Credit where credit is due

Theoryofrelativity said:
Would this be the quote that clearly states, my view of God is not related to any religious view, the post that confirms I reject religion? You are a loser Q

No, they are the quotes in which you claim to believe in a god, therefore you cannot reject religion or you would be rejecting a belief in a god. You are a theist, everyone knows that.
Godless, this is what I have been trying to express since I joined this sciforum, I DON'T label myself anything, any belief I have is made up of observation and experience

My observations n experiece led me to atheism. I dont label myself to anything however since I give up the notion of gods, and I'm not agnostic, cause I'm not in the middle of the road on this issue, the proper label that is placed on non-believers such as yourself and I are atheists.

However given the fact that you've come here with this anti-atheist attitude like most theists, it gives a lure to deduct our observation. You appear on the surface as a theist. You certainly argued with many atheists here, on taking a stance basically on theistical behaves.

No your right, no one can explain what the hell god is, not even theists. I agree with you whole harderly on this, however when you argue againsts atheists, aren't you placing yourself on the side of theistical belief?

We have no argument, I apologize.

I came to the same conclusion by observation and life experience has tought me to disbelief in such notions as gods, chosts, numerology, astrology, and any freaking variant of mysticism that is known to man, or will be invented by men in the future, i.e. Scientology the most recent bs men are alured too.

I don't even know what I will tell my kids about God, because I think they should arrive at whatever conclusion atheist or theist or 'me' the way I did based on their own experiences of life.

The only way to guide your children is by expresing your own sentiments and beliefs, they will choose on their own, what to believe. I'm the only atheist in my family since my dad died, however he didn't influence me to become atheist, he plainly just didn't believe in religion, god, ghosts and stuff like that, growing up with him, he plainly stated that people who dont belief such things are "labeled by others as atheists"

(Q) said:
No, they are the quotes in which you claim to believe in a god, therefore you cannot reject religion or you would be rejecting a belief in a god. You are a theist, everyone knows that.

of course I can reject religion you ignorant troll, many people who believe in a god do! Religion is man made and not God made.

If however you want to INSIST that God cannot exist without Religion then you are admitting god exists! Becuase it is a known FACT religion exists! Q you are so dumb, here's a hole , jump in why don't you.
I for one will respect her wishes, TOR does not want to be labeled. Be it as it may, she argues on the question; How certain can anyone be wether a god exist or not? Her beliefs she wants mainly to keep to herself, on this issue, she should keep her anonimity of belief. Though I think mostly she just likes argument for the same reason we do, we enjoy it. :D

Labels are given by others, if I had a choice I wouldn't label myself anything, I don't believe in god, or religion, that makes me an atheist by the views of others, just becuase we don't follow the norm. If TOR were in a christian forum, I'm certain she would be labeled as an atheist, by claiming: "That no one can know the nature of god" We know that this would happen, some of us have experienced the christian forums here, for as long as we don't get banned. :p

Theoryofrelativity said:
of course I can reject religion you ignorant troll, many people who believe in a god do! Religion is man made and not God made.

If however you want to INSIST that God cannot exist without Religion then you are admitting god exists! Becuase it is a known FACT religion exists! Q you are so dumb, here's a hole , jump in why don't you.

You might reject the Christian or Islamic religions, but that doesn't mean you don't have your own religion, based on your belief in a god, by definition.

And it is clear by your posts that you don't know any definitions.

Religion IS a belief in a god, dumbass.
Godless said:
However given the fact that you've come here with this anti-atheist attitude like most theists, it gives a lure to deduct our observation. You appear on the surface as a theist. You certainly argued with many atheists here, on taking a stance basically on theistical behaves.

I came to the same conclusion by observation and life experience has tought me to disbelief in such notions as gods, chosts, numerology, astrology, and any freaking variant of mysticism that is known to man, or will be invented by men in the future, i.e. Scientology the most recent bs men are alured too.


I am NOT anti atheist, all my friends and family are atheists, my boyfriend who I adore and respect is Atheist! I have had some very enlightening conversations with atheist on my thread requesting info from FROM atheists. I respond in kind when anyone (it could be atheist, agnostic, theist, makes no difference) presumes to tell me what I am, I am NOT arguing against atheism, it makes sense. I try to be polite with theists as I understand the human condition that makes their belief system attractive and neccessary and of course the brain washing while young element, though I do also accept that some people experience something of a revelation and then they convert to religion. I grew up with these revelationary type experiences so to me its not relvelation just the norm. The trouble for me was realising and accepting that my norm is not everyone elses. Anyway......

My experience and observation (plus necc comfort factor) led me to my belief, which maybe a case of bad labelling. There is NO lable for the 'stuff' that I have noted or know to exist but I (without stating it as fact) decide to explain these matters as being facilitated by'God' but accept it's part of something that we have no knwoledge of. It's VERY hard to explain without sounding nuts, but I figure thats the general concensus anyway so what the heck.

Re the astrology, numerolgy stuff.
I assumed that this stuff could be manipulated and prove effective for everyone, but I have found this is not the case, why it works for some and not others I do not know.

It actually appears to me as if some experience a slightly different reality to others and I'm not talking about the schitzophrenic although maybe the effect is similar but so wide spread it is unidentified. A ponder for another thread. (Note I am suggesting a biological diffrence here not a belief system difference)

Thank you Godless for recognsing my stance and you are 100% right, religious people would indeed label me atheist.
TOR there are many things that are unexplainable. I recently received an e-mail from a friend, it was very interesting. A trick to read my mind by David Copperfield, the magician. Anyhow, it showed several cards on the screen, then it instructed me to concentrate on one card, not to point at with the mouse, not to touch the screen, after visually making an imprint of the "chosen" card image, it showed another set of cards, and plainly I can see that most were the same, however the card I chose was not present, and this was the trick, it explained my card was not present. Wow! is all I could say this morning after opening that e-mail. Cool trick.

But to me that's completely unexplainable, as I've also seen many magicians here on the strip of Vegas do some amazing illusions. However I do keep in my mind that what I witness is an illusion. The mind can be tricked, and we are fallible in that regard. So in essence there are lots of things that happen in life, were it seems that we have witnessed something miracoulous, or some form of revelation. But it merely is something we are not totally aware of how could it had happened. Not everything could be explained by logic it seems, though I think our awareness is very limited, and there is perhaps a logical conclusion that we are just not simply aware of.

Theoryofrelativity said:
meanwhile Q, how many religious types 'ride' goats, note my little avatar of me and the goat enjoying some 'love'. Surely thats' a sin?

Who cares? You claimed you weren't an atheist and also claimed you believed in god.

Does that make you anything but a theist?
Godless said:
TOR there are many things that are unexplainable. I recently received an e-mail from a friend, it was very interesting. A trick to read my mind by David Copperfield, the magician. Anyhow, it showed several cards on the screen, then it instructed me to concentrate on one card, not to point at with the mouse, not to touch the screen, after visually making an imprint of the "chosen" card image, it showed another set of cards, and plainly I can see that most were the same, however the card I chose was not present, and this was the trick, it explained my card was not present. Wow! is all I could say this morning after opening that e-mail. Cool trick.

But to me that's completely unexplainable, as I've also seen many magicians here on the strip of Vegas do some amazing illusions. However I do keep in my mind that what I witness is an illusion. The mind can be tricked, and we are fallible in that regard. So in essence there are lots of things that happen in life, were it seems that we have witnessed something miracoulous, or some form of revelation. But it merely is something we are not totally aware of how could it had happened. Not everything could be explained by logic it seems, though I think our awareness is very limited, and there is perhaps a logical conclusion that we are just not simply aware of.


If tricks is what you wish to call it it then I am a magician who has no clue how I do my tricks :)

I do however accept that my subconscious brain is 'working' in ways my conscious brain does not understand. I have already said my experiences are 'normal' it is others who witnessing them would call them extraordinary, revelationary. indeed once I did something that was by witnesses called a 'miracle'. I just laughed. I accept the 'magic' :) No miracle...normal for me anyway, just not for everyone.

Our awareness is limited hence I do not discount anything as being possible.
Godless on the subject of 'tricks'

Uri Geller was doing a live program. In the trailer he said he would ask an actress in seperate location to him to draw a picture, then live on tv, he would attempt to draw the picture she drew without seeing her or the pic. Both drawings were to take place live.

Before the show started, I drew a picture that I wished the actress to draw.
She drew the picture I drew, it was identical, Geller then also drew her picture (my picture).

Now re the trick, Did geller influence her somehow to draw that picture and have this in his mind when doing the trailer. Did I then pick up that picture image from him and hence was able to draw mine before the actress and before the program went live? Or did my picture influence the actress which then influenced Geller. OR was the picture an entirely predictable picture to draw?

One of these three answers is correct. Do I know which it is, NO! But this is a true story and it was witnessed.

ps re your cool pc card trick, your card was missing becuase they knew before your selection which card you would choose. There would have something about that card that drew you to select it, something so minute you would not have been aware of it. A darker outline etc. or its position on the screen made it draw your eye. Also it could have been one of a few cards that are known to be selected when a choice is offered, popular if you like, such as ace of spades.
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Theoryofrelativity said:
Now re the trick, Did geller influence her somehow to draw that picture and have this in his mind when doing the trailer. Did I then pick up that picture image from him and hence was able to draw mine before the actress and before the program went live? Or did my picture influence the actress which then influenced Geller. OR was the picture an entirely predictable picture to draw?

One of these three answers is correct. Do I know which it is, NO! But this is a true story and it was witnessed.

Unless Geller did not say anything more about the picture to the woman then what you've written above, none of your answers are correct.
(Q) said:
This is how you didn't do it.

Q go troll off somewhere else, everything you have no clue about you deny.

Whether you believe it's true or not is of no concern to me. I know it is true, hence your opinion is invalid. Your replies to my posts will be ignored hence forth. Grow up and go play somewhere else.
No you may not

Alas it was too late, and I wouldn't have listened anyway, but I certainly hope you enjoyed your brief attempt at power.

I am still curious as to why you're so grumpy. I ask a polite question and just get bad manners in return - while completely ignoring the point I raised. Still, that is your right.