Crater Research

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Well duh! It's obviously aliens dropping trash from space.

Sadly, that seems more plausible than the war theory.
Arch_Rival said:
As expected, Norval and FieryIce has evaded proof that contradicts their theory. There is only one logical conclusion:


No Arch_Rival, that is totally incorrect again.
I can see you don't like or are not accustomed to someone that does not jump when you snap your fingers.

Caught you here, FieryIce. All i've asked from you is proof to back your claims. After repeated refusal to show proof, you come up with a crappy excuse like this:

FieryIce said:
I can see you don't like or are not accustomed to someone that does not jump when you snap your fingers.


But after so many evasive attempts, the other conclusion anyone can draw is

Also, their repeated attempts to evade questions regarding their theory show that NORVAL AND FIERYICE KNOW THEIR OWN THEORY IS A LOAD OF CRAP.

Yet they continually repeat their theory, trying to "validate" it through repetitions. And they are DISHONEST enough to post irrelevant links and draw false conclusions in an attemp to fool readers.

Any readers reading this, don't take my word for it. Read through this entire thread, as well as:
(what Norval and FieryIce are trying to sell. Norval, you see i'm not trying to suppress your side of the story.)
(Norval showed how DISHONEST he was by deleting all his old posts) (Another crap thread by Norval).
(Here Norval got banned for behaving the same way he's doing here.)

For readers new to this, read through everything, think, and judge for yourselves.
Yes, that is an interesting point SkinWalker. ;)
Also of intrest was that Phil was called away unexpectedly to a NASA meeting and was gone for about two weeks. :cool: He did respond to a private message I sent him, and then, finally, in the thread. He reminded me a lot of Dr. David Darling, but not quite as immature in how he dealt with the information and theory I presented, and myself.

craterchains (Norval said:
Also of intrest was that Phil was called away unexpectedly to a NASA meeting and was gone for about two weeks.

How so? Are you under some delusion that it was in regards to you?
My god... that is just sad. Yes dumbass. NASA is out to get you. We all disagree with you, so must be paid by NASA. It couldn't possibnly be that you haven't actually shown any proof.

Hell, even my explanation is more plausible. We've seen trucks dropping trash in a line... why not alien space ships?
Now why would NASA be "out to get me"? I doubt you are a paid member of NASA though.

The only recognizable "peer" group would be those that have experiance in these maters. Not some one that is a want to be pseudo debunker.
Really. There's been a fair amount of actual debunking within this thread. Indeed, many logical arguments have been posited as well as reasoned questions. Few if any have been effectively refuted or answered, leaving anyone with the ability to engage in reasoned thought with the distinct impression that your claim of ancient, interplanetary war among other worlds in our solar system without merit and quite absurd.

Your accusation of "pseudo debunker" is but one more unfounded and unsupported claim.
craterchains (Norval said:
The only recognizable "peer" group would be those that have experiance in these maters.

See, the thing is, peer means "one of equal standing". So, "those that have experiance in these maters" are not your peers anymore than a short order cook and a gourmet chef are peers. Thats why your posting in a forum and not a scientific review. You aren't a scientist or even an expert in this field, I hate to break it to you so bluntly norval but someone had to say it. You're just a guy with a conspiracy theory, I'm afraid the closest thing to a peer you'll find is in this forum.
The real debunking is what FieryIce and I have been doing to the errant theory that space rocks did these Cunningham / Smart crater chains. It is only your persistent opinion Skinwalker that doesn’t agree with our theory, not any facts you have come up with. :rolleyes:

Correct Buffy’s, we are not scientists with phd’s , we are not credentialed (in these fields), and are of the belief that there is a great conspiracy. Obviously, of the few that have agreed with us in these forums, they have experience with war and weapons. And you? :D
What will you know at 53?

Obviously I'll know more about common sense and logic then you. Hell I know more now at 24.

Obviously, of the few that have agreed with us in these forums, they have experience with war and weapons.

Obviously you haven't been noticing that no one except you bed buddy FieryIce has aggreed with you....because of a little thing called lack of evidence. I'm sorry but a chain of craters doesn't justify anything about 57 alien races, space wars, shitty alien weaponry (not to mention stupid tatics) and any other excuse of a "theory" you have lying around regardless of how much you think you know about munitions.
Blackholesun, you left out the fruitcake Zonabi.

Keep whining, Norval. Keep making a fool of yourself. 5000 views and counting.
craterchains (Norval said:
The real debunking is what FieryIce and I have been doing to the errant theory that space rocks did these Cunningham / Smart crater chains.
Perhaps you could remind us exactly what this 'debunking' consisted of.

All I recall is "it's like a 100 dice all landing in a the way, I'm about to get my GED... I'm right you're wrong". Oh or perhaps it was the claims of alien intervention which you considered 'debunking'.

So, could you please tell me why in the hell they bombed Italy to look like a boot?
Of course he cannot. That would mean addressing the refutations of his wild claims with something quantifiable instead of simply name-calling and snide attempts at humor.

After all. They guy's only 53.
Norval. Gale.

This oafish pretense of yours grows tiresome. I’ve allowed you months to come clean and divulge your actual agenda and even tossed you a big, fat, slow softball so you could use it as a segue to introduce your real agenda and the closest you’ve come to being honest was to accuse me of slandering non-existent angels and demons. (with starships and nukes. Eerrkk)

Your belief that the myth of ’angel war’ was real is no longer entertaining. Your attempts at logic and reason are a waste of everyone’s time. (and about as pleasant as ‘open mike’ at the local coffee house)

Was that your plan all along? Reel in a few yokels before disclosing your vulgar beliefs? Allow me. From one of Norval and Gale’s web pages:

“... and Michael with his angels battled with the dragon ... the dragon and his angels didn't win the battle but were thrown down to earth, that great deciever, full of wrath, no place in heaven for him, woe to us, (but the heavens were saved from destruction), so then was the salvation, the power, the Kingdom and the authority of our King ...”

“Your (sic You are) Michael (indulge for a moment), your imortal, your a warrior angel, son of our Creator, son of Heaven, however you want to word it, but you just fought against your brother angels. Didn't win the war but won the battle, through them down to earth with humans, whom these thrown down to earth day and night complained to our Creator about this new creation called humans. In throwing them down to earth it saved the heavens. Now if you threw someone down with their most dispised creature, would you leave them with their technology so they could get back to the heavens? NO Would you take away their powers? NO, you would not have the authority to do that, only the Creator could.”

“theoretically these Et's could be just courious, could be our Creator's workers or warrior angels but not the bad Et's because they were already thrown down to earth.”

“This group of angel Et's and the evil spirits are a different group than the group that complain about humans day and night and Michael wars in the heavens with.”

There are a couple of reasons why I oppose this type of evangelism. First, evangelism in general epitomizes arrogance and intolerance. Always claiming the best of intentions, the actual goal remains: borg the planet with one mindset. No thanks. I recognize the benefits of flexibility and individuality which diversity yields.

Second, if this were such ‘good news’, why bundle it in layers of deception? And is such deception ever truly justified?

For a little insight into Norval and Gale’s agenda, peruse all the links on the following page:

You two are not explorers nor discoverers nor researchers nor investigators. You’re just a couple of true believers who happen to own computers.

now it all makes sense! the religious zeal, the lack of evidence, the endless repetition, etc. I should have made the connection earlier, thanks for clarifying heathen.

btw - norval, I think someone else in the congregation should really handle the evangelism in future because you're terrible at it. Hostile and abusive people aren't the best choices if you want to "spread the word". Also, not mentioning the supernatural aspect of your beliefs once in 18 pages is downright dishonest not to mention pointless. Why the hell would you only offer part of your theory and omit or disguise the rest?
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