Credit where credit is due

Snake, there is no point me debating with the likes of you and Q

Clearly there must be, otherwise you wouldn't keep responding. It appears to me that you're going through a female moment - and thus have this burning need to fling some insults across - because right now, that seems to be pretty much all you're doing:

you both make it up as you go along

Make up what exactly?

If your best source of reference is TV and Wikipedia then YES you do need to get out more

A) Where was it mentioned that TV or wikipedia was my 'best source'?

B) What source would you prefer me to refer from?

C) How does watching TV or visiting wikipedia mean someone needs to get out more?

or just live old are you?

How exactly does watching TV or using wikipedia relate to needing to live more or give rise to asking for a persons age? Do only old people watch TV? Or young people?
SnakeLord said:
Clearly there must be, otherwise you wouldn't keep responding. It appears to me that you're going through a female moment - and thus have this burning need to fling some insults across - because right now, that seems to be pretty much all you're doing:

Make up what exactly?

A) Where was it mentioned that TV or wikipedia was my 'best source'?

B) What source would you prefer me to refer from?

C) How does watching TV or visiting wikipedia mean someone needs to get out more?

How exactly does watching TV or using wikipedia relate to needing to live more or give rise to asking for a persons age? Do only old people watch TV? Or young people?

so how old are you then?
Why, wanna ask me out on a date?

Tell you what though, I'll answer your question if you answer the A, B and C
James R said:
Why is God always thanked when something goes right, but never blamed when things go wrong?
There are usually two ways religious folks interpret misfortune - as an alternative to blaming God or abandoning one's faith in God's existence.

1. This is God's punishment for sin.

2. This is a 'lesson' from God as a way of 'testing' our faith.
Clearly there must be, otherwise you wouldn't keep responding. It appears to me that you're going through a female moment - and thus have this burning need to fling some insults across - because right now, that seems to be pretty much all you're doing

LOL That's what I meant, when I posted "That explains it" I'm glad I was not the only one who thought so. ;)

Godless said:
LOL That's what I meant, when I posted "That explains it" I'm glad I was not the only one who thought so. ;)


Godless Read your own posts, you insult every theist every time you discuss religion or respond to their call them 'fucking idiots' and the rest, you insulted me so I insulted you, and now you are whining about it? What are you a man or a mouse? Do you see me whining about the insults that come my way? You reap what you sow. You can't take it, the I suggest you learn how to be polite.

Your reply to Provita, before you start whining ...'but (blub blub) I don't insult anyone..(Blub Blub)

Godless said:
I love the flair of omnipotence these theist have. What a delusional mind, freaking idiots.

They are both and the same. There's no such thing as a fucking organiced church read your own fucking history. There are about 33000 different sects of christianity, were's the organization when there's so many interpretations to the same freaking idiotic bullshit book?

Did you really expected me to list every fucking idiotic mystic bull shit religion? Give me a break! you must be an idiot. There's about 100K types of religion including the new ones made up by idiot L.R.Hubbard. Seems like any freaking nut job can create his/her's religion and get a few dumb ass celebrities to be there spokesperson. :rolleyes:

Let's leave politics out of it. You want to discuss politics we can go to the forum on politics. Ok!

That's my bit of seperation of church & state

Reply back when you get an education!


You find a single post of mine that reads like this and you can presume to say I insult people, MOST of your posts read like this! Apply every 'fucking nut' term to yourself Godless, cos if you can't see what you do but only the response to what you do from others, you have zero chance of surviving in the real world as everything will be a big scary mystery. You are the fuse that lights the fire.

This applies equally to Snake and to Q and to every other whining little boy on here who insults but when it is repaid starts whining.
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Who's whining you ingnorant fool? You are so pathetically stupid, you don't even realize that I was laughing at not being the only one who thought of you being on the rag!


Stupid idiot!

TOR I call it like I see it. I have had some enlightening conversations and debates here on sci over the years, but lately these smart theists seem to have just disappeared. What we do have today is odd nut jobs like yourself.
Godless said:
Who's whining you ingnorant fool? You are so pathetically stupid, you don't even realize that I was laughing at not being the only one who thought of you being on the rag!


Stupid idiot!

TOR I call it like I see it. I have had some enlightening conversations and debates here on sci over the years, but lately these smart theists seem to have just disappeared. What we do have today is odd nut jobs like yourself.

whine away you little cry baby, you may not have a 'rag' month but your extreme lack of testosterone more than makes up for it.

Oh and I'm not a theist
Oh and I'm not a theist

This is how ingnorant you are.

You believe in god, you are a theist. You claim no religion, but if you still believe in supernatural entity, you are by default theist. :eek:

Wake up and smell the coffee. Oh! btw good morning to you too.


No harsh feeling, lets not start a flaming freaking war in every thread. People will begin to talk you know!....

Godless said:
This is how ingnorant you are.

You believe in god, you are a theist. You claim no religion, but if you still believe in supernatural entity, you are by default theist. :eek:

Wake up and smell the coffee. Oh! btw good morning to you too.


No harsh feeling, lets not start a flaming freaking war in every thread. People will begin to talk you know!....


I don't believe in a supernatural entity hence not theist..the end...anything else you'd like to tell me about myself oh PSYCHIC meg? Perhaps you know my shoe size, do elaborate more on these abilities of yours to know all about someone you never met. Perhaps you should troll along to the parapsychologgy thread, try your wares there?

Wots this about no flame war..? :( Oh well, good afternoon
Still didn't answer the freaking question, now did you? What are you then. Atheist, agnostic, humanist, non-labeling, what the hell are you? What would you call yourself.

That's all i'm asking.
Godless said:
Still didn't answer the freaking question, now did you? What are you then. Atheist, agnostic, humanist, non-labeling, what the hell are you? What would you call yourself.

That's all i'm asking.

Godless, this is what I have been trying to express since I joined this sciforum, I DON'T label myself anything, any belief I have is made up of observation and experience. No one athesit or theist can presume to know what 'God' is. I don't share my belief , do not care to convert anyone. I have no idea what 'god' is. I just know what I know becuase it is within my realm of experince. I don't even know what I will tell my kids about God, because I think they should arrive at whatever conclusion atheist or theist or 'me' the way I did based on their own experiences of life. I shall attempt to teach them how to 'see' what is ahead by 'reading' the 'signs' (mumbo jumbo I know) but if they have no ability to do this...then I can't help them. It's a personal journey.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Godless, this is what I have been trying to express since I joined this sciforum, I DON'T label myself anything, any belief I have is made up of observation and experience. No one athesit or theist can presume to know what 'God' is. I don't share my belief , do not care to convert anyone. I have no idea what 'god' is. I just know what I know becuase it is within my realm of experince. I don't even know what I will tell my kids about God, because I think they should arrive at whatever conclusion atheist or theist or 'me' the way I did based on their own experiences of life. I shall attempt to teach them how to 'see' what is ahead by 'reading' the 'signs' (mumbo jumbo I know) but if they have no ability to do this...then I can't help them. It's a personal journey.

If you're not a theist, then the concept of god should mean absolutely nothing to you, yet you argue vehemently with atheists all the while taking the side of theists.

You claim you don't know what god is, but you must believe in a god in order to make that claim.

Are you a wannabee atheist?
(Q) said:
If you're not a theist, then the concept of god should mean absolutely nothing to you, yet you argue vehemently with atheists all the while taking the side of theists.

You claim you don't know what god is, but you must believe in a god in order to make that claim.

Are you a wannabee atheist?

When did I take the side of theist supporting religion?
When did I say I support the the 'stories' told in religious books about creation?
When did I say that heaven and hell are real?

I have said NO ONE theist or atheist can presume to know the nature of God
THIS IS A FACT do you want to debate that Q?

James R made an inaccurate comment that no one ever blames God when things go wrong, they do, end of that thread. This is not me supporting theists it is me stating a FACT.

You said atheists NEVER convert to theism. I said they do. Again I was stating a fact.

You do not know the diffrence Q between facts and beleifs . That is blatant. Your belief in atheism makes the FACTS invisible to you in the same way they are invisible to theists.

I have told you what I define as God does not fit the convential religious view just as Einsteins does not. But according to Q Einstein is cool whereas I'm 'theist'. Double standards Q.
Theoryofrelativity said:
When did I take the side of theist supporting religion?

In all of your posts, that is only too evident.

When did I say I support the the 'stories' told in religious books about creation?
When did I say that heaven and hell are real?

I never said you did. You just made that up.

I have said NO ONE theist or atheist can presume to know the nature of God
THIS IS A FACT do you want to debate that Q?

Theists make that claim, you can debate them if you like. But, so far, you've done no such thing, theist.

James R made an inaccurate comment that no one ever blames God when things go wrong, they do, end of that thread. This is not me supporting theists it is me stating a FACT.

It may have been the end of thread for you, but that is merely your inability to synthesize information. That could be the reason why you're always so confused.

You said atheists NEVER convert to theism. I said they do. Again I was stating a fact.

You are lying, I never said that.

You do not know the diffrence Q between facts and beleifs . That is blatant. Your belief in atheism makes the FACTS invisible to you in the same way they are invisible to theists.

Since you've just stated that atheism is a belief, I would submit that it is YOU who doesn't know the difference.

I have told you what I define as God does not fit the convential religious view just as Einsteins does not. But according to Q Einstein is cool whereas I'm 'theist'. Double standards Q.

Comparing yourself to Einstein? That is to laugh, loudly, while rolling around on the floor, coffee spewing through nose.

Silly theist.
(Q) said:
In all of your posts, that is only too evident.

I never said you did. You just made that up.

Theists make that claim, you can debate them if you like. But, so far, you've done no such thing, theist.

It may have been the end of thread for you, but that is merely your inability to synthesize information. That could be the reason why you're always so confused.

You are lying, I never said that.

Since you've just stated that atheism is a belief, I would submit that it is YOU who doesn't know the difference.

Comparing yourself to Einstein? That is to laugh, loudly, while rolling around on the floor, coffee spewing through nose.

Silly theist.

I see so If I read what Einstein defined as god and adopted that identical view it makes me a theist and him not how Q? Come on explain, how does Einsteins view and mine (Which may be identical) make me theist and him not. Answer the question theist. yes you are a theist, you know ay more about religion than me.

Oh and do copy and paste the quotes where I 'supported religion' and which religion would that be?' Oh well you know better than me. Copy and paste Q, don't JUST TELL LIES.
(Q) said:
If your views are the same as Einsteins, then you are not a theist.

Oh really? So in all this time when you NEVER knew what my beleif was, and YOU isnisted I was theist NOW suddenly I am NOT theist because my views MAY be akin to Einsteins. Hmmmmmmmm

fickle Q, very fickle

Youa re the brainless ninny on this thread, PROVED.
(Q) said:
I pasted your quotes in another thread, you are a theist.

Would this be the quote that clearly states, my view of God is not related to any religious view, the post that confirms I reject religion? You are a loser Q
Might I just intercede briefly and give my opinion?

- "I have no idea what 'god' is."

- "I have said NO ONE theist or atheist can presume to know the nature of God"

Well worth pointing out that both of these statements are statements of belief in existence, (but inability to define). Given that the statements indicate you have belief in a god, you are by definition a thiest.

Whether you then reject religious texts, belief in an afterlife or places of worship is somewhat irrelevant.