Crop circles

Crop circles are...

  • ...genuine (extraterrestrial beings doing their thing)

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • ... man made (although an odd part of mankind)

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • ...mostly manmade, though some are genuine (trouble making your mind up?)

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • ...natural phenomena (watch out for the whirlwind vortex)

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
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Looks like a normal crop circle to me...:bugeye:

I think what you mean is (sorry can't remember much about it) a certain south american tribe that has long since disapeared that created cave-artsy looking creatures (I remember seeing a pic of a bird and a deer) in such a manner that it would only be seen if viewed from above. No one knows how or why they made these, but they did somehow. Would find a pic and post it if I could remember the name of the tribe or something.
It IS a normal crop circle. And it was made by humans. In late July 2001 by circlemakers John Lundberg, Rod Dickinson and Wil Russell.

Hans ;)
What is your opinion about them? is it a bunch of dowsing idiots making wheat fields unready, are there aliens out there trying to contact us, or a bit of both? or are all the believers 'far out' and are they just another "natural phenomenon"?

I personally believe they are all created by some guys loving to play with the farmer's treasures... might give it a try myself next season...who knows....what's out there
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Hi Enqrypzion,

Threads are merged, because there is a lot of discussion done on this subject already...:)
The genuine crop circles can't be duplicated by people on this planet because, as with the cattle mutilations, the science involved is beyond our comprehension. When some skeptics say a piece of equipment was found in the field formation of the Alien Face, therefore the formation was made by a couple of locals, that is a goofy way to arrive at a conclusion. The government has been actively suppressing the dissemination of knowledge of crop circles and it is likely that it was one of their clowns who planted a small device in the field for just the purpose of creating a controversy over the legitimacy of the formation. That is typical of the kind of disinformation placment that the clowns in government are noted for.

Here is an article on the Alien Face formation at Winchester, showing that it is more complicated than anyone could make with sticks, and below it is a link to more pictures of it.
I've mentioned loads of times before, antenna arrays that have computers at each node, parallel processing the frequencies to respond in the correct manner to make the corn flatten with spacial stiffening through EM.

This should be noticed just through the alien picture alone and it's "Dot matrix" effect like the old sorts of printers use to output.

BTW, don't think that a picture of an "alien" means they exist, they are just a figment of your imagination (and can be made so with "holographic Hypnosis" while you sleep.)
The genuine crop circles can't be duplicated by people on this planet because, as with the cattle mutilations, the science involved is beyond our comprehension.

What science beyond our comprehension is needed to make a crop circle?

What, in your opinion, is the motive for the governments of multiple independent countries to suppress information about crop circles?

I agree that the "Alien face" formation is too complicated to make with sticks, but why do you think human makers would be confined to using sticks?

William of Occam, wherefore art thou?

So, there seem to be two camps about how crop circles are made.

   1. A couple of dudes using planks and string (also a torch if it's a dark night).

   2. Aliens who:
      - have evolved beyond us
      - have travelled light years
      - have undetectable craft
      - have no better way to communicate with us than
         by smashing a picture into farmer Ted’s fields?

:rolleyes:  Please.
Stryderunknown, I don't know why you would keep repeating that dorky theory about stiffening space. Here's an article about some of the science involved in crop circles as tested by world renowned scientists. You guys that don't know anything about crop circles don't seem to realize that the word is out. It's the happening thing, man. Get with it, or be left behind with the non-thinkers.

If you keep taking in the scent of that Sh*t your shoveling, there is no wonder why you can't get it through your skull that even the most demented alien wouldn't waste time drawing pictures for you to look at, don't you think they would be finding the intellectually elite and not bothering with some poor farmers field?

The more likely scenario is this:

The disk in the image is something with Code yes, but it just like the Crossword that was used to find Enigma coders, if you decode the message then people are going to be interested in you. With no fecking aliens.

Btw, my rudeness was just a mixture of the reflection of John's arrogance towards other forum posters and a late night. (Okay I got Tetchy.)

John simply Stiffening of space can occur with the bombardment of Muon's (If my memory serves me correct), If you look at that Crop image you presented in conjunction of that of other you'll notice something different.

Where corncircles can be generated through mathematics and a CAD program that uses "Point" methods of representation (Where the point is infinitely small but still exists) the crop shapes where fully formed, In this version as I mentioned before it's acted like a printer in lines because the Drawing/Illustration doesn't use the CAD point method. (Next time Circle makers try rigging your system for something similar to FLASH with the vector compatibility.)
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The disk has been decoded, it was in simple 8 bit ASCII and contained a rather lame message in English. Now, of course, the hunt is on for the hidden messages in the text.

Now some text from the link that John feels we must know about or be left behind:

In the early 1990s, biophysicist William C. Levengood, of the Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory, in Michigan, examined plants and soils from 250 crop formations, randomly selected from seven countries. Samples and controls were provided by the Massachusetts-based BLT Research Team, directed by Nancy Talbott and Dr. Levengood, who has published over 50 papers in scientific journals, documented numerous changes in the plants from the formations. Most dramatic were grossly elongated plant nodes (the "knuckles" along the stem) and "expulsion cavities" --holes literally blown open at the nodes -- caused by the heating of internal moisture from exposure to intense bursts of radiation. The steam inside the stems escaped by either stretching the nodes or, in less elastic tissue, exploding out like a potato bursting open in

Now this is a bit weird, since even hard-core Crop circle believers contend that about 80% of the crop circles are man-made. So how come he finds this mystrious changes in all of them (since no exceptions are made, we must assume that it is all of them)

And what kind of scientist is this who makes conclusions as part of his investigations?:

caused by the heating of internal moisture from exposure to intense bursts of radiation

The reported findings suggest that some heating occurred, but there is absolutely no basis for concluding that "intense bursts of radiation" caused it, thats pure speculation.

Back to the top-down approach --- see goofyfish's post.

And John: Stryder's theory about stiffening of space is neither more nor less sensible than the theory of aliens visiting Earth in order to stomp grain and stealing cow's asses, and the collective governments of the world covering up.

I don't believe that 80 % of crop circles are manmade, and no one I know believes that either. That's just another bit of propaganda that people who don't know enough of the facts are susceptible to. There are people who spread disinformation all the time. You have to think about what makes sense and try and filter out the stuff that is too simple minded or the stories which seem too pat to be plausible. I'd be more inclined to say that the ratio is more likely to be vice versa. The debunker crowd likely makes less circles and claim more.

Here are some scientists who are working on crop circles from a professional investigation;

Here is one of their reports, including photographic evidence, in a peer reviewed science journal;

There are scientists all over the world who take investigating crop circles seriously and they know the evidence rules out plankers or any other form of making crop circles that can be attributed to people using our existing knowledge about science. These scientists conclude that the circles are caused by a plasma vortex, for the simple reason that the scientific journal wouldn't publish it if the conclusion stated the circles were made by an alien intelligence. Both the scientists and the scientific journal know that a plasma vortex is not capable of making geometric and pictographic designs on it's own and that it must be directed by an intelligence. However, if they leave out the part about the plasma vortex being directed by an intelligence, they can publish without fear of retribution and still get the scientific knowledge about crop circles into the public arena.
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I'm glad you stumbled onto that information because that is kind of what I was trying to explain with my theory. You see I say "Stiffening of Space" But I know that all mass occupies space. So my explanation was to try and explain how the very Super-positioning of atomics and their sub-atomics could be shifted through the use of stiffening.

I mentioned Electromagnetics because I was looking at a region that wouldn't produce too much heat afterall you wouldn't want a corn field to burst into flames.

Another small preposal is on the instances of Holographic projection through Halogen resonance, if you were to find the right frequencies and test corn of it's halogenic content then you might realise what occurs.

As for aliens??? Still I think not. It's something created for a couple of reasons;

One is subversion, keeping the populations attention diverted from anything else that is happening, after while we discuss in a pub or chatroom about the local corncircle your not being inspired by some potential leader of some movement against any particular cause.

Two, There are people out there that do Theology PhD'd, Now they could study religions that already exist, but there are so many problems with trying to work out the information that is missing in certain spaces (due to wars and time destroying the information), so it's understandible that they might invent a new religion to watch how it grows and shapes. (Just look at David Icke)

Three, Lets say you have equipment that can be used for Eave's dropping, subversion through the use of interacting with a persons mind (originally Anti-personnel) and your country exists in a state of peace, the people that would operate such equipment still need training. So they turn that equipment on such things as corn circles to work out how to manipulate sub-atomics without harming anyone and the onto messing with peoples minds (Usually targetting anyone that enters mental institutes or pushes people into them.)
Crop Circles per Jacques Vallee....

I just read a paper that Jacques Vallee sent to me on this topic. It has a certain resonance that is hard to avoid. His contention is that crop circles are not the result of a couple drunks with a board screwing around in a field, nor do they represent ET. He suggests that it is earth based technology being tested....

excerpt -
"1. The early formations were simple circles, then circles with satellites. In later years more and more sophisticated and precisely-drawn geometric figures appeared.
2. Vegetation is bent because the nodes are exploded. The stalks are not broken and indeed the plants are often reported to start growing again.
3. All the significant formations were observed in an area in close proximity to major research facilities of the British defense establishment, often in controlled airspace.

So much for Aliens and Druids. These studies point to the crop formations as the result of sophisticated electronic warfare experiments conducted by defense contractors. The answer to question (1) provides the first clue: If you are trying to calibrate a beam, drawing a pattern on a wheat field can yield precision information within the diameter of one stalk over hundreds of feet, an ideal test situation. The answer to question (2) narrows down the type of energy that can be responsible, because the amount of heat radiation that needs to be coupled into one node of a stalk of wheat to vaporize the water content is a known quantity, as laboratory tests in France and in the United States soon established. The answer to question (3) points to the likely authors of the tests.

It is tempting to jump to the conclusion that some sort of space-based weapon is being developed. I am reluctant to assume this because of the cost involved. Even if satellites represent the ultimate platform for such a weapon, which does not seem obvious to me, the calibration tests can be carried out far more cheaply from a conventional aircraft. In those cases when witnesses on the ground have seen formations in the process of being created, they have described a reddish glow at ground level, with the vegetation bent over in a matter of minutes. This would be consistent with a beam directed at the field from a hovering dirigible, painting a figure very much in the same way as an electron beam “paints” a digital image on a computer screen. From conversations I have had with the investigators involved, the beam would be unlikely to be a simple infrared beam. Instead a combination of laser and microwave transmitters may be involved, or a form of maser. Perhaps the increasingly sophisticated tests are designed, precisely, to discover optimal combinations.

This leaves several issues pending: Why don’t witnesses see the supposed hovering platforms if they simply fly over the countryside? What about the “confessions” of the two retired men who claimed they made the circles with a two-by-four and a piece of string? And why do the experiments continue at a point where the technology seems to have reached a high level of perfection? I only have tentative answers to this new set of questions:

- Many years ago I gave a lecture on UFO research at Oxford University. One of the people attending, a physics faculty member, told me of an interesting personal experience. His hobby was to fly gliders over the English countryside. On one occasion, on a bright afternoon, he was astonished to see his plane reflected in a surface that appeared to be motionless in the atmosphere. He actually flew around the object and determined it was a perfectly reflecting cylinder. It is obvious that such a device would have “low-observable” characteristics – a visual stealth platform.

- What is suspicious about the two older men’s “confession” is that it appeared simultaneously on the front pages of international papers and on CNN the same day. Any published author familiar with the difficulty of getting media attention will know that it takes a very powerful public relations firm to get a story to the front page of the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, Le Figaro and many other papers the same day. Where did the two pensioners get the kind of clout that would spin their claim around the planet? The result was instantaneous: The press and, more importantly, most scientists lost all interest in the story for 10 years.

- Why do the tests continue? I admit I have no good answer to this. It seems farfetched to assume that they have become more sociological than technological in nature, yet this could provide an explanation. Soon or later the truth will be known, and it can be used to discredit the community of paranormal researchers who have rushed to decipher alien scripts in the formations, or have hypothesized a return of the Druids, earth lights or messages from Gaia without first testing the basic physics of the situation. It may also be that such hypotheses have been coldly planted among the New Age milieu as part of a psychological warfare experiment, and that the real nature of the crop formations can thus be hidden from serious attention for a very long time.

Why would one need to develop such a beam? Destruction of incoming missiles (or simple confusion of their electronics) would be an obvious purpose, but several projects are already under way to produce such weapons, notably at Boeing and other defense contractors. But we may be wrong in assuming that the beam itself is a weapon; it might be used simply to guide a much larger amount of energy (contained plasma, or the fireball created by a nuclear explosion, for example) to its ultimate destination. The type of threat that is present in today’s world includes targets that one may not want to blow up, but rather to fuse inside a fireball. Such a target might be a biological laboratory, or a chemical factory, where dispersion of a pathogen is undesirable. Is that what the innocent designs in English fields are really telling us to get ready for? If so, their message may be far more ominous that any communication from ETs, friendly or not."

Jacques F. Vallee

I think this has a definate "ring" to it..... how about you?
That doesn't ring true for me at all, Ted. To start with, the government would never be out testing a new weapon system in some farmer's field. They have millions of acre of their own to test stuff on where no one can see what they are doing.

As I referenced in my previous post, there are scientists studying the crop circle phenomena and they find that the individual stalks are heated from the inside towards the outside. In a square meter of wheat, a common crop for crop circles to appear in, there are several thousand individual stalks. Some of the formations are several hundred meters square, so you can just imagine how many stalks must be heated individually from the inside out. The technology is far more advanced then anything our science is capable of, but that is only a part of the message. The precision with which this technology can be delivered is in itself as amazing as is the technology.

When anyone compares our science to the crop pictograph makers science, they are not observing what our science does in practice. The army has a far less than stellar record when it comes to intercepting big things like missiles, so they sure couldn't hit a few million stalks of wheat on the inside, without scorching any on the outside, no matter what kind of platform they were working from.
I've already assert my opinion, I have great reason purely for a bunch of "grass circles" that "Followed" me around for a bit.
Where ever I went there would be this circle, or two, or three or four. Not a solid one just the outlining.

I believe it has something to do with something else I've explained about but people take the usual opinion "it must be your head!".

It's daft though how a people I mention it too will readily believe that aliens are writing in corn, or that there is actual magic in mysticism, but they can't believe the evolution of science in the field of radiomanipulation.

It's been mentioned before that people say the wavelengths would be impossible, but at the end of the day you must have heard "We control the Horizontal, we control the Vertical" which is matricing at the heart.

I should really try to find some more on how our world exists in holographic layers, where if you were on one layer everything would seem the same (size, mass etc) because then you might see where science is going and has gone with string theory.

Afterall it would be easier to manipulate a whole corn field if the field is multiple layers that multiple systems all take control of one each, parallel processing the super-positioning of the corn.

But don't take my word for it, just watch out for the next corn image.

The explanation offered by Jaques is interesting... I don't buy it either. There are some very puzzling aspects to crop circles. I have no idea where it will lead. Recently Journalist Leslie Kean wrote an article regarding crop circles - I will attach it....


Leslie Kean: Origin of crop circles baffles scientists


SINCE THE RECENT release of the movie Signs, crop circles have been thrust into the limelight. Major publications such as Scientific American and U.S. News and World Report have echoed the common belief that all crop circles are made by stealthy humans flattening plants with boards. This assumption would be fair enough if we had no information suggesting otherwise.

However, intriguing data published in peer-reviewed scientific journals clearly establishes that some of these geometric designs, found in dozens of countries, are not made by "pranks with planks." In fact, a study about to be published by a team of scientists and funded by Laurance Rockefeller concludes "it is possible that we are observing the effects of a new or as yet undiscovered energy source."

In the early 1990s, biophysicist William C. Levengood, of the Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory, in Michigan, examined plants and soils from 250 crop formations, randomly selected from seven countries. Samples and controls were provided by the Massachusetts-based BLT Research Team, directed by Nancy Talbott.

Levengood, who has published over 50 papers in scientific journals, documented numerous changes in the plants from the formations. Most dramatic were grossly elongated plant nodes (the "knuckles" along the stem) and "expulsion cavities" -- holes literally blown open at the nodes -- caused by the heating of internal moisture from exposure to intense bursts of radiation. The steam inside the stems escaped by either stretching the nodes or, in less elastic tissue, exploding out like a potato bursting open in a microwave oven.

Seeds taken from the plants and germinated in the lab showed significant alterations in growth, as compared with controls. Effects varied from an inability to develop seeds to a massive increase in growth rate -- depending on the species, the age of the plants when the circle was created and the intensity of the energy system involved.

These anomalies were also found in tufts of standing plants inside crop circles -- clearly not a result of mechanical flattening -- and in patches of randomly downed crops found near the geometric designs. These facts suggested some kind of natural, but unknown, force at work.

Published in Physiologia Plantarum (1994), the international journal of the European Societies of Plant Physiology, Levengood's data showed that "plants from crop circles display anatomical alterations which cannot be explained by assuming the formations are hoaxes." He defined a "genuine" formation as one "produced by external energy forces independent of human influence."

A strange brown "glaze" covering plants within a British formation was the subject of Levengood and John A. Burke's 1995 paper in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The material was a pure iron that had been embedded in the plants while the iron was still molten. Tiny iron spheres were also found in the soil.

In 1999, British investigator Ronald Ashby examined the glaze through optical and scanning electron microscopes. He determined that intense heat had been involved -- iron melts at about 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit -- administered in millisecond bursts. "After exhaustive inquiry, there is no mundane explanation for the glaze" he concluded.

In another paper for Physiologia Plantarum (1999), Levengood and Talbott suggested that the energy causing crop circles could be an atmospheric plasma vortex -- multiple interacting electrified air masses that emit microwaves as they spiral around the earth's magnetic-field lines.

Some formations, however, contain cubes and straight lines. Astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, of the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics, says that such "highly organized, intelligent patterns are not something that could be created by a force of nature."

But Haisch points out that since not all formations are tested, it is unknown how many are genuine. Nor is it likely that such complex designs could evolve so quickly in nature. "Natural phenomena make mountain ranges and form continents -- they don't learn geometry in ten years," says Haisch, who is the science editor for the Astrophysical Journal.

In 1999, philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller made possible the most definitive -- and most revealing -- study to date. The BLT Research Team collected hundreds of plant and soil samples from a seven-circle barley formation in Edmonton, Canada. The plants had both elongated nodes and expulsion cavities, and the soils contained the peculiar iron spheres, indicating a genuine formation. The controls showed none of these changes.

Mineralogist Sampath Iyengar, of the Technology of Materials Laboratory, in California, examined specific heat-sensitive clay minerals in these soils, using X-ray diffraction and a scanning electron microscope. He discovered an increase in the degree of crystallinity (the ordering of atoms) in the circle minerals, which statistician Ravi Raghavan determined was statistically significant at the 95 percent level of confidence.

"I was shocked," says Iyengar, a 30-year specialist in clay mineralogy. "These changes are normally found in sediments buried for thousands and thousands of years under rocks, affected by heat and pressure, and not in surface soils."

Also astounding was the direct correlation between the node-length increases in the plants and the increased crystallization in the soil minerals -- indicating a common energy source for both effects. Yet the scientists could not explain how this would be possible. The temperature required to alter soil crystallinity would be between 1,500 and 1,800 degrees F. This would destroy the plants.

Understanding the possible ramifications of these findings, Talbott sought the expertise of an emeritus professor of geology and mineralogy at Dartmouth College, Robert C. Reynolds Jr., who is former president of the Clay Minerals Society. He is regarded by his colleagues as the "best-known expert in the world" on X-ray diffraction analysis of clay minerals.

Reynolds determined that the BLT Team's data had been "obtained by competent personnel, using current equipment."

The intense heat required for the observed changes in crystallinity "would have incinerated any plant material present," he confirms in a statement for the Rockefeller report. "In short, I believe that our present knowledge provides no explanation."

Meteorologist James W. Deardorff, professor emeritus at the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University, and previously a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, states in a 2001 Physiologia Plantarum commentary that the variety, complexity and artistry of crop circles "represent the work of intelligence," and not a plasma vortex. "That is why the hoax hypothesis has been popularly advocated," he says.

However, he points out, the anomalous properties in plant stems thoroughly documented by Levengood and Talbott could not possibly have been implemented by hoaxers. Deardorff describes one 1986 British formation in which upper and lower layers of crop were intricately swirled and bent perpendicular to each other, in a fashion that "defies any explanation."

"People don't want to face up to this, and scientists have to deal with the ridicule factor," he said in a recent interview.

Adding to the puzzle, professional filmmakers have documented bizarre daytime "balls of light" at crop-circle sites. Light phenomena were observed by multiple witnesses at the site of the Canadian circle so meticulously examined under the Rockefeller grant.

Eltjo Hasselhoff, a Dutch experimental physicist, has taken on the study of what he describes as "bright, fluorescent flying light objects,sized somewhere between an egg and a football."

Scientists face real and serious questions in confronting this mystery. Could this be secret laser technology beamed down from satellites? Is it a natural phenomenon? Is there a consciousness or intelligence directing an energy form yet unknown to us?

"To look at the evidence and go away unconvinced is one thing," says astrophysicist Haisch. "To not look at the evidence and be convinced against it . . . is another. That is not science." It's not good journalism, either.

Leslie Kean is an investigative reporter and producer with Pacifica Radio based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She can be reached at

Online at:
"Leslie Kean: Origin of crop circles baffles scientists"

Are they truly scientists of reputable backgrounding?

"Seeds taken from the plants and germinated in the lab showed significant alterations in growth, as compared with controls. Effects varied from an inability to develop seeds to a massive increase in growth rate -- depending on the species, the age of the plants when the circle was created and the intensity of the energy system involved."

Clandenstine introduction of GM crops?

"These anomalies were also found in tufts of standing plants inside crop circles -- clearly not a result of mechanical flattening -- and in patches of randomly downed crops found near the geometric designs. These facts suggested some kind of natural, but unknown, force at work."

Simply, Non-locality, it would take a matrix of differing points to make the final destination do what it does.

"A strange brown "glaze" covering plants within a British formation was the subject of Levengood and John A. Burke's 1995 paper in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The material was a pure iron that had been embedded in the plants while the iron was still molten. Tiny iron spheres were also found in the soil.

In 1999, British investigator Ronald Ashby examined the glaze through optical and scanning electron microscopes. He determined that intense heat had been involved -- iron melts at about 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit -- administered in millisecond bursts. "After exhaustive inquiry, there is no mundane explanation for the glaze" he concluded.

What happens when you put something IRON in a microwave?

"Mineralogist Sampath Iyengar, of the Technology of Materials Laboratory, in California, examined specific heat-sensitive clay minerals in these soils, using X-ray diffraction and a scanning electron microscope. He discovered an increase in the degree of crystallinity (the ordering of atoms) in the circle minerals, which statistician Ravi Raghavan determined was statistically significant at the 95 percent level of confidence."

Of course the atomics is ordered, so would be iron filings with a magnetic.

"Also astounding was the direct correlation between the node-length increases in the plants and the increased crystallization in the soil minerals -- indicating a common energy source for both effects. Yet the scientists could not explain how this would be possible. The temperature required to alter soil crystallinity would be between 1,500 and 1,800 degrees F. This would destroy the plants."

Temperature is created through inconsistancies of holographic layers according to multiworlds/string theory. If the corn is being manipulated at many different levels that by all means it doesn't have to produce such heat to Spacial regions and would only produce it to atoms and molecules from the radioactive decay effect that radiation can cause (and also the creation of isatopes)

"Adding to the puzzle, professional filmmakers have documented bizarre daytime "balls of light" at crop-circle sites. Light phenomena were observed by multiple witnesses at the site of the Canadian circle so meticulously examined under the Rockefeller grant."

Ball lightening could easily be created through the matricing of a volume of free floating atoms/molecules, that could undergo a resonance effect caused by radioactive decay to cause a bright holographic likeness that would look like lightening but would be more like "St Elmo's Fire".

"Scientists face real and serious questions in confronting this mystery. Could this be secret laser technology beamed down from satellites? Is it a natural phenomenon? Is there a consciousness or intelligence directing an energy form yet unknown to us?"

Why do people just point up to Satellites, there's ground array's too. Well established radio antenna's that have to relinquish certain rights to the "Censorship schemes" that governments do enforce on information exchange not to forget their "Hidden channels".

One thought I came across earlier was about the possibility of testing radio communication through non-locality so if a signal was transmitted it could be received at a different point other than what would be expect from a tracking system.

For instance soldiers walking around with headsets, could possibly be tracked via the headset if the signal was direct, therefore non-locality could be used to make the signal non-distinguishable from background sound.

This would mean that the crystalisation of soil could be used for mirroring the radiology, to aid extra doppler effects.
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Another speculation:

Someone is testing a microwave laser from space and drwaing all those crop circles. Could be earthly origin. However if it is a proton beam, then that could be designed for antiballistic missile defense. But if that is the case, why give away the secret?

On the other hand, if the technology is extraterrestial origin, then most governments would get excited everytime one shows up. If they are not - then it is man made period.
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