Could some dreams be a link to alternate dimension of existence or universe?


Could dreams come true?

I've had some dreams that hint of this, of course, some are just the brain sorting and rearranging information.

Once in college, I had a dream that started with a bold flash of light, then I looked around me in class in (slow mo) and took note in detail of my environment to even what other students were wearing. The next day in class it was exactly as I had dreamed.
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iam said:
I've had some dreams that hint of this, of course, some are just the brain sorting and rearranging information.

Once in college, I had a dream that started with a bold flash of light, then I looked around me in class in (slow mo) and took note in detail of my environment to even what other students were wearing. The next day in class it was exactly as I had dreamed.

M*W: I've had this happen to me, too. I can't explain it, but I'm an intuitive person, and I will think of someone who I haven't seen in years, and then I'll see them like the next day! In my dreams, I hear the dialog in advance. It doesn't have to be profound or anything, but it's like I already knew what was going to be said. Ever since I was a small child, I've done astral travel, and of all the traveling I've been fortunate to have done, I visited the same places in my dreams before I went. Sometimes even those dreams are not profound. My astral travel can be to the local Wal-Mart where I'll run into someone I've been thinking about. I don't know if I'm creating the situations by thinking about them, or if I'm just receiving the information before it happens.
No dude, dreams are just dreams. Not real, not portals to another realm, no way to discover information remotely, just dreams.
Dreams are one proved way of improving your tavelling ability, thus allowing you to get around the spped of light limitiation.
Yes, all dreams respresent other dimensions...of course, since they do not take place in the "normal" physical reality.
You can recieve precognition, as you did, and other to you valuable information, meet people from other lives, visit new and old places, create symbolical solutions to your waking life problems etc.

dreams are your imagination, nothing more. you probably have a dream every night, but only remember a few. I believe that it is much more likely that your mind filled in the blanks of your dream with what you saw the next day.
Dreams are really interesting and really complicated in my mind. Most people rule dreams out as conjurings of the mind, but I am of the opinion that the dream state can transport your "mind" to another, higher dimension (call it astral travel or whatever). I don't think that this is necessarily dreaming, it just occurs while you are in the deep state of conciousness where or near where dreams occur. Let me explain, there are 4 different types of conciousness, or 4 different types of waves that one's brain produces during different actions (if you want to correlate these I'm sure you can find a website on your own, but here is one) according to the EEG machine invented by Hans Berger (hehe):

Beta waves: the brain produces these when you are awake and active. Doing chores and such. 12-15 cycles per second and up.

Alpha waves: 6-14 cpcles per second, this is where daydreaming, nocturnal dreaming and hypnosis occur. Also, if you believe in that stuff (I happen to), psychic experiences may occur here as well.

Theta waves: Approximately 4-8 cycles per second here. This, it is speculated, is where our "emotional experiences" are recorded and where most psychic activity takes place.

Delta waves: These are during unconciousness or deep dreamless sleep, anything less than 4-5 cycles per second.

Now, during sleep one generally quickly through beta, alpha, theta and into delta for a short time (transition takes like 30 minutes, generally, and you would stay int delta for like 90 minutes). Then you would cycle up to theta and alpha where you would dream for awhile. That process would continue through the night. (This information came partially from Psychic Development for Beginners by William W. Hewitt)

I believe that during the time spent in the Theta area, one is able to mentally travel into another, higher dimension. This is supported by quantum mechanics which says that our brain sees much more than our eyes can process (like having a camera with a cloudy lens). So, I would say that the "astral" dimension is right here on earth, but we are unable to see it with our eyes due to their out-of-date ness, but we are able to see it with our mind, which can be "freed" (so to speak) when our physical body is asleep and dormant. (By the way, my quantum mechanics information comes cheifly from memory, but check out the movie What the Bleep Do We Know for an awesome quantum theory time). I also think, that if one were so inclined, they could train themselves to go to this dimension voluntarily rather than in dreams. Because, in theory, all one would need to do to be psychic is to be able to deliberately transport your mind from beta to theta and alpha waves (which takes years of training and obscene amounts of time and isnt nearly as easy as it sounds...which would be that I'm not very good at it what with school and stuff [becuase I know someone will ask]). :D
But, of course, since none of this can be phsyically proven to anyone else unless they expereince it, science will likely never agree. The only option is for the skeptics to rid their mind of all doubt and actually, with an open mind, try it. But, sadly, they probably won't :(. Oh, well.
The power of dreams is yet too weak to awaken us.
Worlds within worlds, dreams within dreams.
Where is the bottom, where is the top?
Where am I and where are the dreams?
what the hell is a "higher dimension" like, you become 5D instead of 4D? I am not sure how one would remember that, as I can't even imagine it =].

I hate the way people take things that are not completely understood by science, and make them magical. there is no reason to believe in other realities. until something more than unsupported guesses can be shown, one should either ignore such theories or devise a test of their validity. don't waste time.

p.s. you can't postdict things and pretend that you are psychic. a real test is to describe something in complete detail, write down each detail, share this with other people, and then prove that such a thing exists without being created by you.
Simply, No. One "Dream" I had, happened to have credits at the end. An Alternative reality wouldn't contain credits now would it?
"Alternative reality"? As in "not real"...? Of course.
alternative realities as in another plain of existance parallel to our own universe...!!!
what the hell is a "higher dimension" like, you become 5D instead of 4D? I am not sure how one would remember that, as I can't even imagine it =].

Well, there are theories, cato, though I dont have much experience with them, that as one progresses further on in the "enlighenment" chain, one gains more use of the mental and less of the physical, meaning the physical body is no longer needed (sometimes called ascencion). These may be where one would begin their journey into the afterlife. But that is, of course, if you believe in an afterlife, which I have suspicion that you do not.

I hate the way people take things that are not completely understood by science, and make them magical. there is no reason to believe in other realities. until something more than unsupported guesses can be shown, one should either ignore such theories or devise a test of their validity. don't waste time.

Sorry to burst your bubble cato, but ummm science doesn't completely understand all. I mean, 400 years ago, people would swear their lives that the world was flat and that if you sailed too far you would fall into endless abyss. As history has repeated time and time again, the theories that we take for granted today will likely, in time, become a laughing stock. And the process is the same again, until a huge group of people with significant funds and technology comes along and questions the status quo, this will stay the same. And, especially with matters of the mind, it is nearly impossible in this day and age to test or anything, so you either believe or you don't. And there is at least one, scientifically supported theory of other realities called the multidimensional theory. There are many websites dedicated to this theory (here is one to get you started ).

p.s. you can't postdict things and pretend that you are psychic. a real test is to describe something in complete detail, write down each detail, share this with other people, and then prove that such a thing exists without being created by you.

I think I missed something, but there is a "test" that falls right under this description and withing the realm of psychic skills, its called remote viewing and is a very well documented phenomena.. The US military is, at this moment trying to get funding for research on this and other psychic skills (here is an article about the 7.5 million that it asked for to study psychokinesis [telekinesis and psychic teleportation, both are things that I happen to think are possible and obviously, the military has suspicions too]), cops are using remote viewers to solve crimes (I dont know how it works, but they do), and here is something to get you started on remote viewing :):Warning, its Wikipedia::)
first things first,

Well, there are theories, cato, though I don't have much experience with them,
uhh, no. there are hypotheses at best, and predominantly unfounded speculation.

Sorry to burst your bubble cato, but ummm science doesn't completely understand all.
I would first like to apologize to everyone for misusing the term "science." science is a method, and cannot "understand" anything.

I mean, 400 years ago, people would swear their lives that the world was flat and that if you sailed too far you would fall into endless abyss. As history has repeated time and time again,...blah...blah
why did people believe the earth was flat? because people, like yourself, make claims of truth but have no evidence for their claims. if one looks at the scientific evidence carefully, it is obvious that earth is round. only when people diverge from the evidence will they be wrong.

the theories that we take for granted today will likely, in time, become a laughing stock. And the process is the same again, until a huge group of people with significant funds and technology comes along and questions the status quo, this will stay the same. And, especially with matters of the mind, it is nearly impossible in this day and age to test or anything, so you either believe or you don't.
people are only a laughing stock if they believe something for which there is no evidence. Newtonian physics has been proven incomplete by modern physics, but nobody laughs at newton because his claims were so well supported by the evidence, that common sense would guide anyone to believe them.

And there is at least one, scientifically supported theory of other realities called the multidimensional theory. There are many websites dedicated to this theory (here is one to get you started ).
wrong again. they are either unscientific theories, or scientific hypotheses. to understand what it takes to be a scientific theory, I suggest you read this

I think I missed something, but there is a "test" that falls right under this description and withing the realm of psychic skills, its called remote viewing and is a very well documented phenomena
no, these are not properly controlled tests. if one wanted to develop anything more than a hypothesis, one would have to document and peer review several tests that could not be faked or gotten by guessing. for example, you could have the test subject guess ahead of time the exact number of pellets produced by an old fashioned shot tower. if a person can see the future, then they should be able to guess the exact number. if they can't, then they cannot see the future.

please, take time to understand science before you abandon it. science is a beautiful thing, and I would like all mankind to share it's wonders.
Only a quick reply this evening. But, first things first

why did people believe the earth was flat? because people, like yourself, make claims of truth but have no evidence for their claims. if one looks at the scientific evidence carefully, it is obvious that earth is round. only when people diverge from the evidence will they be wrong.

No, people believed that the earth was flat for 2 reasons. #1-there was insufficient technology to test the theory of the earth being round. Much, I may say, like lack of technology we posess at present in testing the psychic skills. #2-People lacked the courage to test the status quo. Everyone was scared because if you fall off of the earth, there is no coming back. Much like today, if a scientist decides to test the waters and sails to the end of the earth (psychic skills) and falls off (finds inconclusive results) there is no return and his/her career is likely over. Therefore, no oe really wants to test the waters until that one, like Aristotle or Columbus. The fact of the matter is that we will get nowhere without tests, and tests will get nowhere if people aren't willing to test the waters and believe something not widely accepted.

By the way, remote viewing is tested often. They call the tests CRV (controlled/connected/coordinate remote viewing) and the government even had there own controlled tests where you would put a person in a room, alone, and tell people he's never met to go to a place that he's never been and he draws pictures to decribe what he sees in his mind. Here is a little info here

Well, its not that short after all...
alternative realities as in another plain of existance parallel to our own universe...!!!
No evidence to indicate that there are any.
I mean, 400 years ago, people would swear their lives that the world was flat
No they didn't - the idea of us not knowing knowing the Earth was round is Victorian revisionism - the Ancient Greeks knew Earth was spherical and the race as a whole never lost that knowledge.
And there is at least one, scientifically supported theory of other realities called the multidimensional theory
Scientific SPECULATION. Not theories. Untestable, unverifiable, they're merely a "fiction" or supposition to account for some of the things not fully understood about quantum phenomena.
There are many websites dedicated to this theory (here is one to get you started ).
That site is pure drivel:-
Suppose we start with the simple assumption that space and time are infinite.
Starts with an unsupported supposition and then goes downhill...
Wingmaker Seeker said:
By the way, remote viewing is tested often. They call the tests CRV (controlled/connected/coordinate remote viewing) and the government even had there own controlled tests where you would put a person in a room, alone, and tell people he's never met to go to a place that he's never been and he draws pictures to decribe what he sees in his mind. Here is a little info here

Well, its not that short after all...
Yes the CIA and the US army wasted $20 million of taxpayers money on project Stargate. It was eventually shut down because it was not working.
No, people believed that the earth was flat for 2 reasons. #1-there was insufficient technology to test the theory of the earth being round. Much, I may say, like lack of technology we posess at present in testing the psychic skills.
people didn't lack the technology. all they had to do was sail a large lake or ocean. as Oli pointed out, people knew the earth was spherical long before the middle ages when people abandoned the science for an unsupported claim, which is exactly what you are doing now.

edit: really all you had to do was think about it. if all this water is just pouring over the edge of the earth, why are there no extreme currents?

#2-People lacked the courage to test the status quo.
there are a few reasons why people of Europe in the middle/dark ages didn't attack the status quo, but it was primarily religion.

my advice is simple. let science work. don't start from a position that is unsupported and try and find anecdotal evidence to support it, find a "psychic" and test them, like I mentioned earlier, in such a way that the solution is clear.
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