Crater Research

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WAR has many facets and this war that some clearly see evidence of, is not yet over. CS crater chains are only a part of that war. For those that have looked at known war damage and crater photos the resemblance of CS types of crater chains is by far a closer match than anything else.
Please show some of this 'clear evidence'.
Some scientists say that a crater chain can form from a comet breakup every hundred years. Some say every thousand years. Not much agreement there.
The timing doesn't really matter, and I doubt people would be arguing over it. The fact is that it has been shown that this type of event can form craterchains.
The timing doesn't really matter, and I doubt people would be arguing over it. The fact is that it has been shown that this type of event can form craterchains.

Yes Persol, that is so true. A broken space rock can form a “crater chain” according to mathematics. From observation of the properties of SL9 it also proves that it is going to be a very, very rare event for one to form a Cunningham / Smart type of crater chain, which scientists agree on. In fact it is stated by many that it will be just about impossible to make a crater chain of this unique pattern. Yet there are dozens of this type and they are mostly of recent occurrence.

The ONLY known scientific evidence that matches these properties of CS types of crater chains is a weapon.
From observation of the properties of SL9 it also proves that it is going to be a very, very rare event for one to form a Cunningham / Smart type of crater chain, which scientists agree on. In fact it is stated by many that it will be just about impossible to make a crater chain of this unique pattern.

And you got this from? And who?
an sl9-like event may indeed be "very, very rare" but we're talking about billions of years here. There are a lot of very rare things that happen thousands of times over that kind of time frame.

But the hole in the "very, very rare" argument is, if it is so rare, what are the chances of an event like this conveniently happening in the short time we've been able to observe and record this type of phenominon? We've only been seriously observing most of our solar system for a few decades and we just happen to catch something you claim is unbelievably rare? I find that even harder to believe than your alien war theory.
Ask the scientists Blackholesun, I just read what they write on the web NEXT to the pictures. It helps to READ what is said besides just looking at the pretty pictures.

Buffy’s should attend those reading classes also. And you need to be able to comprehend what you are reading too Buffy’s. You missed the entire point of the statement and have completely misconstrued what was said. Read it again and try reading what the scientists are writing too. Why take my word for it?

Here are a few questions that will help you understand just how far off you are in your understanding of crater chains.

1. How often do comets break up?
2. How often do they form a Cunningham / Smart type of crater chain?
3. How come these CS types of crater chains are uniformly spaced across such broad ranges and lengths of crater chains?
4. What are the odds of a broken space rock making this kind of CS crater chain?

Find those answers if you can. (HINT, try reading what is wrote about them.) Just a few dozen pages is all.

Of course, if you eventually accept that they were made by INTELLIGENCE then it answers many questions.
oh, did I miss your point? sorry, I stopped reading your posts about 10 pages ago.
craterchains (Norval said:
Ask the scientists Blackholesun

OOOOOOOH.....scientists! Well why didn't you say so.

"So even today a few lunar scientists think that a line of simultaneously erupting volcanoes is the best interpretation. But there are no other volcanic features nearby. The most widely accepted explanation is that the Davy chain formed from the impact of the pieces of a tidally disrupted asteroid or comet that had been recently shredded by a too close approach to Earth. This is a Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 phenomena applied to the Earth-Moon system. This ideal was independently proposed by Ewen Whitaker and Jay Melosh, and Bob Wichmann and Chuck Wood. "

From a link YOU posted.

Besides.....asteroids apply to the equation too....not just comets.
So, you claim your source to be 'scientists'. When it is shown that they disagree with you, you try and make a joke out of it... yet you expect us to take you seriously?
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Hey I freely admit that a broken space rock could have done a CS type of crater chain by chance. Yes.

But, hundreds all in a row like strafing runs? NO.
Doesn’t compute in any way imaginable. It's just plain ludicrous.
No, that is a complete misrepresentation.
These Cunningham / Smart types of crater chains are very recent developments in all locations. Some are noted by scientists to be the most recent event seen in the photos.
craterchains (Norval said:
Hey I freely admit that a broken space rock could have done a CS type of crater chain by chance. Yes.

But, hundreds all in a row like strafing runs? NO.
Doesn’t compute in any way imaginable. It's just plain ludicrous.
Wow, one step ahead. Congrats.

Now please show us "HUNDRED ALL IN A ROW"... because your pictures sure as hell don't show that. They show one or two at a location, which you just admitted was possible from a breakup.

Also, why the hell would people do strafing runs on a planet. From space you don't have to 'strafe'... you'd just shoot in a slightly different direction.
Well of course crater chains are the most recent thats because if they where older they would have been obscured by other impacts and no longer appear as crater chains, also geological events will also help hide older chains. Then, and this is my own theory, the average mass of planets has slowly been growing increasing the likely hood of crater chains. The older asteroids and comets are the more chance there is of them being fractured from other impacts thus increasing the chance of them breaking up on close approach to planets.

When they say recent they don't mean a few million years but 2-3 billion years.
craterchains (Norval said:

Feel free to pan around a bit. :D

:m: Relax, CS types of crater chains are not here. Yet.
Ok .... the resolution there is not nearly good enough for you to say that any line is made up of evenly spaced, evenely sized circular depressions... which is what you are claiming crater chains are.

So... please, point out these hundreds of crater chains.... or were you just repeating yourself again?
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As you can see by Persol's post I removed "Some" of his insult and altered it a bit to suggest that Norval was repeating himself rather than what Persol had previously written.

I think the suggestion is very clear that the whole aspect of Craterchains has been sent on a merrygoround time and time again. The same points are raised and the same conclusions drawn by those for and against it as a fact.

Unless more evidence is brought forwards then I would guess people are just going to attempt to insult one another about the same things over and over again.

So I suggest they stop it's perceived, everbody now knows, it no longer has to happen... "nothing to see here, please move along".

[Seriously, There is no point in repeating yourselves and this means both those for and against]
Most scientists think they are far, far younger than that.
But you are entitled to use those very large figures if that impresses you. :rolleyes:

As I said feel free to pan around a bit.
Why do people expect everything to be handed to them on a silver plater.
There are hundreds of Cunningham / Smart types of crater chains to look at.
We give the pictorial evidence and some just can't see. Go figure.


Stryderunknown said:
Unless more evidence is brought forwards then I would guess people are just going to attempt to insult one another about the same things over and over again.
Actually, I haven't called him a dumbass before. Hardly saying the same thing over and over:)

This is also a new claim... that you can actually identify their special type of crater chains on the link shown. Very simply, you can't. You can't tell if it's a 'crack' or a group of closely spaced circles. Moreover, you can't tell if the craters are the same size or not.

Claiming that it is 'proof' of hundreds of craterchains is just assine. If you continue to allow them to post shit claims like that, I'm going to continue to say 'no, that's wrong'. The observation is just an additional aside to inform those who haven't read the entire thread. Think of it as a public service message.

The more you know....
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