Credibillity of Psychics. Your take on it...


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I am; therefore I think.

I know what you mean when you know someone is reading your thoughts sometimes I am aware she is doing it,
its a weird feeling. As far as long distance goes, absolutely at least she can do it and I'm willing to bet Joe can too.

Boris & Dave,

Thanks for posting that website. It's funny, but the first question they ask is, "Can psychics really sense hidden secrets and help the police solve crimes?" Of course they do! This is common knowledge! It really makes me wonder what their criteria is! Maybe it's set up so no one could pass their test?
Common knowledge to you; an unproven claim to me. Randi's demonstrations are set up as double-blind experiments, in a very scientific fashion. You can't cheat your way through, and you can't trick the audience into believing your "powers". The only way to pass the test is to actually use your powers to acquire information which you did not previously possess, and which you cannot obtain through any other means (such as questioning the participants, or deducing facts from interactions with them, for example.)

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited October 10, 1999).]
I've got a question. A lot of times when I am in the car or in a public place, I will see an event happening and remember it from some other time, almost like de ja vous. I can't tell the future, but this tends to happen a lot. It also goes in stages. Like right now, I havent had it happen lately because Ive been busy with school, jazz band, and volleyball. But when I don't have any after school activities going on, this tends to happen a lot. Now these events are not significant in any way, like I once saw a lady walking briskly down the street and I seemed to remember this very vividlyI don't know that i'm going to see something in advace, it just hits me and gives me this feeling of, "wow, i have seen this before!" I never used to be a big believer in psycics, and I'm still not really. I do believe that some people just excell at some sort of "sixth sense." So does anyone have anything to say about my little happenings?

I'm really not a shorty.
Maybe you're using a part of your brain that most people don't get in touch with very often. That's what I think deja vu is.
i see it has been a while since anyone wrote in but i wanted to post something because this really hits home for me.
alien i believe you could be talking about me. i don't claim to be psychic. i am very empathetic to people though. i know exactly how people feel in a situation that i myself might never have experieced. it's overwhelming sometimes so emotional for me that i am left feeling their pain, happiness, sadness, etc., for days or even weeks.
those who i am close to ie. spouse, mother, or best friend i become so empathetic towards that sometimes it seems as though i do read their minds. my mother and i have had experiences between us where we answered questions outloud that had not been spoken. the conversation usually goes something like this:
i hear her ask me something and so i answer usually a yes or no.
she then replies that she didn't ask me that but that she had been thinking it.
afterwards i realize she's right no one had said anything.
there have been cases with people i care for deaply where something traumatic has happened in their lives and i know about it.
i've spooked the crap out of people by calling then and asking them what happened. usually they respond with "how did u do that". sometimes these are old friends. one particular old boyfried i still get that way with even having not spoken to him now in over a year.
i can get inside people's heads and know what they are thinking just having been around them very briefly. it scares a lot of people. i think they see it as an invasion of their privacy. i can understand, there are places in our minds where we feel uncomfortable allowing other people access.
i don't mind talking about this. it's part of what makes me who i am. it is in my family, passed to me from my mother. i don't view it as weird or supernatural. it's just how i am.
i'll be happy to entertain questions or comments on my e-mail, seeing as how i'll probably not make it back to this page for a while. just please type in a topic so i'll know or i won't open the email, security first and foremost.
I do believe in 'psychic' ability, at least in part. I think a lot of people have been in a situation where they could read someone's mind. I personally am extremely tuned into my husband. I know what he is going to say before he says it most of the time. I will know his dreams when I wake up sometimes, very bizarre. I also used to be able to read my Mother's mind as a child. Very handy - I never got caught doing bad stuff because I always knew when she was trying to sneak up on me. :)

A theory I have is this - our thoughts are electrical impulses, right? And just like the radio signals we broadcast from point to point on Earth, they could be read by an exterior source, like from the moon. So when my husband is sitting there thinking "I wonder if there are any apples left in the fridge?" his electrical patterns of thought might be 'broadcast' though the air. Since I spend a lot of time with him and am very familiar with him, those patterns are recognized by me, and I can say "nope".

We've gotten to the point where he doesn't even ask me how I knew what he was thinking. I can't explain it, I can't do it on purpose, but I get the message anyway. I can sometimes read other people like this, but it happens most frequently with my closest friends and family. Of course, a part of that could very well be non-verbal clues - posture, breath patterns, etc. But it's soooo accurate and detailed when it happens I'm not inclined to believe that's the whole answer.

Here's a question - has anyone here ever done, or heard of someone that can communicate psychically with animals?? I ask this because I have heard my cats talk to me on 3 seperate occasions. Always I audibly hear my name, like it's spoken.

The first time it happened, I dismissed it. I was walking into my bedroom, and my mom's cat meowed at me. At that same instant, I heard a strange voice call my name. I looked at the cat, then looked around the house. I was alone. I thought I had imagined it.

2 years later, my kitten called my name, in the same way. I heard his little meow, and someone calling my name urgently. I first looked for the person calling me (heard my name twice) because they sounded hurt. Again, I was alone in the house. Next I looked for my kitten. His claw was caught in a drapery, all twisted and pulled. Definitely a sore paw. (Poor pooper!) Third time it happened, same cat - grown up. Came home from work, he meowed, someone said my name. That last one was about 6 months ago. It's beginning to bug me out. 2 different cats, three seperate occasions. Never my dog, or rabbit, or ferret, or any of the other pets I've had. Just cats. No other words either, always just my name being called. My husband thinks I'm nuts. Anyone have any ideas??

I was able to relate to the first half of your post - my husband and I seem to read each other's minds quite a bit, and we're not able to control it either. As a kid, I was often been able to avoid getting in trouble by knowing that I was being watched or listened to; or that I was about to get caught doing something, although not always quite in time to get out of it.

I've also been able to walk in my bedroom when I was a kid and know that my mother had been in there snooping (which was later confirmed).

I've also suddenly known when my children were doing something they shouldn't be doing (my mother had this ability as well).

I don't really know how this sort of thing works, but I'm sure that you're pretty close to the actual explanation.

As for the second half of your post - about the cats - I've never heard about or experienced such a thing in my life! But then, I've always had dogs. Does your real name sound anything like a cat's meow, by any chance? Like Nell, for example? Just wondering...

Searcher -

Nope, my real name IS Skye. I haven't heard of anyone else having this happen either. It's not the same as when I 'read' my husband - with him it's like his thoughts are my thoughts, floaty, abstract kind of pictures and scenes and impulses. With my creepy cat-thing I actually audibly HEAR my name being called, it's so realistic it freaks me out because my first thought is always that there's a stranger in the house. It's only happened when I'm alone, so I can't ask anyone else if they heard anything.

The worst part is - I don't really believe it myself! The first couple of times it happened it didn't bug me, I figured it was my imagination. But that third time, it's just too many times, y'know?

Hey, maybe I'm not the psychic one - maybe I keep getting psychic cats!! LOL, I've had probably 20 different cats in the last 7 years or so, that's only 1 in 10 that can talk to me....
Reily G is a load of crap..

I used to brouse the news groups that he would shoot his pathetic mouth off in. EVERY time he made a perdiction about something it had already happend and he would claim that He perdicted it in advance. (actually he is still doing it with the Egypt air crash).. The guy is full of shit.. we tried to get him to agree on a simple test.. which was this.. "Tell me My Middle name" We set up a time day, location where I would be stareing at my Birth certificate.. he was too use his remote viewing power and see my middle name.. a very controled and fair experement in my opinion..

after he refused this test saying that it was a unfair test of his abilities.. (well after about 4-5 weeks of avoiding the test) I told him I would go to where he was to make it easyer, He refused and avoided again)

The guy is full of crap.. he manulipates vague "perdictions" such as "There will be a very bad storm" and claims he perdicted tornados.. (which are very common) Huricanes (which are very common) a building wall falling down on a sunny day (he claimed this was due to strange weather patterns that he perdicted).. the guy is full of himself..

The door is open but nobodys home..

SkyeBlue -

Merry Meet! I am fascinated about your experience with cats "speaking" to you. Do you believe in totem spirits and familiars?

I keep finding your posts and you sound like you might be what I like to call "a witch in denial". I'm not trying to convert you to witchcraft, or anything. I am really getting a strange feeling about you.

Communication with animals is a strong sign - I'm going to make a guess, you tell me if I'm right. You've been feeling a calling towards a power larger than yourself lately, and it keeps getting stronger and stronger, especially very recently? My feeling is that the Gods & Goddesses are trying to tell you something. Do you still live with the cat that talks to you? I think he/she could possibly be a familiar to you. Familiars choose us, not the other way around. I would be interested in finding out how you got that particular cat, if you don't mind. If the cat came to you, I'd say almost for sure he/she's a familar that seeked you out.

I've never known a witch lucky enough to have actual audible communication with a familiar, if this cat is indeed a familiar you really have something special. Luck be with you, m'dear!
Lady -


Umm, woah, where to start? Yes I do still own that cat. He's my favorite of the bunch (I'm a sucker for animals - 1 dog, 4 cats and a bunny is the current count). His father was a stray in the neighborhood that adopted us. His dad got hit by a car, and then a week later my neighbor's cat had kittens. This little guy looked so much like his daddy I had to take him. He's been an absolute joy ever since. Don't know if that means anything to you...

I can't say I believe in Gods & Goddesses, and though I do find the idea of a totem spirit or familiar to be a nice idea, I can't really say I believe it either. But, then again, I don't believe in speaking cats either... Very confusing. What's a familiar supposed to do, anyway? I never really thought about that before, I always thought that was a myth having to do with the witch hunts or something. I thought it was just the (accused) witch's pet...I guess I should do a little research!

"Witch in denial" - that kinda makes me laugh. (No offense!) I don't know though, maybe you're right. I guess I'm more inclined to believe in some of the pagan 'truths' than I am inclined to follow any organized religions. I really like the flexibility and self-restrictions and self-responsibility that seem to be the norm in the 'earth religions'. Karma...I think it exists, but I am not really buying the idea that it follows over from life to life. What poor etherial secretary has the task of making sure the karma carries over to a new incarnation? Now THAT's a crappy job! I've looked into the sort of "white bread American" religions, and they don't fit well in my mind. I read your other post, somewhere, about the 'pyramid of power'. That sounds close to what I feel is right, but I don't buy the God & Goddess stuff. Sounds too good to be true, know what I mean? There's all these Gods & Goddesses just floating about, waiting to do favors? Maybe I just don't get it.

Okay, and now I'm just delaying. You're kinda spooking me out a bit, Lady. You've pretty much hit the nail on the head with your guess. Though, it's more like I "know" there's something out there, and I'm trying to match something to it. But, yes, lately it's been getting more intense. More Deja-vu (sp?), more dreams coming true, more 'gut' feelings being verified... It's getting weird!! I came to this forum to sort of sound my impressions out on others - I figure that if I AM close to some kind of truth, I must not be the only one to have discovered it! So far, the ideas and guidance I've gotten from everyone here has helped a lot - some I disagree with, some I agree with. It's inspired me to do more and more research, and I must admit that witchcraft is suprisingly close to what I already felt was the answer. Does that make any sense? I guess what I'm doing is trying to find those that agree with my beliefs and impressions, and see what ELSE they know.

It's been a very confusing, but rewarding few months, and that's about all I'm sure of anymore. :) But I'm trying to keep my mind open...
SkyeBlue -

A familiar is something like an assistant to a witch. A familiar shouldn't be treated like an ordinary pet, but more like a friend. Of course, if you're like me, you DO treat your pets like friends, but that's irrelevant to what I'm trying to say. :)

Animals have better senses (both physical and spiritual) than most humans do, and sometimes while casting a spell I can watch my familiar to see her reactions which helps me strengthen or weaken the spell if it's too strong or too weak. It takes a while to learn your familiar's body language, but once you do, they're invaluable. Familiars don't have to be cats, by the way. Any animal can be. My familiar happens to be a beautiful African Grey parrot named Luna.

SkyeBlue - it sounds like you ARE finding the path to witchcraft. Don't worry that it doesn't all make sense yet. I studied for 2 1/2 years before I felt like I could accurately call myself a witch, I'm still learning 2 years later, and I will continue to learn until the day I die. It doesn't happen overnight, and like anything worthwhile it does take a lot of hard work. Just keep your mind open, your eyes open, and your heart open and you WILL find truth. Ask questions, meditate on the answers you get. Nobody is the same, so what works very well for one witch is totally ineffective for another. If you hear something that you don't entirely agree with, it's perfectly okay to take what DOES sound right and discard the rest.

Witchcraft is a very individual thing - you should feel free to personalize anything, there's no 'wrong' way to do it, if you're being true to yourself. That's the most important point I can try to make. Another thing is to be choosy whom you allow to mentor you - make sure they're not a charlatan or cultist. Anyone claiming that they know the RIGHT way or the ONLY way is NOT a true witch. I suggest several different mentors, and most important is to read, read, read everything you get your hands on. Amidst all the words all the authors have placed on the pages, there are truths.

I must be off. Blessings to you all. :)
Lady O' The Green-Where were you when I needed you? ;)

As much as I have walked away from religion, some part tells me that the door is still open should I choose to come back. In my quest for inner peace, I found it only in my books. I met so many charlatans and frauds that the crystal dream was shattered. I kept seeing so many claiming to know the One True Way that I left witchcraft for the same reason I left Christianity and Catholicism. No path seemed right for me except for the philosophies of the Gorin No Sho, which centered around Zen. I followed that path, which led me away from following the dogmas of others and then left me to find my own path.

The freedom of my path is, I suppose, better than being dragged around in chains by spirit-merchants, but you have presented a comfortable angle for me to remember.

Thank you for leaving a light on for this wandering soul. :)
Skye Blue,
I have a friend who has recently discovered that he can 'communicate' with animals and that he can heal them when they're sick, his hands radiate an intense heat when he's healing.
I used to have another friend, who once told me that during an evening of intense meditation, his cat spoke to him and told him that in a previous life he (the cat) used to be a Scotsman and that so did my friend and that they came from the same village! my friend was Nigerian by the way. A few months later my friend told me that he'd got really pissed off with his cat because it was urinating all over the house and that it had urinated on his bed. I asked him what he did about it, ' Oh,' he said, ' I drove him about 10 miles from the house and left him in the woods!'
This friend was a strict vegetarian, animal rights activist and a 'kind of' Buddhist. I said to him, with a tongue in cheek, 'But your cat was a Scotsman, you were from the same village. How could you do that to him?'
He said,'It was just too much man, the place stank of cats pee'.
So much for looking after ones own, eh?