Corrective Rape

One cause at a time Baron. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

Oh, I agree, SAM. It's just surprising to me that you, an Indian, would chose a cause like something in South Africa over something dire in your own nation. That's all ....just curious.

Baron Max
Hey, I got to thinking about this topic ...corrective rape. Now tell me honestly, didn't the attack on the women "cure" her of being a lesbian? She's no longer a lesbian, is she? So, see, the cure works!!

Baron Max

It is a shame my position as a moderator and the rules of this forum does not allow me to call you a retarded buffoon.



South Africa has many, many issues. They fear homosexuality to the point where they will rape and murder women and men who are homosexual. Lets face it, these men who raped her and stabbed her probably thought that having sex with "real men" would cure her of her homosexuality. Obviously uneducated retards. We are talking about a society where such actions are rarely commented on by the State. When you have witch doctors telling people that raping newborn babies can cure you of AIDS, and men infected with the disease actually went out and raped newborn babies.. while the State remained silent, refusing to even acknowledge that AIDS was a problem or educating the public about AIDS.. honestly, what do you expect?
bells already said it but its true, alot of people in africa belive raping virgins will cure aids. Its part of the reason why the epidemic is so large in africa. As to what you can do i honestly dont know, maybe put pressure on your own goverment to put pressure on them, it worked before to at least some extent. South africa was banned from all sports and the commonwealth in protest over apartied and it apeared to work so maybe it will again. However i doubt it, as barron said humans are the most evil animals and there is little we can do to change it
... and it apeared to work so maybe it will again. However i doubt it, as barron said humans are the most evil animals and there is little we can do to change it

Force! Force seems to be the only thing that will make humans behave in any civilized manner. Without the threat of, or the application of, force, humans will do most anything ...and usually to other humans.

Laws or legislation will do nothing ....without the threat of force to back it up. As has been shown umpty-eleven times throughout history, morality comes from the muzzle of a gun!

Baron Max
But Max can we all safety say the doing nothing is the best approach? Sure you can send them your panties in protest but that only makes you feel good and then you can say 'see i did something, i sent my panties' or 'i wrote a letter' etc. The minute real action takes place to oppose dictators or any of the other atrocities perpetrated on humanity many people will work against it. We see it right here on sciforums all the time. You can be damn sure that Hitler would be a hero to many if there were no concentration camps, they would find many reasons to justify what he did and even turn him into the victim.

There are many parallels to this, a homeless person starving to death is a shame and people will feel bad but as long as they gave that man or woman a dollar last month then that is all that matters to them. Or even a domestic dispute, the guy can be beating his wife all around the trailer park but when the cops get there and taze him and he dies in the process people will forget the wife being beaten and the dead guy will be viewed as the victim.

Well that is my impression.
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It is a shame my position as a moderator and the rules of this forum does not allow me to call you a retarded buffoon.
It's sarcasm, Bells.
Why is it that I'm the only one who sees that in the comment of Baron's you are referring to?

And IIRC, I asked a similar question when I posted the article about Chris Brown beating the shit out of Rhianna. At that time you could ask, what the hell was wrong with Chris Brown. But since then Rhianna has returned, they are reunited and now you can ask, what the hell is wrong with her?
People do stupid, immoral, selfish shit.
But Max can we all safety say the doing nothing is the best approach?

In viewing the world affairs for over 60 years, I'm coming to the conclusion that people should live their own lives as best they can without interfering in the lives of others long as those others don't interfer in their lives. A simplistic form of "isolationism", perhaps.

People starve to death or are killed every single day the thousands! Women are battered by their husbands by the thousands every day, all over the country.

We, as a society, set up laws against what we think are not good things to do in that society. We have cops and courts to enforce those laws within our own society. But just how large is our "society"? And how far afield should we expect those laws to govern?

But how far should we go to interfere with the lives of others? I don't know, but it seems that the further we take it, the worse things appear. Maybe we should stop looking so far and concentrate on our own affairs? If we hadn't learned of this South African rape thing, then it wouldn't have bothered us in the least, would it? Perhaps the news media is just fuckin' with us so as to make us fuckin' crazy?!

Isolationism? No, not quite, but perhaps it's time that we get a little closer to isolationism and further away from telling others what to do in their lives.

"Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" is a nice thought, and it's also a good rule to live with others. But how far should be take that beyond those that we interact with? If Abdullah in Iran beats his wife, is he one of the "others" in that Golden Rule? Do we ever have any interaction with Abdullan at all? If not, then the Golden Rule doesn't really apply to us individually, does it?

If South Africans want to rape women or lesbians, and no one in South Africa seems to want to stop them, why should we do anything about it? Why are those South African women anything to us? ...just because they're humans?

Wouldn't the world be a damned odd place if, say, all animals reacted like humans do ...if a hunter kills a deer in Michigan, then all deer all over the world attack humans because of it. Or if a man in Texas kills a rattlesnake, then all snakes, all over the world, join forces and attack all humans? Geez, sounds pretty odd, huh?

Baron Max
The minute real action takes place to oppose dictators or any of the other atrocities perpetrated on humanity many people will work against it. We see it right here on sciforums all the time. You can be damn sure that Hitler would be a hero to many if there were no concentration camps, they would find many reasons to justify what he did and even turn him into the victim.

Real action? You mean bombing homes? The panties worked. Bombing them wouldn't have.

The trouble with most diplomats is they have no imagination.

Perhaps if they were able to get beyond the urge to punish people, they might actually achieve something.
do you think the men actually believe they will cure these women or is it just an excuse to gang rape?

Obviously everyone has to be willing to cooperate when someone sends them panties in protest. When India and Pakistan are on the verge of war just have everyone send the other side their panties.
Nothing makes me want to have sex with men like being stabbed.

In theory, wouldn't that just make you MORE gay?

I saw an item about this on the news last week - what was that about women being 'more than equal' again?

In answer to your very fair question, I might add that the motive for corrective rape runs much deeper than simple homophobia. Raping a woman seems to be a way of asserting the power of men, breaking her feminist spirit and showing her that her duty is to serve them.
They killed this woman to make an example of her, because she was a notable role model for many others. In other words: behave like this and you'll be next.
Just another case of the sick animals out there. Their logic is outstanding.........

Beat, rape and stab women = cure lesbians into wanting men instead. :bugeye:

I can see the women just running to be with these men now. Some men are just violent, jealous and want to control women no matter what.
I had nightmares about the woman. Violence like that is so difficult to rationalise.
Well since that Chris Brown episode it is widely back in the media and every talk show from Oprah to Dr Phil are talking about it. They had some Women Abusers on and a lot of it stems from jealousy. Most of the men that were on hit or beat their women if they even looked at another man too long. One guy choked his wife in the car till she passed out because they were at a party and she danced with another man, very innocently.

The problem is that almost of these women stay with the man. A couple of them even gave up their own children because the courts would not let a child stay in that kind of environment. There is really something wrong with women who would give up their own child over a man, especially one that beats them. :mad:
See? If women would stay home and take care of the husband, home and family, none of that would happen. :D

Baron Max

Well some of these men MADE the wife/girlfriend stay home and they weren't permitted to leave unless they asked for permission. That is a jail not a home.
One crazy lunatic came home and hit his wife because she didn't answer her cell phone on the first ring when he called. :bugeye:

I mean these men have control issues big time, but the wives g/f are only enabling them to continue with such behaviour. What is wrong with women grow some BALLS!

C'mon do you think Viceral Instinct would take this kind of treatment? :p
One crazy lunatic came home and hit his wife because she didn't answer her cell phone on the first ring when he called.

Well, she wasn't gang-raped, then murdered, was she?

C'mon do you think Viceral Instinct would take this kind of treatment?

Well, in another thread, she seem awfully anxious to have a man to have sex with. So, ...I don't know, perhaps. :D

Baron Max