected through dowsing. New Age followers sometimes gather at crop-circle sites in order to meditate, or because they believe that they can use the circle in order to contact spirits.

UFOs and other lights in the sky have been reported in connection with many crop-circle sites, leading to their becoming associated with UFOs and aliens. Some people claim to have seen images of UFOs forming crop circles or overflying them, though photographs have been dismissed by experts as being indistinct or clear hoaxes. (wiki)

the alleged lights in the sky are close to the ground and the size of footballs
hardly the stuff of et spacecraft. why then do you fixate on that hypotheses? is it more viable than the rest? wanna grade them according to plausibility?

here is what i think is relevant......there are purported anomalies within certain crop circles that are alleged to distinguish them from known man made ones. until this distinction has been proved beyond a doubt and the human factor has been ruled out.....well, idle speculation

furthermore if i were to guage the public response to cropcircles, i'd notice more mystical and spiritual crap rather than et.

ja, gaia, god and angels
As a wee lad, I had me a Commodore 64 and an acoustic phone coupler modem (300 bps). One sunny summer afternoon I was goin' about my business, waxing profound on some silly bbs run by a depraved local rotter, and all of a suddenlike my television screen (yeah, C64s were cool like that) abounds with a beatific melange of letters, numerals, symbols, and whatnots. I strived in earnest to make sense of this experience, but in the end chalked it up to the unknowable godhead. I later discovered that my mom's cordless telephone (the big clunky kind which made Emmanuel Lewis appear a black leprechaun) had been off the receiver and the battery had allegedly gone dead--at this point, my extraordinary powers became crystal clear to me.

The next day, I learned that I had somehow crashed this schmuck's bbs and that I was no longer welcome to join in the reindeer games. He--Cliff be his name-- has yet to be brought to justice and I soldier on.