Crop circles

Crop circles are...

  • ...genuine (extraterrestrial beings doing their thing)

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • ... man made (although an odd part of mankind)

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • ...mostly manmade, though some are genuine (trouble making your mind up?)

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • ...natural phenomena (watch out for the whirlwind vortex)

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
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I remember trying to explain about beaming through the atmosphere with satellites for another topic. Someone made me realise something abould what would occur if you were to try and bombard a singular plasma stream through the atmosphere, You would create a hole.

Which means over time you would do more and more damage to the ozone. So from an environmental perspective it makes sense to use a ground array. (and from a government perspective, can you imagine if another government caught your satellite pulling that stuff, they could blackmail your country into giving funds or technology otherwise the would expose your country for what it's doing)
I discovered some crAp circles in my back yard last week--very elaborate--I think my dogs may be responsible, but I can't be sure...
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Well the grass circles I once had weren't from a dog, although one of them could have been down to a ring of toadstools.

(although you could question if any crystallation of soil might effect fungal growth)
repent and you will be forgiven for rejecting me



see stryders link below

my vote went for et doing their thing
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Actually I think that pictures a fake, I've got the real one here.
Been on holiday. Back to the 80% man-made: That particular figure is the estimate of Colin Andrews, one GB "specialist". The estimate, however, could be 1% or whatever. The fact is that a number of very complex formations are provably manmade. These people document and publish their work, sometimes they get payed to do formations for advertizing. They even have a website: Another fact is that the so-called experts are not consistently able to distinguish between documentedly manmade formations and those that the same experts deem "genuine".

Why is this so important? Because it proves conclusively that crop patterns CAN be made by humans. This means that all those "technique baffles scientists" statements simply dont hold water. It may baffle some scientists, but it can be done by humans.

Some people keep talking about "pranks with planks", some even talk about drunks; this is in order to make it sound impossible. Today's crop formation makers are serious (maybe crazy, but, serious) people, no doubt using lasers, GPS devices and other modern equipment. They design and plan their art carefully on computers before they set out into the dark fields, possibly they even rehearse the operation.

About those burst nodes: Have you actually walked to a field and bent a few stalks? Thats how stalks react when you bend them. Probably evolution made those staks cabable of surving being flattened ... dont forget that this happens all the time, naturally, during heavy rain and wind.

The plasma vortex: One serious problem with the plasma vortex is that it is a speculative phenomenon invented to explain crop circles. It has never been observed and no traces of it have ever been observed, exept crop circles. So its explaining one unknown with another ... and thats not science.

Top down deduction (Occam's razor if you will) says:

1) Crop patterns can be made by human beings.

2) We have no proof of the existence of aliens and even if they were here we, lack any motive for them to make crop circles.

3) There is no known natural phenomenon that can explain the complex and diverse geometric patterns we see.

Since humans are a known source of crop patterns and the only known source, it is reasonable to conclude that all crop patterns are made by humans. The fact that some scientists think otherwise and publish articles is interesting, but it doesnt make it a truth. But lets see what reviews those articles get.

If they have tried to recreate them, but failed, doesn't that tell you that it can't be man made.

I think that says it all.
If they have tried to recreate them, but failed, doesn't that tell you that it can't be man made.

No. It just tells you that the people trying to recreate them aren't very good at it.
James.. If people have tried to make them and can't, but you say we arent good at it, then how can they be made if we arent good at it. Are you saying people are born being great at making crop circles?
spudbud21 said:
James.. If people have tried to make them and can't, but you say we arent good at it, then how can they be made if we arent good at it. Are you saying people are born being great at making crop circles?
There is this thing called practise. Works wonders.
My views have changed since my last post to some extent, I was all to happy to suggest that radiology would be used to bend corn stems, but I believe it's more to do with genetic manipulation through such equipment, Similar to the aspect of gene therapy. Which I'm sure you'll notice has been an issue with the current increase of genetically modified crops.
"I can assure you that I couldnt paint the Mona Lisa ---- does that mean it wasnt man-made????" da vinci was human???

"You'd need someone overhead to help guide them, these things are near perfect in design."
hot air ballons
infared camera stuck on a tree or a pole or on wires between two trees on different sides of the field
cherry picker could possibly do it whilst staying on the road
running out of ideas now

everyone is saying "this mustnt have been an alien because a human claimed responsibility or had a tape of themselves doing it
these aliens happen to have mind control rays and either got the people to make the cricles in a 'studio' onboard their ship or just faked the video
dont ask me reasons as to why they would do this. maybe its a coming of age that you must outsmart a civilization to become an adult, humans have done stupider things
The main reason I suggest it's not alien is "Why does it only occur to crops?", So we see these circles on Mars surface, where there is no life?

(In fact Mars would be the best place to leave an "Authentic message" since not many people can put it there.)
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