Crop circles

Crop circles are...

  • ...genuine (extraterrestrial beings doing their thing)

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • ... man made (although an odd part of mankind)

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • ...mostly manmade, though some are genuine (trouble making your mind up?)

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • ...natural phenomena (watch out for the whirlwind vortex)

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
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You might also like to learn that the resonation of particals trhough microwave bombardment create vibrations that are coined "Solitons".

(This just means a form of wavelength that can travel through a solid object, this can be proven by one of those businessman stress toys with 5 silver balls, where the energy is displaced through a swinging motion. The displacement is caused by the transversement of Solitons from one ball to the next.)

As for the mentioning of microwaves, I didn't say Microwaves in my statement, I mentioned Electromagnetic Flux.

Now before anyone jumps on the "Er.. but aren't they..." band wagon, I'm going to try and explain this simply, The use of Long wavelengths isn't what I was discussing, if they are too long then you don't have molecular control.

This is proven with Entropy, where something can fall into chaos over a greater period of time but seem ordered with a shorter period of time.

This means that the smaller length radiowaves are responsible for maniplating "Electromagnetic quantum stiffening", okay that sounds like a bunch of tech speak, but it basically means that wave formations coming in from multiple directions can cause "Matrices" (cross over points) that can create electromagnetic wells, but on scales that can manipulate matter.

Not microwaves.

I shall still be adamant about this being the No.1 plausible reason although I do know that people make crop circles, in fact I know of someone that investigates them and knows the circles makers, and who has even perhaps fallen into a field with a plank of wood.

Although that person is now suffering from M.E. (And I don't mean windows) to which I believe the people using this EM method have been interfering with him, for what ever reason I don't know.
Mmmm actually, the explanation on howstuffworks is not entirely correct, but all this belongs in a scientific forum, wheras this discussion quite properly goes on under Pseudoscience, so I'll rest my case.;)

How long would this one take?


What practical use would there be for this technology, persides they mind bogling and eyebrow raising of pro and contra believers of Alien existence?

Maby we can de-formate the crop in that way, so that it already fits into our stomach, that we just have to swallow and not chew, to spare our teeth?

Stryder: Could you post the plans for the circuitry, so that some-one can built this devise? Is it simple to make? : I would LOVE to play a prank on my landlord: and de-formate her head!!!!! heheheh!!!

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Mmmm actually, the explanation on howstuffworks is not entirely correct, but all this belongs in a scientific forum, wheras this discussion quite properly goes on under Pseudoscience, so I'll rest my case.

Your case is taking a rest...

In the meantime, why is it that a female can get away wearing male clothes and not vice versa?
Originally posted by kmguru

In the meantime, why is it that a female can get away wearing male clothes and not vice versa?
Because I look damn silly in a dress.
You look just fine in a dress, Adam, although the three inch spike heels are a bit much.
You guys missed the point by 5 miles (or 8 kilometers). Hans was talking about why we are talking about science in pseudoscience....:D

nobody seems to notice my reply here!!! I demand reaction!!! AAAH!
Originally posted by Fukushi
What practical use would there be for this technology, persides they mind bogling and eyebrow raising of pro and contra believers of Alien existence?

Maby we can de-formate the crop in that way, so that it already fits into our stomach, that we just have to swallow and not chew, to spare our teeth?

Stryder: Could you post the plans for the circuitry, so that some-one can built this devise? Is it simple to make? : I would LOVE to play a prank on my landlord: and de-formate her head!!!!! heheheh!!!


Your signature with that huge graphic takes up so much space that, it is easy to miss what you have to say....

Oops...I missed it again....:D

that 'huge' graphic is just a persiflage upon some of the board-members,..LOL

one of these days, I'll make a revision,....perhaps,.....maby,....

Presently I can't do any Schematics as it appears a group is trying to kill me over recent information leaks, Since no governing or regulatory body is willing to accept any responsibility then it looks as if I'll have to prepare to defend myself.
If you need help?

I'm always prepared to help out some friends in need! So count me in! Let's make the first move! (it's a good defence, at least: so they tend to say);)
Stryder, I hope you survive. But schematics published would make it irrelevant to kill you, except maybe in revenge. Still, you'd have left something .........

I've just posted a really long winded but not fully conclusive post in Free Thoughts.

Simply put it explains the long version of whats been occuring to me.

I might of white lied a little about what I stated, but it is likely that I'm suffernig genetic damage from continued radiation bombardment. It looks like ME or some other ailment, but really it's HOMEOPATHY, it's a faked version creatd through the use of radiation.

That wy MCR_Hans I kept mentioning about radiology so much, as I have a rather large (as you could see by that post mentioned) complaint about it and those that misuse it.

My explaination of corn circles is just the tip of the iceberg, the equipment also ties with "mindcontrol", "telepathy", "UFO's", "Ball Lightening", "Hallucinations", "Ghosts", "telekinesis", "Hypnotism", "Psychics","Cult's", "Assassins" and probably even those bloody terrorists.

This is were you look and pull some big smile as if to say "what a conspiracy theorist", but in truth all those things have a scientific answer and some secrecy covering it up being a Scientific fact.

I would build the equipment but I shouldn't need to, really I should just ask the Rockafella institute if they wouldn't mind looking into it, perhaps even building a test system.

Or if your really lucky you might just find some information available on the internet about the Electromagnetic "Poltergeist" Laboratory, basically a lab filled with high end EM equipment that can levitate objects in it's central room (since the rest of it is filled with computers to process the data that necessary).

The people at this laboratory could prove the corn circles method quite easily.
Theres a new crop circle next to the busy M27 motorway near Southampton. It appeared in a field right next to the motorway and it is a big R in a cirle with speedlines. If I find a pic, I'll post it
Considering all the evidence, if anyone doesn't believe that crop pictographs are the work of people whose science is far more advanced than our planetary science then they would have to be something of an idiot, uninformed on the subject, or some kind of government agitator, or perhaps a combination of all three.

The latest remarkable crop pictograph that appeared on Wednesday, 15 August, 2002, is a rendition of a space person holding an information disc that is reminiscent of the Arecibo radiogram reply crop pictograph that appeared in August of last year in the same county of Hampshire. Lucy Pringle has some excellent photographs of them on her website,

The fact that the crop pictographs have been increasing in number and complexity over the years seems to indicate that they are meant to educate us while acclimatizing us to the reality that there are other intelligent societies besides what has developed on our planet. It must be done in this graduated fashion in order not to spread panic amongst the general population. Many of the pictographs seem to belong in series that denote components of machines such as engines and others that appear to represent electromagnetic or gravity fields.

This clearly is the most remarkable period of recorded history that is known to us and how we react to it will be a signature mark of our civilization. Wise people regard the crop pictographs with wonder and interest and fools dismiss them as hoaxes and try to suppress the knowledge of them. Fortunately for us whoever is applying them to our fields is easily able to outwit the amateurish people who are trying to keep the information from getting widely disseminated.
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John, forgive me, but I'm an idiot. Could you please explain to me, in VERY simple terms, why it takes a more advanced thechnology than that of mankind to make geometric patterns in grops?

Why is it that creatures that can design microchips, buils vast bridges, put up sattelites, etc. etc. in your opinion cannot figure out how to make a crop pattern?

Also, while your'e at it, please explain about those very complex patterns that were made by human beings before withnesses? How come they could do that? I'm not talking about Dough's and Dave's old stuff, I'm talking about things like this:


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