Could some dreams be a link to alternate dimension of existence or universe?

Wingmaker Seeker said:
Sorry to burst your bubble cato, but ummm science doesn't completely understand all. I mean, 400 years ago, people would swear their lives that the world was flat and that if you sailed too far you would fall into endless abyss. As history has repeated time and time again, the theories that we take for granted today will likely, in time, become a laughing stock.

Sorry, but you've seemed to have missed the main controlling factor for such ignorance... Religion. Religion didn't want science and for centuries every time someone tried to do something that didn't fit into the Zealot methodology, people would find themselves cast out, tortured to repent their evil heresy of dealing in the dark arts (science) or otherwise just outright being burnt for witchcraft.

Religion in it's hayday wasn't something to be embraced, it was something to be feared.

On another note there are small fragments of data out there involving the study of ESP and what you've defined Remote Viewing by various governments. To my knowledge any actual remote viewing done either required the use of artificial mediums to manipulate a result directly or were consequences (side effects) of other main experiments.
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I understood the religion thing 400 years ago and merely wished to point out that the same thing (RELATIVELY) happens today when someone in an academic position decides to hypothesize(spelling?) about something new. They are chastised and their career becomes history. It's not death, but in this day and age its just like it. But, mark my words, within the next 50 years there will be major breakthroughs concerning these topics.

And, by the way, I honestly believe that the reason that no one believes in the psychic powers now is because all of the psychics are either frauds or dont want to admit to a test of their skills, though I see why they won't. Think about it, for people with psychic skills, it wouldnt really matter if anyone believed you, you dont have anything to prove so why even bother. If one is psychically inclined (meaning more enlightened), a million dollars doesnt really mean nothing becuase you cant take it with you and what if you die tomorrow?

So, we are never going to agree on this because we come from different perspectives but, again, mark my words. Give it 50 years and the scientific and paranormal communities will become very close.
You'll be suprised what I believe or understand. What I do know however though is that there is no Natural Psychic powers, Entropy pretty much dictates that considering the method of how any such "Powers" would be created.
Wingmaker Seeker said:
But, mark my words, within the next 50 years there will be major breakthroughs concerning these topics.

Wingmaker Seeker said:
And, by the way, I honestly believe that the reason that no one believes in the psychic powers now is because all of the psychics are either frauds or dont want to admit to a test of their skills, though I see why they won't. Think about it, for people with psychic skills, it wouldnt really matter if anyone believed you, you dont have anything to prove so why even bother. If one is psychically inclined (meaning more enlightened), a million dollars doesnt really mean nothing becuase you cant take it with you and what if you die tomorrow?
So they could win a million dollars and give the money to charity but choose not to. Perhaps they are not so enlightened after all...
Well, if you were closer to enlightenment and realized truly that money has no value and fame is merely a straying from the path, there would be no reason for you to want 1 million dollars either...maybe I'll feel that way when I advance further:)
Wingmaker Seeker said:
Well, if you were closer to enlightenment and realized truly that money has no value and fame is merely a straying from the path, there would be no reason for you to want 1 million dollars either...maybe I'll feel that way when I advance further:)
You are missing my point. They could win the money and give it all away to charity. Why don't they do this? It would be such a positive act.

Perhaps these powers don't really exist and people are just making excuses.
why are you bashing science if you also make the excuses that no real psychics agree to be scientifically tested? criticize the psychic, not science.
They are chastised and their career becomes history. It's not death, but in this day and age its just like it
examples? as long as the research is legitimate, I don't think anyone would care. practicing bad science is a sure way to have your grant taken away though.
Wingmaker Seeker said:
Well, if you were closer to enlightenment and realized truly that money has no value and fame is merely a straying from the path, there would be no reason for you to want 1 million dollars either...maybe I'll feel that way when I advance further:)

It's not that "money has no value", money is only given value by those that use it. Money was only ever meant as a means to create a fairer trading system over the original "swapping" one where someone could swap something of more value for something of lesser in regards to something else.

(Namely someone swaps one sheep for 3 geese, and the 3 geese are worth 6 chickens, however if that person swapped the sheep for chickens they would only recieve 5 of them. Money removes this problem by pricing things with a monetary denomination, it also means that you don't necessarily have to get geese to get the extra chicken.)

As for this whole "1 million dollar prize" thing, simply it's not about the 1 mil. To those that don't have the money they might see that 1 mil as a status symbol, afterall it's an award if such psychic's can prove their real as apposed to fake.

I do have some theories of how to scientifically create certain critera to create occurances that would seem psychic, however they would only be seen as psychic from an audiences position, from backstage the science used would pretty much show that it was just a cleverly manipulated con job.
I wasnt "bashing science" merely attempting to point out the fact that all new theories, no matter if they are well supported with evidence or not, face harsh conditions in this world wher we are so sure of everything. And has been true for every single scientific theory ever presented. No one just said, "Hey, that Newton guy seems to have a good idea, everyone lets adopt his theories." Newton ran into opposition in religion as today we run into the opposition that for some reason scientists seem to think that their current theories must be correct (again as religious people may say the same).

And, as to the 1 million dollar question, I honestly dont know why no one has taken up the offer. But, personally, if I ever develop my psychic skills further, to a point of great difference, I really dont see the point in getting soneone's approval. It wouldnt really matter to me if anyone believed that I was psychic, becuase I know, and that would really be the only thing that mattered to me. And demonstrations would fall in the same boat, if you dont believe, what makes you think that someone giving scotch free scientific proof will either. Honestly, some people will always be skeptical of it, so whats the point. At least, that would be my point of view, I honestly dont know what the "real" psychics are thinking.
You can't apply that Science being opposed by Religion is the same as Paranormal powers being opposed by Science.

Religion did not care for evidence, if it was the contrary to their belief's then it was obviously inaccurate and fraudulant.

True science does contain a state of openmindedness which you might not see as existant but its there, Science is about the testing, the calculus and weighing of things so that it's not just understood but not an unweighable phenomona. If you believe some scientists to be biased, then you should understand their views are based on the "values" that they know of, however they should be open to explore in experiments until without shadow of a doubt it's either completely calculated and weighed up, or proven to be a falsity.
I wasnt "bashing science" merely attempting to point out the fact that all new theories, no matter if they are well supported with evidence or not, face harsh conditions in this world wher we are so sure of everything. And has been true for every single scientific theory ever presented.
that is not true, you simply have to provide evidence. moreover, if you are trying to propose a new theory that overrides an old theory, you have to account for all of the predictions that the old theory got right.

name 5 instances of scientific communities rejecting a theory for which there is sound evidence. I can only think of one, and it pertained to geological formations, which is very difficult to study.
Wingmaker Seeker said:
And, as to the 1 million dollar question, I honestly dont know why no one has taken up the offer. But, personally, if I ever develop my psychic skills further, to a point of great difference, I really dont see the point in getting soneone's approval. It wouldnt really matter to me if anyone believed that I was psychic, becuase I know, and that would really be the only thing that mattered to me. And demonstrations would fall in the same boat, if you dont believe, what makes you think that someone giving scotch free scientific proof will either. Honestly, some people will always be skeptical of it, so whats the point. At least, that would be my point of view, I honestly dont know what the "real" psychics are thinking.

Anyone who develops psychic abilities enough to get the prize away from Randi would make far more millions doing almost anything else with them. It would also be easier.
MetaKron said:
Anyone who develops psychic abilities enough to get the prize away from Randi would make far more millions doing almost anything else with them. It would also be easier.

It's even easier to just trick people into thinking you have psychic abilities, and make millions, like Uri Geller.

To drop a couple of quotes;

'There's a sucker born every minute'

'A fool and his money are soon parted'

Which explains why Geller is rich, and Randi still has his million.
i am constantly having dreams where by i'm experiencing my life as it might be in an alternate universe, where my life has taken a different path.

i think its to do with my realisation of the infinite number of different but important ways my life could have turned out, good or bad.
The Right-Brained Mode Of Communication Which Dreams Utilize - Images And Symbols - Is Archaic, Primitive, And Generally Unfamiliar Territory To The Modern, Left-Brained Mode Of Thinking.

And That's Why Their Meaning Often Seems So Hidden And Mysterious...
Stryder said:
You'll be suprised what I believe or understand. What I do know however though is that there is no Natural Psychic powers, Entropy pretty much dictates that considering the method of how any such "Powers" would be created.

Don't be so full of yourself Stryder, you'll be suprised what you don't know.
You may believe that only what you perceive exists, but that doesn't change the validity of every other persons individual experience. Entropy doesn't dictate my life.
Bebelina said:
Entropy doesn't dictate my life.

I just dropped an egg on the floor, would you be so kind as to put it back together for me?
Bebelina said:
Don't be so full of yourself Stryder, you'll be suprised what you don't know.
You may believe that only what you perceive exists, but that doesn't change the validity of every other persons individual experience. Entropy doesn't dictate my life.
this is essentially the same mistake theists make about atheists. we are not trying to say that such a thing is out of the question, we are simply saying that one should not accept it as valid until it can be verified, scientifically.

I have had instances where I thought that I dreamt about an exact place with exact circumstances, but how do I know I really did? all it would take is for your mind to put a bad "timestamp" on your memory, allowing you to think that you dreamt it, when in fact what you were recalling what happened a few moments ago.

my point is: with so many possible explanations, why be so closed minded as to say "I must have had a psychic vision."

edit: (Q), I can make you an egg descrambling machine in a day, all I would have to do is put a chicken in a box, and feed it your scrambled egg =]