Crop circles - what do they mean?

Are you so sure the first crop circle was just a circle?

You may want to do some research way back prior to the 1800's. :D

the first pic seems to convery either 3 planets around a center SUN (our sol) or perhaps one of the outside circles IS the SUN, one is our Earth, and the third (the bottom right one, the squiggly one) represents Planet X. in the latter case, the middle represents all of the gravitational, repulsion, and electromagnetic forces that exist between all three objects.
or perhaps it is just a pretty ornament? //sheesh
noone still has explained what logic they think exist behind those shapes.
and why don't (if they are aliens) they use some other more convenient, faster and reliable method of transfering a message.
or maybe they are just ritual holy alien stomping grounds?
or tracks left behind a fairy fest
or spiritual activity?
anything else?

but no no no, they have to be left by beings of superior intelligence and have some O great message encoded :rolleyes:
I'm sure I've mentioned this previously, I suggested it was possible to use Radiology to create a "Gene-Therapy" method of causing the cause to distort at it's gene level, this causes less risidual electromagnetic background noise and gives the desired effect of the corn bending.

The same sort of equipment/technique I suggest was used with the "Hutchison Effect" and how that distorts/melts metals. (although no authoritive papers have been released on Hutchison's work and skeptics don't necessarily believe his "Poltergeist Laboratory" was capable of such interaction with objects to make the float/distort)

As for hidden messages, Well you could suggest that during the Second World War when people were attempting to crack the "Enigma" code, there was a mass drive for people who could potentially aid in cracking the code. One of the particular tests was a Crossword puzzle from "The Daily Telegraph".

The reason I mention this is it's likely the Lexicons themselves created in the corn are firstly a mystery to be solved and secondly created to be difficult to decipher potentially for some form of Intelligence drive.

(Okay so I don't know the answer to the "Puzzle" but I do know of a reason why the puzzle would exist. Count for anything?)
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"Characteristic of the recent hoaxes, all of which have appeared in Witshire county in the UK is their preference for straight, rather than curved, lines, and inclusion of mazes. No legitimate diagrams to date have included a maze, anathema to the intent of the circle makers which seek to educate, not confuse, mankind, yet hoaxes almost prefer them as a maze has straight lines. Hoaxes also tend to be small in size, or in locations distant from public view. Hoaxes lack the characteristics of legitimate circles which are crop bend at the growth nodes, not broken, and crop laid in different directions overlaying each other, and precision in line and curve. What is to be learned from the hoax circles? They take the symbolism of legitimate circles and distort them, not unlike the disinformation distortion given our words. Legitimate circles do not include faces, as in a prior year hoax of the face of a Zeta or Art Bell, not mazes interpreted to be binary or other code. Hoaxes hope to grab public attention by such gimmicks, and when revealed as hoaxes, cast aspersions on all circles. Legitimate circles have a resonance with other legitimate circles, like the cadences of a symphony, all building upon one another. "

spurious that pic u posted is a fake one. i could tell the second i saw it.

"why don't (if they are aliens) they use some other more convenient, faster and reliable method of transfering a message."

you might not believe it but it is the a very fast and reliable way of transmitting a message to us, on the SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL. the sacred geometry has deep meanings that even the oblivious register in the back of their minds.

"In addition to laying down original hoaxes, the hoaxers employed in Wiltshire county in the UK have been assigned the task of ruining legitimate designs. Where Golden Hill was taken to be manmade, because the hoax team was seen emerging from its location, this is a legitimate circle. The team left because it did not lend itself well to sabotage. Note the Similarity to circles following in Beacon Hill and Westbury. A key indicator of sabotage is change after the creation date. Legitimate circle makers have no reason to delay, and their trademark is to create intricate circle over a broad area almost within seconds. Their design is in the computer, and it takes but the release of a switch to start the sequence, whereas hoaxes take time. An example of a sabotage is Silbury, where the hoaxers hoped to enhance their reputation by claiming this large circle. Here the sabotage resorts to lines and mazes. Contrast this with the belated change to Tan Hill, where the original makers returned after aerial photos had been taken of their intended message to create a contrast to the hoaxers. See the difference?"

yes, in a way it tests intelligence. i would rather say, it inquiresintelligence.
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The outer circles indicate the nature of the inner circle

The outer three circles on the triangle to me indicate.:

1) Lower left side.........centre of time and mass....absolute nothing
2) top........................Movement especially rotation.
3) lower right side........Gravitational harmonics.

as an abstract it suggests the structure of matter. and the most interesting thing is it's suggestion of harmonics.....( if we take the diagram seriously that is)
Yep thats one of my favourate crop circles this one. Such a beautiful design. It's such a pity so many hoaxers got into the act as it's certainly muddied the waters when it comes to research on this subject. Crop circles have been around for 100's of years though so good ole Doug and Dave weren't responsible for those ones... There have also been a number of crop circles on the sides of snowy mountains plus - all sorts of strange places. I sponsored a few flights in 1994 in the UK so got all the photos for that particular year - unfortunatey it wasn't a great year.. bummer :).

UFO's The Beginning of New World
“ Originally Posted by antisipatience

spurious that pic u posted is a fake one. i could tell the second i saw it.

These are all fake you mean?

no, not all crop circles are fake. but from that website all of them are. i didnt scope them all out.

read my above post, it explains how u can tell if its genuine, fake, or tampered.


i think you all should notice WHY aliens decide to make crop circles. observe what has happened to any/all Alien Encounters. when on the personal level, the individual may become terrified, because he is not consciously ready. on a larger scale, the government swallows the entire scenario and spits out a completely twisted version, which contradicts itself so much so as to confuse the populace about the entire thing.

with all this disinformation and lies and cover-ups going on, the aliens resorted to other methods, namely the Crop Circle messages. by utilizing this technique, they convery their message to thousands of people, because the phenomena is 'popular' and photos are taken and shown on TV, newspaper, internet, and more. therefore, it reaches alot of people. its like huge advertising. except most of the message arrives at the subconscious level.
crop circles

stupid things puropsefully made by America/Freemasons in order to scare people and install questions, doubts, fears etc. in their minds, in other words BULLSHIT :p
If any would actually do some thinking on the idea there are many things that can be discerned from what is known about them.
1. Obviously it is a form of communication.
2. Obviously they are for observation from above.
3. Obviously they are being faked by some for some reason.
4. Obviously they are intended to be cryptic

Thank you QQ, I doubt it is cryptogryphicly encoded as I think it is much more simpler than that. Maybe more like a Corporate or Family logo?
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What if crop circles are created because little alien kids were forced to eat their vegetables, so whenever they can they like to go to other planets and stomp the hell out of corn fields and wheat fields. The designs are just a by product of repressed alien rage. I mean I never saw a crop circle in a cotton field, have you? ;)
crop circles are not messages for us. they are meant as reference points for certain ships.

Really? The hoaxsters who created the crop circles made no such claim.
actually, the hoaxtsters aren't capable of creating even a fraction of the circles they laid claim to.
Stryderunknown, how do you explain the absence of footprints and general signs of humans creating them? (other than the hoaxes) Also researchers claim that most crop circles are created in seconds. There was one crop circle that was created in the middle of the friggin' day around the area of Stonehenge. In fact, from where it happened, it was clearly visible. One minute, nothing was there, and the next, there was a crop circle right there for everyone to see. Tell me how the hell that happens.

The problem is nobody can. The press and the public in the UK area kept demanding answers from the government and they just couldn't come up with an answer that didn't sound like complete bullshit. So one night when they knew that researchers were camped out in hopes to find one in the making, they hoaxed one and left rope at the site to get the press off their asses.