Creation questions



Just to confirm...

Do you believe that prehistoric creatures, perhaps dinosaurs, still exist in deep oceans, that there is evidence of this, and you are saying that they pose a danger to shipping because they can bite through solid steel ships (I don't even...) and that they have already done this in the "present day" while people were looking for these so called creatures?

You need to support such.. ermm.. fantastical claims with the evidence you say exists.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
You have to do your own research Bells just as I did don't take my word for it.
You have to do your own research Bells just as I did don't take my word for it.
We've done our research. Obviously you have not. We occasionally encounter species long assumed to be extinct, but not so often as to wreck our chart of organisms and the relationships among them.

Sure, a brand-new kingdom of single-cell creatures was discovered in the 20th century: the Archaea. They are microscopic and live only at the bottom of the sea, so it's understandable that we hadn't noticed them before. But the discovery did not turn paleontology or genetics on their heads.
" but not so often as to wreck our chart of organisms and the relationships among them."
"But the discovery did not turn paleontology or genetics on their heads."

Do not put words in my mouth I made no such claims as for you to believe I was suggesting the above perception of quotes above.
Well, this has gotten quite interesting...


It would seem we are attempting to combine/normalize Young Earth Creationism, Evolution, and New Age Christianity all together...

*wonders where his popcorn went* This should be good...
Well, this has gotten quite interesting...


It would seem we are attempting to combine/normalize Young Earth Creationism, Evolution, and New Age Christianity all together...

*wonders where his popcorn went* This should be good...

Wasn't it all about "Unification" in the beginning?
This Gift of God...He has given me the chance to observe his creations but the most beautiful out of all his creations and the one I feel the strongest affinity towards..."Human Biengs" hold the pedestal, such an honor for them to both hold and stand upon at the same time.

So you call me a fool..."A fool thinks he is a wise man a wise man a wise man knows he is a fool", and the best way to compensate is to use God "Prime" to fill the gaps, "-1" that is why I am a wise man " The fool cannot fathom this"

So in the end we are all fools but a wise man knows this, so don't fall on the sword to protect your own ego.
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It isn't about ego Jason... it's about observable facts. If we stop letting science be dictated by solid facts and good judgement, we get stupid shit happening like the "anti-vaccine" movement... and now we have young children suffering from diseases that are easily preventable.


Because our media sensationalizes stupidity and poor science to make ratings.
It isn't about ego Jason... it's about observable facts. If we stop letting science be dictated by solid facts and good judgement, we get stupid shit happening like the "anti-vaccine" movement... and now we have young children suffering from diseases that are easily preventable.


Because our media sensationalizes stupidity and poor science to make ratings.
If you read my posts you would notice that I am in full support of "observable facts" but no one knows the right answers all the time and any one of us could be and is wrong at some point, in this case vaccines I will not comment or take a side but I will note that the "placebo affect" has done wonders.
You have to do your own research Bells just as I did don't take my word for it.
That is not how it works.

You made the claim, you need to cite the evidence.

Because you have just come out and said there are prehistoric monsters in the oceans of the world that can somehow or other destroy ships made from solid steel by biting through them and that this has happened in the present day.

From this site's rules:

15. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. If you’re claiming that Einstein was wrong, or that evolution does not occur, or that aliens are visiting Earth, be prepared to provide strong evidence in defence of your argument.
It isn't about ego Jason... it's about observable facts. If we stop letting science be dictated by solid facts and good judgement, we get stupid shit happening like the "anti-vaccine" movement... and now we have young children suffering from diseases that are easily preventable.


Because our media sensationalizes stupidity and poor science to make ratings.
In some Australian states, young children who have not been vaccinated are not permitted to be enrolled in pre-school day care centers.
Preschool enrolment and immunisation
From 1 January 2014, changes to the Public Health Act 2010 mean preschools will not be able to enrol a child unless the parent/cargiver has provided documentation that shows that the child:

  • is fully vaccinated for their age, or
  • has a medical reason not to be vaccinated, or
  • has a parent/caregiver who has a conscientious objection to vaccination, or
  • is on a recognised catch-up schedule if their child has fallen behind with their vaccinations.
Primary school enrolment and the Immunisation History Statement
When enrolling a child, parents/caregivers will be asked to provide an Immunisation History Statement. Parents can request an Immunisation History Statement by contacting theAustralian Childhood Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809.

Primary schools record the immunisation status of students on enrolment. They keep the statement (or photocopy of the original statement) for three years after the student has left the primary school. If a student changes primary schools the Immunisation History Statement (or a copy) is forwarded to the new primary school. Primary schools are not required to transfer history statements to high schools as high schools are not required to keep immunisation records.

A child without an Immunisation History Statement will not be prevented from enrolling in primary school. Under the NSW Public Health Act 2010, however, children without proof of immunisation may be asked by Public Health Officials to stay at home during an outbreak of vaccine preventable disease.

Our right wing media, does not take the fanatical extremes that the media in the US seems to undertake.
If anyones child is going to be mingling with other children like at school the the vaccines should be administered and if not keep those children away or out of regular schools. Just because there are some bad reactions to vaccines should not be a indication that they don't work or are harmful to everyone.
If you read my posts you would notice that I am in full support of "observable facts" but no one knows the right answers all the time and any one of us could be and is wrong at some point, in this case vaccines I will not comment or take a side but I will note that the "placebo affect" has done wonders.

Yet vaccines have shown time and again to have a far higher rate of success than a mere placebo; you can't "placebo effect" the existence of infection-specific antibodies and antigens.

And yes, we could be wrong - that's the point of staying with observable fact. As our technology and knowledge base increases, so does our ability to see what we don't know and try to observe it. Making outrageous conjecture and theories to try to "fill the gaps" just ends poorly...
In some Australian states, young children who have not been vaccinated are not permitted to be enrolled in pre-school day care centers.
Preschool enrolment and immunisation
From 1 January 2014, changes to the Public Health Act 2010 mean preschools will not be able to enrol a child unless the parent/cargiver has provided documentation that shows that the child:

  • is fully vaccinated for their age, or
  • has a medical reason not to be vaccinated, or
  • has a parent/caregiver who has a conscientious objection to vaccination, or
  • is on a recognised catch-up schedule if their child has fallen behind with their vaccinations.
Primary school enrolment and the Immunisation History Statement
When enrolling a child, parents/caregivers will be asked to provide an Immunisation History Statement. Parents can request an Immunisation History Statement by contacting theAustralian Childhood Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809.

Primary schools record the immunisation status of students on enrolment. They keep the statement (or photocopy of the original statement) for three years after the student has left the primary school. If a student changes primary schools the Immunisation History Statement (or a copy) is forwarded to the new primary school. Primary schools are not required to transfer history statements to high schools as high schools are not required to keep immunisation records.

A child without an Immunisation History Statement will not be prevented from enrolling in primary school. Under the NSW Public Health Act 2010, however, children without proof of immunisation may be asked by Public Health Officials to stay at home during an outbreak of vaccine preventable disease.

Our right wing media, does not take the fanatical extremes that the media in the US seems to undertake.
If anyones child is going to be mingling with other children like at school the the vaccines should be administered and if not keep those children away or out of regular schools. Just because there are some bad reactions to vaccines should not be a indication that they don't work or are harmful to everyone.

Exactly... our media (of specific note, Faux News and its associates) have repeatedly rebroadcast these thoughts that vaccines could be bad and are a possible cause of autism/retardation et al... and like the good sheeple we are, a significant portion of the public believes em.
Yet vaccines have shown time and again to have a far higher rate of success than a mere placebo; you can't "placebo effect" the existence of infection-specific antibodies and antigens.

And yes, we could be wrong - that's the point of staying with observable fact. As our technology and knowledge base increases, so does our ability to see what we don't know and try to observe it. Making outrageous conjecture and theories to try to "fill the gaps" just ends poorly...
Well just for the records I was not defending any position here and certainly was not talking about vaccinations its not a topic I care to spend my time talking about.
...a brand-new kingdom of single-cell creatures was discovered in the 20th century: the Archaea. They are microscopic and live only at the bottom of the sea, so it's understandable that we hadn't noticed them before. But the discovery did not turn paleontology or genetics on their heads.

Paleontology and genetics are concepts/disciplines..."so it's understandable that" barring the practitioners failure to bow their heads in light of the object lesson demonstrating their fallibility and ignorance, those practicing the aforementioned disciplines carry on as before. It won't be until they are brought face to Face with their Creator--the Lord Jesus Christ--that things will be turned on their heads so to speak.
Paleontology and genetics are concepts/disciplines..."so it's understandable that" barring the practitioners failure to bow their heads in light of the object lesson demonstrating their fallibility and ignorance, those practicing the aforementioned disciplines carry on as before. It won't be until they are brought face to Face with their Creator--the Lord Jesus Christ--that things will be turned on their heads so to speak.

Personally, I believe that all the "hard line" religious folks are the ones in for a wake up call... when they get to the Gates and are told simply "I said to love thy neighbor... there were no stipulations on that!"
Personally, I believe that all the "hard line" religious folks are the ones in for a wake up call... when they get to the Gates and are told simply "I said to love thy neighbor... there were no stipulations on that!"

Take time to observe, study, and ponder Jesus' interactions with various individuals in the are the cliff notes:

"With the kind and merciful You will show Yourself kind and merciful, with an upright man You will show Yourself upright,
With the pure You will show Yourself pure, and with the perverse You will show Yourself contrary." Every exchange was characterized by some facet of love.
But the "hardline religious" crowd usually don't have the capability to think for themselves, Kitt. I've been threatened with eternal damnation on this site so far.
I believe most Christians would also accept both on the evidence available.
The bible is an obscure book, written in an obscure age, by obscure men.
Oh, by the way, I'm a Catholic born and raised...No excommunication has been commenced as yet, [if they still do that sort of thing] and I was an Altar Boy to boot.
No. It isn't easy to understand or accept, especially the new testament.