Creation questions

Jason.Marshall - either provide evidence to back your claims or retract them. It is as simple as that. It has nothing to do with the sub-forum you are in, but rather is a basic rule of this forum:


So... this is, quite simply, a case of put up or shut up
So I retract my claims but I still believe them whats your point?
The truth is a "value" "the fool cannot fathom this" Danshawen
Can't believe I am doing this, but in his defense, he did post evidence to back them up - his belief that a fictional show about Megalodons was real. Foolish? Certainly - but not the same as refusing to post evidence.

Question is - would you qualify a fictional show as the "extraordinary evidence" that such a claim requires?

So I retract my claims but I still believe them whats your point?
The truth is a "value" "the fool cannot fathom this" Danshawen

"27He who restrains his words has knowledge, And he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.28Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent."

Proverbs 17, verses 27 and 28
Jason.Marshall - either provide evidence to back your claims or retract them. It is as simple as that. It has nothing to do with the sub-forum you are in, but rather is a basic rule of this forum:


So... this is, quite simply, a case of put up or shut up
If you go back and read the thread you would realise I specifically stated this is my opinion which I am entitled to no matter how mush you disagree with it I never claimed it as fact you should take as it seems am speaking to children noe of you even comphrehend my position or point and continue to waste your time talking about this let it go I retract my claim but I will continue to believe my statement it is my right and not your right to tell me otherwise its as simple as that. My only mistake was posting it in an "open forum" can I enter your living room and tell you what conversation to have like I said I was talking to dave not any of you that responded next time I will use the pm problem solved its not rocket science as it seems to be.
Question is - would you qualify a fictional show as the "extraordinary evidence" that such a claim requires?

"27He who restrains his words has knowledge, And he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.28Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent."

Proverbs 17, verses 27 and 28
If you go back and read the thread you would realise I specifically stated this is my opinion
No you didn't. What you wrote was:
There is also evidence of really large prehistoric animals living deep in the oceans I want to go dive and search for them myself am going alone I wont bring you into such a dangerous environment its not safe these animals are larger than the largest known sea creatures on record they can bite through solid steel ships this has happened already in present day while others was looking for the creatures.

I never claimed it as fact
There's no equivocation in the quote and you specifically claim that there is evidence.
And that the "biting through solid steel ships" HAS HAPPENED in the present day.
Not "rumoured to have happened". Not "you believe it to have happened".

My only mistake was posting it in an "open forum"
Well, that and being an irrational fool.
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So? like you said its a claim then don't belief me and dismiss it and move on with your life I don't care if you belief me or not you cannot tell how to think I will always reserve the right to do so and I do not need your permission or approval got it?
Oh, I do assuredly "got it".

You might consider the dictum, "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts."

You say I cannot tell you how to think, but I can tell you when your thinking is logically flawed and your conclusions faulty. I can do more than that. I can object to you holding such warped conclusions and indulging in such faulty thinking. If the only person influenced by your foolishness was you, I could leave you to stew in your own ignorance. However, it is precisely this ill-informed, opinionated thinking that supports others of a like minds and leads to some of the medieval approaches to life followed by people who should know better.

So, for your own good and that of society I shall tell you how to think and I am telling you how to think and I shall continue to tell you how to think until such times as you show evidence of being able to do it correctly. Got it?
Oh, I do assuredly "got it".

You might consider the dictum, "You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts."

You say I cannot tell you how to think, but I can tell you when your thinking is logically flawed and your conclusions faulty. I can do more than that. I can object to you holding such warped conclusions and indulging in such faulty thinking. If the only person influenced by your foolishness was you, I could leave you to stew in your own ignorance. However, it is precisely this ill-informed, opinionated thinking that supports others of a like minds and leads to some of the medieval approaches to life followed by people who should know better.

So, for your own good and that of society I shall tell you how to think and I am telling you how to think and I shall continue to tell you how to think until such times as you show evidence of being able to do it correctly. Got it?
You will never tell me how to think "got it" but you but you have full rights to your opinions in believing that you have that ability "got it"?
There's no equivocation in the quote and you specifically claim that there is evidence.
And that the "biting through solid steel ships" HAS HAPPENED in the present day.
Not "rumoured to have happened". Not "you believe it to have happened".

Well then I stand corrected "I believe it to have happened" "lets call it rumour then I will take my chances makes no difference to me"

"Well, that and being an irrational fool.[/QUOTE]"

Well then a fool I am thanks for your concern it will be noted.
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So I retract my claims but I still believe them whats your point?
The truth is a "value" "the fool cannot fathom this" Danshawen

what I find curious is why anyone would put any effort into believing a claim like that in the first place

What on earth is it that is so important about believing in giant ship eating sea monsters that would motivate someone to be quite so strident about it?

Why would anyone be the remotest bit bothered by having that belief debunked?

Did I miss a meeting?
what I find curious is why anyone would put any effort into believing a claim like that in the first place

What on earth is it that is so important about believing in giant ship eating sea monsters that would motivate someone to be quite so strident about it?

Why would anyone be the remotest bit bothered by having that belief debunked?

Did I miss a meeting?
I am not bothered, you are assuming this, I do this only for the thrill and excitement, I don't care if I am wrong or right but if I am right it would be nice to observe these creatures with my own eyes, just as I observe human biengs.
Regular life bores me I might as well get cancer and die than live a normal predictable life. life is way more interesting when it is risky and you live on the edge...
I am not bothered, you are assuming this, I do this only for the thrill and excitement, I don't care if I am wrong or right but if I am right it would be nice to observe these creatures with my own eyes, just as I observe human biengs.

Yeah, I get that giant ship eating monsters would be pretty awesome - you know, unless you are a merchant seaman, in the navy or a pirate or something
I just don't see why you'd actually take time out of your day to believe it
Yeah, I get that giant ship eating monsters would be pretty awesome - you know, unless you are a merchant seaman, in the navy or a pirate or something
I just don't see why you'd actually take time out of your day to believe it
Well its my time isn't not? I do not know what your values and interest are I am not telling you not to indulge in them because you have freewill and have a right to spend your time thinking and doing whatever you please as long as it does not infringe on another biengs freewill.
Hard to see how a biblical flood, allegedly occurring in the time of homo sapiens, could have drowned creatures that died out 65 million years earlier. Also hard to see how such a flood could have selectively drowned dinosaurs and not the rest of the air-breathing animal kingdom. How do you get over these difficulties?
Why not live in the present? forget the past it's history, just enjoy nature as it changes instead of farting about with fossils.
Well its my time isn't not? I do not know what your values and interest are I am not telling you not to indulge in them because you have freewill and have a right to spend your time thinking and doing whatever you please as long as it does not infringe on another biengs freewill.


Like I said I find it curious - you seem very defensive when challenged, yet you brought it up on a forum that is likely to be highly skeptical of those kinds of claims.
It's almost as if that wasn't what you were expecting to happen.

Like I said I find it curious - you seem very defensive when challenged, yet you brought it up on a forum that is likely to be highly skeptical of those kinds of claims.
It's almost as if that wasn't what you were expecting to happen.
Fair enough I will accept that you find it curious "curiosity" is also my motivation I will never take some ones word for it not a single person on this planet respected reputable source or not I will see and investigate everthing myself with my own laboratory and do my own experiments because taking the word of an expert is just that "words" a beliefs in reputation grounded in faith "religion" based on believing in a "experts" opinions based on their conclusions. Although some expert opinions can be verified in reality there are many that cannot be, and the claim that they believe these creatures don't exist is just that a claim because they have not explored 100 percent of the oceans. Obviously they do not know everything, I will not have faith in the religion of experts that cannot prove their claims beyond a shadow of a doubt. Their beliefs that these creatures don't exist is just that just a "belief" they cannot say for certain 100 percent that they don't exist and that is a "fact" not a belief.
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Don't talk rot.
Bells' stance is based on evidence (or, in this case, lack of).
There's bugger all "religious" about it.
He is bang on with his posts in the context of "could a flood wipe out the dinosaurs?"
You are consistent, i'll give you that.

This is incorrect.
You have no evidence for your belief, ergo yours is less likely to be be true.
You made a specific claim - i.e. that of a creature capable of biting right through steel ships.
Please provide evidence.
obviously he can't provide proof as if a ship got torn apart it would sink. "lost at sea", good starting point for further investigation(how many ships have went missing? how big is the sea? etc.)
Fair enough I will accept that you find it curious "curiosity" is also my motivation I will never take some ones word for it not a single person on this planet respected reputable source or not I will see and investigate everthing myself with my own laboratory and do my own experiments because taking the word of an expert is just that "words" a beliefs in reputation grounded in faith "religion" based on believing in a "experts" opinions based on their conclusions. Although some expert opinions can be verified in reality there are many that cannot be, and the claim that they believe these creatures don't exist is just that a claim because they have not explored 100 percent of the oceans. Obviously they do not know everything, I will not have faith in the religion of experts that cannot prove their claims beyond a shadow of a doubt. Their beliefs that these creatures don't exist is just that just a belief they cannot say for certain 100 percent that they don't exist and that is a fact.

I feel exactly the same way

No one can prove 100% that my collectible action figures don't take on a life of their own and have a whole bunch of adventures when I'm out of the room.

anyone who says otherwise can go fuck themselves