Creation questions



Just to confirm...

Do you believe that prehistoric creatures, perhaps dinosaurs, still exist in deep oceans, that there is evidence of this, and you are saying that they pose a danger to shipping because they can bite through solid steel ships (I don't even...) and that they have already done this in the "present day" while people were looking for these so called creatures?

You need to support such.. ermm.. fantastical claims with the evidence you say exists.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
It was a subjective experience and saw "Morag" -
But the "hardline religious" crowd usually don't have the capability to think for themselves, Kitt. I've been threatened with eternal damnation on this site so far.

Indeed... they only know what "the church tells them". The problem is... for a long, long time, the church controlled what was written in the bible, with nobody else being capable of reading to even try and dispute it! It was used as a method of controlling the populace!
Many would find believing in the old testament to be illogical. And yet..

Where do I even begin..

Let's start with your dishonesty and misrepresentation.

If you believe in the old testament, then you are a young earth creationist, which you laughed at being called a young earth creationist and queried where you had supposedly rejected evolution, in the evolution denial thread and then said the earth was 3.5 billion years old. Yet you claim you believe in the old testament.

So much so that you are questioning if the dinosaurs possibly died in the flood (and somehow missed the ark apparently). Which means you somehow question if humans and dinosaurs co-existed.

In other words, you are a young earth creationist who believes that dinosaurs and humans coexisted - as young earth creationists believe, like they believe in the old testament. In fact, you even say that these are pivotal moments in history...

It hurts to laugh..
YOU have been watching me... lol
Thou shall create me in your own image, thou shall write a book and invent something called a bible. Thou shall create me with your minds, thou shall have a battle of infinite time to prove I exist against science, and science will have an infinite battle in time to prove I do not exist.
Thou shall put me in a box dead and alive at the same time, thou all shall realise in time that I and science exist in the mind and are creations of the mind.
Religion and Science can co-exist yeah?
Its funny how you all try and belittle Dave but he is more aware of the truth and what is going on here on earth than any of you that have responded on this thread. I know exactly the reason you all feel the way you do and one day I will tell you but that day is not this day perhaps you will figure it all out before I can tell you obviously if you learn it on your own you will have a greater comprehension of it all just like Morpheus said in the matrix "You cannot be told what the Matrix is you have to see it for yourself"
There's no pills man.
The first question seems rather meaninglessly open-ended without further qualification. After all, a lot of things in nature, the sea included, are "powerful enough" to kill a lot of forms of life, if they were to behave in an untypical way. For example the radiation from stars, or a meteorite, or changes in atmospheric composition, or any number of things. So I think you need to rephrase this question, to make clear what in particular you think the sea might be doing in order to kill these dinosaurs.

drown them.

We can then address the question on that basis. (If you mean the biblical flood, then it would be good if you would explain exactly what you think that entailed, scientifically speaking, since we do not want to get into any word games about the meaning of such concepts.)

no word games.

The second issue is in my view a classic example of question-begging, since it assumes that there was first "a language" of man, to become "confused" at some point. I think most people would assume that languages arose and evolved in history in the same way they do now, that is, diverging in communities that are not in close contact, and converging in communities that are. So most people would not buy the implied presumption that there ever was a single language, in the form we know them today.

according to the Old Testament there must of been. (Religion Forum).
who has threatened you with that? because it certainly isn't me.

Jason I think. Not really sure since it's like threatening me with Santa's naughty list. In other words, I don't really think of it as a threat. Just stupid and pointless.
I realise we might need to hive this off to another thread, but I'd be quite interested to understand why you think Catholics are not Christians. It seems rather a perverse and extreme point of view.

Quick answer, Catholic Church. I have no problem with catholics personally, it's just their mind might not be quite there, if they're interested in my questions. So i guess, i apologize.
We've done our research. Obviously you have not. We occasionally encounter species long assumed to be extinct, but not so often as to wreck our chart of organisms and the relationships among them.

Sure, a brand-new kingdom of single-cell creatures was discovered in the 20th century: the Archaea. They are microscopic and live only at the bottom of the sea, so it's understandable that we hadn't noticed them before. But the discovery did not turn paleontology or genetics on their heads.
Yeah, new species are being found all the time, does anyone else find that fascinating? i mean it's like metal detecting...and finding a stash of gold.
Oh.. Loch Monsters now.

This just gets better and better.

He still needs to support his claims. Since he has advised that there is evidence, he should have no issues providing said evidence. I await it eagerly. And yes, I do expect him to support his claims.
I have friend who witnessed it with me, he had a camera(no joke), but unfortunately didn't *think* of using it, he was too busy drinking a beer and looking at it. We are in the local news paper, which i have still got, and our description of the USW was bang on with all others, i didn't know there was a "monster" in the loch, just thought loch ness like most people. your welcome to the newspaper and no doubt you could contact the author to at least put me in that place and experience and we could start the investigation there. no way am i posting the newspaper.

EDIT: Snail mail post, in case it gets crumpled.
I have friend who witnessed it with me, he had a camera(no joke), but unfortunately didn't *think* of using it, he was too busy drinking a beer and looking at it. We are in the local news paper, which i have still got, and our description of the USW was bang on with all others, i didn't know there was a "monster" in the loch, just thought loch ness like most people. your welcome to the newspaper and no doubt you could contact the author to at least put me in that place and experience and we could start the investigation there. no way am i posting the newspaper.

EDIT: Snail mail post, in case it gets crumpled.

That said, this isn't what Jason.Marshall claimed. Unless of course you are Jason.Marshall and you think this is proof of prehistoric creatures that are bigger than anything we know to be in the oceans and which bite solid steel ships in half...

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I'm still waiting for him, and now you, to support your claims. But especially Jason.Marshall.. Time's ticking for him to support his claims with evidence.

That said, this isn't what Jason.Marshall claimed. Unless of course you are Jason.Marshall and you think this is proof of prehistoric creatures that are bigger than anything we know to be in the oceans and which bite solid steel ships in half...

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I'm still waiting for him, and now you, to support your claims. But especially Jason.Marshall.. Time's ticking for him to support his claims with evidence.
If you want to get scientific, sort of an investigation(how big is the loch? could it feed such a (20ft, get bigger snakes) Unknown Swimming Object). but you don't know if i was even there... so you'd need faith which doesn't mix with science.
i can't post a scan(that took me ages to do) of the article which would add credence to me being there.

Check with the "West Word" archive if you can find it, there was a lady called "Bella" who was 100 on the 29th march 1997, that should be easy to find. i stayed in a caravan so no hotel receipt.

EDIT: 1997. I'm on the right.
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If you want to get scientific, sort of an investigation(how big is the loch? could it feed such a (20ft, get bigger snakes) Unknown Swimming Object). but you don't know if i was even there... so you'd need faith which doesn't mix with science.
Jason.Marshall claimed that prehistoric sea creatures are biting solid steel ships in half in the present day and you provide this as evidence for him? You do understand that it is for him to provide this evidence and your claiming that monsters like Loch Ness and Morag are real is not going to cut it, yes? In no way does your supposed Morag monster support Jason.Marshall's theory. All you have done is virtually say that loch ness type monsters are real in response to my telling Jason.Marshall to support his claims that prehistoric sea creatures exist and are biting solid steel ships in half in the present day.

Please delete the newspaper story. If it is you, then it is best to not provide your last name and where you possibly may live or have lived on the internet.
Jason.Marshall claimed that prehistoric sea creatures are biting solid steel ships in half in the present day and you provide this as evidence for him? You do understand that it is for him to provide this evidence and your claiming that monsters like Loch Ness and Morag are real is not going to cut it, yes? In no way does your supposed Morag monster support Jason.Marshall's theory. All you have done is virtually say that loch ness type monsters are real in response to my telling Jason.Marshall to support his claims that prehistoric sea creatures exist and are biting solid steel ships in half in the present day.

Please delete the newspaper story. If it is you, then it is best to not provide your last name and where you possibly may live or have lived on the internet.
Bells... what is it with you? are you drinking?

you asked me for evidence regarding my subjective experience and i provided evidence that i was there. i'm not called: davewhite04 for nowt.

if you want to remove evidence then fine.
Bells... what is it with you? are you drinking?

you asked me for evidence regarding my subjective experience and i provided evidence that i was there. i'm not called: davewhite04 for nowt.

if you want to remove evidence then fine.
I asked Jason.Marshall for evidence of his claims.

Not you.

Your response to my asking Jason.Marshall for evidence is by showing me a link to a Loch Ness monster type in another part of Scotland..

You have posted an article from what you claim to be 1997, purported to be showing you and another person and in that article, both names are given in full and a photograph is provided.. This is the internet, so it may be best for you to take the article down. I am not asking for proof of Nessy or other mythical creatures of Scotland. I am asking Jason.Marshall for proof of what he claimed were giant prehistoric creatures of the ocean that he claims are biting solid steel ships in half and he claims there is evidence of their having done this.