Could some dreams be a link to alternate dimension of existence or universe?

Why be so closeminded as to assume that I assume every vision is psychic?
I don't know if it ever can be verified "scientifically", although I do assume that someday it may be possible. I never assume that my visions and dreams are psychic, they are only verified as such after the event actually happens, only then do I make that connection.
For example, some time ago I had a dream about my cousins children trying to jump off a roof, they thought it was no danger, laughing and playing around, while I saw that it was so high that they could die if they jumped off.
In the morning I called my cousin to tell her about it, and she told me that the day before they had been visiting her brother up north. She and him had been sitting in the kitchen when they felt a cold breeze, so they went into the other room to see what the children were doing. The children were standing in the open window planning to jump down. It had snowed that day, only a few cm, but to them it looked so soft and fluffy that they wanted to jump down into it.
It was the first time I recall having a dream about her children too, and me and my cousin don't speak on day to day basis, so I'm not up to date with what her children are up to all the time either. Otherwise the dream could have been written off as a usual occurance, like dreaming about eating.
I have more examples like this from my own life experience, and to me they provide a personal verification that psychic visions and dreams do exist.
what other examples do you have? kids jump off of things all of the time. sure its a coincidence, but why assume it was psychic power?
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iam said:
I've had some dreams that hint of this, of course, some are just the brain sorting and rearranging information.

There is alot of evidence supporting dreams are side-effect hallucinations that occur during mental regenerative periods of sleep.
It all depends on how you chose to view reality, do you go with flow or stop and anlyze every step? Most are in between. What is a coincidence/synchronicity really?
Fluke or fate, it's the same thing, just different words, labels, pick one.

There is also a lot of evidence supporting that physical existence is a mere side-effect of the Dreamstate.

Don't call it psychic POWER, that is so wrong, cartoonish. Lightnings from the fingertips..
It was a psychic connection.

I will try to think of a few other good examples that are not too private to share. I'm going to visit my father for a week, he's having cancer removed from his belly. Well, that may be another psychic connection to mention. I visisted him three months ago and saw immediately that he had cancer ( or hopefully it's just a tumour), took him to the doctors, and on wednesday he's going in surgery. He would have gone for maybe another year with that without knowing what it was, and then it would have been too late.
Wingmaker Seeker said:
Dreams are really interesting and really complicated in my mind. Most people rule dreams out as conjurings of the mind, but I am of the opinion that the dream state can transport your "mind" to another, higher dimension (call it astral travel or whatever). I don't think that this is necessarily dreaming, it just occurs while you are in the deep state of conciousness where or near where dreams occur. Let me explain, there are 4 different types of conciousness, or 4 different types of waves that one's brain produces during different actions (if you want to correlate these I'm sure you can find a website on your own, but here is one) according to the EEG machine invented by Hans Berger (hehe):

Beta waves: the brain produces these when you are awake and active. Doing chores and such. 12-15 cycles per second and up.

Alpha waves: 6-14 cpcles per second, this is where daydreaming, nocturnal dreaming and hypnosis occur. Also, if you believe in that stuff (I happen to), psychic experiences may occur here as well.

Theta waves: Approximately 4-8 cycles per second here. This, it is speculated, is where our "emotional experiences" are recorded and where most psychic activity takes place.

Delta waves: These are during unconciousness or deep dreamless sleep, anything less than 4-5 cycles per second.

Now, during sleep one generally quickly through beta, alpha, theta and into delta for a short time (transition takes like 30 minutes, generally, and you would stay int delta for like 90 minutes). Then you would cycle up to theta and alpha where you would dream for awhile. That process would continue through the night. (This information came partially from Psychic Development for Beginners by William W. Hewitt)

I believe that during the time spent in the Theta area, one is able to mentally travel into another, higher dimension. This is supported by quantum mechanics which says that our brain sees much more than our eyes can process (like having a camera with a cloudy lens). So, I would say that the "astral" dimension is right here on earth, but we are unable to see it with our eyes due to their out-of-date ness, but we are able to see it with our mind, which can be "freed" (so to speak) when our physical body is asleep and dormant. (By the way, my quantum mechanics information comes cheifly from memory, but check out the movie What the Bleep Do We Know for an awesome quantum theory time). I also think, that if one were so inclined, they could train themselves to go to this dimension voluntarily rather than in dreams. Because, in theory, all one would need to do to be psychic is to be able to deliberately transport your mind from beta to theta and alpha waves (which takes years of training and obscene amounts of time and isnt nearly as easy as it sounds...which would be that I'm not very good at it what with school and stuff [becuase I know someone will ask]). :D

Hmm There have been many times i have wondered of this subject. I have tried to convince others of this known dimension. This is very curious though, over the past few weeks my dreams have indeed led me towards old friends and my apparent "luck" seems to be getting better. Though its not every dream that I am aware of my surroundings, I should try to pay more attention.
God, I think is like the particle-wave theory of light....Everything is heading in the same direction, and it can take an infinite number of paths. Everyone has to find their own way.
And as for dreams...I've studied my own most of my life. Some are just for cleaning the anxieties out and others are different. In my own experience, I think dreaming is hereditary, as well as the ability to dream recall, though this can easily be trained. Lucid dreams are frequent, as well as almost out of body experiences. A nuclear holocost dream I had as a teen, still haunts me. It was that vivid, as well as a sequel dream the next night in a post holocost world. I don't think those were prophetic, at least I hope, because similar dreams have been foreshadowing of some events. But just now I realize that maybe it was. I live approximately 4 miles from a nuclear plant!
Thanx for the rant.
cato said:

dreams are your imagination, nothing more. you probably have a dream every night, but only remember a few. I believe that it is much more likely that your mind filled in the blanks of your dream with what you saw the next day.

Math is imagination too, but we know there are other dimensions.
cato said:
what the hell is a "higher dimension" like, you become 5D instead of 4D? I am not sure how one would remember that, as I can't even imagine it =].

I hate the way people take things that are not completely understood by science, and make them magical. there is no reason to believe in other realities. until something more than unsupported guesses can be shown, one should either ignore such theories or devise a test of their validity. don't waste time.

p.s. you can't postdict things and pretend that you are psychic. a real test is to describe something in complete detail, write down each detail, share this with other people, and then prove that such a thing exists without being created by you.

Space is 4d. Maybe the mind is too, but 5d?
cato said:
what the hell is a "higher dimension" like, you become 5D instead of 4D? I am not sure how one would remember that, as I can't even imagine it =].

I hate the way people take things that are not completely understood by science, and make them magical. there is no reason to believe in other realities. until something more than unsupported guesses can be shown, one should either ignore such theories or devise a test of their validity. don't waste time.

p.s. you can't postdict things and pretend that you are psychic. a real test is to describe something in complete detail, write down each detail, share this with other people, and then prove that such a thing exists without being created by you.

You can determine the space inside of a cube without opening the cube. You can also determine the future, such as when your spaceship will reach mars, down to the nano-second, you'll know exactly where it will land, exactly how much energy it will require, everything will be predicted. Math psychic?
A couple years ago, i was having a dream about telekinesis. I have "taken" a plastic box, and pulled it up, its flies! This may cause to i can do it in reality?
Dreams are certainly a link to the subconcious, and may also be a link to help us understand ourselves better. But, have you ever had a dream you swear was real? For all we know, it could have been, I know I've had dreams, can't remember the full extent except the feeling I woke up with afterwards, and the knowledge I did not sleep a wink.
Though dreams themselves are not a seperate dimension...they are certainly a part of reality!!! There is no place anywhere where a dimension exists in isolation...they are never lonely! Each dimension contains every other possible dimension as part of it! This applies to the waking experience as much as it does to the dream world we visit at night.
It can be said that when we are awake we are in a collective dream of consesus...and when we are asleep we are closer to the truth of our being...more awake. Dreams guide us on that incredibale journey to Oneness...from which we came and to which we will return. Also...we use our 5 outer senses primarly in the wakeful state...often neglecting our 5 inner sense. The roles are reversed when we dream...we rely primarly on our 5 inner senses while the 5 outer senses are experienced as vague and fuzzy. When we can balance the sensations of both the inner and outer that whether dreaming or awake we experience both inner and outer senses the same...fully illuminated and present...we will be free of the bonds of life and death and enter the Eternal State of Being!!!
I've had some dreams that hint of this, of course, some are just the brain sorting and rearranging information.

Once in college, I had a dream that started with a bold flash of light, then I looked around me in class in (slow mo) and took note in detail of my environment to even what other students were wearing. The next day in class it was exactly as I had dreamed.

People can convince thenselves of anything they put their mind to. Are your thoughts in another dimension too?
''People can convince thenselves of anything they put their mind to. Are your thoughts in another dimension too?''

Are you yourself convincing yourself of this? Have you put your mind to it?
As to the thoughts...thought is are the rest of the dimensions. There is no place, time, or anything that excludes any of the entire dimensional sprectrum!!! So then how could my thoughts...or anyone's thought be in some other dimension?

If you didn't know...thought is itself one of the dimensions....of the Absolute Spectrum it is the 10th. Another way to look at thoughts are not the same as your thoughts...they will measure differently. The waves in my brain vibrate at a different frequency, the crystalizations I hear as thought sounds in my head have different shapes. Z,Y,X,V,U,T,S,R,Q, and up to P (as in x,y,z coordinates) yeild different coordinates as well as a different trajectory. We are like different leaves on the same tree!!!

How did I become convinced of this? My guess is that you might think I tricked your statement suggests in subtlety. No...I looked at it directly using a portal I developed...the Mind Portal!!! If you see a you convice yourself that you see a square?

By the way...the Mind Portal is a SUPER POWERFUL 'DREAM MACHINE', 'map', and 'doorway' (amongst other things). Using it will not only cause you to dream more frequently...your dreams will get longer and longer in that fuzzy subjective time (3 years in 15 minutes???). They will become more vivid and more vivid...until they are even more vivid then the 'waking life' as we call it.

When 'awake' you will know your not dreaming because reality is too fuzzy...and when sleeping you will know your are dreaming because it is more vivid and clear then your waking world! And off course...the dreams will become more meaningful and relate more directly to your immediate concerns...the ones that are blocking or slowing down your spiritual progress!

I have decided to not waste my time testing this Portal in a control manner...and I am now offering it to anyone who will ask for it.
Why? Because I myself want answers and I know too well that I cannot get them alone! I want these expereinces (just a tip of the iceberg) that I just wrote of above answered in as many ways and angles as that I can get the overall clear answer!!!
When 'awake' you will know your not dreaming because reality is too fuzzy...and when sleeping you will know your are dreaming because it is more vivid and clear then your waking world! And off course...the dreams will become more meaningful and relate more directly to your immediate concerns...the ones that are blocking or slowing down your spiritual progress!

Ah! You are the butterfly.
"Ah! You are the butterfly."

And you are the sleep-walker!