Could some dreams be a link to alternate dimension of existence or universe?

I've had some dreams that hint of this, of course, some are just the brain sorting and rearranging information.

Once in college, I had a dream that started with a bold flash of light, then I looked around me in class in (slow mo) and took note in detail of my environment to even what other students were wearing. The next day in class it was exactly as I had dreamed.

For more idea's exploring this theory, i urge you to read Dr. Fred Alan Wolfs book, ''Parallel Universe: The search for other worlds.''
This thread is two years people but are there new ideas? I dream alternate dimensions all the time, AD I say, because the cars, planes and even trains are different size, configuration but they all seem to work...after all it is a dream....
Dreaming....Another natural occurence deemed supernatural, unfreakingbelievable! What's next? Taking a dump?
a question of morals

i question if some people, when they dream, are having a deeper experience. often in my dreams i will talk to the people in my dream and state, "i know im dreaming, or i know this is a dream..." and they would give responses indicating that that wasnt necessarily the truth. my quandary comes when im faced with some of the exploits i do in my dreams. often i dream of sexual encounters and and many times i am fully aware, as though lucid dreaming, and i pursue these encounters. my question is if it is just a dream i should have the right to have sex with anyone i want in my own dream, right? then why do the people in my dreams tell me im wrong for pursuing it? however, what if im actually in another demension and there i, even though i think im dreaming, my actions still have consiquences? what if i cant or shouldnt just be forcing myself on any female i see, simply because im lucid and aware and want to have sex? i would love to say that dreams are just dreams because i have great power and freedom in my dreams to experience and do what i want. but if i have that kind of awareness in my dreams do i become responsible for how i act in them or am i free to do whatever i wish?

thanks for your insights.
my quandary comes when im faced with some of the exploits i do in my dreams. often i dream of sexual encounters and and many times i am fully aware, as though lucid dreaming, and i pursue these encounters. my question is if it is just a dream i should have the right to have sex with anyone i want in my own dream, right?
It's your dream, so yes.

then why do the people in my dreams tell me im wrong for pursuing it?
Because even though you're dreaming you're still YOU with your own moral sense and knowledge of how people actually behave.

however, what if im actually in another demension and there i, even though i think im dreaming, my actions still have consiquences? what if i cant or shouldnt just be forcing myself on any female i see, simply because im lucid and aware and want to have sex? i would love to say that dreams are just dreams because i have great power and freedom in my dreams to experience and do what i want. but if i have that kind of awareness in my dreams do i become responsible for how i act in them or am i free to do whatever i wish?
Provided you realise (and continue to realise) that it's just a dream, and don't try to apply it in the real world then what's the problem?*
"Another dimension" is, to say the least, highly unlikely.

* Meh, I suppose that there could be some deleterious connotations if you consistently dream about forcible sex with people: you may end up de-sensitising yourself to real life others' wants. That's a deeper psychological question I think.
i really appreciate your response, and you are right it is my own moral sense and knowledge, and at the risk of seeming alittle out there, i must also admit that that moral sense and knowledge is what brought me to these questions. im not saying for sure that these things exists, but since i do believe that things such as aliens, angels, demons, and alternate realities have the possiblity of existing, then if i were to experience something that brings up the question of possibly interacting with something more then myself in my dreams, should i err on the side of caution and exercise some morality? i dont allow what i dream about to leave my dreams, and if i believe that i am encountering another intelligence in my mind, i leave it there. i seperate the two, in my dreams my morality leaves alot to be desired, yet im no fool in knowing that that would not work in reality. but the overall sense i get from the people i talk to in my dreams is that im effecting them by my actions some how. perhaps this all has a perfectly reasonable psychological answer, which i would love. that would free me up to be whatever i want in my dreams. how do i explain it when people in my dreams say to me "have you ever had a dream where you were dreaming but you really werent?"
but the overall sense i get from the people i talk to in my dreams is that im effecting them by my actions some how. perhaps this all has a perfectly reasonable psychological answer, which i would love. that would free me up to be whatever i want in my dreams. how do i explain it when people in my dreams say to me "have you ever had a dream where you were dreaming but you really werent?"

Okay, leaving aside (completely) the "angels, demons &c" question.
You get the impression that your actions in the dream have responses and consequences because your dreams are based (mostly - flying etc. aside) on your actual real-life experiences and knowledge. In other words people in dreams act (more or less) how real people would because that's what you know.
There are variations and exceptions in dreams (people turning into monsters or whatever) but the interactions you have with them are, of necessity, founded on "normality".
AFAIK the dream that that you aren't dreaming (or getting hints that you aren't) is fairly normal too.

I also think that you may experience some difficulty in going against "yourself" and forcing sex on someone if that's not your real character.
I have had at least one dream where I went against my character (at the specific request of someone in my dream) and it seriously bothered me for days. :bawl:
When I close my eyes at night it gets very dark and the whole world turns black, like the color of nothing. At that moment I'm not sure if I'm in Kansas anymore. At least when I dream it isn't dark, I'm afraid of the dark. I feel things when it's dark, like linen and stuff. I can't see it but I know somehow it's there even if I'm not. How come no one dreams a big darkness where you can't see anything like when I close my eyes at night and the whole world turns black like the color of nothing. Maybe when I'm awake I'm really asleep. They're trying to fit a little white jacket on me right now. The men said I'm going for a ride. I like rides.