Crop Circles

i have questions about these purported anomalies
have they been documented?
by whom?

if so, what are they and what explanations have been proffered?
james? phlog? anyone?


So use string or surveyors tape...

Holding up a rope and stomping your feet at the same time isn't that difficult.

you a circlemaker? pics?

i have questions about these purported anomalies
have they been documented?
by whom?

if so, what are they and what explanations have been proffered?
james? phlog? anyone?

The guy in the linked video 'Dr' Eltjo Haselhoff seems to have his doctorate from a pseudoscientific institute. He got a paper/letter published in a horticultural magazine, not 'Nature' or any major publication. It was claimed his paper was 'peer reviewed' but his peers are woowoos, so that doesn't count for much.

So the 'anomalies' remain 'purported' and have not been 'proven'.
with regards to the "horticultural magazine"........

Physiologia Plantarum Is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society. The journal publishes papers on all aspects of all organizational levels of experimental plant biology ranging from biophysics, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology to ecophysiology.

the relevant portion being....

ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2008: 31/155 Plant Sciences
Impact Factor: 2.334

ranked 31st out of 155 in that category by ISI Journal Citation Reports

lets do a comparison.....

The 2008 impact factor for Nature Cell Biology is 17.776, according to ISI Journal Citation Reports.

the editorial policies of each.....

Physiologia Plantarum
Nature Cell Biology

lets sample several editors in this horticultural magazine

Hélène Barbier-Brygoo, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Catherine Bellini, Umeå, Sweden
Douglas Campbell, Sackville, NB, Canada
Hyung-Taeg Cho, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Wah Soon Chow, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Alan Crozier, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Karl-Josef Dietz, Bielefeld, Germany
Christine H. Foyer, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Per Gardeström, Umeå, Sweden
Zhizhong Gong, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Christer Larsson, Lund, Sweden
Annie Marion-Poll, Versailles, France
Ian M. Møller, Århus, Denmark
Hong Gil Nam, Pohang, Republic of Korea
Per Nissen, Ås, Norway
Melvin J. Oliver, Columbia, MO, USA
James B. Reid, Hobart, TAS, Australia
Renate Scheibe, Osnabrück, Germany
Vladimir Shulaev, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Dominique Van Der Straeten, Gent, Belgium
Björn Sundberg, Umeå, Sweden
Ryohei Terauchi, Iwate, Japan
Thomas C. Vogelmann, Burlington, VT, USA
Peter Westhoff, Düsseldorf, Germany
Jianru Zuo, Beijing, People's Republic of China

i agree, phlog
your woo woo assessment is clearly on the mark

shall we take a look at these papers that got published.?
perhaps you can bring to bear, your expertise on the methodology utilized and conclusions reached?

i do wish james would weigh in
perhaps even skin would deign to honor us with a visit

/hungry for knowledge
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Is a peer reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley-Blackwell

ranked 31st out of 155 in that category by wiley-blackwell

No shit, they rate their own magazine.

I was unable to find even the abstract for 'Dr' Haslehoff's alleged 'paper'. All formal papers have an abstract. I was also unable to determine where 'Dr' Haselhoff was awarded his PhD.

But please, someone making the claims please put in some effort to support that linked video and it's credibility.
i say!
this is not good!
an itinerant musician wandering around sci with a lute strapped on his back has shamed us :mad:
the missing crop circle scroll...

i am sure we all know by now that our buddy eltjo is incidental and the real targets are levengood and talbott. all in good time tho. i shall devote an entire post documenting their crackpottery

back to eltjo....

well well (thanks parmalee)
the plot unthickens. a doc thesis in submitted to the uni of twente in 93. what is this place?

The three leading universities of technology in the Netherlands - Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology and the University of Twente - have joined forces in the 3TU.Federation. This federation maximizes innovation by combining and concentrating the strengths in research, education and knowledge transferb

searching the uni database produces a few papers dated prior to his doc thesis. i see none post 93 so perhaps it is safe to assume he did not graduate? nah. unsubstantiated assumptions are typically the province of woo woos and i prefer to be rigorous in this endeavor (as i am sure all of us here in sci do...isnt that right, phlog?). lets have that dutch tard, enmos, call up the uni and make inquiries

git yer ass in here, boy!

a search of scholar yields these results

watch out, eltjo hans haseloff. sci has you in her sights.
hmm, perhaps we can invite him in here to defend his crackpottery, ja?
that outta be good for a laugh, eh guys?
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I've looked around a bit and seems that he did graduate and got his doctors degree.
Nonetheless, he's obviously a fraud.
thank you but "seems" is not good enough
either he has or he hasnt
call the uni
ask them a direct question. phd or not
if no, perhaps another uni?

is he still there in the netherlands?
thank you but "seems" is not good enough
either he has or he hasnt
call the uni
ask them a direct question. phd or not
if no, perhaps another uni?

is he still there in the netherlands?

I don't know where he is. He apparently worked in Germany and France as well.
He was a director of some company, maybe two.

I'm not going to call the university (by the way, he went to UTwente), they wouldn't tell me anything anyway as it's personal information.
is he still there in the netherlands?

According to his myspace page (, Eltjo presently resides in Amsterdam.

I asked him to be my "friend" and am awaiting response. Assuming he obliges, I will invite him to sciforums in order to present his exciting findings in the field of cereology.

This is interesting:
At the age of only two, with a plastic toy guitar in his hands, (Eltjo) told his mother: "When I grow up, I am going to have long hair and play guitar."
Kimberly McConnell, Eltjo's public relations manager