Credibillity of Psychics. Your take on it...

Boris -

Well, I must admit it's a stretch to assign the last few posts to the "Credibility of Psychics" :) :). Let's just say we're examining the microstructure of the problem :/

Interesting point about tech reliance on artificial humans. I guess the trick is to produce organisms which remain capable of successful breeding despite the absence of the mechanisms which created them. Even though Daddy has a bionic leg-strengthener, and Junior doesn't, Junior can still procreate, despite his leg envy...
If increased intelligence requires increased birth canals, I opt that we all stay dumb ( and snug! tee ! hee! )

My light hearted 2c. worth......
Why does everyone always want more cycles per second?

Take our computer example for a second. Suppose you have a 16 bit computer running at a gigahertz. now compare that to a 64-bit computer running at 250 MHz. Now how about a 100 million bit computer running at 50 Hz. Now suppose that bit is actually a word or image or phrase. Ie you have a 100 million unit computer running at 50hz. And each unit holds 1 MB of information. And this computer can analyzes and form analogies. So once it see's a dog, anything that looks like a dog, get the "class" of dog, and so on. So instead of the brain storing all new information, it classifies this information, maybe even in different "storage areas"

Now suppose you stop thinking in simple word concepts and start thinking in paragraph or image concepts. Or in concepts so large that the entire image at one time could not be held into your "main memory" at once.

People don't need bigger brains, they just need to figure out how to use them.

You're suggesting the same idea as I am, but in a differerent way. I was calling for a "richer representational semantic" in the brain.
I noticed that most everyone like to think that "everyone" has some psi ability, and it's just that some know how to use it, and others don't.

MOST people are accessible: they broadcast like a screaming banshees to real telepaths and empaths. MOST people have as much mental self-control as a child in what they think about (note: they don't have to ACT to think about it...).

However, most are completely unable to use psi abilities at all. This is only partially due to a lack of training or natural skill, and mostly due to genetics: the few really good ones come from strong matriarchal psi lines. For those with some of the potential, genetic drift prevents them from harnessing their abilities, as it is very weak and easily ignored/misunderstood.

Most people would then say you've got two groups, the psi and the norms. I prefer "norm" to "mundane." Doesn't sound patronizing or insulting. They're just "normal." Can't find fault in that.

But wait! There's one more: Negapaths. Negapaths is the name given to those who have NO ability, don't broadcast, and just aren't there... People have called them different names: mind-blinds, soulless, black holes. It's hard to describe it well, but there are people who have the trait of being able to block all psi phenomenon in their immediate area. When they walk though a crowd, you can feel them, not through direct observation, but from what there isn't. They move like a hole through the crowd, a place where you can't detect anything... gives me the chills when I think about it...

I've met two people like this: none knew their "condition." One I met as part of my job, and we spoke over lunch... Very unnerving to be around a person like that for a while... The other was just moving in a crowd at the mall... didn't see him or her, but know they were there.

So, there are three groups:

Norms - John and Betty Q. Public, with 2.3 kids and 1.7 pets. They live a nice normal life, and never even think seriously about psi. They don't believe in in, but they'd love to get their hands on it. After all, predicting the stock market and reading the boss's mind would get them great advantages... as long as no one else had them.

Psi - Those with latent or open psi ability, including telepaths, empaths, telekineticists, prescients, and others. Ranging in ability from crisis-indiced psi to full consious control, and everything in between. Tired of the usual stupid norm questions like, "if you're for real, why don't you win the lotto or buy stocks and get rich?" Most psis understand that while important, money is not the end-all, be-all of existance. Also, why attract attention to yourself? Better the "psychics" attract the attention, and let the media and population think of it as a amusement or joke.

Negapaths - Mind-blind, and most don't know it. The one I met was very depressed, and coudl not understand why his life was in the pits. He was never married, women were not attracted to him (average looking, but not bad), he advanced slowly at his job, and had few friends. I've heard of others who live fairly normal lives.

Which group are you in? Well... almost everyone is a norm, with very few psis and even fewer negapaths. I don't know if there is a "balance" to it (there probably should be), but there shouldn't be too many psis without a cooresonding number of negapaths...

Anyone else encounter them? A hairdresser friend once had one come it for a haircut: she started to vomit, and asked another to do it instead... She only got better after he left.

Oh, well... better them than me...
Could you're friend really be called mind-blind? It sounds like a self esteem problem or lack of social skills more than anything psychic.
Once you're down in the dumps, it's hard to get up there say his job advancement sucks, never married, no women, very few friends ...what sort of personality would you radiate if this was your life we were talking about? Why don't you help him take a step up and return some of his confidence, or perhaps suggest professional help to lift his esteem?
Life is what you make of it - mostly - but a guy who may lacks the skills to make it to the top fast or score well with chicks or be the centre of attention is more a reflection of character than anything else. If he feels his station in life is not much higher than where he is, why would you promote him?? He doesn't display leadership qualities so he stays where he is till he does! If he isn't a smooth-talker, how can he sell himself to a strange woman? It doesn't matter too much if you're a stud looking dude, without the personality to back it up, you won't have good grounds for a relationship to develop.
Take him out and introduce him to some of your freinds, only show interest in his stories when there positive, ignore him when he moans. Teach him to give positive output when he interacts. This alone could change things for him for the better.
I base my suggestions on tried methods that I have used with the very sort of persona you have described with outstanding results. Why not help him instead of whinging about him on this board?? :)
First of all, he is not my friend: he is a business associate I met over several occasions. I would not want to introduce him to my friends: he is VERY unsettling to be around... when you know what they are...

This isn't discrimination or shunning, but a matter of self protection: would you hang out with a person that make your physically ill by their mere presence? I don't hate him: I have no feelings toward him whatsoever. I have my own problems to deal with that i cannot change, and he has his own. I cannot imagine what his life is like, or even his thoughts...

I think I could tell the difference between the depressed and a negapath. I've been depressed to the point of suicide for a while before now, and got quite close on several occasions. I've also met and spoken with a lot of depressed people: depression is not a cause of negapaths, it is part of what they are. They are depressed because of what they are, not vice versa.

Truly depressed people are "norms." To an empath, that's bluntly obvious. Depressed people are far more introverted mentally that normal people, but not not anything like a negapath.

I am not going to help him in any way. i CANT'T help him: there is nothing to help him with! He knows and understands that he will not be successful. He knows and understands he will be alone for the rest of his life. He is resigned to it, just like the rest of us are resigned to our lot in life. I sure didn't ask for what I have. No one I know of did either, but we accept it and live out our lives.

Let's say I can help him: I find another negapath who likes him, and the two get married after a long, awkward courtship, and have kids. More negapaths! If he found a woman who loved him and accepted him, he would still be what he is. If he won the lottery, it would not change what he is. No actions that he or anyone else around him could take would change what he is.

You said that "Life is what you make of it - mostly..." He cannot change that one aspect of his life anymore than you or I can grow a new kidney for the hell of it. That one aspect dominates his life: he is stuck with it, and the only way out is suicide. Suprisingly, he hasn't even considered that. In his place, I would have definitely thought about it, if not actually did it.

He actually tries to be positive: he is willing to help when people need help, he likes kids (kids don't like him), and wants to be more open... but no matter what he tries, he gets the same results. He is discouraged, but not toally obsessed with depression.

I am not "whining" about his condition: I haven't said "Gee, why doesn't the guy just get away from me? Can't he get a life on his own?" And, his persona is not the same as what he is: there are a lot of depressed people, but only a few of them are negapaths.

My purpose was to find out if others have met or observed negapaths, not to complain about this one. If i was complaining, that would imply I care at least a little, whether it be him or about his annoying me. In fact, I do cnot are at all...
<center>What a crock of sh*t! </center>

Do some more serious research into psychic phenomena and related personas before you recommence spurting unequivical crap as per the above post.

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited September 08, 1999).]
>Do some more serious research into psychic phenomena and related personas before you recommence spurting unequivical crap as per the above post.
If there is indeed such a thing as "serious research into psychic phenomena". :) You are right about one thing. It seems like a lot of BS.

Question: Have any of you people tried for the one million dollar reward being offered for demonstration of such ablilites as many of you claim to have?

Didn't think so. Perhaps the... how did it go again..Negapaths are employed so no one can collect the reward. :)


"Psychologist B.R. Forer found that people tend to accept vague and general personality descriptions as uniquely applicable to themselves without realizing that the same description could be applied to just about anyone. Consider the following as if it were given to you as an evaluation of your personality."

(P.S. Just so you all know, I used to be a "hard core believer". I believed in the loch ness monster (amongst the dozens of elusive mythical monsters), creationism, alien visitations, psi etc.)
Thanks for sharing, Blacktubby... So, what's the rest of your story?

Have a great day!
The rest of my story? Basically it started with my increasing interest in evolution. I wondered how the scientific community could possibly accept such a foolish theory as evolution. What about the missing link? What about the sheer biochemical improbability of life’s sophistication coming about by chance? What about all the things that darwin's theory can not explain?

At the time I did not yet comprehend the fact that evolution is a theory. It is not supposed to be perfectly refined. That it occurs is, of course, factual. The central fallacy of my beliefs was that I assumed because the theory is still evolving it is without foundation. (strange, but a common conception amongst the creationist crowd..)

When I reached this conclusion, I inevitably began applying the same sort of inquiry into creationism. I realized I had to be honest with myself. Where evolution was a still developing but very comprehensive theory, creationism had nothing to show but assumption after assumption. It searched for evidence that a God created the earth, where evolution simply examined the evidence and asked "why?"

Of course I don't think I could have really looked at the knowledge that I had at that point and continued to seriously believe the tales of ufo's abductions, monsters etc which saturate our media and surround our daily life.

Probably the reason for my intitial reluctance to accept the truth is the spiritual sense of wonder I gained from contemplating the possibility of other life, the protection of a benevolent god etc. I get the same "spiritual" sense of joy now by enjoying art, nature, liturature, or having a good debate.

(Naturally most people will percieve the immaturity in the flow of thought in most of my posts, The unconscious repetitions which I do not always catch etc. Intellectually I am not yet fully developed. (being that I am still only a youth) It however it takes only a little honesty to see the self deception in the paranormal mindset.)


[This message has been edited by Blacktubby (edited September 14, 1999).]
Greetings from The Ancient One. My name is Micheal. I am a psychic/metaphysical practitioner in Canada. As a professional psychic i can safely say this business is like any other. You have your good guys and your bad guys. Be careful when choosing a psychic comparison shop,talk to people who have used this particular reader...Remember we are all psychic,be wary of psychics who tell you otherwise.
>Greetings from The Ancient One. My name is Micheal. I am a psychic/metaphysical practitioner in Canada. As a professional psychic i can safely say this business is like any other. You have your good guys and your bad guys. Be careful when choosing a psychic comparison shop,talk to people who have used this particular reader...Remember we are all psychic,be wary of psychics who tell you otherwise.

And then there are the psychics who will tell you to be wary of those who tell you everyone is psychic. ;)

You are, however, right in one respect. We are *all* capable of self deception.

Interesting response and you are correct.
That is why i tell people to be sure.If it
doesnt feel right dont do it.I have turned down more readings than i've ever done and i've done a hundred times more readings for free than i have ever charged for.I also advise people on what to look for to know you're being scammed.

One of the reasons i drift in and out of the business is the dishonesty,the other is the prejudice.I have been told i was going to hell,called the devil and had my life threatened so one more person questioning my
integrity is of no concern.

Years ago i financially secure.Then i lost everything in a failed business venture. I even lived on the streets for a few months.I would go days without eating or sleeping.I stilldid most of my readings for free.My friends thought i was nuts.I do this because i love it.

I have been wrong before and i'll be wrong again.But i have NEVER been dishonest.Its
what i pride myself on.

Well, I don't have any more psychic ability than most (or at least, I don't think I do). But I did know a guy named Joe Weems in high school who could read minds. No, it wasn't a parlor trick, he wasn't faking it - none of those things all the skeptics like to propose.

I had heard it from other people who knew him, but was skeptical myself. So one day I decided to test it for myself. I sat next to him in English class, and decided I would send him a mental message. The entire message was, "Belinda likes you" (okay - it was kind of a juvenile message, but I was just a kid!). I concentrated on that message for a couple of minutes (we were supposed to be reading our books at the time), and finally he looked over at me and said, "What are you doing?" I played innocent and asked him what he meant. He said, "You're trying to tell me something" I asked him what he thought I was trying to tell him. He said, "Something about Belinda - that she likes me?" Indeed, that was the entire message. And I didn't prompt him at all, nor did I tell anyone else I was going to test him. This was absolute proof for me that some people can read minds. I don't have proof about any other sort of psychic ability, but I do know at least that much for myself. And anyone else who knew Joe Weems very well knows it, too.
So, why don't you look up Joe, tell him about the million dollars up for grabs to anyone who can past the paranormal test and both of you retire ? :)

I believe you because I personally know
someone who can tell what you are thinking about. She as proved her ability
to me over and over again.Also, she would freak out a lot of people she worked with and even scared some quite severely.If you are say thinking about cleaning your room she sees this in her mind by way of a mental picture probably the same one you are thinking about.She has read my mind many times and says some people are
easier than others. Sometimes I have a mental gaurd up as she says and she cannot see what I'm thinking about . A
year ago she worked with someone who also had her ability and they would communicate back and for without saying a word!!This is the honest truth believe it or not.


I have no idea what million bucks is up for grabs, but if I had any contact with Joe, I would certainly pass that on to him. I haven't seen Joe since about 1974, and he's never shown up at any of the reunions (I've been to all of them myself). But thanks for thinking of us.

I was able to put a mental guard up with Joe, but only by not thinking about anything. I had a tendency to be on guard all the time around him. It was a little uncomfortable being around someone who always knew what you were thinking, even though I liked him very well.

That would be interesting for two people to be able to communicate back and forth to each other like that. Could they do it "long distance" or did they have to be in the same room, building, etc.?