Crater Research

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
Crater Research
We have noted that these types of craters are deemed by the media acceptable scientists to be caused by a comet breaking up. We say BULL SHIT because it is next to impossible for that to ever happen in such a precise pattern. This is just straight forward SCIENCE, NOT PSEUDOSCIENCE. Check the math people for the real truth. It ain’t gonna happen any more than you will win EVERY LOTTO FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS, and we all know that ain’t gonna happen. Any body with a brain the size god gave a piss ant should be able to take a hand full of rocks and figure this out in about a day. What isn’t science about this of questioning the only other theory? Bottkey or buttheadsky what ever is totally correct when he states that his computer model will not work. Even the latest attempt to program a computer to reflect the trajectories of a broken comet to produce such a pattern wont do it. Get real people, the only thing that can cause this amount of crater chains in our solar system would be by intelligent beings with weapons in a great war. We didn’t do it, so who did?

From some of this crap that is being posted in here it sure as hell makes this thread look like real science by comparison.

Crater Chains Can Only Be Made By Intelligence.
Here is a list of most of the crater chain sites we have found.
Impact Crater Chain On Moon. Apollo 11, July 16, 1969
You can believe this, if you want to.
Make your own mind up as to what the "comparisons" are.
Below are chains and their full images.
first who is this "we" you keep mentioning?

so far I have seen exactly 1 example of a chain impacting a body (Shoemaker-Levy hitting jupiter). It hit in a chain that looks pretty much like the crater pictures you've linked. So, either I believe something like that happened or that it's alien graffiti? I'm gonna stick with the former for now. You haven't offered anything like evidence except to direct us to "Check the math people for the real truth". You're not giving me much to work with here.

BTW, if you want to be listened to you may want to try a little less angry approach.

focl,,, sorry, but if you think that SL9 is anything like what we are looking at,, well, all I can say is,, your objectivity and relative definitions are way off. What those images show are far more accurate in alignment and are shoulder to shoulder,, not spaced thousands of miles apart and of all sizes. It requires some eye usage and an ability to relate objects in spatial dimensions. Try throwing 50 die till they all line up in a row touching each other?

Or as I suggested throwing hand full’s of gravel till you get a pattern of such accuracy?

The we is the fellow researcher, if you had even bothered to check up on anything, which obviously you haven’t?

Angry? me angry? nope. Just a bit indignant maybe?
lol, ok I was just making a point. Keep acting like a shrill whiner and see how seriously you're taken.

good luck, I genuinely mean that, but you've definately got to work on your people skills.
The biggest problem is WHO in hell would ever want to admit ET is real but, they had torn the freakin hell out of our solar system? Bluntly stated “Hello, NASA? We have a PROBLEM ! ? ! ?

Is there a pattern?
Does it repeat it’s self?
Has it been confirmed by other sources?

What if you heard this same pattern on radio frequencies? Dots in order of perfect magnitude, on the same frequency, at the same amplitude?
"What if you heard this same pattern on radio frequencies? Dots in order of perfect magnitude, on the same frequency, at the same amplitude?"

i'd say, "Hey, i desperately want to believe the signal is caused by little green men, but it's probably just a neutron star."
craterchains (Norval , you keep saying, that the aliens were fighting a war in our solar system, but WHAT THE HELL do you propse they were fighting about? and wouldnt there be some giant space wrckage from blown up ships?
that said, it does look interesting how all the craters line up.
Oh joy! Just what the forum has been waiting for - another 'artificiality of crater chains' thread.

This subject was already "discussed" at length in the pseudoscience forum. Somebody called A K A Heathen came along and posted this:

Your attempt to extend -one- example (sl-9) to represent all possible tidally disrupted objects is inappropriate and inaccurate. Let’s begin with what we know to be true. A little over half a century ago, sl-9 began orbiting Jupiter instead of orbiting the Sun.

Neato. Like a really big etch-a-sketch. But this is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional occurrence. What you can’t see is that sl-9’s orbit dips well below the plane of the ecliptic. Let’s take a closer look at the final orbit:

What’s really important here is that sl-9 did not simply pass within Jupiter’s Roche limit; it closed to less than half the Roche limit. Und yah, that’s germane. Within the Roche limit tidal forces overwhelm (but do not negate) gravitational forces. The efficiency of tidal disassembly increases as the interloper gets closer to the planet.

Although you have correctly pointed out that the sl-9 ‘string of pearls’ was too long to leave a tight formation crater chain, you have ignored an obvious possibility; what if sl-9 entered Jupiter’s gravity well from the plane of the ecliptic? Instead of taking a two year lap around the neighborhood, what if sl-9 impacted Ganymede or Callisto on it’s outbound leg with only a day or two at most to separate? This is only one example of the poignant irony you’ve displayed in this forum: you are able to develop elaborate and imaginative fantasies involving trigger happy, star faring aliens and improbable conspiracies and still claim that you can not imagine a natural cause for crater chains. As if that wasn’t bad enough, you then have the audacity to invoke the razor. You actually believe that space war is a simpler explanation than natural causes? Yikes. Rather biased imagination.

Two fucking years you’ve been looking at those pix and you didn’t notice that the impact structures are on the Jupiter facing hemispheres? (*the moons in question are tide-locked)

In light of this possibility, let’s re-examine that catena on Ganymede:

Beginning at the lower right and extending to the upper left, we can see that the first couple of craters are much smaller than the 7th and 8th craters. This is consistent with a natural cause and very problematic for your bizarre proposal. And you are seriously suggesting that this is evidence of a ‘strafing run’? Well, what the hell were ‘they’ shooting at? (rrrrrrrrr-tut-tut-tut-tut-whump-whump-whump) And why employ such a wide variety of explosive yields? I see no evidence of anything but barren icescape. Considering that a lot of those craters are over 20 miles in diameter, I’d call that an unjustifiable waste of ordinance. Oh yeah, why haven’t ‘they’ stomped Earth into submission? The capabilities you’ve proposed are more than sufficient to crush our civilization in less than a day. What’s the holdup?

Craterchains (Norval's reasoned reply was this:

You pseudo debunkers just keep posting the same OLD crap and so called refutations that are already replied to. Besides being the ONLY other offered THEORY accepted by NASA as having any semblance of reality and probability the DISINFORMATION agents just keep popping off at the fart lips.

Disclosure IS inevitable. Will YOU survive it?

He didn't answer it then, but I wonder if he will try this time around.
Faulty the plagiarist.
HOW the CS types of crater chains were formed and ALL of their little differentials are noted, and as that “LITTLE” size differential was noted months ago by us and was commented on by wellcookedfetus FIRST.. As you are so good at posting OTHER peoples ENTIRE posts, why don’t you do some creative thinking for yourself?
That thread was in HARD science forum for months before YOU TYPES tore it up.
Use your OWN rebuttals if you can come up with anything ORRIGIONAL?

Kind of, but have you ever seen anything as accurate as that in dispersal? Wow.

Everyone can SPECULATE on the WHY and the WHO all they want. We are investigating the uniqueness of the pattern of these craters, NOT the why or who.

And some people think I should work on my people skills? Why? To deal with this riff raff I need to work on my tuff skin me thinks. Maybe I should try talking to the Mexican Department of Defense instead of NASA aka Department of Defense?
I find it odd that you accuse me of plagiarism, given that I stated the source of that post and never attempted to pass it off as my own. Do you even know what plagiarism is Craterchains(Norval?

and as that “LITTLE” size differential was noted months ago by us and was commented on by wellcookedfetus FIRST

Since you seem to object to me bringing something up that has already been discussed, perhaps you would like to clarify exactly what new information you are bringing to this tired and much-debunked subject.

Use your OWN rebuttals if you can come up with anything ORRIGIONAL?

Why the demand for originality? I am glad to say that research into this topic is not my number one priority, so I am not ashamed to say that I am no expert on the subject of crater chains. A K A Heathen is far more knowledgable than me, which is why I reminded you of those points of his - which you chose to ignore the first time round. So what's the problem?
This is a discussion about the anomalous patterning of CS types of crater chains, NOT your obvious inability to recognize them. Basic known laws of physics and motion are exactly what tell us these could never form from an object breaking up.

The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.

See if you can recognize this pattern;
First letter
Second letter
Third letter.

Maybe it’s just a message kind of like crop circles?
But that is one hell of a message delivery system if it is.
Norval - some minor concerns

This link seems to be dead:

These two links are the same photograph. <- this one appears more than
once in your list, as does

These three links are the same photograph.

These two links are the same photograph.

These two links are the same photograph.

I may have missed some others.

I might point out that, 214 million years ago, the world was a pretty different place - that is, the gymnosperms we know today (conifers &c) were just developing, angiosperms (like most flowering plants) wouldn't come about for quite some time. Mammals were unheard of. Almost the entire world that we know today has developed since then, except for things like sharks and alligators.

Any modestly intelligent species that has survived for 214 million years in a terrestrial environment could have reproduced our level of technology hundreds of times over; probably, 214 million years of technological development would produce a level of technology that we would fail to even imagine, let alone contemplate developing in the immediate future.

So, if your theory of extraterrestrial war is true (and you maintain that it was still going on in the past few centuries) what kind of ideological division could the aliens possibly be fighting over for 214 million years? How could the Earthbound aliens possibly have failed to invent spacecraft and escape the war zone, considering that you contend that they are still alive?
An interesting thing about that Cornell University link, it seems Cornell has taken down all pages of Bottke's et. al. Tidal Disruptive Asteroid theory. LOL

Let's consider the millions years.

On every continent there is evidence of flooding, there is even an ancient map of (I believe it was) the Antarctica without the ice coverage. Now these scientists doing the carbon dating do not take into consideration the flood in their dating calculation, nor do they consider that the floodwaters came from somewhere. We know from the ancient writings that some of the floodwaters came from one of the earth coveing layers, like the stratospheres and from underground reservoirs. This stratosphere layer would have filtered a significant amount of the UV striking the earth’s surface. These facts would have to be factored into the carbon dating process to arrive at a correct age for fossils.
Wouldn’t that shrink the millions even billions of years down to thousands?
It would certainly cause significantly different results for aging calculations.

The ideological division the aliens possibly be fighting over ... I would ask, what could be so important that would cause a significant divison between alien factions that would result in war, war in the heavens? Can you answer that one BBH?
With respect to the flooding/UV question, I would have to say that the fossils can still be dated roughly by their position in the strata, a form of dating which (I believe) predates carbon-14 dating. Incidentally, radiocarbon dating is not the only technique that geologists/archaeologists have at their disposal:

and I think most non-religious geologists would take pretty serious offence at your suggestion that their (pretty well researched and agreed-upon) calculations are off by five or six orders of magnitude.

With respect to the ideological division - I can only assume you're talking about the ol' G vs. E, which I think is pretty unlikely... that is to say, in any ideological conflict, each side thinks that it is "good" and the other side is "evil" (or at least "wrong"), and so to say that this is the difference between them is not sufficient to explain the terms of their conflict. So... no, I can't answer offhand, since I'm forced to guess at your personal theories to answer your question.
It really amazes me just how many of the old church’s and “accepted” scientific “dogmas” have fallen by the wayside in recent decades. If I was Dr. Bottke with a fat wallet from that chunk of paid for research what would I care? He admits his computer model can’t depict a comet doing this. Great disclaimer.

As for ETI having caused them, it being the simplest of all answers, we still can’t duplicate that accuracy with any of our weapons systems. Besides these CS types of crater chains were there long before we could even get a camera up there to see them. It doesn’t take much thought to whittle down all the possibilities as to what may have caused them. Well, maybe for some.

By the way BBH, have you ever come up with anything in mankind’s past that may be a reason they are here and had a war? Or did “they” just happen to pick earth’s solar system to play in?
craterchains (Norval said:
As for ETI having caused them, it being the simplest of all answers, we still can’t duplicate that accuracy with any of our weapons systems.

Fine, let's say EVERY scientist on the planet agreed that these chains cannot be explained. Even then, calling your hypothesis the "simplest of all answers" is a bit of stretch. how about the easter bunny on a giant pogo stick? The scant evidence you've supplied makes both equally plausible answers.

ok, the chains are interesting but saying therefore aliens MUST have done it, warring aliens no less, is totally baseless. You get mad when people don't jump to the same conclusion but your whole premise is based on a string of craters, that's the only thing you've said that can be verified. The rest is extreme speculation.

I WOULD LOVE evidence of aliens either past or present wandering through our corner of the cosmos but this isn't even close. If science was done like this we'd still be throwing virgins into volcanos to get a good harvest.
This is a discussion about the anomalous patterning of CS types of crater chains

Oh ok then, I concede that some bodies in the Solar System have lines of craters on them. Is that it? Is that the discussion? Does that mean that you will continue to ignore what A K A Heathen posted and what I reposted? It seems to me like a case of you reposting the same stale old argument, but forbidding anyone from reposting points which you never addressed.

Yes, there are crater chains in the solar system. Two different processes have been presented to explain them. Now what are you going to do to convince everyone of your argument? It still seems pretty sketchy to me. What were the targets of your proposed interplanetary war, and where are the remains?

Why are there no crater chains on those hemispheres of Jupiter's principal moons which face away from the planet (I'm taking A K A Heathen's word for this)?
Why was the Earth spared this solar system-wide assault?
Why was so much ordinance used so inefficiently?
Norval said:
By the way BBH, have you ever come up with anything in mankind’s past that may be a reason they are here and had a war? Or did “they” just happen to pick earth’s solar system to play in?

No, I had hoped that Fiery could just tell me, since I doubt that it's an interesting enough hypothesis to warrant any suspense.
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