Crazy things famous Christians say

Then you should accept pedophilia as a sexual orientation because they claim, like LGBT'ers, that they do not choose their behavior.Their claim is they are born that way.

sex·u·al o·ri·en·ta·tion


noun: sexual orientation; plural noun: sexual orientations

"a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual."

Then you should accept pedophilia as a sexual orientation because they claim, like LGBT'ers, that they do not choose their behavior.Their claim is they are born that way.

I take you don't, but the question remains. Why?


We do accept that pedophiles are born that way. But it is a paraphilia, not an orientation.

Why do you even bring this up?
Why do you even bring this up?
I expect that there will be a redefinition of "sexual orientation" followed by an attempted conflation of pedophiles and homosexuals. He will then argue "well if you are OK with homosexuals you must be OK with pedophiles!"

(Now that I have mentioned this, he will deny it and say "no I was just asking questions.")
I expect that there will be a redefinition of "sexual orientation" followed by an attempted conflation of pedophiles and homosexuals. He will then argue "well if you are OK with homosexuals you must be OK with pedophiles!"

(Now that I have mentioned this, he will deny it and say "no I was just asking questions.")

I figured as much, but i was hoping he'd say it, lol.
06-30-2014, 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by aneye4detail View Post

I've seen the commercial on Lifetime, and it also says A&E and other networks.
It basically says celebrate diversity, but specifically says, "celebrate guys who like guys and girls who like girls."
Whenever I see it, I support it personally, but have a feeling my fellow Christian/churchgoer friends would not support it so much. Makes me anxious and want to cringe when I think about it. --------Quote

There is no reason to celebrate wickedness.
Rejoice not in iniquity, but rejoice in the truth.
- 1 Corinthians 13:16
jan said:
Then you should accept pedophilia as a sexual orientation because they claim, like LGBT'ers, that they do not choose their behavior.Their claim is they are born that way.
That's not how "sexual orientation" is defined. But that is beside your point, obviously.

Lack of choice in what arouses a person (and some can be changed, change with age and experience, etc, but you don't get to pick what you want) has nothing to do with whether I "accept" pedophilia or not. Regardless of what or who arouses someone, I care about child abuse. As long as you don't abuse children, your pedophilia is "acceptable" of course.

jan said:
I take you don't, but the question remains. Why?
Why what? Why don't I accept child abuse and similar betrayals? Why would I?
jan said:
Why is the term sexual orientation only limited to attraction to genders?
Why not take this question to the Linguistics subforum, where it is relevant and might attract suitable attention?

Without researching the history one is limited to calculated guesswork, but it strikes me as a situation similar to other uses of the word "orientation" - seldom refers to a specific target or goal or objective, but instead to a stance in relation to a property of the landscape as a whole.
Why is the definition so narrow?

Why is the definition of a vegitable so narrow?

Who defined it as such?

People who understand the concept.

Why is the term sexual orientation only limited to attraction to genders?

For the same reason "vegitable" is only limited to things that fit the description of a vegitable, and not, say, automobiles.

And why do you care? What point are you trying to make here?