Creationism vs. science

She seems to know a lot about the Bible and has some interesting views on it as well.
Originally posted by Frencheneesz
But as for those sad folks that have no evolutionary understanding, you MUST know that evolution is happening right now.

Is that so? It looks more like devolution to me.

Although I am against the religious god creationism, you must consider this: Isn't science the new religion in a way?

People are all up to believing in what scientists may find and what theories they present. There is proof for a lot of it yes. It doesn't say science holds all the answers though.

I disagree on the words that evolution is happening right now. Humans are utterly selfish and not evolving at all. Why do you say that? On what is it based? On the scientific theories?

I read somewhere, that people have forgotten about the gods, who were worshiped in ancient times, among the ancient ones like the Walhalla and the like? And what gods were ruling there?

And what about the ancient roman gods? Where do you think names like Mars, Apollo, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune and so on come from?

Have you people all forgotten about this? How sad.

Once there was a time, humans knew how to work together with energy from Earth. That knowledge is all forgotten or ridiculed away.

Yes, humans are really evolving at the moment...:rolleyes:
I read somewhere, that people have forgotten about the gods, who were worshiped in ancient times, among the ancient ones like the Walhalla and the like? And what gods were ruling there?

Once there was a time, humans knew how to work together with energy from Earth. That knowledge is all forgotten or ridiculed away.

Celestine prophecy?
I think he ment physical evolution, Banshee

I have read the book. Interesting read.
Originally posted by A4Ever
Celestine prophecy?

Why the fuck do you always think it is coming from a prophecy? It is not. I am not a reader of prophecies. My goodness, it is unbelievable!

Physical evolution? What physical evolution? Polluting your body with artificial adds?

As I said: devolution is happening at the moment.

Sorry, I can get so angry about it.

Have you people all forgotten how it is to live in a free world, without additions to your food and drinking supplies?

What the hell do I care whether it is called science or evolution. If humans were evolving, they would get wiser, as in knowlege, gained by life's experience and not believe in everything they are told.

Your own perception and how you interpret it is what counts. Not a creator or science.

It is what you yourself see, hear and interpret as being your truth. If it is possible than please with consideration that not everything is to be found in the bible, nor in science...
Originally posted by ReasonableDoubt
Do you have any evidence of this?

And there we go again! Do you have evidence of this?

Perfect example of what I mean though. Yes I can dig up some evidence of how Earth energy was used in earlier time periods.

If you think it is really necessarry that everything has to be displayed by internet links. I have also evidence of the number of BS which is posted on the internet.

My, my, when will you people ever learn?
There you go swearing again. I'm serious, one of these days I'm gonna have to edit your posts Banshee. :)

The Celestine Prohecy is not a prophecy, it is a famous book by James Redfield which describes things like you were talking about.

You said you forgot where you read them.

edit: it is not uncommon for people in this century to ask for proof. Too much bullshit is aready floating through the ether...
we are here mostly talking not about evolution of mind or morals or deevolution. We are here talking about evolution which in long time period changes body structure - height, bones, different face/body charecteristics etc

evolution of mind is a different topic and I would really enjoy the discussion of it


btw, I would have nothing against nanobots going by and fixing my damaged or aged cells, or circulating in my blood, cleaning it.
Originally posted by ReasonableDoubt
This is my first experience with a foul-mouthed butterfly. Tight cocoon?

I apologise. :) I am in the same kind of discussion on another Forum and I'm just a little angry about all knowledge and wisdom, coming from the elders who were inhabiting Earth. Because of the belief in science all this is going to be lost. I think that is a real shame.

I will look for a nice internet link on Earth Energy and post it for you. :)

A4Ever, I rarely talk like this. So how do you mean, swearing again? Can you provide proof of my swearing? :p

If I come across it I will read the Celestine Prophecy. Now I am curious...
I can't remember what you said exactly, but I remember I was baffled and asked you: 'can we do this on the forum??' So it had to be swearing... :)

Yeah, read the book, it is good. Do you want a nice internet link with that? :)

Banshee wrote:

I will look for a nice internet link on Earth Energy and post it for you.
One can dredge up a "nice internet link" on everything from alien abduction to the Flat Earth Society. They are, for the most part, childish and tiresome. Please be somewhat discerning in you offering ...
Well, that was exacrly what I was talking about, ReasonableDoubt. All the BS websites which are floating on the internet. :)

Here's something on water energy. A nice example in the light of in which Forum this thread is posted. Enjoy, with an internet link :) :


In Lourdes since the year 1858 there were 3.500 of the recovery written down. The Church has admitted like a miraculous till this time only sixty-six of them. To disclose the veil of the Lourdes mystery I shall try to motivate ”the convalescent effect” from the standpoint of research the energy streams.

The grotto in Lourdes, where from time to time proceeds the convalescent action, has two known energy sources and could have more of the unknown. One of the known sources is the well in the grotto, from which about one liter of water per second runs out, the second source is the river running through in the nearness of the grotto. The unknown sources can be energy components intersecting lapidary massive, squally clouds, position of the moon etc. The suitable combination of various flowages the both water-sources together with acceptable combinations of unknown resources can create the property of energy space, which could be the starting mechanism for healing effect.

The similar medical equipment existed already in the olden ancestry but in much more perfect fulfillment. In megalithic constructions, which were constructed for healing effect, the patients did not need to wait quantity of days or weeks till the miracle comes, the healing setting could be prepared for the rated time. The energy of flowing water was accumulated in the mass of buildings, which were situated to the energy components of water-sources. Without end moving the water flowage affected the quantity of accumulate energy, therefore the regulation stone conduit to later buildings was installed. The energy could be also modified with the combinations of minerals, minerals with gemstones, mica, sand with the content of heavy metals, etc. Thereof can be readily derived that people long ago understood what kind of value needs the energy space for invoking the healing action

Before entering into the healing surrounding the people had to be enough disposed. The labyrinths built-in the flooring constructions of some buildings infer what kind of such preparation could have the course. The method how to relax – to put off stresses can be done by lot of ways, but for this purpose the labyrinth appears like an optimum equipment. The preparation could be more exacting but what I describe has been derived from the structure of buildings.

Thus can be state that no miracles happen in Lourdes. The phenomenon what convalesces is the pure energy – energy of watercourses, its principle to the science remained hidden. The reality that no miracle happens anyway does not sink the convalescent phenomenon from the standpoint of religion, only specifies it. It can be understand so that the Creator of nature created her principles too.

From the ancestry can be by deduction derived that the energy of watercourses was exploited also in the later era as well as in the Middle Ages. The Etruscan people past 7th century before Christ built gigantic constructions what reached the average even 40 meters, (conformable to the mounds on American continent). The Celts before the ritual ceremony charged the stones by fire, similarly was charged the circular construction Stonehange.

The Cistercian monasteries were built into the energy components of watercourse. The regulation stone water pipeline was installed under their churches as well as by some megalithic constructions. Chartreuse gothic cathedral was built on the hillock, which was in the Christian era one of the most haunt of France. The Druids sooner gathered there and more formerly the whole Celtic world. The cathedral was built above the dolmen and the Celtic well. The labyrinth in the stone pavement of the cathedral in present time is situated under the benches.

The similar sanitary equipment such as the buildings of megalithic culture we could construct nowadays providing that we chart the energy of watercourse and further natural and civilize energy sources. Since the long-ago constructions nothing changed out from the energy standpoint, every building has its energy value, we do not know only what of kind. It can be useful, but it can harm to us too. The correct reply can be given only by the research.
I shall not be surprised if the specialists do not believe all what I describe, I did not believe it at first too. Really is impossible to give the man with a stone chopper in hand to context with the regulated energy of building. It is really illogical, the historians therefore have to do something with the stone chopper.

The expressive example of the energetic regulated construction is the plateau Nazca. Till this time nobody has given the reason for this structure. The underground water canals are complicated regulation system what enabled to affect the visualized energy zones on the plateau. The underground water canals under the area of mounds and artificial water tanks in San Lorenzo had the same function – they ensured the energy regulation of the construction. The water tank constructed on pyramid Akapana was for the structure together with the water pipeline the regulation equipment. Just like that it was by Osireion and another constructions where the resembling regulation system was built. By the others constructions without regulation like menhirs the people had to wait for the right water passage, in contrast to us they knew for what to wait. The detailed description each of the mentioned construction as well as the interpretation of energy watercourses, you can find in
The paradoxical position to which we come in connection with the long past ancestry cannot be valued so that the people of megalithic culture overtook our era. It was our united evolution that continued, something was only forgotten. One of the reasons could be the fact that the megalithic constructions were specified like the ethnic fetishes and therefore some of the constructions were removed. The another reasons could be, that only by the dowsing-rod could be the energy of watercourse identified and it is yet an unscientific instrument whereby the serious scientists do not wish to be engaged. Approximately it could have been but it is already the history.

A4Ever, if it is a book review, then by all means, please post a link on the book...:)
"Although I am against the religious god creationism, you must consider this: Isn't science the new religion in a way?"

A man who will become a theist looks at the sky and says; "I don't know why the sky is blue. God must have done it"
A man who will become a scientist looks at the sky and says; "I don't know why the sky is blue. I'll go do some experiments and investigations to find out why."

Science is not a religion. People who believe everything a scientist says without first investigating and understanding how the scientist reached his/her conclusion may as well be a theist though.
Originally posted by Banshee

The grotto in Lourdes, where from time to time proceeds the convalescent action, has two known energy sources and could have more of the unknown.
Obviously it was a tighter cocoon than I had, at fist, suspected. :rolleyes:
Well, you cannot expect that I am going to cut in an article. You were asking for evidence, no? I cannot help that people are having such a bad way of writing things down though.

For real evidence you should read some good books on ancient history and what kind of energy is used through history. It does not depend on only an internet article, does it?

Do not complain when someone tries to give some info to you in the manner required here at Sciforums. With an internet link.

Whatever you do with the info is totally up to everyone him/herself...
Better yet, why don't you go see for yourself? In stead of complaining about one sentence in an article?