Crop circles - what do they mean?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
<img src=>
In case the above fails to produce an image the following link will take you to a single web page with the image on it.

If we assume just for a moment that this crop circle is valid and we get over the nature of it's origins......what it the image tryng to convey?

Is it some sort of symbolism attempting to teach us something about the universe?

To me this particular crop circle formation could symbolise the nature of gravity........
edit: maybe some one can tell me how to insert an image into the thread......(sheesh!!)
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Quantum Quack said:
it is a graphic of the crop circle

You would mean of course a graphic used by those stomping down the crops while claiming aliens caused it. :D
am trying to find the original photo on the web.......I got this one off the web about 3 years ago.....will post it as soon as I find it.......
Did you know there is no mention of crop circles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica?

[paranoid]Do I smell a government coverup???[/paranoid]
Maybe they are just some very creative people with a GPS navagation device and a lawn roller.....wanting to stir every one up.....and succeed in doing so......
Althugh I did read somewhere that what puzzles the most aboutr these thimgs is that the stalks of wheat or corn are not broken but are bent with out fracturing...... they say this is how they can tell the difference between the genuine and the fake.......just a thought while I continue to look for the original photograph of the badbury CC shown atthe start of this thread.....
Maybe they are just some very creative people with a GPS navagation device and a lawn roller.....wanting to stir every one up.....and succeed in doing so......

I saw a special on crop circles once where they had a couple of people who confessed to being behind a lot of the crop circles in England in the early 80's or somewhen. They didn't need a gps to do what they did. What they did was place a wire on the brim of a hat with an eyehole on it. Then, they used some piece of scenery in the distance as a guide through the eyehole and with that they were able to make quite complex shapes. They demonstrated their technique for the camera's and it was quite effective.

I don't recall the method for making circles and such, but they were able to do them quite well whatever their techniqe was.

As to pics. You just have to enclose it in [ img][ /img] tags. (No spaces.)

Or use a < img src="web address"> (without the space before img) This technique only works in forums with html turned on. You can use this trick to show attachments rather than linking to them. Like so.

<img src="">​

I like to enclose pics in the [ center][ /center] tags just to make it look nice. (Once again, no spaces inside of the brackets.)
I think they are just what they are: pretty shapes.
If aliens wanted to tell something, they could just send data to our sattelite network, or land a ship in NY.
The thing about crop circles that stands out, is that they always have tractor tracks running through them (as for example, the image above) and this is where the creators enter the area they are going to trample down and make the circle, and how they exit.

If I saw one in a large field of natural grass, without some obvious sign on entry or exit, maybe I'd think something more complex than a few guys with some rope and planks created it.

Until then, and having read the same confession by those English guys, I'm convinced it's all a big prank.
I'll give it a go
<img src=>
Interestingly crop circles started of with rather simple designs (a circle) and became more complex over time.

A skeptical man would say that people got more experienced in making crop circles.

A believer might say that Aliens are increasingly becoming more chatty. Unfortunately they didn't catch on yet, that we didn't get the meaning of the very first crop circle, a circle.

How to make a complex crop circle:
Another link

And finally the guide to making crop circles

Look at this one:

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