Corrective Rape

sure it is! Millions of people all over the world are murdered in many different ways all the time. Selecting only one of those victims in order to post the horrors of this one murder, while virtually ignoring all the others, is a major joke.

While you're reading this post, thousands of children have already died of starvation or of easily-cured diseases. Yeah, that's right ....thousands!

See how insignificant the death of one lesbian is? We make a big deal out of the lesbians death, yet say nothing about the other thousands. Joke, huh?

Baron max

obviously we think it's wrong to harm anyone for being gay, not just this woman, or we wouldn't be complaining in the first place
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obviously we think it's wrong to harm anyone for being gay, ....

"We" do? Who's this "we" of which you speak? ...because those South African men didn't seem to share your opinion, did they???? So, since you left them out of the "we", who else did you leave out?

I'm also curious how you think you can speak for all those "we" people? Did they elect you to speak for them?

..., or we wouldn't be complaining in the first place ...

I disagree. People around here complain about everything and anything. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that they'd even complain if they were hung with a new rope!

Baron Max
"We" do? Who's this "we" of which you speak? ...because those South African men didn't seem to share your opinion, did they???? So, since you left them out of the "we", who else did you leave out?

I'm also curious how you think you can speak for all those "we" people? Did they elect you to speak for them?

I disagree. People around here complain about everything and anything. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that they'd even complain if they were hung with a new rope!

Baron Max

Look at the other posts making the same point as me, such as

Undue attention? We can't fix all the problems in the world at once, we fix them one at a time. Do you really think no one gives a turd just because unnecessary poverty and disease exist?? These problems don't exist just because people aren't trying to tend to them.

If you honestly feel the way you feel and want the right to come out here and make fun of a sigle death in the face of the thousands of deaths, then you must get out there are work towards fixing the problems. Otherwise, you have no vested interest in any person who is dying right now. You may have the right to say what you feel, but that doesn't make it right to say it.

Do you expect everyone to jump out of their lives and join the Peace Corp? People care and are just needing a way. Every frickin organization that holds their hand out for help to solve these problems there are people giving and giving. This is all that some people can do. Are they supposed to then spend the rest of their life working to correct these problems instead of enjoying a movie? But, who will harvest the corn when we're all busy working to solve the unending problems of the world. It is foolhardy.

This is a job for people like yourself who have it in them that it isn't enough to just give money to organizations, to tell us folks who care what to do. Because to us, there is nothing that we can perceive that we can do to help these people more. And does it even matter, when the governments of the world keep the aid from its people and take it for themselves and let their people die? How can you help the kids if you can't get into the country?

I understand the injustice you are talking about. But, give people more credit. It is an illusion that people don't care. That's what it looks like, but it isn't true. Come up with a plan to solve even one of these problems, and people will rise up to help you in your noble cause.

but its not just one. This article focused on one, but its not just woman this is happening to.

Understand, but we can't say one of those murders is any less or more barbaric or appalling. You can't place a quantity requirement for morality. If murdering one person is wrong, than murdering a thousand is wrong, and vice versa. If one of those kids just died, we don't say, "Well, just another kid cured of disease or hunger." That is disrespectful of the other 999 kids in line to die!! The same is true for the woman. There is at least 2 more that are about to die from the same thing.

Have you no decency?

We are angry because these men committed a crime - a crime that is wrong no matter who your victim is.

Not because this woman was special and worth more than others.

No, that's you. You piss on threads just because you can. Go use your energy for something more productive, like saving kids from hunger and disease, or quit giving out to people in here.
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We are angry because these men committed a crime - a crime that is wrong no matter who your victim is.

Not because this woman was special and worth more than others.

Four pages to show that y'all are angry because of one crime? ...even while millions of other crimes have been commited while you complained about one of them? And you think that's something worthwhile?

Baron Max
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A general consideration arising from the particular

Max, one of the longstanding hallmarks of your posts is that it taken together they have the cumulative effect of proposing that nobody should ever worry about or do anything other than eating, sleeping, shitting, occasionally reproducing, and dying.

Humans are animals; not all animals are humans. Human beings have selected over time in such a manner that the basic existence of a slug, while observably enough for the slug, is insufficient to sustain the human endeavor.

Yes, people respond to specific stimuli. Some of these responses are angry. And some of that anger is futile. But nature is not extraneous. If the capacity for abstract and remote responses to stimuli had no utilitarian purpose, the human species would be considerably different.

Individual events, while they are merely individual events, can become emblematic of a larger situation. What's one chick footballer, more or less? Or one dancer? In the War on Terror, the murder of Shabana—one among thousands—has become emblematic of the Taliban and what it stands for, much like the rape and murder of Eudy Simelane asserts much about the form and nature of South African cultural mores. The murder of Matthew Shepherd tells us something about the priorities of some Americans. In all these cases, the outcome is a chilling explanation of what is possible within the given parameters.

Because human beings are social creatures with a capacity for abstract and remote responses to diverse stimuli, we tend to see in these possibilities something for the larger society to consider. What occurs on the ends of the bell curve, and how the central body social responds tells us much about the health of any given society. For the individualist, an analogue might be immunization. Why get a shot? After all, you don't have polio. Or measles. Or mumps, rubella, diptheria, papilloma, or even the flu.

Socially, immunization has the effect of reducing the dangers of these diseases. By attending to what is possible, and taking certain measures to protect oneself against specific outcomes, one protects their own self and stability.

Likewise, by attending to potential corruption of the body social, human communities protect themselves and their stability.

Yes, certain things are bound to happen in society. We even account for this in the American justice system: Not all murders, for instance, are the same. A crime committed in the heat of passion is not exonerated; society generally—to a persuasive degree—agrees that no, you can't kill someone just for boffing your wife, but, yeah, we understand. So we treat it differently. Gangland murders are especially stupid. And we treat those differently. Psychotic murders, as well. The idea that the fact of someone's homosexuality is cause for people to conspire and plot to gang rape, beat, and then butcher someone for? Yes. That sets off alarm bells. This is something that sounds psychotic, but is drawn from contemporary cultural passions. (I don't buy the human rights campaigns' bureaucratic term "corrective rape"; this is vigilante hatred, intended as punishment, through and through.) People do sit up and take notice. (I mean, look at what people have come up with before: heavy metal is responsible for rapes, murders, and suicides? Rap is responsible for gang violence? What the hell was Tchaikovsky thinking? The 1812 Overture? No wonder the nineteenth century had so many damn wars!)

The mundanely sordid is enough for many, the petty jealousies of a failed marriage stuffed into the trunk of a car, a house robbery gone wrong, or another broken heart whose mouth said no but—apparently—eyes said yes. When you get a the nibbled-on remnants of cute, ethnic gay boys; or the black man dragged to death behind a truck; or the infant raped to death by her father; or ... the point is that eventually people do sit up and take notice.

And you see it yourself. There are a lot of people who think concern over the way women and homosexuals are treated is desperate exaggeration. But these sorts of things keep happening.

One thing I would also urge you to consider is the context of the issue in any given community. While, to be certain, you are far above such things, I would urge you to recall the oft-muttered outrages and bigotry against women and homosexuals that fuel many people's frustrations.

We are social creatures, Max. And there are implications in that context arising from situations such as this one. Civilization and society are not so distal to everyone as they are to you; people will inevitably find some investment of priority in these things.
Mod Hat - Take a breath

Mod Hat — Take a breath, take a deep breath now

Alright. Enough. We get the point. A couple of obvious notes. To the one: C'mon ... please? I know, but so do you. To the other: If you keep baiting people like that, they're going to unload; a bit of good faith won't kill you.

Either way, enough.

So everyone take a deep breath and move forward.
Max, one of the longstanding hallmarks of your posts is that it taken together they have the cumulative effect of proposing that nobody should ever worry about or do anything other than eating, sleeping, shitting, occasionally reproducing, and dying.

No, that's not it, Tiassa. I try to show them that their worries or complains should NOT be taken out of the context of humanity as a whole.
If some people take one lousy murder and make it into a major issue, they're missing, and ultimately covering up, the fact that gazillions of murderers and killings occur every single day in the world. Even you, Tiassa, can see that.

Yes, people respond to specific stimuli. Some of these responses are angry. And some of that anger is futile. ...

And I'm trying to help them redirect that anger and frustration to the conditions at large ...not just one lousy murder out of gazillions of murders that occur every day.

I'm often shocked by how people respond when I make mention of how insignificant and decidedly misplaced their anger is over one little incident while completely ignoring the gazillions of similar incidents that occur daily. I've come to see that their displays of anger are actually directed at themselves or at humanity as a whole instead of at me. They are angry because they can't control their anger, and they're angry because they can see that there's nothing they can do about anything. Odd, huh?

Because human beings are social creatures with a capacity for abstract and remote responses to diverse stimuli, we tend to see in these possibilities something for the larger society to consider. ...

And I try to help them see that larger society of which they claim to be happy to be a part of ....yet seemingly miss it badly by expressing such anger and frustration over one lousy little incident. People need to realize that the humanity to which they belong violent and deadly and vicious and lying and ...., and sucks giant donkey dicks!

We are social creatures, Max. ....

People keep saying that, Tiassa, but look around ...the world is full of those "social creatures" that you so love, and they're killing, raping, lying, stealing, thieving, conniving, cheating, hateful, bigoted, prejudicial, warring, bombing, ....., and all other manner of horrid things!

Social creatures? Naw, I don't think so. Humans are "social" only because of the laws and courts and cops that keep them toeing the line of what society considers ....decent behavior.

People need to see that, Tiassa. And I consider it my role and my duty to push it into their faces at every opportunity! :D

Baron Max
If everyone thought like you Max, we'd still be living like this:


The miracle of human beings is that if enough of them get together about the things that matter it is possible to change the world.
The miracle of human beings is that if enough of them get together about the things that matter it is possible to change the world.

That might be possible, SAM, if the stupid bastards wouldn't waste so much time and anger and energy worrying over one lousy little incident. As it is, they miss the big picture completely by focusing their concerns too narrowly.

But that's okay, ....humans are all fucked up, and I think we all know it. Most just aren't willing to admit it.

Baron Max
That might be possible, SAM, if the stupid bastards wouldn't waste so much time and anger and energy worrying over one lousy little incident.
Baron Max
Myself and others have already made the point that it is not just this one specific incident that was wrong, it is the crime of so called corrective rape in general. It is always wrong no matter who the victim is, or whether you rape 100 people or just one, and should be eradicated.

But you are choosing to keep ignoring this point, and put words in our mouths, insisting that we are angry ONLY about this one specific crime.

Now I'm just going to accept that you're talking crap, and ignore you unless by some miracle you say something reasonable.
Misanthropy is such a black hole, hard to see into and out of, and hard to reach a helping hand far into. Improving humanity from inside ourselves is only natural, but self-hatred is terrified of that, and wants to deny the obvious.