Crop Circles

There are some beautiful crop circles out there this year. Incredibly intricate and complex. There are even some with weave effects. Now that's gotta be time consuming. Personally, I think they are all totally man-made. I like James' points above. The makers out there are even admitting to it and proving that its possible. Check out the circlemakers website, a quick look through there and its plain to see what's going on.

There are some nice crop circle videos here:

and this site is regularly updated with the latest.
I would point out that the paper reference at the end of the video uses a poorly designed sampling strategy. No other papers were published on the subject.

What I thought was interesting was that the narrator points out that the animation did not account for distance from the viewer and goes to point this out stating something about that being interesting.
Believe what you all want, I'll believe my eyes.

'Dr' Eltjo Haselhoff,....odd, Wikipedia lists the fella as a guitarist, and doesn't use his title, and while he does seem to have had something published in the journal referenced in that vid, it lacked and abstract, so it might just have been a letter.

The only other places I found references to him were on WooWoo web sites.

So, can you verify his alleged credentials? Were they granted by "The Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies" ?
Where are the half-finished ones?

Or the complex designs that were botched?
The people who make them tend to start easy and get the hang of it before trying something complex. If you are going to go to that sort of effort you plan out what you need to do properly. It's not like you are going to see a very complex piece where one of the guys got confused and made some squares instead.

Did you find that video convincing? Some people make patterns in the crops (not crop circles) with an alien/space theme and cerealogists take that as evidence that aliens must have made them.
It's not like you are going to see a very complex piece where one of the guys got confused and made some squares instead.
What, you dont think mistakes can the dark...with designs so complex you would have trouble even drawing them on paper???
Oh please, have trouble drawing them on paper?'d have a world of trouble!

Crop_circles_Swirl.jpg'd have a world of trouble!


1, You assume that's a real crop circles, and not photoshop.
2, I could draw that easily, using simple geometry tools, such as a protractor, and a compass. It's simply six branches, so 60 degrees apart, and the sweeps are simple radii, just not full. The diameter of each circle is a simple geometric progression, and do you notice that there are 13 circles in each sweep, ... why is that, is it because symmetry is easier to draw?
1, You assume that's a real crop circles, and not photoshop.
2, I could draw that easily, using simple geometry tools, such as a protractor, and a compass.
Yes, I assume its real because there are many shots of it from different angles.
Its a famous one primarily because of its size.

And no youre not allowed to use compasses and protractors.

Remember, we are talking about blokes running around in the dark with ropes and boards.
Yes, I assume its real because there are many shots of it from different angles.
Its a famous one primarily because of its size.

And no youre not allowed to use compasses and protractors.

Remember, we are talking about blokes running around in the dark with ropes and boards.
..Who probably had night vision goggles and a compass. They had their design planned out and had their ropes measured so they knew exactly what they were doing before they started stomping.

It's certainly an impressive peice of work but humans could do it. We have no idea how many were involved. Five people? Twenty five people? More? :shrug:

If you look at the circles over the last few decades you will see an evolution. They started simple and as the circle makers became more skilled they were able to do work like this.
Ropes and boards being a makeshift compass.
And I'm guessing you understand how much tension is required to keep a 100 meter rope straight. Even allowing for some slack the impossibility of keeping an EVEN tension becomes apparent in the context of flattening wheat simultaneously with your feet!

And then there are the curvatures that cant be made with any compass, appearing with perfect symmetry on a gigantic scale.

The list goes on.
And I'm guessing you understand how much tension is required to keep a 100 meter rope straight. Even allowing for some slack the impossibility of keeping an EVEN tension becomes apparent in the context of flattening wheat simultaneously with your feet!
So use string or surveyors tape...

Holding up a rope and stomping your feet at the same time isn't that difficult.

And then there are the curvatures that cant be made with any compass, appearing with perfect symmetry on a gigantic scale.
It's just circles. Or are you referring to another piece?

What list?

Is there a part of the hour long video that has something compelling?
And I'm guessing you understand how much tension is required to keep a 100 meter rope straight. Even allowing for some slack the impossibility of keeping an EVEN tension becomes apparent in the context of flattening wheat simultaneously with your feet!

And then there are the curvatures that cant be made with any compass, appearing with perfect symmetry on a gigantic scale.

The list goes on.

Clearly it CAN be done, because people have admitted doing it, ... or have you forgotten that bit?