Creationist questions evolution

Imagine if you could have big room or park and have every one of your ancestors all the way back...that could make a funny movie.
Great^n uncle Alex, The guy in this video says we all share a common ancestor in our family trees just a mere 3000 years back.
Every person alive today shares a common ancestor who lived a mere 3000 years ago.

And, the guy who made the video, if your wondering who Joe Hanson is? check out:

Joe Hanson, a Ph.D. biologist and science writer based in Austin, TX
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Of course we still share DNA from our common ancestor. All Hominids do.
The trick is to find when humans began to split from the original ancestral line. From what I read, this happened long before 3000 years ago when 2 ancestral chromosomes fused into a single larger human chromosome.
Analyses being performed currently on genomes of extinct species that are directly related to us, such as Denisovans and Neanderthals, reveal that these species already presented the chromosome fusion that originated the long chromosome 2 that is characteristic of humans (3). Therefore, this rearrangement of chromosomes goes a long way back in time: estimates using various methods date this from 0.75 to 4.5 million years ago.

Fusion of ancestral chromosomes left distinctive remnants of telomeres, and a vestigial centromere

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That vid shows an error for far I cant fix it so unfortunately we shall have to cross to another news item. Damn Jan would have been happy with that one ...
This isn't meant to be an argument, just a fascinating factoid of nature.
“One marine creature has virtually abandoned the sea altogether. On a few remote Pacific islands lives the most terrestrial fish on the planet. These Pacific Leaping Blenny seem afraid of the waves."

The second time in Earth's history a critter wriggled out of the sea to set foot on land.
Still in the trenches I see!

It’s good fun.

Have you learnt nothing in the past 10 year or so? You cannot win, no matter how good you are.

That Darwinian evolution is based on faith, not science. And it is only a matter of time before they have either update the hypothesis, or do away with it altogether.

Hope you're having a good day, and I hope you didn't miss church :)

I have had a very nice Christmas holiday.

I work so much, I rarely get time to go to churches or temples.

Of course Jan cant win he is arguing against established science.

You do realise there is no such thing as atheist science. Don’t you?

I keep telling you to relieve yourself from the darkness of atheism, and come to the light of basic human understanding, and intelligence.
At least a few minutes a day at first. Then slowly extend it a little money more.

You’ll know it’s working when you begin to see things as they are, not as you would prefer it to be. ;):D

That Darwinian evolution is based on faith, not science. And it is only a matter of time before they have either update the hypothesis, or do away with it altogether.
How would you know? You apparently don't know what Darwinian evolution is.
(afaik You have yet to make, on this forum, a single completely accurate statement about Darwinian evolutionary theory. You seem to be almost completely unacquainted with it.)
You do realise there is no such thing as atheist science.

Science is science.

Religion is religion.

Science is reliable.

Science is 100 % correct if not it gets fixed ..religion is founded on a con and lies and any error remains for centuries and longer.

Take your pick.

I keep telling you to relieve yourself from the darkness of atheism, and come to the light of basic human understanding, and intelligence.

And you are not up to date...I am neither a theist nor atheist but an eternalist (one who knows the universe is infinite and eternal requiring no creation or creator) and once one accepts the universe is eternal the need for the terms theist and atheist disappear...this is the ultimate understanding one must embrace to experience enlightement.

Then slowly extend it a little money more

The eternal universe costs no money Jan... unlike any religion you may care to name....not that it is a is just the understanding of the truth.

Just think in your own case how much cash you have lost giving it to a phoney religion.

I know you must have spent a fair bit...the books the church drives the cash in the plate... maybe a loan to someone and you never got repaid...I bet you wont admit to a matter it probably will be bigger than my estimate... ten dollars maybe twenty dollars a week...maybe more.

Just think how much better the world would be if the resources drained by religion went to provide homes roads hospitals and better schools....I know charitable work goes on but I bet not one dollar in ten goes back into charitable work.

Tell me I am wrong.

Imagine if pastors were poor like is expected by your invisable friend.

You’ll know it’s working when you begin to see things as they are, not as you would prefer it to be.

I do not think I have any problem with reality as I understand the universe is eternal and never required a creator.

That is ( the concept that the universe is eternal) certainly more probable than a mythical creator poping out of eternity to create a finite universe.... I mean that is crazy. eternal creator existing in eternity for an eternity only to pop out to create a finite universe...just think how silly that really is... it (the alledged finite universe) 6000 yrs old or 13.5 billion yrs old why would an eternal being create a finite universe ...after an eternity it just got bored and popped out for a little finite universe creation...sure sounds logical if you are brain washed does not add up ... and so we can be assured that nothing like that could happen ...the universe is eternal and has no need of a mythical pop out of eternity finite universe creator.

And certainly my wish that there was a god that fitted the myth of being there for humans would be great but one cant believe that could happen particularly as the evidence of preventable deaths makes such a proposition just know what really ticks me off Jan...these fools saying someone was saved by a intervention by god...all I ask is why god steps in only occassionally to save only one life and let thousands of others die...well of course the simple answer is..."of course it can only be that way cause there is no creator in the eternal universe" ..but you can see how silly the god intervention cry really time one of your mob says so and so was saved by a miracle please ask why god stopped at saving just one☺

However...I now think the NT should be thrown out because it is clearly a lie given the multiple human gods that JC was a copy of....and that the OT be regarded with some respect as it is an insite into different times and an attempt to preserve earlier stories such as the garden of eden and the great flood which may tell us something of the way ancient folk sort to explain things in times prior to the OT being how the universe is eternal☺...I like how we now know disease comes from germs and not a bad spirit or punishment from a god...and how way back they could not explain where the Sun went at night.. ..still the OT is not a lie like the NT... no one claims to be god...I like its own way it is honest.

Happy new year Jan may your resolutions be positive and productive.

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You do realise there is no such thing as atheist science. Don’t you?
Nor is there theist science, you realize that also, don't you?
I keep telling you to relieve yourself from the darkness of atheism, and come to the light of basic human understanding, and intelligence.
Why are you so desperate to include theism in science? Are you afraid of the last remaining god being left behind in the dust of scientific advances?

I understand you have an unorthodox viewpoint even for a theist, but until you can explain your perspective of God to others, you can never expect agreement. At least not from independent thinkers.
How would you know? You apparently don't know what Darwinian evolution is.
(afaik You have yet to make, on this forum, a single completely accurate statement about Darwinian evolutionary theory. You seem to be almost completely unacquainted with it.)
And, what's more, he will be determined to keep it that way. Every creationist I have encountered, bar one, has made a special point of not learning anything about evolution. Creationism is an exercise in deliberate stupidity. That is one of the things that makes it so contemptible.
You do realise there is no such thing as atheist science. Don’t you?
Correct. There is just science. It applies to atheists and theists alike - even when theists deny it.
That Darwinian evolution is based on faith, not science. And it is only a matter of time before they have either update the hypothesis, or do away with it altogether.
They have been updating it for 160 years. (Keep in mind that DNA had not been discovered when Darwin published his book.) And every update has only strengthened the fundamental theory of evolution.
I work so much, I rarely get time to go to churches or temples.
And yet you have over 11,000 posts here. You prioritize posting on the Internet over attending services. Interesting!
How would you know? You apparently don't know what Darwinian evolution is.
(afaik You have yet to make, on this forum, a single completely accurate statement about Darwinian evolutionary theory. You seem to be almost completely unacquainted with it.)
He is right, but for some reason you think science is a 100% right, it evolves/changes constantly. Look at how gravity evolved.
He is right, but for some reason you think science is a 100% right, it evolves/changes constantly. Look at how gravity evolved.
Yes, unlike theism, science is open to correction. Theism has been wrong for 3000 years, with no chance of ever becoming correct.