Credit where credit is due

Theoryofrelativity said:
Whether you believe it's true or not is of no concern to me. I know it is true, hence your opinion is invalid. Your replies to my posts will be ignored hence forth. Grow up and go play somewhere else.

That looks a lot like you're trying to hide something...

... a little white lie, perhaps? They are but thinly veiled, you know?
SnakeLord said:
Alas it was too late, and I wouldn't have listened anyway, but I certainly hope you enjoyed your brief attempt at power.

I am still curious as to why you're so grumpy. I ask a polite question and just get bad manners in return - while completely ignoring the point I raised. Still, that is your right.

Grumpy moi? never, for a detailed explanation of my belief system I refer you to RoyL's thread on 'I talk to god', he has posted a detailed reply to which I reply that I shall use his reply when next asked about how my belief system works!

Re my desire for 'power' I refer you to the picture thread, you will note the military style of clothing! Stand to attention soldier.

re evidence of my non grumpiness I refer you to members threads where I am notoriously ungrumpy!
(actually this may be a bad example as I am quite grumpy there too)

Anyway what's all this about you being polite?
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A funny thing, having been in combat, and in the close vacinity of death on more than one occasion. I find it intresting that on all occasion's the atheists that I have observed prayed to god to get them the hell out of there, some died some survived, and no one still know the truth.
Buffalo Roam said:
A funny thing, having been in combat, and in the close vacinity of death on more than one occasion. I find it intresting that on all occasion's the atheists that I have observed prayed to god to get them the hell out of there, some died some survived, and no one still know the truth.

This 'conflict of interests' shall we say was discussed in my thread, 'question for atheists' you may find it interesting.
Buffalo Roam said:
A funny thing, having been in combat, and in the close vacinity of death on more than one occasion. I find it intresting that on all occasion's the atheists that I have observed prayed to god to get them the hell out of there, some died some survived, and no one still know the truth.
I refer you to this "No Atheist in Foxholes-an Ignorant Statement"
please dont come trying, to BS this science forum.
mis-t-highs said:
I refer you to this "No Atheist in Foxholes-an Ignorant Statement"
please dont come trying, to BS this science forum.

I think you will find Buffalo was merely stating on observation and then pondering, he makes no assumption. Sci forums is not 'ATHEISTS ONLY, Theists keep out' so instead of taking your misty highs to a new low keep your 'warning to yourself.
Having been in combat myself -I'm a 12 year vetern, I can tell you that I knew plenty of atheists first hand and was one myself. I never "prayed" to any god during combat or after. I was too busy doing the job I was trained to do.

I do, however, remember several devoutly religious soldiers nearly loosing their minds because they couldn't come to terms with the reality of combat.

But mine is only an anecdote that rejects yet another anecdote.

There are atheists in "foxholes."
SkinWalker said:
Having been in combat myself -I'm a 12 year vetern, I can tell you that I knew plenty of atheists first hand and was one myself. I never "prayed" to any god during combat or after. I was too busy doing the job I was trained to do.

I do, however, remember several devoutly religious soldiers nearly loosing their minds because they couldn't come to terms with the reality of combat.

But mine is only an anecdote that rejects yet another anecdote.

There are atheists in "foxholes."

Every coin has two sides skin. Belief or non belief is subject to change as humans are by nature not static.
It still doesn't change the fact that the "no atheists in foxholes" myth is just a myth. There are many people who never change with regard to their beliefs or lack thereof.

And to assert irrational mythology as fact in a science forum is most unwelcome, whether it be from theists or non-theists. So Miss-t-highs was right in calling Buffalo on it.
I can only go on what my eyes and ears have witnessed to me, and I beleave I've been in far more foxhole for personal obersavation than you?
SkinWalker said:
It still doesn't change the fact that the "no atheists in foxholes" myth is just a myth. There are many people who never change with regard to their beliefs or lack thereof.

And to assert irrational mythology as fact in a science forum is most unwelcome, whether it be from theists or non-theists. So Miss-t-highs was right in calling Buffalo on it.

What irrational mythology? Are you seeing something I didn't? I saw a post by someone stating a FACT about what he observed. Are you saying that because his observation did not fit your narrow view that he is a liar? How convenient to label everyone a liar becasue their observation doesn't fit your perception of the world. If you want to live in 'fanatsy ' land, go a ahead, but how rude to dictate how another should post? Q frequently trolls my posts and calls me a liar EVERYTIME what I say (even regards to myself) does not fit his tiny little world view. Cloud cuckoo land is where you lot live is all I can say.
"I beleave I've been in far more foxhole for personal obersavation than you?"

Maybe... maybe not. I've been in my share. Are you the kind of man that likes to measure penises, too?

"What irrational mythology? Are you seeing something I didn't? "

I must have. I saw Buffalo repeat the same weak and tired myth of "no atheists in foxholes" but with the added twist that he alleges to have observed it for himself. The observation isn't worth the pixels it was modulated on.
What I love is the assertion that most of the post on this site are scientificlly provable fact ROTFLMAO, I may not be a science genous but I can detect a pile of bullshit when I smell it and what a pile it must be I can smell it through my HiSpeed conection!
Buffalo Roam said:
What I love is the assertion that most of the post on this site are scientificlly provable fact ROTFLMAO, I may not be a science genous

I don't think that was a fact that anyone here was asserting.
I can only go on what my eyes and ears have witnessed to me, and I beleave I've been in far more foxhole for personal obersavation than you?
ps: do I have to show you my DD:214 if you don't know what that is it's my military record. GFYS
My nephew is sitting in a foxhole in Helmland right now and there's two things I'm pretty sure of.
1. There will be ample pornography but no holy books in that foxhole with him.
2. When he gets home he won't try to claim that sitting in foxholes is an experience enhanced by repetition.

Dee Cee
Never said it was, only said I had mutiple expearience's, and I don't know about the ponography, from what my buddy Wilton say's not allowed because its a co-ed Army now and they don't want to offend the the female personel, and who said anything about a holy book, I was talking about the prayers I heard when the shit really got bad.

ps: I was in helmet land twice and on one ocassion was on the wrong end of a mortar round no some thing I would recomend!
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Theoryofrelativity said:
If you want to live in 'fanatsy ' land, go a ahead, but how rude to dictate how another should post?

Do you mean like this:

Theoryofnorelevance said:
so instead of taking your misty highs to a new low keep your 'warning to yourself.

Q frequently trolls my posts and calls me a liar EVERYTIME what I say (even regards to myself) does not fit his tiny little world view.

That is a lie.

Cloud cuckoo land is where you lot live is all I can say.

Yes, WE ALL live there, certainly not little ole' you.