Critical Thinking

superluminal said:
Why do you accept the existence of god with far less critical analysis than you would the existence of my dog?
i will respond to this as though it where directed to me, though it was a general question. i could only respond with another question however
how do you judge the ammount of critical thinking i engaged in to come to accpet the existence of god.

There are two debates that can never be won. Religion and politics. For there to be a winner there must be an end. There is no end to either debate.
So, why do people believe in something that has no effect on the universe and can never be proven? That sounds like a pretty good working definition of insanity to me.

how do you judge the ammount of critical thinking i engaged in to come to accpet the existence of god.

Good question. As a group, I have enough experience with theists to know that they use essentially no critical thinking skills to assess their god. As individuals, why don't you outline your thought process and we'll see if you have critically examined the god proposition.
you want individuals to outline their thought processes to see if they have critically examined their god proposition?
and how do you judge if their analysis is critical enough to meet your requirements?
superluminal said:

So, using critical thinking, tell me about the attributes of spirits and how one knows they exist beyond dementia?

Just a note, you are exhibiting the same behavior that every theist I've ever spoken to exhibits when questioned about the reality of god and the validity of their thinking. Fear induced irrationalism.

Why are you afraid? We're just talking about thought processes here.

I'm not afraid, I'm frustrated. You come out here boasting about critical thinking, and how to believe in God, you have to throw it out the window. And don't tell me you were sincerely asking some question either.

Then you proceed to demand physical evidence of a spiritual occurence or entity, which is illogical. And so I this your idea of critical thinking? If a spirit was to "turn into" a physical entity to provide you with your physical proof, then it wouldn't be a spirit anymore, and you still would have no proof of a spirit. So, to recap for the retards (who like to think "critically") get physical proof from physical entities, and spiritual proof from spiritual entities. You interact with physical beings in the material world and with your body, and spiritual beings in the spiritual world with your spirit. You know, that thing that you don't even believe that you have? A spiritual interaction is occurs spirit to spirit. I can tell you about it, and you call me a delusional liar. But there is no physical "thing" that I can hand you on a silver platter that proves this interaction to be real. You have to experience it yourself. And you won't, because you don't want to. It has nothing to do with evidence just like to use it as a convenient excuse, or rationalization. It's a shame though that your rationalization isn't logically sound. In other words, you can't get blood from a turnip. Critical, because this is frickin' rocket
Sure. By the simple criteria of objective evidence that rules out natural explanations for phenomena. Easy.

I've said it before, I don't give a rats ass about your subjective experience of god. No one does. I don't care if you like skydiving either.

Does god affect the workings of the universe?

If he does, then you claim a testable proposition that requires critical thinking. If you don't, then see the above comment about the ass of a rat.
superluminal said:
By the simple criteria of objective evidence that rules out natural explanations for phenomena
thought processes are not objective and it is thefroe difficult to evidence. as lori pointed out the more subtle the phenomenal field the more difficult to observe with out interference.

so what woud you consider as evidence for a thought process involving critical thinking?
Some of you just help validate the bible. The bible does state that believers will be mocked and insulted. I believe in somthing that does have an effect on the universe and has been proven to me. Your belief has no effect on mine and and mine should have none on yours. I will not judge you becouse we have different beliefs. I just dont see how a person can go wrong by living his life by the bible. Its a very easy life to live.

thought processes are not objective and it is thefroe difficult to evidence. as lori pointed out the more subtle the phenomenal field the more difficult to observe with out interference.

so what woud you consider as evidence for a thought process involving critical thinking?

Ah yes. The obfuscation begins. Ok. You are correct. Thoughts are subjective. And "evidence for a thought process involving critical thinking?" ?? I'm not asking for evidence of your thought processes themselves. Just lay out your reasoning for the existence of...anything. Trees, cars, bunnies. Then compare it to your reasoning for the existence of a god. Easy.

Why the confusion?
And here's some critical thinking SL...

God doesn't want for you to take my word for anything. He doesn't want the proof to be shared as you are suggesting. He wants to know interact with have a relationship with you...and for you to know Him. He doesn't want you to just read His autobiography, or to simply look at a picture of Him, or to hear accounts of Him. He wants you to know Him. And it has to be your choice. That's logical.
hostile said:
I believe in somthing that does have an effect on the universe and has been proven to me. Your belief has no effect on mine and and mine should have none on yours. I will not judge you becouse we have different beliefs.
i can gaurantee that there are people who do not want your life to be this good and simple. both atheists and theist will endeavour to save you from your self.
Some of you really have a thing for bunnies. Or, could it be that using the word "bunny" somehow is surposed to make us feel childish about our belief and make you feel more "grown".

God doesn't want for you to take my word for anything. He doesn't want the proof to be shared as you are suggesting. He wants to know interact with have a relationship with you...and for you to know Him. He doesn't want you to just read His autobiography, or to simply look at a picture of Him, or to hear accounts of Him. He wants you to know Him. And it has to be your choice. That's logical.

Sorry Lori, but that's completely emotional, not logical in the least. How do you know what he wants for me in particular? And no one is asking you to testify for the lord.

You keep avoiding the question of the objective reality of god.

Here it is again: Lori, is god real and does he affect the workings of the universe?
I can tell you about it, and you call me a delusional liar.

No, you can't and yes, we will.

So, to recap for the retards (who like to think "critically")

It is the 'retards' that provided you with everything outside of a cave, the one you still insist on residing.

Of course, we 'retards' don't sit around wallowing in dysfunctional fanatasies all day - instead, we think in order to provide the delusional with internet connections and computers so they may share their dysfunctional fantasies with everyone else.
superluminal said:
Ah yes. The obfuscation begins. Ok. You are correct. Thoughts are subjective. And "evidence for a thought process involving critical thinking?" ?? I'm not asking for evidence of your thought processes themselves. Just lay out your reasoning for the existence of...anything. Trees, cars, bunnies. Then compare it to your reasoning for the existence of a god. Easy.

Why the confusion?
there is no confusion, i am trying to identifying what you actually require.

this is what i was getting to above, how do you measure the ammount of critical analysis utilised in accepting the existence of anything?

and is critical analysis a necessary cognitive process in identifying reality?
Fine. No more bunnies. Helgrammites it is.
