Crazy things famous Christians say

Most of the Christians that I know & have communicated with & have heard of do experience it that way & that is the way they talk to & treat others. The main aspect of which is you were born evil & deserve to rot & burn in hell & suffer for eternity & that is exactly what will happen to you if you do not believe what I believe & do what I believe you must do. That should be considered a hate crime. That is THE fundamental issue of christianity. IF there is an afterlife & the god of the HolyBabble (Despite the fact that it is so contradictory that it cannot be true) yet this god decides not to punish people in hell after all, many christians will be very disappointed. Divine forgiveness, the belief that an omnipotent god created humans then got pissed off because the humans acted like the humans it created them to be & decided humans need to be forgiven but it cannot be done without the biggest bunch of bullshit ever imagined. This portrays god as the most illogical stupid immature brat there could possibly be.

You seem to be thinking of predestination, a doctrine that is only believed by a small portion of the Christian tradition (Calvinistic protestants). Most of the rest are a great deal more circumspect about predicting who, if anyone, will go to hell. I think you need to talk to a few Episcopalians or Catholics or something, to get a more balanced view.

Mind you, come to think of it, in the US even a lot of the Catholics seem to be quite mad (e.g. Rick Santorum and that poisonous man Donoghue), so perhaps you need to come to Europe, where we are refreshingly apathetic and relaxed about our religion.
Magical Realist said:
I said the concept of witches as being evil comes straight out of the JudeoChristian tradition.

The idea of malevolent witchcraft is much older than the Judeo-Christian tradition. It probably originated way back in the paleolithic era, tens of thousands of years prior to old testament times. Many ancient (and not so ancient) writings from cultures all around the world make reference to witchcraft, so it isn't surprising to see it mentioned in the Judeo-Christian writings as well.

Historically, peoples all over the world have attributed all kinds of diseases and misfortunes to evil sorcery. So part of the treatment for disease was to discover the origin of the sorcery and eliminate it.

We still see that happening all over contemporary Africa. In fact, local leaders have sometimes promoted 'public health' measures that consist of discovering and killing all the witches in their region, resulting in bloody progroms. It still happens today.

Here's some Google results on the phenomenon.
LOL Heaven does seem like hell to me.

So I'm still undecided as to how day and night works in Heaven. A couple of issues still unresolved for me:

1. No night time, only bright sunny 72 degrees daylight at all times. Reason: Because Heaven is not a rotating body like Earth is, so there is no hiding from the Sun in Heaven.

2. There is no Sun in Heaven and it's always dark and cold; probably musty smelling too, like a wet basement.

3. Hell is EXTREMELY HOT so Heaven must be cold, and I mean EXTREMELY COLD!

Edit: What if it's the Devil trying to trick you into thinking he is God and wants you to do as he says, with promises of rewards of Heaven when you comply. When you comply the Devil reveals himself and laughs at you and condemns you to Hell forever for being stupid?? ...All in the name of God...
The idea of malevolent witchcraft is much older than the Judeo-Christian traditions. It probably originated way back in paleolithic times, tens of thousands of years earlier..

Historically, peoples all over the world have attributed all kinds of diseases and misfortunes to evil sorcery. So part of the treatment for disease was to discover the origin of the sorcery and eliminate it.

We still see that happening all over contemporary Africa. In fact, local leaders have sometimes promoted 'public health' measures that consist of discovering and killing all the witches in their region, resulting in bloody progroms. It still happens today.

Here's some Google results on the phenomenon.

I've never heard of the great Paleolithic witch hunts. If that really did go on, I doubt they were as systemized or as effective as those motivated by religion though (if indeed they weren't already motivated by such). And I hardly think modern African anti-witchery goes back before 2500 BC when the Jews decided to purge the earth of them. Christians are certainly the experts on this matter, compiling whole manuals on how to find witches, their sneaky tricks, their sexual flings with incubi, their favorite coital positions, and the varied and many creative ways of determining their guilt/killing them. One of the great scientific legacies the fanatically-minded have handed down to mankind. lol!
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You seem to be thinking of predestination, a doctrine that is only believed by a small portion of the Christian tradition (Calvinistic protestants). Most of the rest are a great deal more circumspect about predicting who, if anyone, will go to hell. I think you need to talk to a few Episcopalians or Catholics or something, to get a more balanced view.

Mind you, come to think of it, in the US even a lot of the Catholics seem to be quite mad (e.g. Rick Santorum and that poisonous man Donoghue), so perhaps you need to come to Europe, where we are refreshingly apathetic and relaxed about our religion.

"The leader of the French religious right, Frigide Barjot, said today that 18 year old pro-gay college student Clément Méric would not have been killed in a vicious attack by right wing skinheads had France not recently legalized gay marriage.

Comedienne Frigide Barjot (who works under a pseudonym that’s apparently a sexual pun on the name of the French actress, Brigitte Bardot), is the leader of France’s anti-gay right, that includes the Catholic church and the lead conservative party in France, the UMP (for lack of a better comparison, France’s Republican party).

Unlike America, France is not a very religious country. But like America, France’s right-wing parties have latched on to legislative gay-bashing as a means of unifying the right at the ballot box. Sadly, in response to the right’s hysteria-building over gay marriage, anti-gay violence – and overall terror threats against the government – have increased of late."
Here's a webpage demonstrating the sort of batshit crazy religion can drive a person to. Try not to laugh too loud. In this person's mind this is deadly serious..

Just sayin'. LOL

My favorite quote:
My wisdom so antiquates known knowledge, that a psychiatrist examining my behavior, eccentric by his academic single corner knowledge, knows no course other than to judge me schizophrenic.
This one just goes on and on. The whole package deal as it were. Conspiracy theories, anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-Catholic, anti-evolution, anti-guncontrol, anti-IRS, anti-pharmaceuticals, anti just about everything one CAN be anti to. You wonder how people like this have time to just live their daily lives.
So I'm still undecided as to how day and night works in Heaven. A couple of issues still unresolved for me:

1. No night time, only bright sunny 72 degrees daylight at all times. Reason: Because Heaven is not a rotating body like Earth is, so there is no hiding from the Sun in Heaven.

2. There is no Sun in Heaven and it's always dark and cold; probably musty smelling too, like a wet basement.

3. Hell is EXTREMELY HOT so Heaven must be cold, and I mean EXTREMELY COLD!

Edit: What if it's the Devil trying to trick you into thinking he is God and wants you to do as he says, with promises of rewards of Heaven when you comply. When you comply the Devil reveals himself and laughs at you and condemns you to Hell forever for being stupid?? ...All in the name of God...

This is nice after our run-in in another thread but I just said something about getting back on topic & do not want to be a hypocrite. That is what I was going to post shortly after your post but I had to go suddenly.

Now I cannot resist responding to the last part. Many times theists bray about how people are being deceived by Satan. I say IF there is a supposedly good god who allows an extremely powerful being to muck about deceiving people on such a grand scale, how the heck do you think you can know which is the supposedly good god & which is Satan. Maybe Satan brought about the HolyBabble to deceive you. Maybe in the end it will turn out that you have been following Satan who deceived you into thinking he is god. Or maybe Satan is the good guy who allowed Yahweh to muck about in your mind.
I've never heard of the great Paleolithic witch hunts. If that really did go on, I doubt they were as systemized or as effective as those motivated by religion though (if indeed they weren't already motivated by such). And I hardly think modern African anti-witchery goes back before 2500 BC when the Jews decided to purge the earth of them. Christians are certainly the experts on this matter, compiling whole manuals on how to find witches, their sneaky tricks, their sexual flings with incubi, their favorite coital positions, and the varied and many creative ways of determining their guilt/killing them. One of the great scientific legacies the fanatically-minded have handed down to mankind. lol!

You do not know of the billions of cave women who were fed to dinosaurs after being forced to confess to black magic???
This one just goes on and on. The whole package deal as it were. Conspiracy theories, anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-Catholic, anti-evolution, anti-guncontrol, anti-IRS, anti-pharmaceuticals, anti just about everything one CAN be anti to. You wonder how people like this have time to just live their daily lives.

Here's a webpage demonstrating the sort of batshit crazy religion can drive a person to. Try not to laugh too loud. In this person's mind this is deadly serious..

With fiends like that, who needs enemas?
"The leader of the French religious right, Frigide Barjot, said today that 18 year old pro-gay college student Clément Méric would not have been killed in a vicious attack by right wing skinheads had France not recently legalized gay marriage.

Comedienne Frigide Barjot (who works under a pseudonym that’s apparently a sexual pun on the name of the French actress, Brigitte Bardot), is the leader of France’s anti-gay right, that includes the Catholic church and the lead conservative party in France, the UMP (for lack of a better comparison, France’s Republican party).

Unlike America, France is not a very religious country. But like America, France’s right-wing parties have latched on to legislative gay-bashing as a means of unifying the right at the ballot box. Sadly, in response to the right’s hysteria-building over gay marriage, anti-gay violence – and overall terror threats against the government – have increased of late."

So the Catholic church is responsible for the death of this man? You're raving.
Comedienne Frigide Barjot (who works under a pseudonym that’s apparently a sexual pun on the name of the French actress, Brigitte Bardot), is the leader of France’s anti-gay right, that includes the Catholic church and the lead conservative party in France, the UMP (for lack of a better comparison, France’s Republican party).

What?? An anonymous comedian is the leader of both the Catholic church and the UMP?

That's amazing. Has anyone told the Pope and Nicholas Sarkozy?
So the Catholic church is responsible for the death of this man? You're raving.

"Yet another anti-gay march in Paris, organized by the Catholic Church, the religious right, and France’s opposition conservative party UMP, has gone terribly violent, as the French anti-gay movement becomes increasingly taken over by white supremacists, and other violent far-right extremists.

The AP documents yesterday’s violence in these vivid photos:

France recently legalized gay marriages, as part of a campaign promise made by French President François Hollande. The first marriage of a gay couple will take place this coming Wednesday.

The increasing violence at the ongoing anti-gay protests are more than just an embarrassment for France’s nascent religious right, which in France is run by the Catholic Church. It’s also a shameful black eye for America’s religious right, which up until now took pride in its close ties to France’s anti-gay movement.

But the violence is also an embarrassment for France’s UMP opposition party (for lack of a better comparison, France’s version of the US Republican party), that latched on to the organized anti-gay prejudice of the Catholic church and the religious right in an attempt to foment a larger opposition to France’s socialist government. The head of the UMP, Jean-François Copé, attended Sunday’s violent anti-gay protest.

The UMP’s desperate grab for any issue to galvanize opposition recalls how Republicans in America latched on to the stimulus, then health care reform, and then Benghazi in an ongoing effort to find anything that might permit them to take down President Obama.

An even more direct comparison is to America’s Republican party, not in 2013, but in the late 1970s, and especially at the time of Reagan’s first election in 1980, when the GOP tied its horse to the religious right’s jihad against gay Americans. Over 30 years later, America’s Republicans are still trying to untie the religious-right Gordian Knot – some would say noose – from around their political necks, as they see themselves increasingly viewed as the party of hate and intolerance.

A taste of the Frankenstein monster the Catholic Church, the religious right, and France’s UMP have created, via the Guardian:

The most radical protesters have grouped together under the banner “Printemps Français” (French spring), a loose grouping of traditionalists and far-right associations, which the French interior ministry last week threatened to outlaw.

Tensions were exacerbated by the suicide last Tuesday of a far-right essayist, Dominique Venner, who shot himself at the altar of Notre Dame cathedral on Tuesday after leaving a blogpost railing against immigration and the “vile” law legalizing same-sex marriage."