Crop circles - what do they mean?

actually, the hoaxtsters aren't capable of creating even a fraction of the circles they laid claim to.

Why not?
As I mentioned previous "Radiology". The use of radio frequency can alter the electromagnetic field of atoms/molecules, this causes a weird effect which has been notibly coined "The Hutchison Effect" by a freelance physicist that was interested in generating cheap power through radio frequency, however his experiments had "weird side effects".

As you should note, Radiology means the usage of Radio transmittion equipment from either or both ground arrays and satellites. The "Matricing" of the wavelengths must of course be computed which I gather would mean computing with systems located at each node in a network, which would allow something like a computer CAD package (The sort for drawing Mechanical designs) to control how the "Matricing" would effect a corn field.

This is where I mentioned "Gene-Therapy", which uses radiology to manipulate the very gene structures of DNA. It's been attempted by the medical profession within hospitals on guineapig patients and the results have been far from good.

[I did wonder if the plan was to create a mass clandestine Gene-therapy system the country over to try and defeat Cancers from smoking, obesity perhaps even germ warfare but all without the public knowledge, which could potentially place the public at risk since it means there is no publicised VETING of staff that run the equipment (They could have Murder, Rapist or Paedophile tendancies) and any deaths would be treated because of the secrecy as "Natural causes"].

If you had the capacity to Matrice radiology and your intension was to interact with genetic code at potentially string level (small than atomics), then Corn would be the first starting point since it's not a live test subject that could scream from pain or die from being operated on wrongly. This is why I suggest it's also proof that mind control equipment exists in how the corn genes are interacted at this microscopic level since to interface with the human brain at a communication level it would require the same capabilities.
Crop circles are made by humans as pranks.

There are even instructions on how to do it and not get caught.

There are even documentaries on it. A bunch of MIT students were on the Discovery channel, making crop circles.

Oh well. At least this isn't in the Astronomy subforum. :rolleyes:
As a matter of interests, about 4 years ago I participated in a research project as a control paticipant called TMR, which was to do with trans - "brain" ( can't remember the exact terms) magnetic resonance research. You may have heard of it?

it involved the use of specific magnetic radiations directed at the brain with the view to treating mental conditions such as schizophrenia and depressions.

Your post prompted me to call the research facility to confirm that it still is ongoing. being Sunday here no one was there except to say that it was called TMR and that they are currently using this method as an alternative treatment for depression (alternative to ECT and other radical or severe treatments)

They have found that certain efects occur with the use of certain magnetic fields.
In my experience they were able to trigger and generate hand reflexes and the like. But this was 4 years ago and their research has progressed markedly since then.

So the sci fiction of body and mind control by use of EM is not that far away from becoming a reality.

it may be that in the future if the Government wants to subdue a population in general it only needs to play the right EM and control of the population is possible.......

As we already know the internet is all about hyper text information transfer using coded electricity.
how long before the ability to transmit Hyper text intructions directly to the targets brain becomes a reality using coded EM?
This is starting to annoy me. Naomi, and other people who believe that all crop circles are hoaxes. Pick up a book about crop circles!

If you seriously spent 10-15 minutes researching them you'd find yourselves with different opinions. It's annoying when people who barely know anything about the topic come in and act like there's nothing to to.

Stryderunknown: I did read about how you suggested using radiology to created the anomolous cellular signatures found in the plants of true crop circles. But it still doesn't explain the heat. The stalks of the plants split due to water vapor escaping.

But first, let me make sure I understand you. You think they're created by radiowaves transmitted by ground arrays and satellites? Considering how thick and hard to knock over (especially in Canada) some of these stalks are, I'm guessing it would take a shitload of energy to do this, assuming this technology exists, which frankly seems a bit improbable.
it's more probable than aliens having nothing better to do and making pretty shapes in crop fields
The one thing that was shown in the documentation of the "Hutchison effect" was that "Metals appeared to have melted and distorted, while suffering relatively little heat discharge".

Radiowaves as I mention interact with the Electromagnetic field of the atomic or molecular structure, this means any reshaping of the of the electromangetic field, results in the alteraction of molecular shape. (Namely it can cause compression) As you should be aware it can cause thermal dynamic reactions from friction of applied surfaces or compressed structures.

As for the amount of energy you suggest, simply put if you are using 20 or 30 antenna arrays, each system would used relatively little energy, it's only when you multiply them all together do you get the full amount of energy used.
(Although I don't think Hutchison used that much, since it wasn't like he had his own nuclear powerplant to supply his apparatus)

[ contains link to Hutchison's actual site ]
Maybe Avatar, you should start a thread about the art factor of crop circles in the Art forum where I am sure your post would have much more meaning and possibly some added value?

So far we have these knowns.
1. Obviously it is a form of communication.
2. Obviously they are for observation from above.
3. Obviously they are being faked by some for some reason.
4. Obviously they are intended to be cryptic

What else do we know for sure about them?
if we assume their validity just for a moment, to me it would appear that a rather adept use of gravity has been enployed. Possibly using the Earths own gravity to pull the stalks down aligned as they are. Possibly in conjunction with the use of some em to facilitate flexibility, and design.

If they are of alien origin then they would have mastered gravity and space time rather well I would suspect.(just by their mere presence here) And manipulating the space that the crop takes up would be quite simple.

If they are man-made then it would be reasonable to suggest that it is not of technology that we commonly know of.

If they were man made by hoaxes then I think this would be blatantly obvious to all and sundry. But doubt still exists as there are some questions about some crop circles that are not able to be answered simply by claiming hoax.
Obviously they are being faked by some for some reason.

Yes, but not obvious to you.
So what was the first crop circle?

Gogoel seems to prefer one in 1966 made by a ufo. A landing site. Circular.

But apparently now they are communications signals suddenly
"Radiowaves as I mention interact with the Electromagnetic field of the atomic or molecular structure, this means any reshaping of the of the electromangetic field, results in the alteraction of molecular shape. (Namely it can cause compression) As you should be aware it can cause thermal dynamic reactions from friction of applied surfaces or compressed structures."

I seem to recall that much metal has been melted over the past 40 years in furnaces that work by passing high power Em through the metal to be melted. Of course, this take lots of energy, and since the inverse square law applies, can only be done at close range.
It is true that in the Inverse Square Law aplplies, however you should note that depending on the length of the wavelength defines how much distance an array can be from the matriced objective. Also the Law doesn't mean that wavelengths disappear from the universe, if the signals were generated using an array then it would be possible to increase the distance at which the Inverse Square Law is applied (I think this is the reason why some of the SETI antenna's were placed a distant apart from one another to increase their field of view/listening).

As for the Energy intake, as I mentioned previously multiple small systems can get away with outputting energy that is "Within the safety limit", and combining their output at an object can create a measurably high amount of energy.
apendrapew said:
This is starting to annoy me. Naomi, and other people who believe that all crop circles are hoaxes. Pick up a book about crop circles!

If you seriously spent 10-15 minutes researching them you'd find yourselves with different opinions. It's annoying when people who barely know anything about the topic come in and act like there's nothing to to.

This is starting to annoy me. apendrapew, and otherpeople who believe that this shit exists. Go brush up on your science!

If you seriously spent 10-15 minutes studying, you'd find yourselves with different opinions. It's annoying when people who barely know anything about science come in and barge in with their fake ideas that they attempt to disguise as "science". Creationists, "intelligent design" advocates ... :rolleyes:

Oh wait, whoops. I'm wasting my breath. There are still people who believe the Earth is flat, that we really didn't get to the moon, that the moon is hollow and filled with aliens waiting to take over the world ...

I guess some people are just too far gone to be rescued? :D
i don't know but if a civilazation is so advanced as to fly to earth... i don't think they are making any crop circles to navagate... unless there some magic element... or it's the aliens relgon =_
Naomi said:
I guess some people are just too far gone to be rescued? :D

Well, yeah, but we can try to rescue people nonetheless. It's worth trying. Most folks who believe this stuff are academic underachievers, and perhaps it gives them a sense of worth if they are well versed in a subject, even if the subject is absolute nonsense. There's only one way they're going to realise what crap they believe, and that's through science.
What about the Samaipata, Bolivia lines as one of the first crop circles created? If these giant carvings are the first crop circles then it would have taken alot more ingenuity to work with rock then working with wheat. Could it be that these et's here are not as technological suave as they once were?
Phloger, don't you know circles has lines
