Creation questions

You make it sound easy for most people to avoid confronting the issue. But I think you overlook the fact that all schoolchildren nowadays learn basic science at school, from the media, from books, on museum trips etc. This obviously includes such topics as evolution. Dinosaurs in particular are a perennial source of interest to children. The fact is that all children learn about the long age of the Earth and enough about evolution to understand that different animals lived at different periods within this long age, and that later forms developed from earlier ones.
I know. The important thing is that kids grow up and think for themselves.
Get a ruddy education. Do you not understand that portions of the Old Testament were rich in metaphor? Those portions were not meant to be taken literally any more than the metaphors in On the Origin of Species were meant to be taken literally. Next you will be telling me that if I don't take all of Darwin's work literally I do not believe in evolution. You are being ridiculous.

Since you are a moderator - what a frigging joke - I cannot put you on ignore, but frankly your stupidity on this point is offensive. Stew in your ignorance.
i'd cool off mate, you might get banned. still clueless as to why Jason.Marshall got banned. The mods need to relax and talk sense. I'll probably leave this site soon as the attitude of at least 2 of the mods stink.
I know. The important thing is that kids grow up and think for themselves.

Hmm, partly but not entirely true, in my view.

Critical thinking is perhaps the most important single skill provided by a good education. However, any conscientious parent also wants to impart knowledge to their children. You also need to teach children how to think critically - and this can only be done when you have imparted a body of knowledge for them to think critically about. Mere unguided "thinking for themselves" is likely to risk rewarding junk thinking. (I sometimes think one can see the horrible results of that policy in some posts on this forum:biggrin:. Present company excepted of course.)
Get a ruddy education.
Hey, at least I can count to four.

Do you not understand that portions of the Old Testament were rich in metaphor?
Do you understand that I was responding to someone who clearly said they took the old testament literally and not metaphorically?

Those portions were not meant to be taken literally any more than the metaphors in On the Origin of Species were meant to be taken literally.
Perhaps you should inform the OP of this. Since, you know, he is the one who is taking the old testament literally.

Next you will be telling me that if I don't take all of Darwin's work literally I do not believe in evolution.
Why would I say that?


I just realised who you remind me of. We used to have this poster called Robittybob1. He used to take things literally like you do and lose his shit all the time. We can be thankful you aren't the PM'ing type and you do not spam us with youtube videos, I suppose..

You are being ridiculous.
Says the guy who has gone 11 pages and still doesn't really understand who and what I was responding to in the OP and is braying about the wrong thing entirely. Ya, I'm being ridiculous.:rolleyes:

Since you are a moderator - what a frigging joke - I cannot put you on ignore, but frankly your stupidity on this point is offensive. Stew in your ignorance.
Yes, I am a moderator who has had to put up with you abusing me for no good reason whatsoever, for what? A week now and following me across the site to abuse me and I haven't done a single thing about it because I figure you are perhaps unwell in some way, shape or form, or perhaps you are under a lot of stress and need to just let it all out in fits of verbal diarrhea.

Perhaps you should read your Bible and take it all metaphorically. And find some solace in that. Or keep stewing in your anger... Literally. It's up to you.

Bye bye now.. Take care. It has been lovely chatting to you, as always.:biggrin:
Hmm, partly but not entirely true, in my view.

Critical thinking is perhaps the most important single skill provided by a good education. However, any conscientious parent also wants to impart knowledge to their children. You also need to teach children how to think critically - and this can only be done when you have imparted a body of knowledge for them to think critically about. Mere unguided "thinking for themselves" is likely to risk rewarding junk thinking. (I sometimes think one can see the horrible results of that policy in some posts on this forum:biggrin:. Present company excepted of course.)
i think very few kids in school use critical thinking, it's when you leave school you learn, like passing your driving test. i agree, kids should be taught critical thinking as the main focus. i did crap at school, was too busy making friends. the best thing about science for me at the time was farting towards the bunsen burner!
Yes, I am a moderator who has had to put up with you abusing me for no good reason whatsoever, for what? A week now and following me across the site to abuse me and I haven't done a single thing about it because I figure you are possibly unwell in some way, shape or form, or perhaps you are under a lot of stress and need to just let it all out in fits of verbal diarrhea.

Perhaps you should read your Bible and take it all metaphorically. And find some solace in that. Or keep stewing in your anger... Literally. It's up to you.

Bye bye now.. Take care. It has been lovely chatting to you, as always.:biggrin:

pathetic, now you go low and declare this guy is "ill"? then you end with a smiley face. you are a disgrace.
pathetic, now you go low and declare this guy is "ill"? then you end with a smiley face. you are a disgrace.
"Perhaps" he is. "Perhaps" he is not. I was merely going through the motions, eliminating what it could or could not be. Perhaps he is just an angry person. Or perhaps he is having a bad week. I could go on..

Perhaps.. Perhaps.. Perhaps..
How exactly is the thread topic about ''Creation''?

read the first post, it is about how language possibly happened and the creation of the dinosaurs. now i know there has been loads of off topic posts but new rules were posted the other day so i'm trying my best to stay on topic.

if there is something different you want to discuss then create a thread and i'll post in it if i have something of value to say.
read the first post, it is about how language possibly happened and the creation of the dinosaurs. now i know there has been loads of off topic posts but new rules were posted the other day so i'm trying my best to stay on topic.

if there is something different you want to discuss then create a thread and i'll post in it if i have something of value to say.

Do you really think it is possible to come to a truthful conclusion of how and when languages happened, and dinosaurs were created?

Why are their origins of such importance to you?

Do you really think it is possible to come to a truthful conclusion of how and when languages happened, and dinosaurs were created?

religious threads tend to just attract opinions and not facts obviously, and that is all i expected, opinions, because it's fun discussing stuff like this.

Why are their origins of such importance to you?


it's not important.
i think very few kids in school use critical thinking, it's when you leave school you learn, like passing your driving test. i agree, kids should be taught critical thinking as the main focus. i did crap at school, was too busy making friends. the best thing about science for me at the time was farting towards the bunsen burner!

Did you never have to comment critically on a book you had read, for example? Or compare differing accounts of a historical event? My 11yr old son does a bit of this already at school, though it's fairly basic stuff at his stage, admittedly.
Did you never have to comment critically on a book you had read, for example? Or compare differing accounts of a historical event? My 11yr old son does a bit of this already at school, though it's fairly basic stuff at his stage, admittedly.
in my favorite class, history, we did have to think critically about past events which i loved. science taught me about chemical reactions. books... hmm never had to think critically, but i haven't been at school for 20+ years!

i learnt civil engineering after school, which taught me how to work hard, then university taught me basics about business and I.T.

honestly, i didn't get into proper thinking critically until a year or so before i joined this forum. learnt alot from members in the past, and a bit in the present.